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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Is our fetish normal?


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I used to work for a community health group, and we used the phrase "common but not normal" to refer to many body issues that occur after childbirth. I tend to think that in our case, the fetish is "normal but not common". There is nothing wrong per se with fetishism and paraphilia, but it may seem so because of people's reluctance to talk about their own in public. Our particular brand of enjoyment is not common, but if you group us together with all of the <insert kink here> folks, I bet it's a lot more mainstream than you'd think!

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On 7-9-2017 at 9:59 AM, poiub said:

I think you guys are maybe arguing over semantics.

Is it normal to have a fetish? Yes. Is it normal to have any particular fetish? No.

Just like it's normal to own a car, but not everyone has a Ferrari.

Oh, deftly done and exactly right. :yes: 

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I wouldn't really use the word normal to describe any of us fetishists here. Maybe abnormal, unusual, or unique would be a better term. It depends on if that's the answer you're looking for. If you're asking if it's common, well, that depends on what you mean. If you mean as other fetishes, well then no because a sneezing, nose, or sick related fetish may not be as common. But if you mean common as in a specific gender then I could only guess maybe females. But I don't have enough info to clarify that 100%. Hopefully I answered your question correctly in at least one of those. If not then I'm sorry, but I at least tried.

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