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Jane Foster infused with Aether (Story for SneezeloveronGirls)


The way the world ends:


Janes nose twitched violently.  Pulsing read tendrils stretched through her sinuses and drifted out of her twitching nostrils in a fine mist.  She slowly began levitating as another violent itch shook her body, her lungs starting to pull in air

"Aaaaahhhhh..." the very earth have a violent jolt.  Ground cracking and thunder splitting the air.  The aether had chosen a sneeze as its modus operandi of destruction, and Janes poor nose could hardly contain its power any longer

"No!" Cried Thor as he rushed to her side

""AHHHHH!! HAAAASHOOOO!!" A flash of crimson burst from her nose, releasing a small portion of the Aethers energies.  

Thor was tossed to the floor as snaking tendrils of crimson continued to expand from her nostrils, reaching out to the horizon and splitting down a mountain range

Only Odin could contain a full release, but he was still minutes away... And Janes nose already started to itch again


Sorry, I may have to cut this one short. My creative juices are failing me :/

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35 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

Trying to shake myself out of this funk.  Any ideas?

Ok, I have had this problem oh so many times! If you see all my past stories I have a history of writing VERY long stories! lol But what usually kept me going was a change in theme OR creating a series that I could go back to over and over with characters that I was familiar with. There is PLENTY of fun ideas and situations you could use for characters, but instead of trying to write more stories about characters that have already been created and people know of, why not try and create something new? Like.......Ok! This might be good! A young school teacher who discovers she has super powers! Only problem is, her super-power is her sneeze, and she sneezes quite often! That could be a really fun run you could do with this teacher trying not to sneeze during class or at school meetings while using her sneezing power to stop school bullies or other, unsavoury, teachers! Hell, maybe even add a sidekick in there!

See what thinking about something different can do for ya! You don't have to use this idea, I know you have the ability to create truly amazing characters yourself and, if you turn them into a series, then your creative juices will start to flow as you care more and more about the character :)

I hope this helped.....even a little :)

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I hope that you can continue the Jane and Supergirl stories once you get out of your funk. I hope that your inspiration comes back soon.

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36 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

I suddenly don't feel very much like writing

Maybe your burned out, you have written a BUNCH of stuff aver the last several days! :) Just give yourself a few days rest, maybe even a week, then see how you feel then, no need to feel pressure to post, you will still be welcomed here even if you don't post all that often :)

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2 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

Maybe your burned out, you have written a BUNCH of stuff aver the last several days! :) Just give yourself a few days rest, maybe even a week, then see how you feel then, no need to feel pressure to post, you will still be welcomed here even if you don't post all that often :)

Its not that. I'll explain later.  Gonna lay low for awhile I think.

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1 minute ago, Show&tell said:

Its not that. I'll explain later.  Gonna lay low for awhile I think.

Oh......ok......that's fine, I fully support you 110%......just hope your ok.

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4 hours ago, Show&tell said:

Tony Stark's new allergy (For Arc Reactor)

male.  duh lol


"Hihh... Haptchoo!" Tony sneezed freely into the cramped elevator, light spray covering his briefcase.  

"Not getting sick are we Mr. Stark?" Steve Rogers said with a smirk, semi-geniune concern in his voice.

"Quiet you.  Not everyone has an immune system created in a laboratory. Us mere mortals still get sick from time to time. Besides, I feel fine.  Must have been a one off" Tony shuffled side to side, suddenly aware just how MUCH of the super soldier there was standing next to him.  Rogers could be quite intimidating in the right lighting. *he won't be the only super soldier for long* Tony thought to himsslf.

"As you say, Tony" The Captain strode forward as the elevator opened up on the top floor of Avengers Tower.  

"Alright people, listen up!" Tony exclaimed to the group of remarkable people sitting at the conference table.  "Me, myself and I have finally cracked the code! I have finally - hey, Nat, off the phone, you know the drill - I have finally reworked a potential replacement for the Captain's long lost Super Serum! Through machinery of course, never did have time to work out all that biology garbage, that's more Banners thing.  With a simple nanobot injection, trillions of tiny machines can rework our bodies protein sequences and massively enhance musculature and synapses! I have a few doses here, just need volunteers, and our more squishy members can shore up their defenses once and for all. Any takers?" Tony concluded slapping his briefcase on the table with an energetic THUMP.

