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Supergirl is super sick! (F- gigantic for Gmsnz)


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Kryptonians have to be very careful.  Under the light of Earth's mother star, their bodies bristled with power. Metabolizing the primordial life giving rays of the sun into raw power and sustenace, they were capable of performing miracles.  Kara was no different. Last week she had bathed in molten rock, tossed an aircraft carrier 13 miles in-land and pushed a chunk of space rock the size of Rhode Island off its intended course.  So, with bodies this powerful... Kryptonians had to be very careful indeed.  Kara often thought how true her cousins words rang out- "I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always having to take not to break something... to break SOMEONE"

Today especially Kara was thinking about her cousins words, and the black and white truth to them.  She was feeling sneezy.

Normally such a sensation would be no cause for concern, however, Kara had not felt sneezy or sick since well before her powers had developed.  She thought such weaknesses abandoned her body when she left her Red Sun behind.  

Kara was standing patiently in line at the DMV, in a rare moment of downtime. Days like this she relished her human side. Even the dreaded horrors of the DMV seemed like blessings when you are the orphan child of an entire lost species.  She was wearing her golden hair in a ponytail, wide brimmed glasses settled on her slightly red nose.  She had a tight button shirt on with a short black mini skirt.  

*SNIFF* she pulled in a sharp breath suddenly aware that the tickle was blossoming towards full blown sneezing.  Her muscles ached under her invulnerable skin.  "What is going on?" She thought dimly. 

Glancing down at her chest, she bathed her body in X-ray vision and squinted to see the microscopic invaders she was worried she would see.  She had some sort of xeno bacteria growing in her body! She was immune to earthly pathogens.  With a shock, she realized these bacterium must have been riding shotgun on the aforementioned asteroid she had moved.

Suddenly her lips parted, the intense tickle pulsing down her nose like lightning. "Ahh..." 

Her nostrils flared as a tiny involuntary breath sucked into her lungs.  Shirts were ruffled and the lights of the DMV swayed.  People looked around with curious glances.

Kara clamped her hand over her mouth, forcing the tickle back.  Fear rose within her.  Sneezes were an involuntary reflex. Outside of the unique level of control she had developed for her other muscles.  Kryptonians had to be careful!!

"I can't sneeze h-h-here!" She whispered hitching slightly.  "No telling what might hah-happen! Oh... Oh no... Aahhhh..."

This second inhale dwarfed the first in volume.  People glanced about in line as the floor shook. Her glasses fell from her face as air rushed to meet her.  

"Ehh...excuse me!" Kara said with a sneezy expression as she forced herself towards the exit.  She was now at risk of exposing her identity as well as harming her surrounding citizens.  

Squinting at the opposite direction of the DMV, she drove a concentrated beam of heat vision into a lamp, causing it to burst with a shower of sparks. Everyone turned their heads to glance at this new development. 

Using the momentary distraction, Kara let the sneeze come freely, thinking this maybe her only chance.  

Ahhh... Haaaaahhh...


She tried suppressing it at the last moment, and managed to cut its power drastically.  Even so a bona fide sonic boom flew from her face that blew that closest wall of the DMV wide open in a shower of debris.

Kara took this chance, flying at mach speeds, she exited the hole she made before people could turn their heads. She made sure of course to fry video surveillance footage of the incident out of the cameras with her vision as she went.

"That was way too close" Kara thought, still aware of a building itch as she soared towards the sky



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At this point, Kara had changed into her fighting outfit, short red skirt and cape flowing in the wind.  Whatever this bacteria was, it was wrecking havok on her biology.  She was forced to slow down and land atop a nearby skyscraper just as her power of flight abandoned her completely.  It's not that she couldn't fly, but more that she couldn't fly well.  It was a strange feeling for a being highly accustomed to control of herself.

Her golden hair fell against her face, locks brushing against her nose.  This simple touch set of a chain reaction of sorts as she began to lose control to a new itch.

"Ahh... Oh... Not again! Im... *SNIFF* feeling sneezy agaaihhh... Ahhhh..."

Nostrils flared suddenly as her super human lungs pulled an enormous chunk of air within her rising chest.


The rooftop began to shake as her knees started to buckle.  She slumped to the ground, placing her hands over the side of the buildings ledge.


Air began swirling like a hurricane as gusts of wind were blown with each inhale. 


