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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Being Close Kills (Supernatural, Dean)


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So, I saw this prompt and I just knew that I had to do it. It's kind of something a little fun and serious at the same time so I hope you enjoy!


Prompt= Set somewhere during Season 2. Dean and Sam have to separate to finish a case since Dean is very sick and could sneeze and give away their position. So, he stays at Bobby's. However, when Sam comes back with a devastating injury, Dean is ordered to stay as far away from Sam as possible since catching a cold right now could kill him. How will Dean fare when he's forced to stay away from the one thing that he can't live without, Sam?


    "Dean, would you stop snorting whatever snot is in your nose like that just to annoy me? Because if you are, it's not going to work!"


    Dean glared from his spot in the passenger seat. He had the sleeve of his sweatshirt pressed against his nose to stop the snot from gushing out like a waterfall. He had been doing okay a few days ago, but he had woken up this morning and couldn't breathe through his nose, his chest was on fire, and he had a fever of 102.7. Once Sam caught wind of that he had packed Dean in the Impala and told him that he was driving to Bobby's so that he could stay with Bobby and Sam would finish the case.


    "Why? Does my sniffling bother you," Dean asked him as he shot daggers at his brother.


    Sam raised an eyebrow and tightened his one hand on the wheel. "I'm not having this conversation with you right now," Sam snapped as he pulled into the junkyard attached to Bobby's house. 


    "You're not making me go in there," snapped Dean before he pitched forward with an uncovered sneeze.




    Sam grimaced as he raised his elbow almost over his own mouth. "Gross, dude! I thought this car was your 'baby'," Sam grumbled as he parked the Impala.


    Dean rubbed a sleeve against his nose in an upward motion, snorting back congestion that made Sam squirm. "I'll clean her inside and out once you've gotten over this cold."


    "What," Sam asked with a baffled look on his face.


    Dean pitched forward once more and Sam jumped back to avoid being sprayed by his brother's germs.




    "Bless you," Sam grumbled as he passed Dean some napkins that they had left over from the meal that they had picked up on the road to Bobby's. "What were you saying?"


    "The little tango that we always do," Dean told him as he coughed wetly into his elbow. "I get sick and give it to you. You get sick and give it to me. It's unavoidable."


    Sam opened the door and pointed at Dean. "That is not happening this time because you're going to be here at Bobby's. Get him sick for a change."


    "You even try that and you're dead, idgit!"


    Dean turned to see Bobby marched forward. He opened the passenger door before Dean groaned and pulled himself forward before Bobby dragged him out of the car. Sam grabbed his duffle before he tossed it to Dean. Dean grabbed it before he stumbled under his shaky legs.


    Bobby rushed forward and hauled him up before he could fall on his face. "You're burning up," Bobby grunted as he looked over at Sam. "A little help here."


    Sam darted over and took the bulk of his brother's weight while Bobby grabbed his things. Dean blinked his eyes as the world seemed to spin right in front of him. He would've said something if the fever wasn't making it damn near impossible to speak and make sense of everything.


    "Gets your hands off," Dean mumbled as he tried to pull away from Sam.


    Sam rolled his eyes. "I don't think so. You're going to rest for a few days while I deal with the vamps. It'll only take two days tops. I can handle it," rambled Sam as he thought about all of the arguments that Dean would ensue, at least he would if he wasn't so feverish.




    "Seriously, dude," groaned Sam as he watched Dean sneeze openly in front of them.


    "That's just nasty," Bobby grumbled from behind them.


    Sam hauled Dean into Bobby's house and led him over to the couch. He plopped him down before he looked over to Bobby. "Looks like he's all yours."


    Bobby gave him a pointed look. "Lucky me."


    "He should be fine." Sam rummaged into his pockets and brought out some cold medicine and a thermometer. "Makes sure he takes this every four hours and check his temperature regularly. He's prone to fever spikes."