The assembled heroes made no attempts to volunteer.  Any Man may have even actually moved farther away from the syringes, a look of sarcastic fear on his face.

"Oh for the love of - come on people - they won't bite! Just like the flu shot, the PRESTO" He waved his hands in the air "Instant super bodies!"

Natasha leaned forward, "Forgive our lack of enthusiasm.... but non of us are exactly keen on putting an autonomous machine inside out cells. Especially when you are the mad scientist behind the project.  Have you even tested these things?" She said with a smirk

"Of all the disrespectful, YES of course I've tested these machines.  The squid and jellyfish trials were especially optimistic." Nobody laughed at Tony's joke (they hoped it was)

Rogers leaned in closer, "I would volunteer but considering my already enhanced status, I am not sure if we would get accurate results.  Maybe your troops need a more practical demonstration oh fearless leader?"

Tony was not one to be bullied, but his enthusiasm and lack of data was biting him in the butt.  "Oh fine.  You wimps, just watch this" he said as he jammed a syringe into his arm and pressed the plunger down.

Falcon and Thor glanced at each other in mock concern as Tony dropped the empty syringe on the table.  "Any minute now you will see me emerge as a new man" he announced triumphantly.

Several long minutes passed.  "Strange, I must have... Huhh uhhh... Isshoo! Excuse me, I muhh... Must have... HHHAISHOO!" He sneezed explosively.

"Is... Is it getting warm in here?" Tony said while pulling at his shirt colar, sweat beading on his forehead.

"My scanners indicate you are having a bad immunological reaction to these nanites" Vision piped in

"Nonsense, your scanners are... Aaahhhrrr.... HAAPTSCHEEW!!" Another violent sneeze doubled him over.  His typically proud and confident demure cracking.  Red itchy spots started forming on his skin.  "Oh for Pete's sake, you are the Avengers! Someone hehhh.. hehehe... HELP! AAARSHOO!!"

At this point Thor was beside himself with laughter muttering something about Odin and what not

"Huushooo!  Ahh.. AAHCHOO! Aishoo! Hehe.. Oh nooooehhh.... HAAAAARSHHOOOO!!

With that, Vision drifted forwards and gently disrupted the nanites control systems, rendering them inert

Thank you for this! I loved it :)

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7 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

Oh......ok......that's fine, I fully support you 110%......just hope your ok.


3 minutes ago, Arc Reactor said:

Thank you for this! I loved it :)

Your welcome

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So I know that this thread is about you taking requests and posting them here, but I was curious if you had any requests you'd like to see someone have a go with. I'm not the best writer on here, obviously, but I'd be more than willing to try if you wanted anything.

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10 hours ago, Show&tell said:

Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers, marvel comics

(Story for Captain Carol)

Female.  I suggest future readers Google Carol Danvers before reading.  She is quite the looker ;)


Carol had had better days.  She rose from a mound of rubble, her head pounding, slight cuts and scrapes apparent on her arms.  

Blowing her hair out of her face, she struggled back to her feet and squared up.  Her supple curves apparent under her tight latex suit.  Ahead of her stood an impossible threat.

Cain Marko, The Juggernaut himself, stomped forwards, a look of disdain on his face.  Normally, it would take several heroes working in tandem to thwart him.  Currently he was heading towards a nuclear reactor, intent on ripping it to pieces and contaminating the city so he could loot its remains.  Avengers and X-Men were in route, but still too far away.

It was up to Carol to stop him.  Only problem... NOTHING stops the Juggernaut.  The Crimson Gem of Cytorrak grants Cain with complete immunity to physical harm, and the unique ability to retain almost all forward momentum once he started moving.  Bricks like Hulk or Thor can slow him down, but even they can't truly stop him from moving.

And that is what carols job was.  Not stopping him, but at LEAST slowing him until backup arrived.  But try as she might, she couldn't slow him down or budge him even one perceptible percent.  

Carol had tossed a bus at him, leveled an apartment complex in his path, and otherwise bathed him in photonic fire, but the damn beast just laughed and continued his march unimpeded.  Trading punches was a death sentence ad she had just learned, her head still ringing.  She had her own level of vast super human strength, but she may as well have been a child wrestling her dad when it came to the strength gap.

