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Peter parker// sneezy schooldays


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Okay so this is a Spider-Man homecoming fanfiction. I'm happy with how much I've written but if you guys want more then I can do a sequel. I've also done a glee fanfiction I'm just not sure If u just post it so if you want me to then leave a comment xxx ;) 

  ○○○○Chapter one: early mornings○○○○

"Peter, honey you gotta wake up now!"
Aunt may yelled from down the corridor.
"Ugh, what?" Peter slowly sat up and coughed twice into his wrist. "Peter get in the shower or you're gonna be late!" May shouted again. Peter got up and walked towards the bathroom. Every muscle in his body was stiff with pain and his throat was dry and raw. Peter got in the shower and washed his soft brown hair. Once he had gotten out and put on some clothes, the steam from the shower has made his nose run like a tap. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel before blowing his nose and throwing it in the bin. He sat down at the kitchen table and aunt may placed a bowl of cereal down in front of him. "Feeling okay honey? God, peter You're shivering." May said, putting her hand on his forehead. "Aunt may get off!" Peter said pulling away. "Im fine. It's just my allergies, gosh!" Peter snapped. "Okay then. Well anyway, I'm going to work now. Your lunch money on the counter. I'll see you later honey" aunt may said. She kissed Peters cheek and walked towards the front door. "Bye, love you" Peter croaked with a mouthfull of cereal.  "Love you more" and with that, aunt may left for work.
Peter was forcing down his cereal as quick as he could when a stong tickle in his nose took over all his senses. He sniffed lightley to try and fight of the tickle lurking his nostrils but it only made it stronger. "Ehhh-haa-hee-ahhh-hhHHA-EHH" Peters breath hitched loudly and his nostrils flared. "ESHHH,ASSHHH,ASHHHEEW."
He sneezed openly into air. Peter grabbed another paper towel and cleaned the snot off his face and the floor. He grabbed his bag and lunch money, and went to school.

   ○○○○○chapter two: rainy days○○○○○
Peter stepped outside the house and the cold air shocked him. Rain was being poured from the air, soaking Peter in minuits . Peter usually went to school as Spider-Man seeing as swinging from building to building was much quicker than the bus, but Peter was way to tired today and his muscles were too weak to hang onto a web. The walk to the bus stop was only 10 minuits but by the time he got there his clothes were completely soaked through. He got to the bus stop but it wouldn't arrive for another 5 minuits and the bus stop didn't have any shelter. He stood at the bus stop as the rain soaked him from head to toe. Peter stood, shivering when the tickle in his nose returned. "Ehhh-hhha-heeEE-AHHH-ASHHEW, ESHHHOO, ESHHHEW." Peters nose was red and dripping with snot. He didnt have a tissue so he wiped his nose on his jacket sleeve but the material was rough and damp. Finally, the school bus arrived and pulled up at Peters bus stop. He jumped on the bus and looked around for an empty seat. 