    "You know I used to watch after you boys sick more than your father did," Bobby pointed out as he swiped the supplies from Sam's waiting grasp. "I do know how to do this."


    Dean lifted his head a bit as he watched the scene unfold. If he had been anymore lucid then he would've laughed right now. "You know that I can hear you two, right," Dean called before his head dove forward into his hands.




    "Shut up, Dean," Bobby and Sam chorused.


    Dean leaned back as he felt the pressure in his head shift and his sinus headache return. He started to massage it before he gave a hefty cough against the back of the couch.


    "I know that you can deal with him a lot better than I can. Thanks a lot for this, Bobby. It'll only be for a few days," Sam told Bobby thankfully.


    Bobby rolled his eyes. "Don't mention it. You always know you're welcome here."


    Sam didn't say anything as he saw down on the couch and rested a hand on Dean's forehead. Dean battered his head away before he turned to bury his head against the couch.


    "TcshsHSHS! TcstshsHSSH!"


    "Bless you," Sam offered politely before he pulled a box of tissues from the duffle since he was sure that Bobby didn't have any tissues. "Use this sparingly."


    "Lucky be," Dean grumbled as he took tissues out of the box and blew his nose loudly. He allowed the tissues to fall on the floor and Sam grimaced.


    "Just get some rest. I'll be back soon," Sam told him.


    "You act like I'm going to miss you," Dean joked.


    Sam hit his shoulder hard and Dean flopped back over on the couch. "Don't be a jerk," he joked.


    "Bitch," Dean bantered.


    Sam rose from the couch and passed Bobby. He nodded to him before he headed out the door. Dean heard it slam and he coughed wetly and openly since he knew how much Sam hated that.


    "Alright, time for some Mucinex." Bobby grimaced. "That doesn't even sound good."


    Dean opened on eye. "It's not. It's awful! Sabby picked it out and I tried to tell him that it was disgusting, but he didn't believe me. Remind me to use it on him when he's sick," he croaked hoarsely as if he was losing his voice.


    Bobby sighed as he brought it over and poured the correct amount into the small measuring cup that came with it. Dean opened his mouth to protest before he poured it between his mouth. Dean gagged before Bobby shrugged and set it on the counter.


    "That was easy enough," he commented as he grabbed himself a beer from the fridge.


    Dean squinted his eyes. "I'll take one."


    "You're not having beer when you're sick," snorted Bobby as he laughed at Dean's stupidity. He swallowed a mouthful of beer before he pulled up a chair across from Dean.


    Dean raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"


    "We're going to talk," Bobby replied as he set the beer down on the ground and looked at Dean intently as if he was trying to figure him out.


    Dean squirmed ever so slightly as he lifted a hand and coughed into it. "Talk about what? I'm fine. TcshsHSHSH!"


    "You sound completely fine," Bobby grumbled sarcastically.


    Dean sat up and threw his legs over the side of the couch. He rubbed his hand against the side of his nose, letting out another snorting sound as he snuffled back congestion. Sam warned him that it would cause a sinus infection, but he didn't care about that right now.


    "Bobby, I really don't want to talk about this. Sam's the one with all of the feelings," pointed out Dean with a few obscure hand motions to go along with it.


    "I know that it's gotta be hard with losing your daddy and all. You're not taking it well. Sam's told me. You were looking for hunts 24/7 and look where that's got you. You're flat on your ass and Sam's out there taking on vamps by himself," Bobby flashed sternly.


    Dean punched the couch as hard as he could muster. It was surprisingly weak thanks to his fever. "What do you want me to do?! Cry?! Scream?! Be angry at him?! What the hell do you want?!"


    Suddenly, it brought on a hacking fit. Dean gripped his knees as he doubled over, coughing painfully. Tears streamed down his face as his chest ached with every expulsion. His nose started to run as his face turned red.


    Bobby sat on the couch beside the young man and started to thump rhythmically against his back. Dean eventually sucked in a few breaths before he was able to actually take in a few breaths without coughing. He looked to Bobby as he handed him the box of tissues and Dean tilted his head.