"Damn, what am I going to do?" Carol thought frantically, twisting her curvaceous body to and fro, looking to her environment for inspiration.  Juggernaut has knocked her clear into a flower shop and the sweet aroma of pollen was flooding her nose.

*sniff* "Oh god, what luh... Luck!" She said, breath hitching as her lungs started pulling in air.  She was currently in over overcharged "Binary" transformation (she couldn't afford to go easy), and photonic energy swirled around her glowing body as her nostrils began to flare with gusto.

She was dimly aware that she had never sneezed in her transformed state before. "Ahhh... Ahhh... Haaaahh!"

Her body arched back, her hands gripping her waist, chest profile pressing drastically outwards against her suit


An unexpected surge of energy courses through her, as a beam of pure gravitonic energy burst from her mouth and nose.  The beam ripped main street to pieces and slammed directly in the Juggernaut in a crash of fire and light.  It was many times more potent than her average energy beams.

"Oh!" Carol coughed twice, nose still itching. "What on earth just happened?"

It was then that Carol noticed something TRULY amazing.  Standing in the middle of a glassy crater, stood Cain.  Unhurt, but... unmoving! He actually appeared staggered! He shook his head side to side, then began his march once again

"That's it!" Carol thought. "This is how I will hold him off!" She furiously snatched at lilacs and roses, her two worst allergies, as she buried her nose deep within their petals.

The reaction was immediate.  "Huhh... Ahhh..." a warm pleasure spread through her tummy and head as energy began to build. "Ohhh... AAAHHHhhhh... Huhhh...." again her nose twitched as her generous chest pressed tightly against her suit, breath after breath rocking her body. "Ohhh! Its bih-bigger this tiiihhh TIME! AAAAHHHHH...." Another huge inhale.  Pleasurable pressure and energy began spreading from her toes all the way to her nose as her sneeze finally began in earnest




She doubled over violently, her knees weakening.  An epic thermonuclear beam slammed into the Juggernaut, totally negating his momentum and leaving him standing befuddled in a smoldering blast zone.

"Hey Cain! My nose still.. Still... Itches!! Ahhhh.... AAAAHHHH!!"

What followed was a 20 minute long stalemate.  Neither side gaining ground as carols full and supple body unleashed extraordinary sneeze after sneeze upon her adversary, hips and thighs quaking from the force.  

Backup finally arrived and Juggernaut was contained as Iron Man steadied carol, clearly exhausted and nearly out of power.

"That's some sneeze!"

Awwww! This is sooooo good! I'd almost ask for another Carol story if you'd ever want to. Thank you so much! :D

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On 9/7/2017 at 10:59 AM, Show&tell said:

The Riddler's Enigma (For Striderlicious)

Male* duh lol


Edward Nigma leaned heavy against his computer console, his head pounding. It felt like dynamite was going off in his cerebral cortex as his nostrils twitched and began to slightly drip.

"For the love of... Hahh... HHHIIXXCHOO!" He sneezed suddenly in an attempted stifle as a fine mist sprayed his console.  "Ugh. No.  I am not sick.  Not now.  Not while I still have so much work to do!" He moaned pulling in a deep sniffle

Out of the shadows a female figure slipped in close.  Catwoman stalked up to the Riddler, pulling her whip tight as she smiled with a full seductive pout. "Meow, Mr. Nigma.  Riddle me this! What kind of tree can fit in your hand?" She said as she put her hands over his shoulders, flirting. Of course she couldnt care less for him romantically (or maybe not?) She was simply on retainer.

Riddler sniffed again.  "A fucking bonsai tree??" He snarled angrily, a new itch invading his sinuses.

"No darling! A /PALM/ tree! Get it? Your hand? You really are not feeling yourself are you?" She purred, placing her hand on his burning forehead.

Riddler pushed her hand off while sputtering "I'm not sick! I.... HHHHIIPTSHOO!!" Another forceful sneeze flew from his mouth.

"Haahhpshooo!! Ahh... Aaaashoo!! HATSCHOOO!"

That last sneeze made him slump into his chair, clearly exhausted.  Catwoman was floored.  Those had been deep manly sneezes. She had felt the muscles in his back tense as he had let them loose.  She purred slightly, while shifting her hips and thighs from side to side.

