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Game of Thrones/ASOIAF Collaborative Fic Thread


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Hey, friends! I thought I'd start a collaborative drabble thread for Game of Thrones drabbles, ficlets, etc. I'm hoping it inspires others to write for the books/shows and create wonderful content like those who contributed to the Avengers thread way back when. I will add more tags as people (hopefully!) contribute. 

I feel awful because I still have a shitload to write for trades, but this was the only thing I’ve been able to produce lately that's somewhat suitable for human eyes. But I intend to fulfill my trades sooner rather than later because like Ser Jaime Lannister, I am a semi-honorable individual.

On the subject of Jaime… this was inspired by a moment in season 3, when he and Brienne are captured. Sorry if I'm at all inaccurate in my recollection of the scene, it's been a while!


The familiar and steady trot of the horse was the only thing keeping Brienne of Tarth sane right now. Here she was, tied to the man she was tasked by her lady to deliver to the capital unscathed, completely and utterly failing at her mission. She plotted a thousand deaths apiece for the men that rode ahead, but it was all just useless indulgence until she could get out of these bindings and back to her sword.

Ser Jaime was surprisingly quiet at the start of their journey, although Brienne suspected his mind was working through the same scenarios she was presently envisioning. It was not long before he began breaking the silence with scathing comments about their captors, or to unnecessarily draw attention to the unfortunate closeness of their bodies, focusing most often on the poke of her “enormous elbow” against his arm. Men like Jaime never showed their weaknesses, even when they were bleeding out right in front of you, and they would use up their last breaths on this earth to spite your family and your house.

When he spoke again it was not to insult Brienne or the Boltons to the backside of a horse, but to ask if they had any requests. Nobody responded, so Jaime went ahead and started singing a song of his own making. It was a vulgar take on “The Bear and the Maiden Fair,” featuring Stark noblewomen and direwolves in compromising situations. Brienne began wondering if he had made it a personal challenge of his to see how much worse he could make their circumstances. His voice wasn't awful, but he swayed side to side with her to his song, throwing her off balance and no doubt enraging the bannermen leading them. Brienne tightened her thighs and held steady, grounding them and minimizing Jaime’s movements. If his plan was to knock them off and attempt an escape tied together like this, he was a bigger imbecile than she suspected.

“Quiet down back there!” came the command from ahead, and Jaime was quiet once more.

Brienne was shocked that he would actually listen, and to their first request no less, but she realized there might be another reason for his sudden silence. She heard it first, in the way he fought to keep his breathing steady, with an occasional snagging inhale causing him to lose his careful control. He gave a hard sniffle that jostled them both before shaking his head; she could feel his dirty locks brushing against her neck. When he drew in a deeper breath she swore she could feel their bindings tightening around her chest. There was a moment of stillness just before Jaime sneezed, and the tension seemed to release all at once.

Brienne was surprised to find herself murmuring “Blessings”, and even more surprised when Jaime thanked her.

“These trees have never been kind to me,” he confessed in a heady voice, before pitching forward with another repressed roar of a sneeze that nearly compromised their precarious balancing act once again.

Brienne was forced to keep herself steady for both their sakes, while the man not much lighter than she, even after months of wasting away chained in a Stark camp, nearly knocked them both off their horse twice. She waited, stiff and ready in anticipation of a third sneeze that never came. If the satisfied sigh was any indication, Jaime was finished for now.

Another angry voice from the front: “Didn't I tell you to put a cork in it?”

This time he actually apologized, the words spoken softly enough that Brienne knew they were meant for her ears only. She felt an unexpected pang of tenderness, one that vanished the instant he resumed his serenading.

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Okay so this is such an awesome idea and this first little fic absolutely lovely! You completely nailed the beginning relationship between Brienne and Jaime, and Brienne’s annoyed internal thoughts that are tinged by affection are perfect. Also all the description of Jaime’s breathing as he’s about to sneeze, how Brienne can feel the bindings around their chests tighten, how Jaime’s sneezes are so strong that it is a legitimate struggle for Brienne to keep them on the horse. All of it is so :drool:. And the quiet apology he gives just for Brienne! It just fits him so well and it melts my heart.:heart:

Thanks for making this thread, Anonymouse! I’m so pumped to read what everyone’s going to come up with!:D (And maybe I’ll finally get around to writing something myself for this fandom.)

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Oh I am SO READY FOR THIS. That was a great little moment to cover for the first drabble of the thread, Anony! :wub: I'm getting all sorts of ideas for stuff that I can include in here! 

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Thank you so much, VB! :D I'm equally pumped to see what comes of this. I've had people contact me outside the forum to let me know they were thinking of contributing and I am so excited! I'd love it if you wrote something, too!

Ayeee Dusty, thank you! You know I'm dying to see what you share after the perfection that was your Jon Snow fic. :wub: I still think about him all bundled up at King's Landing despite it being warmer on a daily basis.

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I'm so excited for this thread. I'd be down for pretty much any characters on Game of Thrones getting sick from the cold, so I'll be watching this thread like a hawk. Thank you so much for creating it, and for your lovely Jamie drabble! I love the way the bindings got tighter around Brienne because of Jaime's hitching breath :drool:

I really wish I could contribute, but I feel like I wouldn't do the characters justice, and I'm not so used to writing fantasy/medieval settings. I wouldn't get the dialogue right :( I might give it a try, but it'll be hard after you and Dusty's amazing fics! :lol:

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I can't even tell you how excited I am to see a story with Jaime and Brienne. Ever since I read the books and first saw this characters interact, I've wanted to see a sneeze fic with them in it. Hopefully there will be more stories with them in them in the future.

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