Kara was in an open environment, and so was much less concerned with suppressing her sneezes.  Big mistake



The sky tore open as the sound of thunder filled the city.  A blast of torrential wind burst from her wide twitching nostrils and struck another skyscraper over a quarter mike away

Glass shattered from its breaking windows as the whole structured swayed a few inches.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE!" Kara screamed.  A quick glance with her heightened vision revealed terrified but unhurt employees in the tower.  A lancing beam of heat vision turned the falling glass into vaporized particles.  

Sniff oh... I may need help


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Cute! For some reason I can't help but imagine this is the Justice League animated Supergirl. Back in her teen days.

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25 minutes ago, Captain Carol said:

Cute! For some reason I can't help but imagine this is the Justice League animated Supergirl. Back in her teen days.

It can be whichever version you like :)

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On 9/7/2017 at 3:08 PM, Gmsnz said:

This story just gets better and better! I can't wait for the next installment! 


On 9/7/2017 at 3:49 PM, SneezeloveronGirls said:

I LOVE THIS!! You are so awesome!! I can't wait for more of this.


On 9/24/2017 at 3:16 PM, turtlesneeze said:

This is so good! Please continue!


On 10/15/2017 at 3:03 PM, SneezeloveronGirls said:

I hope that you continue this story.

Ask and you shall receive!

....eventually! Lol 

Part 3: Finale


Kara had struggled and trudged for what felt like hours, but had finally managed to make her way to CADMUS research facility.  Her powers had been increasingly unreliable and much of her movement was limited to short bursts of flying, followed by super powered jumping.  She slammed her fist on the facilities main hangar door, her throat aching.  Her red nose twitched violently as a fine layer of dust came off to meet her.

"Ooh... fuuuhhhh.... huhhh..."

Already she began to feel her nostrils quiver as the invading irritants managed to assail her typically indestructible nerve endings.

"Nehhh.... ehhh... nooohhh!  Not.... again!  AAAHHH!!!"

Her body trembled, her chest rising and falling with each hitched breath.  At the last moment, she grabbed her nose and mouth tight with both hands, and applied enough force to crush coal into diamond.  She hoped it would be enough.  It wasnt.



A sound like a plane taking off exploded against her hands, propelling her iron like fingers off of her face.  The force was greatly lessened, but still the rushing winds tore the titanium hangar door off its hinges and tossed it away like discarded scrap.  Scientists inside covered their ears in shock and horror, costs flapping in the dying wind.

"Sniff.... thank goodness that was a smaller one" Kara said with a smile.  She was unfortunately telling the truth.  That was fairly small.  

"Kara! Please come in!" The lead scientist showed her towards his personal lab.  Karas nose pulsed again, a major itch suddenly flaring, than disappearing suddenly. 

"Ok, Doc.  What's the plan?" Kara said with another deep sniffle.  

"Please step into this chamber, and I will explain"  He led her to a small room and strapped her into a restrictive set of locks, to keep her limbs in place.  "The idea is that your kryptonian physiology is too complex for our medicine.  However it should be able to cure the disease naturally... with a little help.  Your cells drink in solar radiation.  With a little boost, you should be able to fix yourself right up"

He began to power up a large machine.  Suddenly it blasted Kara with an intense flash of concentrated light.  Instantly, her cells began drinking in the stuff, her body taking on a faint golden glow.  Sure enough her negative symptoms began to dissapear, her super charged immune system driving the infection out.  Unfortunately, it left with one final tickle to remember it by.  Compounded by the photic reaction of staring at the bright light, Kara began to feel her nose go over the edge.

"Gaaahhh.... DOC!  You... neeehhh... need to run!" Kara gasped between sneezy breaths.  

The scientist began to evacuate, a true sense of panic flowing through the facility.  Kara was still locked tight and unable to stiffle.  Her sun supercharge was amplifying this sneeze to untold proportions.

"Ahhhh... oh... my.... gooooaaaAHHH!!!"

Her breaths became stronger.  The wind in the facility whipped up, throwing desks around.  


Her chest pressed tightly against her outfit, straining to pull more air into her super powered lungs"


One more pulse of her twitching nostrils, and her nose had had enough.  


A stream of air exploded out of Kara, instantly agonizing the machine in front of her and ripping the facility to shreds.  Debris and earth were carved out for miles.  

When the dust finally settled, Kara checked on everyone.

"Bless me!"


End. :)

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I love stories like this and hope that you get around to doing more stories like this one. Great job as always.

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