"Poor Riddler.  Maybe you should let take the night off from scheming and I can take care of you"

"I TOLD YOU IM NOT... Nuhh... AAHRSHHOOO! Ugh... Ok maybe that's a good idea"


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH??? Thank you for this. It's incredibly well written and Catwoman is definitely an interesting choice for this. I love the rogues nd I hope to get enough motivation to write my own fic soon. But for now thank you so much for writing this!! If you ever write a sequel or just another Riddler fic please let me know because I would love to read it! Torture the poor riddle man yes. I love the way you write sneezes as well. This is so good and I am honored to have the request filled so quickly! Thank you.

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On 9/8/2017 at 8:45 PM, InLivingColor said:

So I know that this thread is about you taking requests and posting them here, but I was curious if you had any requests you'd like to see someone have a go with. I'm not the best writer on here, obviously, but I'd be more than willing to try if you wanted anything.

This offer is a genuinely unexpected and most pleasant surprise. :) I may get back to you! Have to think of something

On 9/8/2017 at 9:01 PM, Captain Carol said:

Awwww! This is sooooo good! I'd almost ask for another Carol story if you'd ever want to. Thank you so much! :D

Ask away! It was a blast to write.  I may need help with the setting though.  Glad you enjoyed :)

On 9/9/2017 at 11:26 PM, striderlicious said:

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH??? Thank you for this. It's incredibly well written and Catwoman is definitely an interesting choice for this. I love the rogues nd I hope to get enough motivation to write my own fic soon. But for now thank you so much for writing this!! If you ever write a sequel or just another Riddler fic please let me know because I would love to read it! Torture the poor riddle man yes. I love the way you write sneezes as well. This is so good and I am honored to have the request filled so quickly! Thank you.

I am very happy you enjoyed this!  I was a bit nervous about writing the sneezes from a man's perspective.  I generally enjoy writing more when I can put myself in the situation of the sneezer, if only just a bit.  But this was actually pretty fun to write.  Sorry for the short length.  

If I do continue, should it be a direct sequel or a new setting?

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On 9/8/2017 at 0:13 PM, Sneeze999 said:


I hope this helped.....even a little :)

It did. =)

I'm feeling a bit more myself today, and ready to get back to work

On 9/8/2017 at 8:45 PM, InLivingColor said:

I was curious if you had any requests you'd like to see someone have a go with. 

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if someone else tried there hand at either she-hulk or poison ivy.  😬

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4 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

It did. =)

I'm feeling a bit more myself today, and ready to get back to work

That's great news! Everything you have written thus far has been pure gold and I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future! :)

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Captain Marvel part 2: The Test

Carol Danvers (f) Marvel Comics

Request for @Captain Carol


Carol wandered inside The Avengers Tower "Danger Room".  Hank McCoy of the X-Men had insisted his Avenger brethren had their very own space to practice high intensity drills without fear of causing destruction, and Tony and company were quick to agree.

"Over here, Ms Danvers" Captain America said with a smile on his face, pointing towards a corner of the room with an enormous white canvas built against the wall.  "I believe this sensor will help us tremendously in determining the output of your newest power."

Carol rolled her eyes.  The whole thing felt silly to her, but I suppose its not every day your sneeze can contend with with magical energies of Cytorrak himself.  She had heard stories that the Juggernaut was STILL cursing her name. "Ok Steve, so what am I looking at here?"

Rogers smiled, "This is perhaps the most impressive pressure plate every designed.  It was a joint effort between our own Mr. Stark and Dr. McCoy.  It can analyze and display information about any sort of force used against it.  Ideally we will stimulate another nasal response from you and measure the extent of its effects here. Just so we know what we are dealing with."

"Stimulate a nasal response? Hah! Even you are having trouble calling it what it is. I sneezed Steve.  It was a sneeze, I'm telling you." She cocked her hips and gave him a smirk.  None of her fellow heroes could really believe it had been something so simple as that. "Anyways, how on earth is a pressure plate going to help us? One sneeze and ill blow it and half the tower to Kingdom Come"

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that" Rogers said. "This thing was built out of Vibranium and 2nd grade Adamantium components.  Courtesy of our friends from Wakanda.  Not to mention it has already been vigorously been stress tested from our very own God of Thunder.  Thor struck this thing with his hammer and gave it a full strength lightning blast, and its none the worse for wear as you can see.  Now please come here so we can begin the test."

Convinced, Carol walked forward and got into position.  Already she could feel her nose start to tickle.  Clearly the Captain was hiding some sort of flower on his person.

