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The Canary Cries at Midnight


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Name: The Canary Cries at Midnight

Fandom: Arrow

Characters: Black Canary, Green Arrow

For @Show&tell


“Shh” Oliver reminded her as they crept along the top of the building, the two of them, Oliver and Laurel, were on a stake out trying to track down the latest shipment of Vertigo that had been hitting the streets, already with several confirmed cases of teenagers in the ICU recovering from overdoses. Felicity had been able to track down a three block radius where the drugs had been originated. Oliver and Laurel were the only two out in the field tonight, though they were more than confident that they would be able to handle it.

Oliver pointed to the far roof before dashing at the side and leaping over, tumbling on his back and rolling through masterfully, taking a few more steps to give Laurel room to do the same. She backed up a few steps to give herself more room before running up to the ledge and jumping over. She wasn’t as athletic as Oliver, but she made it over, tumbling forward but as she stood up, she lost her balance a bit and backed up, her rear coming into contact with a flower pot and knocking it over. Oliver glanced back and once again gave her the great leadership he was known for. “Shh!”

“I know, I know.” She replied, bending down to pick it up, placing it back on it’s stand, leave everything as you entered, Oliver always says. She took a moment to sniff them, lilies, they smelled great. She stood up and walked over to Oliver who hadn’t been paying any attention to her and was focused on checking the alley underneath.

“See anythi-” She started to ask before feeling a prickle in her nose, forcing her to shoot her hand up and give it a rub. Oliver didn’t seem to notice the sudden stop in her question. “There’s a man in the doorway just over there, could be our guy. We should stay here, lay low and see what he does. Get comfortable.” Oliver instructed, getting down on one knee to keep an eye on him, but Laurel had more pressing matters to get through. “Ollie?”

“What?” He asked, sounding annoyed that she was using his name out in the open, not that anyone else could hear her, it just annoyed him. He glanced back at her to see her pinching her nose. “I think I’m gunna sneeze.” She said, waving her free hand in front of her face to try and stop it. It sounded so mundane to him he didn’t give it a second thought. Laurel always had a habit of announcing her sneezes, that with how over-the-top they normally were just gave her ways of garnering attention he always thought and just shook his head. “Just be quiet.”

“Nooo…” She started, sounding a bit more authoritative. “I’m going to sneeze.” Though the words didn’t change, Oliver got a whole different meaning from them and went from uninterested to panicked rather quickly. He shot to his feet and walked over to her as if he could help her fight it off. “No, don’t” She was trying her best, not only to keep the mission alive, but she didn’t want to disappoint Oliver, but the tickle was just growing stronger and stronger, her nose was flaring out through her fingers and she knew she couldn’t fight it back. “Ahhh….I’m sor-soooaaaaahhhhhh….” She started building up, her chest was expanding through the tight leather outfit she had on, taking a step back.

“Overwatch, Black Canary is about to sneeze, what do I do?” Oliver asked Felicity on the headset and it wasn’t two seconds before he got his reply. “What? Run!” She replied with her usual snappy tone. “Thanks.” He replied, seeing Laurel get closer and closer to the edge. “Ahhhhh...she’s ri..iiiiii-right...Ahhhhhhhh….sneeeeeze coming! AHHHHHHHH!!” Laurel’s head reared back, her nostrils flaring out more and more and her chest rose up with one last intake of air, Oliver diving behind the rooftop door as Laurel lost all control.


Laurel sneezed right in front of herself, her Canary Cry going straight out and shattering the wooden door, the bricks crumbling to the roof leaving Oliver on the ground, hands on his head. Laurel gave a sniff and looked around, making sure the coast was clear. “Excuse me.” She said, blushing as Oliver got up, looking around. He walked over to the ledge, looking down. “Well he’s gone.” He said, turning back to Laurel, who was waving her hand in front of her face.

“Good…” She said, breathing heavily. “I’m gunna sneeze again…”

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On 9/12/2017 at 11:49 PM, InLivingColor said:

Laurel gave a sniff and looked around, making sure the coast was clear. “Excuse me.” She said, blushing as Oliver got up, looking around. He walked over to the ledge, looking down. “Well he’s gone.” He said, turning back to Laurel, who was waving her hand in front of her face.

“Good…” She said, breathing heavily. “I’m gunna sneeze again…”

This is so cute! Love this story:heart:

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