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Thwarted Drinks - Castlevania, M (Trevor Belmont)


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I love the new Castlevania series on Netflix, and Richard Armitage's voice wants to make me lie down and hug myself, so, uh...here. I think I've actually TONED DOWN the swearing from the original. XD

Details you should probably know if you haven't watched: Trevor Belmont is a monster-hunter from a reviled family of same, Sypha Belnades is a "Speaker" (wandering storyteller from a band of same), and Adrian Tepes/Alucard is Dracula's half-vampire son with the murdered wife he's currently ravaging Wallachia for. Together, the three of them are on a prophesied quest to stop Dracula and end the reign of terror. Gen, but I ship these three. :D One-shot.

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“Where the hell is my ale?”

Sypha folded her arms. “You’re not getting any.”

Trevor opened his mouth to protest, but had to snap it shut when a cough threatened instead. He had promised himself the last time he was ill that he’d cut his nose off the next time it happened, but it looked like he was about to make a liar of himself again. “Is there a problem with me having ale?”

“The problem is that we have to ration our coin and one night here will be expensive enough,” said Adrian from his position on the end of the bed. Somehow the bastard always managed to look like he was lounging, even when his posture was ramrod-straight. “It’ll be dear enough if we need to stay another night because you’re ill from it the next morning.”

“So we’ll just go on if I’m ill,” Trevor grumbled. “Not as though I haven’t done it before.”

Adrian (Adrian, because Trevor refused to call him the ridiculous name of ‘Alucard’, even in the privacy of his own head) raised one perfect golden eyebrow. “I’d rather not deal with your foul humors tomorrow,” he said, “whether they’re in your blood or on the street. Save your bile and come for supper with us. The innkeeper said it would be served at sundown.”

Trevor ducked, as if hiding a snort in his sleeve, but used the opportunity to rub his nose against his shoulder. It had felt steadily more raw all day with each time he rubbed it. Nevertheless, if it kept him from sneezing, the chapped feeling would be worth it. But if his body betrayed him – “I don’t f-feel – hh! – like food.” God, he hoped they mistook that hitched breath for a hiccup. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep from sneezing. His nose felt as though it had been set on fire…no, more like someone was trying to strike a match on the inside, with light, flickering jabs that were never quite enough to get the job done. “Go on without me. I might eat later.” Not a chance of that.

Sypha’s brow furrowed. “Are you sure?” she asked. “You’ve hardly eaten today.”

“You needed it more,” Trevor said. In truth, it was a convenient excuse. “You were hungrier than usual.”

She shrugged. “You gave me all you had. You’re completely sure, then?”

“Yes,” Trevor growled. He wasn’t interested in having some excuse for a vampire, or whatever he called himself, and a Speaker who knew less about monsters than he did sit and stare at him. “Go eat. I’ll be here when you get back. Without ale.”

That had the desired effect. He knew that if he annoyed them enough, they’d go away. “If you say so,” said Adrian, and swept out of the room just behind Sypha.

Sweep-y son of a…what did you call Dracula, anyway?

Never mind. There were more pressing matters. Trevor squinted at the door for a few moments as his eyes began to water, but didn’t let himself sneeze until he’d satisfied himself that they weren’t coming back.

The prickling jab in his nose grew until he had to close his eyes and let it come to its logical conclusion. “HhGGSCHHHuh!” He caught the sneeze in his hands and cursed the day God had decided to make him sneeze as though to move heaven itself. “IHHGSCHHH! – huh – IHHRSCHH!” Oh, hell. Come to think of it, that was probably what God wanted him to move. It was where he was going, anyway. Trevor wiped his wet eyes on the back of his hand and then moved it across his nose in the opposite direction. “God…” His head was pounding. Forget being sick from ale; he was already sick.

He sniffled, then coughed as his body tried to unstuff his nose. To go with the headache, his nose was now streaming, and of course he didn’t have a kerchief to blow it with. And making matters worse, he couldn’t smell through it. He might have been able to pretend he was drinking his beloved ale if he could smell it, but…

Trevor groaned and threw himself backwards, then curled onto his side. “Fuck…I – huhh…HH…!” Wonderful. Now he had to sneeze again. His mouth fell open, and he could feel both nostrils trembling with the urge. “EhHHEH – “ He brought a cupped hand up to his nose just in time to catch the outburst. Outbursts. Who was he trying to fool? “AHH’NFSCHH! GSCHH’uhh! GFSCHHH! Huh-hhHUHH-ISCHHahh!

The sneezes curled him up even tighter and he loosed a final, almighty “IHH – AHHGFSCHHUH!” that changed the pressure in his nose so quickly that he gasped with the pain of it. “Ow. Oh…God…” He pressed his fingertips against the aching spaces beside his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. His face felt as though it had sustained a short, blunt kick, and his eyes were running, and his nose had started to drip down to his lip, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so physically miserable.