"Ok Carol, firstly we will stimulate a response while you are in your standard, non transformed state" With that, Rogers pulled a small bouquet of roses from behind him and gently placed them under Carol's already trembling nose.

Carol buried her face in the sweet petals and took a huge sniff.  "Well, here we g-go... for suh... science! Ahh..."

Her nostrils flared outwards violently as her chest rose and fell, taking in large breaths in preparation of the release.

"Ahhh... aaahhh!! Hiisheeeww!! *sniff* Oh, Iiisshhooo!" Two admittedly string but distinctly average sneezes doubled her over and left her gasping for breath.  The wind generated from her average sneezes didn't even register on the sensor plate.

"As suspected, normal nasal response in your non-binary form" Steve said, pulling the flowers away.  "Why don't you go ahead and power on up Carol.


"As you wish *sniff* Dint say I didn't warn you though" With that, Carols brow creased as she concentrated her energies.  A hissing POP filled the air as the hair on Steve's arms stood on end.  Carols body pulsed with photonic energies, giving her curvy frame an almost glossy appearance.  She rubbed her nose vigorously, chest wobbling in response "Ok, hit me.  I'm ready for round 2!"

"Initiating test, second round.  Binary form" Steve said into a recording device.  He carefully placed a single rose under Carol's quivering nostrils. He could feel the slight pull of air as the twitching appendage drank in the flowers sweet aroma.

Carol could tell Steve was nervous for this trial, hence the single rose.  He was also standing at maximum arms length, muscles coiled in case he need to take evasive action.  He was nervous... and for good reason.  Carol's left eye shot open, allergic tears beginning to stream. "Oh stuhh... Steve.... I can feel it"

Energy began cascading over her body, flowing through her hair and along the curves of her figure.  The warm pleasurable twinge returned as her breath hitched "Ehh... Hiihhh.... Ahhh..."

Her chest swelled with each breath, pressing tightly again against her suit, as Captain America began a swift retreat.  She placed her hands on her hips, head swaying further back with each sneezy gasp

"Here it... c-c-comes! I'm gonnahhhh....




A huge blast of pure energy erupted from the super heroes face and slammed into the sensor.  It flared red hot as the energy was deflected harmlessly from its surface.

Carol was gasping with the effort, bent over, hands on her knees.  Steve rushed forward to examine the sensor, a look of pure awe on his face.  "Danvers! This is incredible.  Your sneeze is registering as 40% MORE destructive than the hardest blow Thor could muster.  Do you know what this means!? You are... oh crap"

Steve was cut short.  Glancing back at Carol he began to understand the danger. What he had mistaken for gasps of exertion were actually partly gasps of a newly building super sneeze. "Stuhhh... Steve! Ahhh.... Ruhhh... Uh.... RUN!" Carol waved her hands in front of her face frantically trying to suppress the sneeze.  

Rogers dove out of the way as she reared back, her hips rocking slightly in anticipation.

Ahhh... HAAAAHHH!!


Another brilliant burst of light slammed into the sensor plate.  Again it was deflected but this time she could swear the corners were beginning to melt.

Steve learned his lesson as he checked the plates readings from a distance.  "My god, Carol, this is 313% above Thor's record.  Please stop now, we have all the information we need!" 

But Carol couldn't stop.  From deep within her body, a desperate urge took hold of her.  Her vision began to blur as a tickle of untold levels blossomed in her nose.  Lightning crackled off of her heaving body as the smell of ozone hit Steve's senses. The ground below her began to melt as she took another inhale

"Ahhhh... Its nooohhhh no use! I'm suh sorry but I gotta... Its ahhh... Its coming! I'm gonna... gonna SNEEZE! Heehhh... AAHHHHH...." 

The entire Danger Room gave a trembling jolt as Avengers Tower itself began to shake.  

"I can't control... Ihhh... It!!! AAAAAHHHH...!!" 

Her body arched backwards, chest heaving greatly as her whole body began shaking.  She was overcome with the urge, the undeniable need to sneeze.  Nothing could stop it now.  She aimed back at the sensor plate and hoped for the best, nose trembling, eyes shutting




Steve hit the deck.  What happened next was almost impossible to believe; The Vibranium/Adamantium sensor plate was enveloped with crashing light- and then ceased to be.  Only a smoldering crater remained as the pulse of energy burst from the side of Avengers Tower and exited earth orbit, narrowly missing a satellite on its way into space.

