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A Drink for me and You (SPN)


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hi!:razz: This idea will not leave me alone, so I figure why not share it...that being said, enjoy!:D

Oh, P.S. warning for language...


Dean leans back on the hood of the Impala. He takes a swig of beer and turns to Sam, "How're you feelin'?"


Sam gets out of the car and joins his brother. 


"Dean, for the last time, I'm fine. I've been feeling fine since this morning. Besides, it wasn't that bad of a cold."


"Oh, so you normally have a fever of 102.3 when you have a cold?" Dean antagonizes.


"I am fine, Dean. Just shut up." Sam sighs. "Where's my beer?"


"Right there." Dean points to the bottle sitting on the cooler.


"That's yours. My label was half way peeled off."


Dean looks down at the beer in his hand. A beer with half the label ripped off the bottle.


"huhKSSHCHshhuh!" Sam sneezes into his blanket.






Dean wakes up the next morning with a sore throat and a nasty headache. It was inevitable. They both knew this was going to happen, and in preparation, went back to the motel they'd just left and payed for a few more nights.


"huhNXXSHT!" He does his best to stifle the sneeze and to let Sam sleep, but damn, that hurt like a bitch.


He hops off of his bed and slouches as he makes his way to the Kleenex that Sam had kept the previous night. His sweatpants drag on the carpeted motel floor behind him. Dean retrieves the box and rubs the sleepiness out of his eyes. Well, he tries to, anyway. 


"hutSSHCHihh!" Dean catches the sneeze in a fresh tissue and blows his nose as softly as he possibly can. He's somehow still more worried about the health of Sam, than himself. And he can't say the sneezing is a surprise. Sam's been doing a lot of that these past few days, and at least Dean knows what to expect, but that really doesn't help a thing. 


Dean mopes back over to his bed and plops down. This, it was normal. The getting sick and sharing germs, the boys were definitely used to it, but the question was 'why?' They hunted for a living, and yet they still caught terrible flues and life threatening pneumonia. It just wasn't fair.


 'Life isn't fair, Dean,' Sam would say.




"Hm?" Sam's head appears from under the covers, hair sticking out in every direction.


"Good Mbornding." Crap. This thing works fast. Dean blew his nose loudly this time. 


"I'm sorry I got you sick." Sam frowns, and Dean rolls his eyes.


"S' not your fault, Sammy."


"Yeah, snot is right." Sam jokes.


"Anyway, I found us a case." Dean smiles proudly.


"That's nice. You're not hunting. Call Garth or Bobby."


"Sam, I am hunting. You are hunting. We are hunting."


"If I tell you I'm still sick will you drop it?"


"Come on, Sam. We don't even have to go anywhere, the case is a town over. Incredible, right?"


"So incredible. You should become a detective."




"Dean, we are not hunting. That's final."




"I cannot believe we're doing this." Sam says as they pull up to a witness' house.


"All is goigg to be fide, Sab. HuhEKKSHSHCH!


Sam sighs.


"Bless mbe." Dean says and glares at Sam, who rolls his eyes.


Dean looks at his brother expectantly. 


Sam just huffs.


"IKKSCHXXSHyeww!" Dean sniffs. "God. Bless mbe again." 


Sam rolls his eyes once more and gets out of the car, pouting.




"huhISSHCHCyewuhh!" Dean honks into a tissue. "I'mb so sick of sdeezigg. I'mb a friggin' sdot factory. Dude, I'mb godda choke to death od mby owd sdot." Dean chuckles.


"Would you quick making freaking jokes about this Dean? You're sick. Except it and let me take care of you, just like you do for me."


Dean's eyes travel across the room, away from Sam's. "Samb, you shouldd't have to take care of mbe. It's ndot your job. I dod't wadt you to have to be the paredt like I always had to."


"Dean," Sam starts. Dean's got him on this one. But that won't stop Sam from taking care of his brother. "Of course I should take care of you. I want to take care of you. We're adults, and we can take care of ourselves, but we can also take care of each other. It's not your job to care for me. It's not a job for either of us, it's a privilege, and it makes us human."




"Bless you, Dean." Sam puts an arm around his brother.


"Thanks, Sammy. For everything." 


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Once again I enjoyed this story as well! Please continue if you can or post more stories. I really enjoyed it! 

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6 hours ago, jensdw said:

"Dean," Sam starts. Dean's got him on this one. But that won't stop Sam from taking care of his brother. "Of course I should take care of you. I want to take care of you. We're adults, and we can take care of ourselves, but we can also take care of each other. It's not your job to care for me. It's not a job for either of us, it's a privilege, and it makes us human."

Love this!!!

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6 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Once again I enjoyed this story as well! Please continue if you can or post more stories. I really enjoyed it! 

Thank you!!:)


3 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Love this!!!

Thank you so much!:D

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I liked this idea of yours very much :) Especially this little bit. It has everything in that little paragraph - sneezing, congestion, nose blowing, complaining, exaggeration, humor... Man flu, right? :lol: :wub:

10 hours ago, jensdw said:

"huhISSHCHCyewuhh!" Dean honks into a tissue. "I'mb so sick of sdeezigg. I'mb a friggin' sdot factory. Dude, I'mb godda choke to death od mby owd sdot." Dean chuckles.


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13 hours ago, jensdw said:

"huhKSSHCHshhuh!" Sam sneezes into his blanket.

Just this tiny little line made my day. I LOVE SICK SAM.

And even tho this was a sick Dean fic, I really enjoyed it <3

I hope to see you around more!

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5 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:


I liked this idea of yours very much :) Especially this little bit. It has everything in that little paragraph - sneezing, congestion, nose blowing, complaining, exaggeration, humor... Man flu, right? :lol: :wub:

19 hours ago, jensdw said:

"huhISSHCHCyewuhh!" Dean honks into a tissue. "I'mb so sick of sdeezigg. I'mb a friggin' sdot factory. Dude, I'mb godda choke to death od mby owd sdot." Dean chuckles.



Man flu-definitely!:D It makes me happier than you know that you enjoyed this. Thanks!!! 

5 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:


19 hours ago, jensdw said:

"huhKSSHCHshhuh!" Sam sneezes into his blanket.

Just this tiny little line made my day. I LOVE SICK SAM.

And even tho this was a sick Dean fic, I really enjoyed it <3

I hope to see you around more!


Ahh, I love sick Sam too, he’s precious:heart:Thank you so much for your comment it seriously made my day! <3

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20 hours ago, jensdw said:

Dean looks down at the beer in his hand. A beer with half the label ripped off the bottle.

"huhKSSHCHshhuh!" Sam sneezes into his blanket.


Usually, I'm not a big contagion fan, but when it comes to the Winchester, things are a bit different. I guess when one is ill, the other is sure to catch whatever his brother have, considering the amount of time they spend together...

20 hours ago, jensdw said:

The getting sick and sharing germs, the boys were definitely used to it, but the question was 'why?' They hunted for a living, and yet they still caught terrible flues and life threatening pneumonia. It just wasn't fair.

Oh God I love these lines!!!

Half-humor, half-sentiments, and great sneezing = perfect! Thanks for this story and welcome to the forum!

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39 minutes ago, Aliena H. said:

Usually, I'm not a big contagion fan, but when it comes to the Winchester, things are a bit different. I guess when one is ill, the other is sure to catch whatever his brother have, considering the amount of time they spend together...

Oh God I love these lines!!!

Half-humor, half-sentiments, and great sneezing = perfect! Thanks for this story and welcome to the forum!

Awh:heart:Your comment seriously made me so happy, thank you so so so much!:D

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