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REQUESTS! I'm open for business!!


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I would like to direct you to a story that really helped me with my writing ability when I was starting to write here, also it's one of my favourite sneeze-stories! :) If you go to the Website Links at the top of the forum and click on 'Serotica' it will take you to a, now defunct, site that has ALOT of great stories! But the one you are looking for is called 'Lady of the House'. I think it is a story you will enjoy and it will, hopefully, give you some inspiration about how you want to write stories, it's excellently written! Hope you enjoy! :)

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2 hours ago, Show&tell said:

I might not get to it right away mind you.  I need time to think of a scenario that would make super beam fans proud lol

I still read those every so often @Animeeze

That's okay. I don't mind if I try take some time.

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19 hours ago, Sneeze999 said:

I would like to direct you to a story that really helped me with my writing ability when I was starting to write here, also it's one of my favourite sneeze-stories! :) If you go to the Website Links at the top of the forum and click on 'Serotica' it will take you to a, now defunct, site that has ALOT of great stories! But the one you are looking for is called 'Lady of the House'. I think it is a story you will enjoy and it will, hopefully, give you some inspiration about how you want to write stories, it's excellently written! Hope you enjoy! :)

....I just spent a truly inappropriate amount of time on that website.  Omg

*breathing heavy*

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1 minute ago, Show&tell said:

....I just spent a truly inappropriate amount of time on that website.  Omg

*breathing heavy*

Hahaha! Good isn't it ;)

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At the moment the Marvel character I am obsessed with is Namor. But since he isnt part of the MCU alot of people dont know about him. How familiar are you with the Sub Mariner? if your into it a story about him with a cold would be grand as a piano!!! I even have the best title " Sea Sick" There was already that awesome comic called "Quarantine" that had most of the X-Men down with a flu like virus so its not like it cant happen!!! ;) Sigh...Namor...Sick and cranky would be the dreamiest.

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19 hours ago, prisma said:

At the moment the Marvel character I am obsessed with is Namor. But since he isnt part of the MCU alot of people dont know about him. How familiar are you with the Sub Mariner? if your into it a story about him with a cold would be grand as a piano!!! I even have the best title " Sea Sick" There was already that awesome comic called "Quarantine" that had most of the X-Men down with a flu like virus so its not like it cant happen!!! ;) Sigh...Namor...Sick and cranky would be the dreamiest.

I am thoroughly familiar with Prince Namor! I'm pretty much thoroughly familiar with everyone haha <-- nerd

I'm just sorting out some personal stuff irl atm, so it may take a bit to get to requests.  Sorry in advance guys :(

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Prince Namor: "Sea Sick"


Story for @prisma


"Huh... Ahh!" Namor squinted his eyes at the dim lighting above the conference room table, nose twitching once, twice then "Haaaptschhew! Cursed land dwelling viruses." He said with a quick sniffle.  His typically invulnerable throat was aching and his head pounded.  He would have preferred being struck by Mjolnir to how he felt now.  "Lets just get this pointless meeting over with" he snapped, pulling in a deep sniff through his red nose.

"Doom has always suspected your hybrid dna would not be immune to certain pathogens" Dr. Doom responded from across the table.  "Luckily Doom has purged such weakness from his own body ling ago"  Namor clenched his fist, teeth grinding at his supposed comrades remarks

"Come now gentlemen, we The Illuminati are all here as allies today" Stephen Strange declared from his position at the table.  Reed Richards and Prof Xavier nodded in agreement.  "We need to discuss once and for all the matter of The Hulk.  Do we proceed with Stark's plan of planetary exile?"* 

*planet hulk backstory :)

"I say we just crush the beast once and for all!" Namor growled, warrior pride sounding despite his congested speech. "He is a threat to be s-s- sure... buhh... but.... Aaahhh... HHHIIISHOOO! *sniff* Blasted... Sneehhh... SNEEZES!  HAARSHOOO!!"

Dr. Doom leaned forward again, "You can't even control your nose, Sub-Mariner, how do you propose to control the jade giant?"

Namor's pride could only take so much. Standing up to his full height, he spilt the table in half and strode towards Doom "Whoa Namor, EASY!" Strange yelled, generating a forcefield between the two.  "Like it or not, we are allies in this!"

"Tell that to that metal headed dictator you invited into our midst" Namor growled.  "He can't be trusted. But I concede for the moment.  This illness is impairing my natural judgement." He said, sitting down as a deep chill took over his body, as he shivered visibly.  


Tbc soon

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Sea Sick part 2



The rest of the meeting had gone smoothly.  Stark had finally arrived and the matter of The Hulk had been voted on.  As a warrior, Namor thought anything but direct conflict was the cowards route, but it couldn't be helped.