"Vibranium... vaporized" Rogers said dumbstruck.  "Carol, I think we should invest in some allergy medications"


Once again, this was super fun to write. Any thoughts or constructive remarks? :)

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9 hours ago, Show&tell said:

If I do continue, should it be a direct sequel or a new setting?

I honestly would love either??? A sequel would be interesting because Selina isn't much of the sweet caretaker type and more "get your butt back in bed before i kick it". But it might also be interesting to see him wander into the iceburg lounge to ask for financial assistance and wind up getting physical assistance instead. With penguin using the excuse that he doesn't want the riddle man ruining his patrons' dining experience, when in reality he just really likes the guy. Or maybe even hes going up against Batman and batman starts to notice just how off his game he is and winds up making some kinda deal tht involves Riddler actually taking care of himself. But honestly its all up to you! I love your writing no matter what it entails.Thank you once again!!! 

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7 hours ago, Show&tell said:

Captain Marvel part 2: The Test

Carol Danvers (f) Marvel Comics

Request for @Captain Carol


Carol wandered inside The Avengers Tower "Danger Room".  Hank McCoy of the X-Men had insisted his Avenger brethren had their very own space to practice high intensity drills without fear of causing destruction, and Tony and company were quick to agree.

"Over here, Ms Danvers" Captain America said with a smile on his face, pointing towards a corner of the room with an enormous white canvas built against the wall.  "I believe this sensor will help us tremendously in determining the output of your newest power."

Carol rolled her eyes.  The whole thing felt silly to her, but I suppose its not every day your sneeze can contend with with magical energies of Cytorrak himself.  She had heard stories that the Juggernaut was STILL cursing her name. "Ok Steve, so what am I looking at here?"

Rogers smiled, "This is perhaps the most impressive pressure plate every designed.  It was a joint effort between our own Mr. Stark and Dr. McCoy.  It can analyze and display information about any sort of force used against it.  Ideally we will stimulate another nasal response from you and measure the extent of its effects here. Just so we know what we are dealing with."

"Stimulate a nasal response? Hah! Even you are having trouble calling it what it is. I sneezed Steve.  It was a sneeze, I'm telling you." She cocked her hips and gave him a smirk.  None of her fellow heroes could really believe it had been something so simple as that. "Anyways, how on earth is a pressure plate going to help us? One sneeze and ill blow it and half the tower to Kingdom Come"

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that" Rogers said. "This thing was built out of Vibranium and 2nd grade Adamantium components.  Courtesy of our friends from Wakanda.  Not to mention it has already been vigorously been stress tested from our very own God of Thunder.  Thor struck this thing with his hammer and gave it a full strength lightning blast, and its none the worse for wear as you can see.  Now please come here so we can begin the test."

Convinced, Carol walked forward and got into position.  Already she could feel her nose start to tickle.  Clearly the Captain was hiding some sort of flower on his person.

"Ok Carol, firstly we will stimulate a response while you are in your standard, non transformed state" With that, Rogers pulled a small bouquet of roses from behind him and gently placed them under Carol's already trembling nose.

Carol buried her face in the sweet petals and took a huge sniff.  "Well, here we g-go... for suh... science! Ahh..."

Her nostrils flared outwards violently as her chest rose and fell, taking in large breaths in preparation of the release.

"Ahhh... aaahhh!! Hiisheeeww!! *sniff* Oh, Iiisshhooo!" Two admittedly string but distinctly average sneezes doubled her over and left her gasping for breath.  The wind generated from her average sneezes didn't even register on the sensor plate.

"As suspected, normal nasal response in your non-binary form" Steve said, pulling the flowers away.  "Why don't you go ahead and power on up Carol.


"As you wish *sniff* Dint say I didn't warn you though" With that, Carols brow creased as she concentrated her energies.  A hissing POP filled the air as the hair on Steve's arms stood on end.  Carols body pulsed with photonic energies, giving her curvy frame an almost glossy appearance.  She rubbed her nose vigorously, chest wobbling in response "Ok, hit me.  I'm ready for round 2!"