    Bobby pointed to his nose. "You got a little something right there."


    Dean quickly snatched the tissue and started to wipe at his nose. "Sorry. That sometimes happens. TcshshsHSHS!"


    "Bless ya. Well, if you're not going to talk to me then you might as well get some rest. You're going to be up in four hours anyway," Bobby grunted as he thought about having to wake up every four hours just to make sure that Dean took his medicine. He'd do anything for those idgits.


    Dean knew better than to argue with Bobby. "Alright, thanks Bobby."


    Bobby flicked his hand. "Don't mention it. Just try to be a good patient and if you need anything then you know where to find me."

To Be Continued.....


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Dude I have barely watched any Supernatural at all ever, and I enjoyed this.  I don't tend to read a lot of fan fiction for fandoms I'm not into because I'm afraid I'll just be lost, but let me tell you that this was enjoyable and understandable to someone with the most rudimentary knowledge of the characters.  So, kudos! :D

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Poor Dean, he's really unwell... I love it! :drool: That prompt promises great things to come. Can't wait!

I've never watched the show, but I love the characters and fics. I'll definitely start watching it when I get a chance ;)

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I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying the story and I hope that you like the second part. Enjoy!


    Pounding on the door woke Dean up. He found himself in one of Bobby's spare bedrooms. Bobby had moved him there in the middle of the day after he had taken a shower since Bobby had said that he would get better if he was actually in a bed. He had been sleeping quite nicely until then.


    "What happen to you?! Get in here?!"


    "I'm sorry," came a strangled voice before Dean heard what appeared to be sound of blood being coughed up.


    Dean swung his sore legs over the side of the bed, sniffling as he lifted a fist to his nose to try and stem the sneeze. Unfortunately that didn't happen.


    "TcsshshHSHS! TschshsHsh! TchshshSH! Ugh, Dabit!"


    Dean reached out and grabbed some paper towels since they had run out of tissues long ago. He blew his nose loudly before he headed downstairs. His hearing was a little off due to the fever, but he knew Sam's voice anywhere.


    He clambered down the stairs and sucked in a breath as he saw Sam with numerous slashes on his body. He was drenched in blood and his shirt was completely shredded. However, what worried Dean the most was a giant gash on his chest, right where his heart was. It looked like someone had ripped him apart and Sam didn't look good.


    "Sabby," Dean whispered.


    Bobby hauled Sam over to the couch as he hurried to collect anything that could be used as first aid. He had some things, but probably not as much as he wanted to have. He brought it back over as Dean continued to creep forward.


    "Sabby," Dean continued. "tcshsHsHSH!"


    Bobby turned and stretched out a hand toward him while he pressed some gaze against Sam's chest, which was gushing blood. "Get back! You can't come near him."




    Those were words that Dean never thought that he would hear from anyone, let alone Bobby. He felt like someone had torn his heart out of his chest and not gone after his brother. He had never been told to stay away, let alone listened to it. But, something in Bobby's voice made him stop in his tracks.


    "This is bad, Dean. These wounds are deep. The chance of infection is high and you're sick," Bobby explained as he pushed a rag against Sam's chest. Sam gasped in pain as he started to sit up before he fell back, vomiting blood all over himself.


    "I have to help him," begged Dean.


    Bobby left Sam's side and pushed Dean's chest. Dean stumbled backwards and fell against the table. His head hit the edge as he let out a pathetic cough, followed by a volley of unrestrained sneezing.


    "TcshshSHsshsh! TcshshHSSH! TshchshSHSH!"


    "That's what I mean," Bobby continued frantically. "You're a walking contagion and I can't have you near Sam. You'll kill him like that, you know! Just go back up to bed and stay away. The last thing he needs besides infection is something like that."