“It looks as though we’ll be staying two nights after all,” came a cool voice from the direction of the door. “Trevor, why did you not mention this?”

Trevor stiffened and yanked his exhausted body back into a sitting position with the speed of a whip-crack. “Doe ode…” He sniffled and made one more unsuccessful attempt to wipe his nose. “No one asked you for your opinion.”

“We considered it asking when we could hear your sneezes all the way to the hall,” Sypha put in. Even through his hot, blurring eyes, Trevor could see the displeasure in her face. Somehow, though, he didn’t think that displeasure was aimed at his illness. “You don’t have to be so stoic that you hurt yourself.”

“A Bel-Belb…” Trevor coughed hard. “A Belmont can’t get sick. They hate me enough around here already.”

“It doesn’t seem to matter about ‘can’t’ when you already are,” said Sypha, and dug in her robe. “Adrian, do you have –“

Adrian nodded and crossed to Trevor’s side, pulling a kerchief from his sleeve and offering the folded cloth in his palm. “I have more where this came from,” he said, holding up his other hand as if to forestall a protest. As if Trevor would protest. The thing might as well have been anointed, with how much he needed it right now.

“Right,” he muttered. “Thank you.” He turned away and, taking the kerchief, wiped his face. “Hah – hhAH – “ Oh, no. Oh, God, no. It was coming. “IISCHH-huh…huh…EH’GSCHH! Hehh’nnGRFSCHHuhh! Eh-hah-RRSCHHoo!

He sat there for a moment, panting, and miserably blew his nose as hard as he could. Through the haze of discomfort in his throat and mounting pain in his head, he felt two hands on his back. “Sănătate,” said Adrian, softer and more gentle than Trevor could ever remember hearing him speak.

Mulţumesc. Ugh.” Trevor massaged his forehead with his fingers. “Don’t feel very healthy right now. I don’t suppose vampires can get sick, or whatever you are?”

“There are no stories about that, no,” said Sypha, squeezing the back of his neck with cool fingers. “You’ve pushed yourself too hard.”

“Not much I can do about that,” he mumbled.

He could almost hear Adrian’s shrug. “Well, there is this,” Adrian said, and suddenly there was a mug of ale in Trevor’s line of sight.

Now that made him sit up. “You bastard, I didn’t even see you come in with that,” he said, and took the mug, drinking deeply. He had to stop when the alcohol burned his sore throat. “Did you conjure it? Stop magicking me.”

Adrian outright snickered, the shit. “You’re not very observant, are you? Speaking of, you’re about to –“

IHRSCHHahh!” Trevor lurched forward and the ale nearly spilled, but that was nothing compared to his latest woe. “Dammit, dammit, dammit, did I sneeze in that?”

It was Sypha’s turn to laugh now. “I’m not quite sure. Er… sănătate?”

Trevor was fairly sure he’d heard somewhere that that in the afterlife, you met all the alcohol you’d ever wasted in the form of being shoved headfirst into a barrel full of it, and under no circumstances was he giving the Devil the satisfaction of watching that happen. Shrugging, he took another gulp and brandished the mug. “Cheers to mbe.”

He’d rest after this. Somehow, the idea of drinking himself silly didn’t quite have the appeal of letting two people fuss over his ridiculous, sick arse, and he didn’t even know how it had happened.



The translations for the Romanian are "To your health" and "thank you," respectively.

God, I just love the idea of Trevor Belmont having big, unstoppable sneezes. *sigh*

Edited by Masking
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Holy shit, holy shit. I haven't watched the series yet (although it's definitely on my To Be Consumed list) but man, this is so good. Love the banter, LOVE the spellings. I am such a sucker for big, harsh, ugly sneezes. A nice bit of soul-affirming, slice-of-life fantasy horror content. Great job!

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Absolutely loved this! Very well written, good balance of dialogue and descriptions, loved the bits of humor tossed in, and really just well done all around. Great job!

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Totally just binged this show on Netflix and then came scrambling over here to read your fic. :lol: Excellent characterization and hilarious dialogue (Trevor, Trevor, Trevor... *shakes head*). He would DEFINITELY have huge sneezes, btw.



On July 25, 2017 at 9:24 PM, Masking said:

He caught the sneeze in his hands and cursed the day God had decided to make him sneeze as though to move heaven itself.

LOLOLOL. :lmfao: 


Hope to see more from you for this series! ^_^ 

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AAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Jesus this was PERFECT. I adore their banter, your characterization is spot on :heart:

Mmmm Adrian. Mmmm Trevor. (I'm with you on the voices, the end of epis 4 just made me melt into the floor).

Pleeeeeeeeeease write more of this fandom because it's needed!

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  • 1 year later...

Bringing this back around because I binged Castlevania recently.  This is so good!!  Love Trevor's insistent sneezes!  They definitely fit him to a T. :) 

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