"Initiating test, second round.  Binary form" Steve said into a recording device.  He carefully placed a single rose under Carol's quivering nostrils. He could feel the slight pull of air as the twitching appendage drank in the flowers sweet aroma.

Carol could tell Steve was nervous for this trial, hence the single rose.  He was also standing at maximum arms length, muscles coiled in case he need to take evasive action.  He was nervous... and for good reason.  Carol's left eye shot open, allergic tears beginning to stream. "Oh stuhh... Steve.... I can feel it"

Energy began cascading over her body, flowing through her hair and along the curves of her figure.  The warm pleasurable twinge returned as her breath hitched "Ehh... Hiihhh.... Ahhh..."

Her chest swelled with each breath, pressing tightly again against her suit, as Captain America began a swift retreat.  She placed her hands on her hips, head swaying further back with each sneezy gasp

"Here it... c-c-comes! I'm gonnahhhh....




A huge blast of pure energy erupted from the super heroes face and slammed into the sensor.  It flared red hot as the energy was deflected harmlessly from its surface.

Carol was gasping with the effort, bent over, hands on her knees.  Steve rushed forward to examine the sensor, a look of pure awe on his face.  "Danvers! This is incredible.  Your sneeze is registering as 40% MORE destructive than the hardest blow Thor could muster.  Do you know what this means!? You are... oh crap"

Steve was cut short.  Glancing back at Carol he began to understand the danger. What he had mistaken for gasps of exertion were actually partly gasps of a newly building super sneeze. "Stuhhh... Steve! Ahhh.... Ruhhh... Uh.... RUN!" Carol waved her hands in front of her face frantically trying to suppress the sneeze.  

Rogers dove out of the way as she reared back, her hips rocking slightly in anticipation.

Ahhh... HAAAAHHH!!


Another brilliant burst of light slammed into the sensor plate.  Again it was deflected but this time she could swear the corners were beginning to melt.

Steve learned his lesson as he checked the plates readings from a distance.  "My god, Carol, this is 313% above Thor's record.  Please stop now, we have all the information we need!" 

But Carol couldn't stop.  From deep within her body, a desperate urge took hold of her.  Her vision began to blur as a tickle of untold levels blossomed in her nose.  Lightning crackled off of her heaving body as the smell of ozone hit Steve's senses. The ground below her began to melt as she took another inhale

"Ahhhh... Its nooohhhh no use! I'm suh sorry but I gotta... Its ahhh... Its coming! I'm gonna... gonna SNEEZE! Heehhh... AAHHHHH...." 

The entire Danger Room gave a trembling jolt as Avengers Tower itself began to shake.  

"I can't control... Ihhh... It!!! AAAAAHHHH...!!" 

Her body arched backwards, chest heaving greatly as her whole body began shaking.  She was overcome with the urge, the undeniable need to sneeze.  Nothing could stop it now.  She aimed back at the sensor plate and hoped for the best, nose trembling, eyes shutting




Steve hit the deck.  What happened next was almost impossible to believe; The Vibranium/Adamantium sensor plate was enveloped with crashing light- and then ceased to be.  Only a smoldering crater remained as the pulse of energy burst from the side of Avengers Tower and exited earth orbit, narrowly missing a satellite on its way into space.

"Vibranium... vaporized" Rogers said dumbstruck.  "Carol, I think we should invest in some allergy medications"


Once again, this was super fun to write. Any thoughts or constructive remarks? :)

D'awwwww! Once again soooo goood! My only request would be if she caught a cold in the next one, but once again thank you so much for writing this! <3 

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11 hours ago, Show&tell said:

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if someone else tried there hand at either she-hulk or poison ivy.  😬

I'll see what I can do with the latter tomorrow, I'm not familiar enough with Marvel to do it justice I feel.

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9 minutes ago, InLivingColor said:

I'll see what I can do with the latter tomorrow, I'm not familiar enough with Marvel to do it justice I feel.

Honestly there is no pressure.  I never expected this when I created this thread.  Thank you ^_^

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1 hour ago, Captain Carol said:

D'awwwww! Once again soooo goood! My only request would be if she caught a cold in the next one, but once again thank you so much for writing this! <3 

A cold could happen! I'm having fun with her

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8 hours ago, Captain Carol said:

Thank you thank you thank you! 

I might not get to it right away mind you.  I need time to think of a scenario that would make super beam fans proud lol

I still read those every so often @Animeeze

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