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She-Hulk super sneezes (Request from Sneeze999)


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This was supposed to be posted in my Requests thread, but for whatever reason it JUST WONT POST!! Anyways, I hope it works here


She-hulk request- I hope you don't mind, but I altered the story just a tiny tiny bit.  Hopefully for the better! ;)


Jen was on-site when it happened.  An enormous blast of crashing noise filled the air of New York's largest financial institution.  Dust and debris flew everywhere as the stone walls of the foundation crumbled. Ordinary citizens fled for their lives as a monstrous figure stomped into the premises.  

"Abominatrix!?" Jen shouted, squaring up in a fighters stance.  She was in her human form currently. A business suit, slightly disheveled, with her hair in a bun and glasses falling of her face.  She had been moving some product around in her official Lawyer capacity. It was pure dumb luck she was here as the threat arrived.


At this point, the monstrous woman took out a bag of fine powder and puffed it viciously down in front of Jen.

Jen coughed violently as the thick powder clung to her hair and face. She couldn't help but breathe it in.  

*COUGH* "That's it!  Time to SMASH!" Jen summoned her inner gamma strength as she pulled her hair free, letting its long black curls bounce against her back and shoulders.  A sudden surge of energy and then... nothing? It was as if a hose had been crimped shut, blocking off the flow of power from her inner gamma strength.

"What have you done to me!?" Jen shrieked distraught

"A little science from MODOK my dear!" Snarled the monster. "Have fun with your weak body!

Jen was forced to dive out of the way as Abominatrix ignored her, the threat gone, as she began twisting the metal doors off of the vault.  

Jen was about to call for the Avengers when a strange new sensation hit her senses. "Hehh... Huhh..."

A sneeze was brewing.  Whatever that powder was, it was having and adverse reaction with her nose. Nostrils flared wide as

Huuhh... Hhiishoo!  Ishhho! 

Two sneezes wracked her frame, her black hair tumbling over her face. A strange thing happened when she sneezes however. She felt... good.  Strong. Like a surge of gamma flooded her with each hitching breath.  She examined her body and realized it had changed a small hue darker, as her muscles flexed.

"Ohhh... I seeehhhh ahhh... I see!" Jen began wriggling her nose to and fro sniffing loudly, trying to illicit another reaction.

"Ahhh... Hehhh... Aaahhhh! Aaahchoooo!

This sneeze was notably more violent.  Another surge of energy filled Jen's body as she did herself of the irritant. Her skin burned with pleasure as it stretched tight beneath her suit.  She grew an inch taller, her skin darkening.

"Ahhh... Not muhhh much longer ahhh... nahhh... NOW!" She thought to herself, wriggling her nose side to side.


This inhale was MUCH stronger.  Loose dust was pulled towards her face as papers and pens were shook about.  


Another massive breath and her shirt began to rip as her rising chest pressed against it.


A thundering sneeze was forced from her body, and with it, more of MODOKS power suppressing chemical was expelled.  A blast of air hit Abominatrix who turned around, eyes wide with fearful realization.

Jen moaned with pleasure as gamma energy surrounded her body, her breasts and body growing dramatically, ripping through her suit and revealing her curves and fighting outfit underneath.  

*SNIFF* "H-Hey asshole! I've guh... got one muhhh... MORE FOR YOU!! Aaaahhhh...."

Jen began one final breathy build up, her glorious green chest rising and falling, heaving against the confines of her outfit.  She had never sneezed before as She-Hulk and was honestly a little worried about what might happen.

Aaaahhh... Haaahhhhh...

Two quick breaths and her bosom wobbled dangerously.  The ground shook as debris was pulled around by the inhales


Her nostrils flared violently as the itch pulsed through her nose making the whole thing twitch.


Jens hips were rocking gently back and forth as her knees began to buckle.  She planted her feet as her back and head arched wildly backwards, nose and mouth gulping in one final breath, chest filling with air



A blast of air on an unimaginable scale flew out of Jen as she gripped the very earth to insure stable footing. Abominatrix tried to run, but was effortlessly swept up in the gale.  

The villain was tossed against the roof as the gust blew it clean off and carried her high into the sky.

"Ohhhh that felt good" muttered Jen.  *SNIFF* "Excuse me!"

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Ummm....Show&tell......I think I freakin LOVE you!!!! This was amazing!!! I cannot thank you enough!! The change in story was actually awesome!! I see what you did here, maybe you have more in common with She-Hulk than we all think! ;);) *nudge-nudge* hehehe :) But seriously, this was fantastic!! Thank you so so much!!! :)

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13 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

Ummm....Show&tell......I think I freakin LOVE you!!!! This was amazing!!! I cannot thank you enough!! The change in story was actually awesome!! I see what you did here, maybe you have more in common with She-Hulk than we all think! ;);) *nudge-nudge* hehehe :) But seriously, this was fantastic!! Thank you so so much!!! :)

I am so happy you like it! This was a BLAST to write (get it? Ahhh I'm so dumb lol)

I'm glad you like the change.  The transformation angle honestly had me really riled up myself.

What exactly do I have in common with she hulk? Don't be shy, let me know lol!

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1 minute ago, Show&tell said:

What exactly do I have in common with she hulk? Don't be shy, let me know lol!

Ummm.........your both....pretty? hehe lol :P You certainly seem to have similar.....shall we call it a "nasal situation" haha ;)  :P:)

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6 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

Ummm.........your both....pretty? hehe lol :P You certainly seem to have similar.....shall we call it a "nasal situation" haha ;)  :P:)

LOL you don't have anything but a description to go off of! But thank you xx

And yes, I like to imagine that Jen gets a certain level of... Enjoyment out of her big sneezes. ;)

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Just now, Show&tell said:

LOL you don't have anything but a description to go off of! But thank you xx

And yes, I like to imagine that Jen gets a certain level of... Enjoyment out of her big sneezes. ;)

Hey! Positive reinforcement! If you think your pretty, and I believe your pretty, then you are pretty! That's how it works...right? lol Everyone is pretty in their own way, both physically and internally, and I choose to see the beauty in others....unless they prove themselves to be a douchebag, which you have not in any way done! lol :)

I love the descriptions of how Jen feels when she is building to a sneeze though, it seems like your own experiances greatly enhance your writing in this aspect :)

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27 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

Hey! Positive reinforcement! If you think your pretty, and I believe your pretty, then you are pretty! That's how it works...right? lol Everyone is pretty in their own way, both physically and internally, and I choose to see the beauty in others....unless they prove themselves to be a douchebag, which you have not in any way done! lol :)

I love the descriptions of how Jen feels when she is building to a sneeze though, it seems like your own experiances greatly enhance your writing in this aspect :)

*anti douchebag protocols activated*

Maaaaybe I put just a little bit of myself into Jens sneezes. ;)

Honestly she was really fun to write.  I may continue her.  The problem is, the direction I have in mind may require the Adult Board

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1 minute ago, Show&tell said:

*anti douchebag protocols activated*

Maaaaybe I put just a little bit of myself into Jens sneezes. ;)

Honestly she was really fun to write.  I may continue her.  The problem is, the direction I have in mind may require the Adult Board

Well, once you become a member, which shouldn't be too long now as you are pending, you can get into there no problem! And I can't wait to see some of the stuff you write there! I got a feeling they will knock my socks off.....as well as *ehem* other things ;) lol :)

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33 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

Well, once you become a member, which shouldn't be too long now as you are pending, you can get into there no problem! And I can't wait to see some of the stuff you write there! I got a feeling they will knock my socks off.....as well as *ehem* other things ;) lol :)

I hope so! :P

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