    Dean lifted his wrist to his nose to try and mop up the snot. "Bobby, I-"


    "Don't argue with me, boy! Just do as your told. It's what's best for Sam," Bobby told him, even though there was conflict shinning in his gaze. "You have to believe me, son. This is for the best."


    Dean gritted his teeth together before he looked at Sam's injured body before he hauled himself to his feet. Dean nodded slowly and coughed painfully. "You take care of him, Bobby, you hear?"


    "Loud and clear," answered Bobby as he patted Dean on the back. "You just stay up there and I'll be up as soon as I can, okay?"


    Dean said nothing more as he forced himself up the stairs. He stopped halfway as he heard Sam scream when Bobby cleaned the wounds with alcohol. Anger burned through Dean. Dean should be doing that. He should be treating his brother. Dean couldn't even make it up the stairs without a break, let alone help out Sam. He knew that Bobby was right, but that didn't mean it didn't worry the hell out of him.


    Dean finally made it to the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. He reached across the bed to the nightstand where he grabbed a paper towel and noisily blew his nose. When he finished he closed his eyes and sighed heavily, the breath crackling in his chest. He longed for rest, but he didn't think he could attain it with his brother so sick.


    Dean finally closed his eyes and felt himself falling asleep.




    "Boy? Dean!"


    Dean gasped when Bobby touched him and he shot straight up. The change in pressure immediately brought on a sneeze and he couldn't cover his face in time.


    "TcshsHSHSHS! TcshsHSHS! TschshSHS TcshsHSS!"


    Bobby stepped back just in time as he grabbed the paper towels and handed them to Dean. "Here. It sounds like you need this."


    Sam took them from Bobby's hands before he rubbed his nose against them. They were rough and caused his nose to peel, but it was better than nothing. He snorted back the congestion before he looked at the blood that doused Bobby's shirt. Dean's heard skipped a beat.


    "Is that Sabby's," Dean whispered.


    Bobby looked down gravely. "I'm afraid so, but he's alright. He'll be weak and a little lightheaded for a while, but he'll pull through. He always does."


    That didn't make Dean feel that much better. "I should've been there, Bobby. I should've been there for my brother," he told him hollowly.


    Bobby sat down on the bed beside Dean and cracked his dried bloody knuckles. "Look, you chouldn't have. If Sam gets sick right now it could kill him. Let his body fight one thing at a time."




    "Do you really want him stuck with this," Bobby asked as Dean blew his nose. He pulled the paper towel away with a small stream of mucus following. Dean grumbled as he furiously wiped it away.


    "No," Dean croaked. "But, is he awake?"


    Bobby nodded. "Yeah, for a little bit. He wanted me to come and check on you."


    "Idiot," Dean muttered before he lifted his hand and ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. "Bobby, please let me see him, like real quick~"


    "It's not a good idea, Dean. It's way too risky," Bobby argued.


    Dean swore loudly. "Damn it, Bobby! He's my brother! I would never do anything to hurt him, but I need to talk to him." His voice caught. "I can't lose him like I lost dad."


    "Is that what this is about? Dean, if he catches this then he will die. What could be so important that it can't wait," Bobby asked dumbfounded.


    Dean bit his bottom lip almost until it bled. He gave a powerful sniffle before he shrugged. "It's just something that I have to do. You have to understand that, please?"


    Bobby looked more than reluctant. "I don't think so. It's not a good idea."


    "Bobby, I'll do anything. I'll wear one of those stupid hospital masks. I'll wash my hands and sanitize the hell out of them. I won't even touch him. Please," Dean begged with almost a hint of manic in his voice that Bobby was starting to worry about. "Whatever you want me to do, I'll do. Just let me see him."


    Bobby seemed to contemplate it for what felt like forever. Eventually he let out a sigh, knowing that Dean would do it anyway. It would be much easier just to go along with it and set up ground rules then have Dean stagger down there without any control.


