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Sneeze Fetish Forum

REQUESTS! I'm open for business!!


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Let me write something for you! 

Honestly I have been obsessed with flexing my creative muscles lately and I would like some direction.  I would be ready and willing to respond to your requests, and post your stories HERE in THIS THREAD.  


1: I prefer larger sneezes.  I will write anything you want, but you will get better results asking for these.

2: I prefer female sneezing. Again I will write male for you, no problem! Buuuut you may get better results with female.

3: My strengths are Marvel & DC (comic movie or tv), most science fiction and some fantasy.  Cartoon and anime is more limited.  Shows like Supernatural or movies like Harry Potter I am pretty unfamiliar with.  AGAIN ill write whatever you want, just detailing my comfortable topics.

4: These will be shorter stories in nature.  When I am validated I will be sure to write you flowing tales, many pages long but until then you may have to settle for something smaller.  I'm hoping this allows me to cover more requests faster.

Questions? Requests??

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  • Show&tell


  • InLivingColor


  • Sneeze999


  • SneezeloveronGirls


Ok......soooooo......you know I said I prefer not to ask for requests?.......yeah.....this is awkward lol

I had an idea! Well....this is an idea I had posted on here a while ago that never got picked up but, it's an idea! And it fits your prefered criteria too!!

I always wanted to read something about She-Hulk sneezing, and I think this could be the perfect time to pass such a request on to someone like your good self! :D

Ok, so, the premise is that She-Hulk is fighting one of her enemies....lets saaaaayyy.......Abominatrix? I'm more familiar with Hulk villains than She-Hulk villains but, she sounds cool lol :P And Abominatrix has a plan to make She-Hulk sneeze with some special powder so as to more easily defeat her, what she doesn't know is just how powerful She-Hulks sneezes actually are...dun.dun.DUUUUNNN!! lol :) 

I hope this is good inspiration for you! :)

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2 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:


I hope this is good inspiration for you! :)

I adore this.  Let me get to work! Vroooom!

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Not sure if you watch the DC shows, but if you do, I'm a big fan of Felicity Smoak from Arrow, maybe she needs to be stealthy for some reason but her dust allergy threatens to cause her larger than average sneezes to blow her cover?

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8 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

Ok, I posted it.  I don't know why, but it wouldn't post here, so I had to make it its own thread

I read it, I love it! I love YOU!....too soon? Too strong? lolol It was amazing!! Thank you so much!! :)

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49 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

I read it, I love it! I love YOU!....too soon? Too strong? lolol It was amazing!! Thank you so much!! :)

I'm so happy you enjoy my stuff this much. *blush* 

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1 hour ago, InLivingColor said:

Not sure if you watch the DC shows, but if you do, I'm a big fan of Felicity Smoak from Arrow, maybe she needs to be stealthy for some reason but her dust allergy threatens to cause her larger than average sneezes to blow her cover?

This is a great idea.  Will do!

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Felicity Smoak (for InLivingColor)


"Why did I volunteer for this!?" Felicity thought to herself, clearly distressed.

The answer was of course obvious.  She was the ONLY person capable of the task. Only she could hack the mainframe of the Yakuzas servers without being noticed.  Sadly she had to actually be on site for this adventure.  

Felicity continued to crawl through the ventilation system, putting one arm in front of the other as she worked towards the computer mainframe.  Her large chest pressed against the ground as a generous portion of cleavage wobbled within her tight blue tanktop.  Her hips wiggled side to side within her black yoga pants as she pushed further into the vents.

"God I wish I had my own super suit" she thought bitterly to herself.  Her next push dislodged quite a large portion of dust from its resting place 

"Oh god not now!! Hiihh Iisshhho!" A sudden violent sneeze rang out through the vents.  "Oh snap, I better keep quiet" she thought to herself

Her nose itched greatly but she held it together until she reached a portion of vent which opened into a larger room.  One more push, and she would be out of the tight confines and ready to move on the computer mainframe.  But just as she pushed, she realized with a shock that she was stuck! Her rump had become lodged in the exit of the vent.  Now only her torso and arms were free.

"Oh great!" She exclaimed. "I knew all those squats were a waste of time!!" She pushed as hard as she could but was unable to free herself. Just then the tickle returned.  The dust would not be forgotten as it doubled down on her sinuses.

"Aaahhh... Oh no... I'm not gunna... Gonnaaah! S-sneeze... Ahhh have to hold it bahhh back!!"

She struggled mightily but it was starting to win.  


Her chest heaved 


Nostrils flared


Just then she had an idea.  Right as she was about to explode, she pushed again against her entrapment as hard as she could.


Plop! Her shapely rear was dislodged from the force as she tumbled forward into the room, the sound echoing down the halls.  