 ○○○○○○chapter three: bus rides○○○○○○

"HEY, PENIS PARKER!" Flash shouted from the back off the bus, throwing an empty water bottle at his head. Everyone on the bus laughed and pointed at Peter. flash stood up and yelled again, "HEY, I DIDN'T  KNOW IT WAS CHRISTMAS YET, BUT RUDOLPH CLEARLY CAME  EARLY." flash said pointing at Peters clearly red nose. Peter was still stood up looking for a seat. He saw one empty seat at the front of the bus next to Michelle. "Umb, hey mbichelle is it cool if i sidt here?" Peter asked, the congestion in his voice was now very clear. "Yeah, sure." Michelle said, smiling. Peter sat down next to Michelle and put his bag on the floor. "Don't listen to him Peter, he's just a bully like the rest of the losers he hangs out with." Michelle said smiling at Peter. To be honest, Michelle felt sorry for Peter. He was clearly sick and the fact that Peter was so badly bullied probably wasn't helping. Flash was always making Peters life hell and the the nickname 'penis parker' was kind of trending. "Thandks" Peter said. He sniffed quietly and wiped his nose on his sleeve again. Michelle laughed quietly and handed him a tissue from her bag. "Here" she smiled at him. "Oh umb thandk you" Peter took the tissue thankfully and blew his nose. "How's things going with that stark internship?" Michelle asked. Peter bit his lip. The stark internship didn't exist. He just needed somthing to cover up the fact that he was Spider-Man. "Oh it's going wel-la-ahh-hhEE-EHH-ASHHHEEW, ESHHH, HASSSH, SHHEW." He sneezed 4 wet sneezes into his already soaked tissue and blew his nose. "Bless you" Michelle said handing him another tissue. "Thandks. Ugh, this is the worsdt" peter sniffed again. "HEY, KEEP IT DOWN SNEEZY" flash shouted. Flash stood up and walked down the bus to where Peter was sat. "Awww. Is baby penis parker sickyy wickyy" flash laughed messing up Peters already soaked hair. Peter pulled away and coughed quietly into his wrist. "Lay off flash. I havent done anything to you." Peter said sniffling. Flash laughed loudly, everyone was watching from their seats now. "Wow peter, have you finally found yourself a girlfriend?" Flash said pointing at Michelle who was sat next to Peter rolling her eyes. "Flash this isn't cool just leave Peter alone" Michelle said frowning at flash. Peter looked at the floor and shifted his feet. Flash smirked. "Peter, your bright red. I think you need a nice, cold shower!" Flash shouted. He pulled the lid off his water bottle and poured it all over Peter. Everyone on the bus was laughing and pointing at the soaking wet Peter. "Flash! That's not cool at all just leave him alone already!!" Peter stood up and took of his now drenched jacket, leaving him to freeze in just a t-shirt. Flash stood and laughed at Peter as he tried to dry the water out of his hair with his way jacket. "You okay parker or do you want me to call your mommy. Oh WAIT you don't have one!" Flash and everyone else on the bus laughed as Peter tried to hold back the tears in his eyes. He hated it when people talked about his parents. Peter was so embarresed. He was drenched in water, his eyes where tearing up and now everyone on the bus was laughing at him while flash stood and stared at him, laughing and pointing. Michelle put her hand on peters arm. "Peter are you okay? Maybe you should go home, your sick" she whispered in his ear while everyone was still laughing at the soaking wet Peter. "No imb finde-ehh-ahhh-hha-hhHAA-HASHHEE, ESHHHH,ASHEEEW,SHEEW."
The laughing grew louder as Peter broke off into a fit of desperate, wet, loud sneezes. Peter continued to sneeze 5 more sneezes into his soaking wet arm. "HESHHH, ASHHHEEW, SHHHHHOO, ESHHHEW, HAPCHOOOO!" Flash walked away laughing and sat back down in his seat while everyone laughed and watched Peter sneeze as if he where some kind of circus act. Michelle handed him a third tissue and put her hand on his knee. After about 5 minuits everyone has stopped laughing at Peters sneeze fit and had carried on with their conversation. Peter was sat in his wet seat in just a t-shirt and jeans. His soaking wet jacket my crumpled up on his knee. He sniffled and shiverd, resting his head on the back of the seat. Michelle took off her black, padded coat and gave it to Peter. "Here, put this on before that cold of yours gets worse."
Peter took the coat and smiled at Michelle. "Thandk you" he put on the coat and hugged it tight to his freezing torso. "Are you okay peter? You seem kinda upset about what flash said about your mom just then." Michelle said squeezing peters shoulder. "Imb finde mbichelle. Really, imb used to this ndow. It's ndot as bad as the time flash threw mbe into a lake-ehh-hha-hhHAA-AHHH-AHHSHEEW, ESHHEEW, SHHHOO, ASCHHOW, ASHHHHOO." Peter sneezed 5 times into his tissue. "Bless you" Michelle said.