    "Tell you what, if your fever is below 101 and you promise to do all those things then I'll allow it, but for no more than fifteen minutes. Sam needs to get some rest and so do you," Bobby commanded in his usual no nonsense tone.


    Dean was ready to jump up and down. He managed to keep his cool as he just nodded his head slowly a few times. "Yup, that seems fair."


    "Alright. Open up," Bobby ordered once he had grabbed the thermometer from the side table and came toward Dean's mouth.


    Dean opened his mouth and allowed Bobby to stick it under his tongue. He then did something that he wasn't sure that he had ever done, pray.


    God, I know that I don't usually do this. I'm not even sure if you're up here, but please let my temperature be low enough. I have to see Sammy. I just need to see him. I'll do whatever else you want, but let me see him. Okay?


    The beeping went off and not a minute too soon. Bobby took it and Dean twisted to sneeze over his shoulder.




    "You had better not do that," growled Bobby as he looked at the small digital numbers.


    "Sorry," Dean apologized as he wiped at his extremely running nose. "What does it say?"


    Bobby huffed as he turned to show it to Dean. Dean would've howled in amusement if it wouldn't have been so ironic.


    "100.9. How did you pull that off," Bobby asked as he set it aside.


    Dean shrugged. "Talked to the big guy."


    "Well, you start washing those hands of yours and I'll get the mask. I think I still have some downstairs. I'll bring up some sanitizer too. Can't be too careful," he grumbled as he rose from the bed and walked to the door.


    Dean did as he was told. He walked to the bathroom and started the water on almost as hot as it would go so that he could kill any remanence of germs that lurked on his hands. He was just about to start washing his hand when the familiar prick in the back of his sinuses started up again. Dean growled to himself as he felt it almost become stuck right at the tip.


    "C'mon," Dean complained as he tried to take in a few rapid sniffs through his nose. It did nothing.


    He then lifted his hand to his face and rubbed at his nose. That's all it took. He raised his hands over his face since he could feel how messy it was about to become.


    "TcshsHSSH! TschsHSshsH! TcshsHSoo!"


    Once Dean was finished he looked in the mirror. He pulled his hands a bit away and saw the snot that he had left behind. It was milky and sticky and clung to both his hands and to his nose. He rolled his eyes as he shoved them into the water and started to wash his hands.




    He swore loudly once more when he realized that he had to blow his nose. That would mean that he would have to wash his hands again. But, he reminded himself that this was for Sammy and if this was what it took to see him and make sure that he didn't catch this, then it would be worth it. It might even help with Dean's guilt a bit.


    Dean grabbed a wad of toilet paper and gave his nose a few good honks. Once he was sure that he stemmed the congestion for at least a little bit he started to wash his hands again. He must have washed them for a good three minutes before he was finally satisfied. He walked over to the bedroom and sat on the bed, just waiting for Bobby.


    It wasn't long before he came back in and tossed Dean a surgical mask. "Here ya go. Wear that and don't take it off."


    "What is I have to sneeze," Dean asked as he placed it on his face and tucked the strings around his ears.


    "Either hold it back or sneeze in there. You're not taking it off," Bobby ordered as he handed out a small container. "Take a squirt of this. It's supposed to kill most germs."


    Dean wanted to point out that he had washed his hands better in the past three minutes then he probably ever had, but he stopped himself. Bobby could change his mind in a second and Dean couldn't have that.


    "Alright," Bobby announced once he checked Dean over. "I'm going to go out and get something to eat since we got nothing in here. Think you'll be alright for fifteen minutes with Sam?"


    Dean raised an eyebrow. "Who do you think I am, Bobby?"


    Bobby chuckled as he hit Dean on the back. "A sorry son of a bitch who loves his brother."


    "You would be right."


To Be Continued.....

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On 07/09/2017 at 11:34 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

"The little tango that we always do," Dean told him as he coughed wetly into his elbow. "I get sick and give it to you. You get sick and give it to me. It's unavoidable."