Several tense minutes passed, but it seemed like no one had noticed the sound.  She cracked her knuckles and got to work hacking, all the while swearing that she had to teach some of this to Oliver so she could avoid this embarrassment ever again

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5 minutes ago, Gmsnz said:

Would you be able to write one about supergirl, where her superbreath goes off every time she sneezes?

Yessir!  Anything else? More details? Do you mean force of sneeze or ice breath? Or both?

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1 minute ago, Show&tell said:

Yessir!  Anything else? More details? Do you mean force of sneeze or ice breath? Or both?

I mean force of sneeze. Maybe it could be at the DMV (like the tv show) and she keeps sneezing and destroying stuff, but trying to convince everyone that she's ok to go out as Kara, but when she does her sneezes destroy stuff around the town. Something like that :)

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Just now, Gmsnz said:

I mean force of sneeze. Maybe it could be at the DMV (like the tv show) and she keeps sneezing and destroying stuff, but trying to convince everyone that she's ok to go out as Kara, but when she does her sneezes destroy stuff around the town. Something like that :)

Can do, will do! This may take a bit longer though.  I'm heading out for a few hours

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I am wondering if you could do Thea Queen as well. You could have her get exposed to something like a virus or bizarre alien plant whose pollen gives women super sneezes. Maybe Starfire too considering that her race is said to be allergic to the scent of chrome. For the Supergirl one, it would be as simple as having Poison Ivy create a new species of plant that was infused with Red Kryptonite that Supergirl is allergic too. considering how Red K removes ones inhibitions

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54 minutes ago, SneezeloveronGirls said:

I am wondering if you could do Thea Queen as well. You could have her get exposed to something like a virus or bizarre alien plant whose pollen gives women super sneezes. Maybe Starfire too considering that her race is said to be allergic to the scent of chrome. For the Supergirl one, it would be as simple as having Poison Ivy create a new species of plant that was infused with Red Kryptonite that Supergirl is allergic too. considering how Red K removes ones inhibitions

I would be happy to write something for Thea :)

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I know you said you're better with females but I was wondering if you would be willing to write a fanfic about the riddler? Can be shippy or not but preferably a lot of denial involved. Like he refuses to take a break despite him clearly being sick. Maybe frustrated that his brain isn't quite functioning at full capacity. Thank you in advance!! If you don't wanna do it thats alright as well and thank you for doing requests in general cuz ik it can be hard

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That was absolutely amazing, thanks so much for writing that.  It was better than I had hoped, focusing on everything I adore about her ^_^

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1 hour ago, striderlicious said:

I know you said you're better with females but I was wondering if you would be willing to write a fanfic about the riddler? Can be shippy or not but preferably a lot of denial involved. Like he refuses to take a break despite him clearly being sick. Maybe frustrated that his brain isn't quite functioning at full capacity. Thank you in advance!! If you don't wanna do it thats alright as well and thank you for doing requests in general cuz ik it can be hard

I would be happy to make a Riddler fic. :) That scenario sounds great!

26 minutes ago, InLivingColor said:

That was absolutely amazing, thanks so much for writing that.  It was better than I had hoped, focusing on everything I adore about her ^_^

Really? Looking back I may have exaggerated a few qualities :/

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Just now, Show&tell said:

Really? Looking back I may have exaggerated a few qualities :/

That's not a bad thing ;)

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I am wondering If you could also do one for Killer Frost from The Flash TV series. I could see her sneezing up a winter wonderland.

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2 hours ago, InLivingColor said:

That's not a bad thing ;)

Lol ok good.  Glad you think so 

2 hours ago, SneezeloveronGirls said:

I am wondering If you could also do one for Killer Frost from The Flash TV series. I could see her sneezing up a winter wonderland.

Can do will do!

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Okey dokey! I'm going to start pumping these requests out now.  I would appreciate if any new ideas were postponed until I had at least 2 done, just so I can keep myself organized.

Thanks in advance! ♡

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Supergirl and the super sickness (for Gmsnz) *GIGANTIC*

Heads up, I know you requested the tv show but I am not familiar with the scene in question, so I took some creative liberties.  Sorry in advance.


Kryptonians have to be very careful.  Under the light of Earth's mother star, their bodies bristled with power. Metabolizing the primordial life giving rays of the sun into raw power and sustenace, they were capable of performing miracles.  Kara was no different. Last week she had bathed in molten rock, tossed an aircraft carrier 13 miles in-land and pushed a chunk of space rock the size of Rhode Island off its intended course.  So, with bodies this powerful... Kryptonians had to be very careful indeed.  Kara often thought how true her cousins words rang out- "I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always having to take not to break something... to break SOMEONE"

Today especially Kara was thinking about her cousins words, and the black and white truth to them.  She was feeling sneezy.