He soared now through the air, his immune system and formidable powers failing as he spent more and more time out of the ocean waters.  "Huhh... AAASHOO!" He sneezed wetly, knocking himself slightly off course from the sudden release.  "That Doom... what I wouldn't give to... Hehhh.... HUUUSSHEEW!! Oh *sniff* never mind.  

He was about to reach the coastline when he saw his least favorite thing, whalers.  "Those fools should know better! *sniff* This coast is under Atlantean protection and all sea faring creatures are my responsibility" he sped up and dove upon the whaling ship screaming "IMPERIUS REX"

He slammed into the ship, rocking it like crazy and buckling the main deck heavily.  Sailors went tumbling overboard.  "That will show... theeeehh... them... Ahhh... HUUURRSSHOOO!! Oh, enough of this!" He jumped back into the air and began descending towards the life giving water when his nose gave another twitch. "Ahhhhhh...." he pulled in a huge breath, his muscles flexing mightily just as he was about to submerge



The mother of all sneezes burst from him, making the water froth and shift angrily.  Then the waters restorative effects began soothing his aching muscles, headache subsidding

"Ah, that feels better"

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On 9/13/2017 at 11:11 PM, prisma said:

Sigh...Namor...Sick and cranky would be the dreamiest.

I realise in hindsight that perhaps my scenario is not quite right.  Were you hoping for more of a "stuck in bed" situation? With someone caring for him while he is grumpy?

If so, please let me know.  I can easily adjust and continue.

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Felicity and Oliver *STUCK* 

Female- from Arrow

For @InLivingColor


"All done!" Felicity smiled broadly giving a little jump.  "Computers are finally rebooted.  Now my dear, you can finally take me to that restaurant like you promised.

Oliver Queen just rolled his eyes "Fine, a deal is a deal.  Fair rewards for fair work" In truth, Oliver had been really looking forwards to this.  He had put on a $3000 dollar suit, applied his favorite cologne and booked an entire floor at the Crystal Palace restaurant.  Being a billionaire had its perks.

Felicity bit her lip as she stared at Oliver.  She was equally excited to be having an average dinner with the man she had fallen for.  She even dressed up herself. A tight black pencil skirt hugged her curves and hips wonderfully as a jeweled necklace rested gently atop her cleavage.  She was sure to have left the top button open.  She cocked her hip as she let Oliver have the bad news though "Sadly a full sytem reboot such as this does require the generator to reboot as well.  This means the main elevator out of here won't work.  Service elevator it is."

"That cramped old thing? I hope we fit" Oliver said with mild frustration.  They began walking towards the elevator, Felicity's heals making a pleasant tapping sound as she walked.  Feeling bold, Oliver slipped his hand around her waist as they waited for the tiny elevator to descend.  She gave him a little smile, a slight blush on her cheeks

Finally the tiny service elevator came to a stop and they stepped in.  Oliver pressed in first as Felicity turned around and pressed in tightly against him, struggling in the cramped space.  Her perfectly rounded back side was less than an inch from his loins, and he struggled to look away and think of something else as the elevator began to rise.  

Several moments passed when the whole ride screeched to a halt.  "What the heck just happened? Felicity..." Oliver said with clear frustration. "I thought you said this operated on a different system!"

"Uhhh.... oops?" Felicity said sheepishly.  "At least *sniff* at least it will only t-t-take 10 minutes or s-so" she struggled with her words as a sudden itch took hold.  "Ollie... are you wearing cologne...?  Huhh..."

The aroma of it permeated the small elevator.  There was nowhere to hide from it.  "Oh crap" thought Oliver, keenly aware of felicity's backside rising and falling against him with every shuddering breath.  "Hold it back!" He thought with a nervous look on his face

"Aahhh... wuhh... what do you thiiihhh... think I'm trying t-to do!?" She snapped at him.  Her breath was quickening now, whole body trembling with the struggle. "Ahhhh... Haaaahhhh... Its no uuueehhh... Use!  I gotaahhh... AHHH... Hhhhiitchheew!! HIIIEEESHOO!!" A double sneeze rocked her body, as she doubled forwards.  The smooth curves of her hips pressing backwards against her trapped companion.

"Oh my GOD Felicity stop it!" Oliver said, desperate (or was he?) to free himself from this predicament.  

*sniff* "Oh quiet you! In the one suffering!  I... I... ahhh.... HAAHHH... HEEESCHEEEW!!" Another forceful sneeze bent her over.  "This is all your fault! I thought you knew I was allergiiiiehhh... allergic!  Ahhhh..."

Truth be told, Oliver had never forgotten. ;)

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Hmm, this is awfully generous of you:heart:

I was wondering if it would be possible to get a Supernatural fic?