Aaaaahhhh I love these lines!!!

And Dean sneezing openly, and Sam and Bobby being grossed out... I don't know why, I enjoy it.

On 10/09/2017 at 10:27 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

"This is bad, Dean. These wounds are deep. The chance of infection is high and you're sick," Bobby explained as he pushed a rag against Sam's chest. Sam gasped in pain as he started to sit up before he fell back, vomiting blood all over himself.

I like hurt!Sam almost as much as I like sick!Dean, so... wow. And the idea that Dean just can't come and help his brother because he risks to contaminate him is really great.

And I just can't wait to read the discussion between the brothers! I love your story!!!

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I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying the story so much. This is the last part so I hope you enjoy it and always feel free to leave suggestions for another story.


    Dean tiptoed down the stairs and heard the creak under him. Bobby's house was beyond old and it wasn't like he took care of it much. But, Dean didn't mind. As far as he was concerned this place was home, even if it was a little musty.


    He came into the living room and saw Sam laying down on the couch, breathing loudly. He looked to be in pain and the bandage job that Bobby did was only a patch job. Stitches were inevitable and Dean didn't even want to think how much those would hurt.


    He tried to be as quiet as possible, but through his fever he stumbled into a stack of books, causing one to fall. He swore to himself before Sam's head turned as much as it could when he caught sight of him.


    "Dean," Sam rasped.


    Dean forced a smile. "It's me, Sammy. How ya doin?"


    Sam thought for a minute as it it was assessing how he felt. He looked down at his shredded chest before he looked back up at Dean. "Okay."


    "Seriously?! You look like you went ten rounds with a pack of werewolves and you say that you're 'okay'?" Dean let out a laugh through the mask. "That's a new one, Sam."


    Sam smiled at Dean's joking before he shook his head gravely. "Not too great. There's a lot of pain, but I'll be fine," he reassured.


    Dean was about to clap Sam on the shoulder before Dean scooted back so that he was almost by the stairs. "Um, I-I know that you will be," Dean croaked before he coughed to clear the congestion in the back of his throat painfully.


    "Dean," Sam questioned as he swung his legs over the side of the couch and gasped in pain. Dean's first instinct was to rush over to him, but he stopped himself. Instead he stayed where he was and prayed that Sam could fight this on his own. He breathed heavily before he relaxed his chest and looked at Dean. "Dean, you can come over here."


    Dean shook his head and tried not to look at him. "No, I really can't."


    "And why not," questioned Sam as he tilted his head in confusion.


    "Because I can't get you sick, Sammy! You could die from an infection like that," Dean explained in exasperation. He frustratedly worked his hands against one another. 


    Sam snorted in amusement. "Since when do you listen to stuff like that?"


    "Since it's your health, Sammy." Dean coughed heavily in the mask. "I don't want to get you sick. Besides, Bobby will kill me if he sees me crossing any lines."


    Sam didn't seem to understand, or if he did, then he didn't care. He scooted over ever so slightly and patted the couch beside him. His eyes glowed hopefully as he looked up to his brother. "I'll be okay. Please."


    Dean shook his head. "It's not a good idea, Sam. I'm sorry."


    Sam hung his head before he raised a hand and rubbed at his throat. "Could you get me some water, please? My throat is a little sore."


    "No problem," Dean told him as he quickly headed to Bobby's kitchen, found a glass, and filled it with water from the tap. He walked over to Sam and handed him the water. "Here you go."


    Sam took the water from Dean's hand before he reached out with his other hand and pulled Dean's arm. Dean stumbled and fell onto the couch. He swore under his breath as Sam laughed loudly. He nudged his brother before Sam scooted to the completely opposite end of the couch.


    Sam trailed off as he lifted a hand to his chest where the deepest wound was. He pressed against it as a fresh stream of blood started to trickle out. Dean grumbled to himself. He knew that he probably needed to change Sam's dressing. It would've been better if Dean was there, but since he wasn't there it fell on Dean's shoulders.