 ○○○○○○chapter 4: Spider-Man○○○○○○○

The school day went pretty quick. Peter could barely remember what he had done throughout the day but what he did remember was the bus ride there. Peter had to give Michelle's coat back to her at lunch time so he had to put his jacket back on that was still damp from that morning.  He couldn't get back on that bus today. His cold had gotten worse and he was sneezing in fits of 8-9. The sun had finally came out so after school, Peter put on his Spider-Man suit and sat on the top of a skyscraper to enjoy the view. He took off his mask and lay down to rest his eyes. Just then, heard his phone ringing. He got up and checked his phone screen. It was tony stark calling him. He answered the phone and held it to his ear. "Hello?" Peter said. "Hey, kid. Are you coming to the stark tower today? I thought we could make some improvements to your web shooters." Tony said, over the phone. Peter sighed. "Umb yeah sure. What time do you wand mbe to combe over?" Peter said, coughing slightly at the end. "You can come over now if you want. I haven't got anything planned for the rest of the day. So you want me to get someone to come and pick you up?" Tony asked.
"Ndo ill be alright thandks. Cand you call mby aundt mbay and tell her imb with you so she doesndt freak out?" Peter asked. The congestion in his voice was extremely noticable. "Yeah sure" Tony said. "Are you okay kid? You sound a little weird." Peter bit his lip "Yeah imb finde I thindk it's just mby phone keeps breakindg up." Peter said, picking up his mask and walking toward the edge of the building. "Okay, well I'll see you later" Tony said, ending the call. Peter blew his nose on a tissue from his bag and threw it off the side of the building before swinging his way over to the stark tower.
Peter launched his webs and pulled himself up an apartment block when he broke into a violent coughing fit. He knew he should have walked. He stopped to catch his breath on someones balcony. Just then, a 10 year old boy walked out of the apartment, onto the balcony. His mouth was wide open and he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "You're Spider-Man!" The boy jumped up and down and then hugged Peter tight. "Spider-Man is on my balcony!!" Peter Hugged the boy and laughed. "Uhh yep thads mbe" Peters voice was still congested. "Your so cool!" The boy shouted. "I have like 15 Spider-Man action figures!" Peter laughed and gave the boy a thumbs up when he felt a tickle in his nose. "Uhhh buddy, do you mind turnding aroud or sobthing so i cand take off my mbask. I really ndeed to-ooh-ahhh-haaa-ahhh-to sdeeze." The boy turned around and covered his eyes, giggling. Peter pulled off his mask just in time to muffle 7 sneezes into the back of his hand. "ESHHHSS, HEEEEESHH, HESHHHHEW, ASHHHHOOO, ASHHHHEEW, SHHOOO, ESHHHH." Peter sniffed and pulled his mask back on. "Sorry aboud thad buddy. You cand turnd aroud ndow." The boy turned around and stared at Spider-Man, still in shock. Peter rubbed his nose with his finger and coughed twice. "Are you okay Spider-Man?" The boy asked. "Yeah, imb finde buddy it's just a cold. I gotta go ndow but prombise you wondt go tellig all the bad guys imb sick" peter laughed. "Hahaha I promise" the boy giggled and high fived Peter. "Goodbye Spider-Man" Peter looked at the boy "see you later pal" he launched his web shooters and swung of into the distance.

