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Starcraft Sneezes (Infested Kerrigan - gigantic)


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A thundering burst of light erupted mere feet from the zerg blitzkrieg spearhead.  Arclight shells were being pumped out of siege tanks as fast as the technology would allow.  Zergling and Roach corpses were tossed to the wind in broken heaps.

*CHARGE FORWARD MY CHILDREN* Kerrigan hissed in a psychic voice.  Motivated by their mother, the Zerg threat redoubled its forces and plunged forward, trampling the bodies of their fallen broodmates.

Kerrigan leapt with the speed of a missile, flying into the entrenched Terran siege line.  Using her powerful enhanced musculature, she ripped through tank neosteel as if it were tissue paper.  Laughing satisfyingly as rifle fire ricocheted off her armored skin.  

Right as she was about to turn her wrath on a new target, she dimly heard a marine sergeant yelling "She took the bait! NOW"

A Ghost's sniper round hit its mark, as a gas canister struck her and knocked her from her perch atop the ruined war machine.  A cloud of nanite dust erupted from the shell.  Almost immediately she felt her body grow weak as the atomic machines began neutralizing her zerg biology from the inside.  Her muscles grew weak.  She called for her children to save their queen, but could not muster the strength.  

Terran soldiers in enhanced suits grabbed her and began dragging her towards a low flying corvette.  Cleary they intended to make her a prisoner of war.  But then something started to happen which she had not felt since she was human... Her nose began to itch.  The nanite powder still circled her nostrils and she was beginning to take low quivering breaths.

Huh... Uh... Whaahh... What is happeniiiihh... to my noooh... Nose!?

Her armored bust began to rise and fall.  Her trembling nostrils sucking in air as a desperate tickle took hold.  They were feet away from the dropship now.  


Her body arched back.  Gaping nostrils pulling in more air.  The marines began to suspect the danger, but it was too late.



An enormous blast of warm air struck the dropship with such force that its metal frame bent and tore apart, as it careened into the ground.  The marines had been blasted to either side of her like bowling pins thrown down the aisle.

Kerrigan turned towards the rest of the entrenched Terran lined, a tickle still brewing. 

Huh.... You... Ahhh... Fools!  Your science will... Uh huh huuuuhhh... Be your doom!  AHHHH...

The tickle attacked her endlessly.  She had to blow.  Only a giant sneeze would rid this tickle.

Hhhiiiihhh.... Heeeeehhhh... HUUUUHH...


Again her large bust rise and fell as her body gave in to this strange weakness, this burning need.  She was determined to rid herself of the tickle. She drank in huge gulps of air. Her body arching back, eyes fluttering, nostrils twitching



Again and epic blast tore the rest of the tanks heads off their treads as the blast continued forwards, devastating the platoon.  She strode forward and grabbed the barely conscious sergeant.

"You are going to tell me exactly what that stuff was.  And how to get more"


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Great story. Love your descriptiveness and you are a great writer. So are you a Starcraft fan and/or player?

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2 minutes ago, metalknight2099 said:

Great story. Love your descriptiveness and you are a great writer. So are you a Starcraft fan and/or player?

Thank you!

Yes to both. Huge fan.  Kerrigan is my favorite videogame villain/hero

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You're Welcome.  Cool, I love those real-time strategy games. Keep writing, you're a good talent and I want to see what kinds of stories you got in you ;)

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Great story. She is your Favorite video game Villainess/Heroine but what about Comics or Anime/Cartoons? I don't know much about Starcraft other than the basics and It would make sense to me that Kerrigan's enhanced physiology would enhance her sneezes. For some reason people don't give characters with enhanced physiology like Supergirl, Starfire, and She-Hulk gigantic sneezes when I'd figure that they would be more popular but that is not the case. They don't even use Storm from the X-men.

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3 hours ago, SneezeloveronGirls said:

Great story. She is your Favorite video game Villainess/Heroine but what about Comics or Anime/Cartoons? I don't know much about Starcraft other than the basics and It would make sense to me that Kerrigan's enhanced physiology would enhance her sneezes. For some reason people don't give characters with enhanced physiology like Supergirl, Starfire, and She-Hulk gigantic sneezes when I'd figure that they would be more popular but that is not the case. They don't even use Storm from the X-men.

Your absolutely correct.  Most stories involving large sneezes appear to be original concepts.  I wonder why more people have used superheroes and the like?

Perhaps I should do just that.

I am a HUGE fan of Wonder Woman.  Or anything DC really.  I like Marvel but DC is where my heart is.

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Don't know much about SC, only Blizzard games I play are Hearthstone and Overwatch, but I'm also a huge DC fan if my picture thingy wasn't a tip-off and would love to read some stories with those characters. I've done RPs with some of them having gigantic sneezes and those are always fun.

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37 minutes ago, InLivingColor said:

Don't know much about SC, only Blizzard games I play are Hearthstone and Overwatch, but I'm also a huge DC fan if my picture thingy wasn't a tip-off and would love to read some stories with those characters. I've done RPs with some of them having gigantic sneezes and those are always fun.

Any preferences?  I'm open to suggestions :)

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10 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

Any preferences?  I'm open to suggestions :)

Well obviously Harley Quinn =p. I'm not familiar with WW outside of the movie and some of the cartoons, but if you know her well I'd love to read something about her.

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15 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

Any preferences?  I'm open to suggestions :)

I'd read a Wonder Woman or Hawkgirl fic

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1 hour ago, InLivingColor said:

Well obviously Harley Quinn =p. I'm not familiar with WW outside of the movie and some of the cartoons, but if you know her well I'd love to read something about her.


1 hour ago, ThePokeFan599 said:

I'd read a Wonder Woman or Hawkgirl fic

How about I do a separate story for both of you :)

Maaaaybe ill have them up tonight, but more likely tomorrow

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I'd like a Supergirl and/or Power Girl super sneeze story if that is all right with you.

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17 minutes ago, SneezeloveronGirls said:

I'd like a Supergirl and/or Power Girl super sneeze story if that is all right with you.

You should go check out my new "requests" thread.  Supergirl is already in the queue :)

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