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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Question About Retaining Control Of Video Content


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Every time the cosplay time of year rolls around I keep thinking it might be fun to create a sneezing video in character in costume to share.  Buuuuuut, the thing that keeps stopping me is the proliferation of creepazoids that keep videos and re-post them to their own YouTube channels after the original creator has decided to make them unavailable and the shockingly large consensus that thinks this is okay.  So my question is:  is there a way to create this content and retain control over it or would I just have to suck it up and accept that once I put my face out there it is public property?

I just think it would be a fun thing to do but I am also conscious of the fact that I would essentially be making internet porn (because yes, sneezing is totes innocent blahblahblah but we all know what videos like that are used for) and if there's no way to retain control over my own likeness and content, it's just not worth the risk of putting it out there.  :(

Edited to clarify that I know this is nothing to do with the forum and the forum has no control over what happens on YouTube and the like, I just wanted to see if there were more secure ways of sharing videos without falling foul of the "you put it out there, its public property now" crowd.

Edited by SleepingPhlox
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If you post a video of yourself, whether in costume or not, there's nothing stopping anyone from reposting it on their own channel, unfortunately. I don't agree that this is okay, and there are some who feel as I do, but there are others who, of course, seem to disagree.You could make the video unlisted, and ask people not to repost it in the description, and then post it only on this forum, or give it to those who you trust. I think a few other people have done that. It's not going to guarantee that it won't ever get reposted anywhere else, but it might make it somewhat less likely. If it does happen, you can ask the person to take it down, or report it to YouTube, though there wouldn't be much stopping people from creating alternate accounts, etc. If you post it in the MySpace/Youtue thread, that thing is so big that it might get buried and forgotten about after a while, but again, no guarantees. It's your call, of course. :)

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Thank you for that.  It's what I kind of figured.  :)  I wouldn't have any objection about someone saving something on their own computer or even e-mailing it privately to a friend, it'd be the public reposting I'd be more concerned about.

Nnnnooot that I think I'm so super hot I'd be batin' the viewers off with a stick or anything, :laugh: but it's a "better safe than sorry" situation, can't take it back once it's done, y'know?


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Understood. :) No way would I ever post a video clip of myself sneezing for public consumption either. :hug:

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Yeah, I think Bondi pretty much captured everything I wanted to say. There's really nothing stopping people from doing this, especially since so many people on here don't really seem to care about the uploader's privacy, and if you did still want to share videos, the safest way to do it is probably giving the link or file out only on a selective, case by case basis. If you wanted to get really crafty, you could make multiple copies of the video and watermark it with the username of whoever you're giving it to. That might discourage people from reuploading it and sharing it without permission, and if they did, they'd either have to reduce the video resolution by quite a lot to hide the watermark, or you'd at least know where it originated from. If you get a decent video editor, that's probably not too difficult to do. It might just be time consuming, so it's up to you to decide if it's worth the effort.

Edited by Blah!?
I can't splel
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Hmm...I don't have a high enough opinion of myself to think that my content would be worth that level of effort :laugh:  BUT that is some quality advice and maybe if anyone else is having the same dilemma that might come in handy! :D


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Unfortunately, there are channels dedicated to stealing other people's videos and posting them on their own channel (no, I don't agree with this, and no, I don't think they are patron saints of the community like other people seem to think??) 

I don't think this type of thing is okay at all (these are real people with real lives who may not want their videos plastered on a fetish channel without their permission????) but I agree with everything Bondi and Blah!? have said. There isn't really much you can do aside from make it unlisted. 

The Share and Share Alike forum is a good place to post things. Guests and non validated members don't have access to that subforum, so if you did make it unlisted and posted it there, you can be safe knowing only members can have access to it. That is to say, not all validated members can be trusted :rolleyes: but it would be safer than posting it in a public space. 

I think that if it is something you want to do, and are comfortable with it, you should definitely do it. And if you do find someone who has stolen your video, you can report it to YouTube and/or request the owner of the channel takes it down. Aside from that, there isn't all too much you can do, unfortunately. It always seems to be the few creepazoids who ruin it for the rest of us. This is why we can't have nice things <_<

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@PuddinPop thank you for that, I didn't realise share and share alike was only open to guests so that might be a way to do it! 

I dunno, the whole cosplay sneezing video thing has been something I've thought about doing for a year or so and it would actually be fun to try it out and if I could find a safe way to do it I would really want to!

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