Normally such a sensation would be no cause for concern, however, Kara had not felt sneezy or sick since well before her powers had developed.  She thought such weaknesses abandoned her body when she left her Red Sun behind.  

Kara was standing patiently in line at the DMV, in a rare moment of downtime. Days like this she relished her human side. Even the dreaded horrors of the DMV seemed like blessings when you are the orphan child of an entire lost species.  She was wearing her golden hair in a ponytail, wide brimmed glasses settled on her slightly red nose.  She had a tight button shirt on with a short black mini skirt.  

*SNIFF* she pulled in a sharp breath suddenly aware that the tickle was blossoming towards full blown sneezing.  Her muscles ached under her invulnerable skin.  "What is going on?" She thought dimly. 

Glancing down at her chest, she bathed her body in X-ray vision and squinted to see the microscopic invaders she was worried she would see.  She had some sort of xeno bacteria growing in her body! She was immune to earthly pathogens.  With a shock, she realized these bacterium must have been riding shotgun on the aforementioned asteroid she had moved.

Suddenly her lips parted, the intense tickle pulsing down her nose like lightning. "Ahh..." 

Her nostrils flared as a tiny involuntary breath sucked into her lungs.  Shirts were ruffled and the lights of the DMV swayed.  People looked around with curious glances.

Kara clamped her hand over her mouth, forcing the tickle back.  Fear rose within her.  Sneezes were an involuntary reflex. Outside of the unique level of control she had developed for her other muscles.  Kryptonians had to be careful!!

"I can't sneeze h-h-here!" She whispered hitching slightly.  "No telling what might hah-happen! Oh... Oh no... Aahhhh..."

This second inhale dwarfed the first in volume.  People glanced about in line as the floor shook. Her glasses fell from her face as air rushed to meet her.  

"Ehh...excuse me!" Kara said with a sneezy expression as she forced herself towards the exit.  She was now at risk of exposing her identity as well as harming her surrounding citizens.  

Squinting at the opposite direction of the DMV, she drove a concentrated beam of heat vision into a lamp, causing it to burst with a shower of sparks. Everyone turned their heads to glance at this new development. 

Using the momentary distraction, Kara let the sneeze come freely, thinking this maybe her only chance.  

Ahhh... Haaaaahhh...


She tried suppressing it at the last moment, and managed to cut its power drastically.  Even so a bona fide sonic boom flew from her face that blew that closest wall of the DMV wide open in a shower of debris.

Kara took this chance, flying at mach speeds, she exited the hole she made before people could turn their heads. She made sure of course to fry video surveillance footage of the incident out of the cameras with her vision as she went.

"That was way too close" Kara thought, still aware of a building itch as she soared towards the sky


TBC! I had so much fun writing this one, I may continue it in its own thread. :)

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The Riddler's Enigma (For Striderlicious)

Male* duh lol


Edward Nigma leaned heavy against his computer console, his head pounding. It felt like dynamite was going off in his cerebral cortex as his nostrils twitched and began to slightly drip.

"For the love of... Hahh... HHHIIXXCHOO!" He sneezed suddenly in an attempted stifle as a fine mist sprayed his console.  "Ugh. No.  I am not sick.  Not now.  Not while I still have so much work to do!" He moaned pulling in a deep sniffle

Out of the shadows a female figure slipped in close.  Catwoman stalked up to the Riddler, pulling her whip tight as she smiled with a full seductive pout. "Meow, Mr. Nigma.  Riddle me this! What kind of tree can fit in your hand?" She said as she put her hands over his shoulders, flirting. Of course she couldnt care less for him romantically (or maybe not?) She was simply on retainer.

Riddler sniffed again.  "A fucking bonsai tree??" He snarled angrily, a new itch invading his sinuses.

"No darling! A /PALM/ tree! Get it? Your hand? You really are not feeling yourself are you?" She purred, placing her hand on his burning forehead.

Riddler pushed her hand off while sputtering "I'm not sick! I.... HHHHIIPTSHOO!!" Another forceful sneeze flew from his mouth.

"Haahhpshooo!! Ahh... Aaaashoo!! HATSCHOOO!"

That last sneeze made him slump into his chair, clearly exhausted.  Catwoman was floored.  Those had been deep manly sneezes. She had felt the muscles in his back tense as he had let them loose.  She purred slightly, while shifting her hips and thighs from side to side.

"Poor Riddler.  Maybe you should let take the night off from scheming and I can take care of you"

"I TOLD YOU IM NOT... Nuhh... AAHRSHHOOO! Ugh... Ok maybe that's a good idea"


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