I found this prompt a while back and well...:boom:

well I just love it...

I like the idea of Sam and Dean being stuck in the car, Dean with a horrible/extremely messy cold, and having just ran out of tissues. So now he has to find a way to contain his explosively messy sneezes. waggles eyebrows

Anyways, it would be much appreciated if you’d consider it. 


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16 minutes ago, jensdw said:

Hmm, this is awfully generous of you:heart:

I was wondering if it would be possible to get a Supernatural fic?

I found this prompt a while back and well...:boom:

well I just love it...

I like the idea of Sam and Dean being stuck in the car, Dean with a horrible/extremely messy cold, and having just ran out of tissues. So now he has to find a way to contain his explosively messy sneezes. waggles eyebrows

Anyways, it would be much appreciated if you’d consider it. 


LOL you have chosen one of my greatest fears to write.  I am awful at all things supernatural.  I've watched like 2 episodes haha

BUT I DONT RUN FROM A CHALLENGE! Ask and you shall receive.  

*hits the spn wiki for details*

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10 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

LOL you have chosen one of my greatest fears to write.  I am awful at all things supernatural.  I've watched like 2 episodes haha

BUT I DONT RUN FROM A CHALLENGE! Ask and you shall receive.  

*hits the spn wiki for details*

Oh wow, I’m honored:D:heart:

please, don’t go to too much trouble for me, and take as much time as you need:heart:

Thanks a million! I think I speak for several people when I say this thread is much appreciated.

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Just now, jensdw said:

Oh wow, I’m honored:D:heart:

please, don’t go to too much trouble for me, and take as much time as you need:heart:

Thanks a million! I think I speak for several people when I say this thread is much appreciated.

We all have our fantasies. :)

If I can help, even a little, then that's the important thing.

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7 hours ago, Show&tell said:

Felicity and Oliver *STUCK* 

Female- from Arrow

For @InLivingColor



OhEmGee I love it! Thanks so much for writing this!

Edited by InLivingColor
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13 hours ago, Show&tell said:

I realise in hindsight that perhaps my scenario is not quite right.  Were you hoping for more of a "stuck in bed" situation? With someone caring for him while he is grumpy?

If so, please let me know.  I can easily adjust and continue.

First off, let me express my immeasurable gratitude! Your generosity is only matched by your talent for writing. I love it! I am very grateful that you have written this for me. You are so kind. I have been on this board for over 20 years and the amount of kindness you have extended to me is something that will not be forgotten. 

If you are inclined to continue with a care taking scenario featuring everyone's favourite invisible women that would be grand as a piano!


again thank you so much! Is there any way to repay you?




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2 minutes ago, prisma said:

First off, let me express my immeasurable gratitude! Your generosity is only matched by your talent for writing. I love it! I am very grateful that you have written this for me. You are so kind. I have been on this board for over 20 years and the amount of kindness you have extended to me is something that will not be forgotten. 

If you are inclined to continue with a care taking scenario featuring everyone's favourite invisible women that would be grand as a piano!

again thank you so much! Is there any way to repay you?

You are very very welcome.  I love writing for you all 

Susan Storm? I could think of a thing or two to write about :)

Nah, lol.  Just let people know that I enjoy this forum and the people on it! ♡

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On 9/20/2017 at 8:13 PM, MarauderFanGirl4Ever said:

Hey! Could you do a Marvel Daredevil sneezefic maybe? Thx so much!

I would be happy to! Any specific details?

Also, I'm so so sorry to all the people waiting for their requests.  I'm not writing at my typical pace.  I will happily finish all requests when my personal life allows it.

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On 9/22/2017 at 0:38 PM, Show&tell said:

I would be happy to! Any specific details?

Also, I'm so so sorry to all the people waiting for their requests.  I'm not writing at my typical pace.  I will happily finish all requests when my personal life allows it.

Could you maybe write a sick Matt still trying to crime fight and then having to deal with Foggy's concern (which he hates 😝) the next day? 

This would be so great...thank you so much in advance!😁😁

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On 9/23/2017 at 3:35 PM, MarauderFanGirl4Ever said:

Could you maybe write a sick Matt still trying to crime fight and then having to deal with Foggy's concern (which he hates 😝) the next day? 

This would be so great...thank you so much in advance!😁😁

Can do! I should have several requests up by/on Friday.  Thanks for your patience

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you please write a medium length story of the Hardy Boys? I would like Frank to be the sneezer and I want him to sneeze a lot. I’d also like him to sneeze when he and Joe are on a doing detective work on one of their cases. Their ages are Frank is 18 and Joe is 16. I’d also like it to be allergies for Frank. 

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Will we see sick Carol? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! (#sorry notsorry. Bad joke)

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