    "Just don't move. I'll be right back," Dean explained as he rushed forward and grabbed the first aid kit that Bobby had left sprawled on the kitchen table.


    He returned and kneeled against the couch and immediately started to remove the bandage around Sam's wound before he started to clean it again with alcohol and then started to clean it again. Sam winced with every touch and Dean frowned through his mask.


    "We're almost finished," Dean told him as he pressed on it to stop the rest of the bleeding. He bandaged him again and saw Sam visibly relax. "There."


    "Thanks," Sam breathed thankfully.


    Dean suddenly felt the prick in his sinuses. He had no idea how sneezing into the mask would be, but he really didn't have a choice. He looked over his shoulder and tried to stifle it as best as possible without his hands, but it didn't work in the slightest.




    Sam raised an eyebrow. "Bless you."


    Dean just froze. He could feel the messiness of the sneeze and what he had expelled. The mucus ran from his nose and streamed down the mask. Dean could only imagine what it looked like, but that was something that he didn't need to see. He breathed loudly since his nose was blocked beyond help. The only thing that he could do was blow his nose.


    "Ugh, thandks," whispered Dean with a tired cough.


    Sam knew better than to straighten, but he did prop himself up a bit with a pillow before he patted beside him. "Dean, please stay."


    "Sab, this is a bad idea," Dean snuffled as he snorted back congestion. "Bobby id going to kill be. I don't wandt to ged you sick."


    Sam rolled his eyes as he pulled himself back into sitting position, but he was sprawled out a bit more, his chest heaving with every breath. "Dean, this is stupid. I always catch your colds and you always catch mine. Can we just skip the middle man here?"


    Dean sighed as he stood and fell beside him, but he kept some distance. "Jusdt for a liddle bid," Dean told him as he pointed a finger in his brother's direction.


    Sam didn't say anything as he reached forward and on a pile of books there was a half used roll of paper towers. He ripped a few off before he offered them to Dean. Dean shook his head. "I'm nodt daking this mask off," Dean argued as he shook his head a few times, sending a fresh rush of mucus to run down his face.


    Sam couldn't take it any longer. He pulled the mask off of Dean's face so fast that Dean couldn't even process it. Dean tried to turn his head away, but Sam caught sight of the mess. He set down the mask on the floor before he shoved the paper towels against Dean's twitching nose. The pressure was enough to send Dean off again.


    "TchshsHsHshs! TchshshsHSHS TshsHSSHSH!"


    "Bless you! This cold must be worse than I thought," Sam commented as he watched Dean scrub and blow his nose. 


    "Sam, I have to go! I can't stay here and get you sick," Dean croaked as he turned away from his brother.


    Sam suddenly leaned forward and rested his head on Dean's shoulder. Dean tried to move away, but Sam was just so heavy and Dean was just so weak. Sam sighed as he almost buried his head against his brother's neck. 


    "This is so not a good idea," Dean grumbled as he sniffed powerfully.


    "I've missed talking to you, Dean. I mean, after dad died I just thought that I lost you. We were just doing hunt after hunt until you burned yourself out," Sam rambled.


    Dean turned to look at him and saw the glassy look flash in his gaze. Sweat clung to his upper brow and it appeared that it was impossible for him to focus. Dean unthreaded a hand from Sam's body and rested it on Sam's forehead. He moved to his cheeks and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.


    "What are you doing," Sam asked.


    "You have a fever, damnit!" Dean rocked himself forward, but Sam's weight wasn't moving. "I have to go. You might already be sick."


    "You know that's not true," Sam pointed out as he breathed heavily. He winced as he shifted ever so slightly so that he was still comfortable against Dean. "It's from infection and you know it. I'm okay."


    Dean didn't believe it for a second. "I really have to go, Sammy, before Bobby kills us both."


    Dean was halfway up before Sam's weak voice made him stop in his tracks. "Wait. Please don't go. I need my brother."