○○○○○○○chapter 5: Mr stark○○○○○○○○

Peter arrived at the stark tower and went into the bathroom to change into his Normal clothes. While he was there he blew his nose harshly and muffled a few sneezes into his tissue before getting in the elevator to Tonys office. When he arrived he saw Tony sat at his desk, filling in papers. "Hey peter!" Tony said standing up to hug Peter. "Hi mr stark" Peter said, hugging Tony. "I called your aunt and told her you'd be home late today." Tony said, as he opened the Windows. Peter shiverd and wiped his nose in his sleeve. "Uhhh tondy do you mind keepig the windows closed. Imb freezig." Tony turned around and gave Peter a confused look. "Umm sure but it's like 25°c how can you be freezing. Are you feeling okay?" Tony said closing all the Windows and sitting back down at his desk. Peter went and sat in the seat opposite Tony and cleared his throat. "Oh I just get cold really easily" Peter said, fake laughing. Tony stood up and grabbed peters shoulder lightly. "want me to hang up your jacket kid?" Tony asked. "Uh, no thadks imb freezing"
Peter sniffled. "Well no wonder! Your jackets soaking wet!" Tony shouted. "Let me get you somthing else to put on." Tony left the room and came back with a grey hoodie in his hands. "Take your jacket off" Tony said to Peter. Peter pulled off his wet jacket and put it on the back of the chair. He took the hoodie thankfully and put it on, keeping the hood up. Peter wiped his nose on his sleeve and pulled his web shooters out his bag then placed them on the desk. "Right then" Tony said rubbing his hands together. "We'll start off by fixing the rapid fire which you somehow broke!" Tony said laughing. Peter grabbed a screw driver from Tonys desk draw and began fixing the web shooters while Tony added a few upgrades. Yet again, the tickle in peters nose had returned. "Ehhh-hhaa-ahh." Peters breath hitched. Tony looked up from his work and saw peters face buerried in the sleeves of his hoodie. Peter muffled 6 wet sneezes into the hoodie. ESHHHH, HESHHHHEW,  ASSHHHHOO, ACHOOOOO, HESHHHOO, ESHHHHEWW. "Bless you kid" Tony said staring at peter. "Thadks" Tony handed Peter a tissue from under his desk. Peter blew his nose into the tissue and put it in his back pocket. "So, how did your jacket get so wet?" Tony asked. "Oh, the rain this bornding was really heavy..." Peter lied, not even making eye contact with Tony. "Im gonna ask you again, and this time I want the truth. Why is your jacket so wet?" Tony said sounding quite angry.   "This kid poured a bottle of water on mbe on the bus this mording." Peter said, his head was in his hands now. "What! Peter you need to tell me about this kind of stuff!!" Tony shouted. He cared alot about Peter and didn't want him to be bullied. "Peter get in the car, I'm driving you home." Tony said standing up and grabbing his car keys. "What, why?" Peter asked, confused. "Because your sick. I'm gonna take you home and when I get back here I'm gonna watch the security footage from the school bus this morning." Tony said, walking towards the elevator. "No! Mr stark please dondt!" Peter said, he hurried after Tony. They got in the elevator and Peter coughed quietly into his arm. "I'm watching it Peter. I'm not okay with these kids bullying you. I want to see exactly what it is they say to you." Tony and Peter walked out the tower and into the car.



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Ahhh peter and father fig Tony. I love. Here's my suggestion. While i love the chapters. Maybe add them one at a time because it can be a lot to read all at once. But I love this thus far. Oh and when you have two different people taking...make a nw paragrah. Example: 

"Tony...I'm really ok. You don't have to-" A hand raised cut off whatever Peter was going to say.

Plus he had to cough as well.

"Kid, you are clearly not well so let me get you home and in bed where you clearly need to be." Tony said as he placed his arms around the shivering young hero.


See how easy that is to read? Break things down into bite sized chunks so its much easier for your readers to comb through. :)

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Ah! I loved the meeting with the young fan where Spidey asked him to turn around so he could take his mask of and sneeze! Many (let's not linger on the specific number...:razz:) years ago I caught a ride in my aunt- and uncle's car and I found a Spider Man comic book belonging to my cousin which I started reading. In it was a story in which Spider Man had caught a cold (really!) and he was fighting off the bad guys while giving a congested commentary and a few sneezes. My cousin gave me the comic book since he had already read it many times, and I read that specific part many times :D I wonder if that comic book is still somewhere at my father's place.... I may have a look the next time I'm there... oh! memories!

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