    Dean turned to look at him. The pathetic look in Sam's eyes made Dean's heart seem to break. He frowned as he let out a loud sigh. "Sammy-"


    "Just until I fall asleep, please? You were always good at that," he pointed out with a twinkle in his gaze.


    Dean twisted as far away from Sam as he could as the tickle rushed through his nose as he barely had time to cover the nasal plight. 


    "TcshsHshshSHS! ThcshsSHSHS ThcshsSHS!"


    "Bless you," Sam whispered as he offered Dean a smile. He leaned down and picked up the mask and handed it over to Dean. "Five minutes."


    Dean picked up the disgusting mask and cleaned it out with the paper towel before he blew his nose as well. He set it down on the couch before he took the mask from Sam and thrust it over his face. Dean tightened it so that he could hardly breathe before he felt Sam shift.


    "You okay," Dean asked.


    "You're not," Sam replied before he even could stop himself. "You miss dad and you might not believe me, but I do too."


    Dean sighed as he felt his chest seem to clench and it wasn't just because the cold. "I know that you do, Sammy. Whatever happened wasn't your fault. It wasn't either of our faults. After all, hunters never live to be old and you know that. I'm just sorry that it happened the way that it did."


    Sam let out a long breath. "Maybe now we can start over. Like we used to? Brothers?"


    Dean wasn't sure if it was the fever talking or not, but he knew that he probably couldn't brush Sam off. But, Sam might not remember this gushy stuff either.


    "Just get some rest, Sam. Everything will be better in the morning," sputtered Dean as he tried to control the coughing fit that bubbled at his chest.


    It wasn't long before Sam's breathing evened out and he laid sleeping on Dean's shoulder. Dean was almost asleep too when Bobby walked in. He looked furious when he saw Dean and Sam sitting that close. He pointed at Dean, but Dean spoke before Bobby could.


    "Don't worry. I'm still wearing my mask," Dean whispered.


    Bobby crossed his arms across his chest before he shook his head. "You two maybe idgits, but I'm proud of you. You two just need to take care of each other."


    "We will," wheezed Dean as he looked at Sam and couldn't help but smile at him. "Could I just stay here just for a few more minutes? Then I'll get some rest."


    Bobby reached into a bag and brought out a box of tissues and raised an eyebrow at Dean. "Fine, but use those if you're going to be snotting over everything."


    Dean smiled. "Thanks, Bobby."


    "Don't mention it, idgit."


    Dean leaned back and watched the sleeping Sammy and couldn't help but smile. Even here, with Dean feeling like shit and Sam probably feeling the same, things just felt right. Even though he knew that one day this closeness that they shared would probably end up killing them both. Until then it would be all that they had and that was fine by him.


    The End

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1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Sam suddenly leaned forward and rested his head on Dean's shoulder. Dean tried to move away, but Sam was just so heavy and Dean was just so weak. Sam sighed as he almost buried his head against his brother's neck. 


    "This is so not a good idea," Dean grumbled as he sniffed powerfully.


    "I've missed talking to you, Dean. I mean, after dad died I just thought that I lost you. We were just doing hunt after hunt until you burned yourself out," Sam rambled.

Awh:heart:Brothers prevail:yes:

1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean was halfway up before Sam's weak voice made him stop in his tracks. "Wait. Please don't go. I need my brother."


    Dean turned to look at him. The pathetic look in Sam's eyes made Dean's heart seem to break. He frowned as he let out a loud sigh. "Sammy-"

This is too cute:wubsmiley:

1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean twisted as far away from Sam as he could as the tickle rushed through his nose as he barely had time to cover the nasal plight. 


    "TcshsHshshSHS! ThcshsSHSHS ThcshsSHS!"


    "Bless you," Sam whispered as he offered Dean a smile. He leaned down and picked up the mask and handed it over to Dean. "Five minutes."



This was story perfect! :heart:

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