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The Things I do For Love (Jay-Jaylos Descendants)


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Fandom: Descendants 

Characters: Jay, Carlos, Evie (only beginning) 

Pairing: Jaylos

Summary: Hayfever is the same on the Isle as in Aradon, but the boys aren't. 


Part 1:

Jay and Eve were alone in his room. She was doing Homework while he was tying up his tourney stick. They didn’t need to talk, just happy in the comfortable silence. A breeze came through the open window and Jay sniffed. His nose was bothering him all day and he had suspected that his hay fever was acting up. He had pretty bad hay fever on the island, and was hoping it would go away when he came to Aradon. 


he cupped put his hands over his face and dropped the stick on the bed, “hih’HATCHiew”. The sneeze startled Evie and she looked up. She pouted in sympathy and went to close the window, “HARGH’shiew.” Jay’s sneeze were particularly harsh and loud. He was bent over his knees and took a couple seconds to compose himself.


“Are you ok?” Evie moved the hair from out of his face and gave him a sympathetic smile.


“Ya..” he sniffed and put his hands down, “Carlos is gonna freak.” he coughed into his fist. 


Evie face saddened and jumped when they heard a key go into the lock. Carlos’s mother had been particularly abusive towards Carlos, and he had gotten PTSD from it. Any loud noise or sudden movement always scared him. When Jay had first found out about it, he tried his best to shield him, and had even taken a few hits for him. It broke his heart to see Carlos panic when a book falls off the shelf or a door slams. He would try to stay away from Carlos when his hay fever was really bad, but Carlos always found a way to find him. Jay did his best to stifle his sneezes so he didn’t frighten him. 


Carlos came in and immediately stopped dead in his tracks. He looked over Jay and frowned. He dropped his bag and almost ran to him. He took in Jay’s watery eyes and twitchy nose, “You’re hay fever’s bad, here too?” 


Jay sadly nodded, “i’m sorry.” He sniffed and rubbed his nose. 


Carlos frowned, “You can’t help it.” He sat down next to him and pulled him into his chest, “I’m sorry you don’t feel well.” He started to play with his hair and Jay moaned. 


Evie smiled and silently left them alone. Jay nuzzled into Carlos’s neck and sniffed. He groaned and started to straighten up, he tapped two fingers twice against Carlos’s leg to signal him that he was gonna sneeze; it helped lessen the blow for him, “HImpt’NXXXT’ahh.”  he pinched his nose shut and the next sneeze made a noise in the back of his throat and a squelching sound. That one followed two more before he was finished. he blinked a few times before putting his hand down. 


“Jay… You don’t..” 


Carlos was interrupted by Chad walking in, “We have practice in five minutes! what are you two doing in here?! Come ON!” Jay quickly got up and grabbed his stick and jersey. 


“Wait wait.” Carlos grabbed his arm, “Maybe you should stay here.” Carlos looked more worried. 


“i’ll be ok.” He shrugged, “I dealt with it on the Isle, and Ill work with it here. It’s not that bad.” he sniffed and left the room.


Carlos took a breathe, “uhuh..sure..” He sighed and dropped his head, “He says that NOOOW.” He picked up his equipment and ran after him.


Practice went as well as expected. Same old drills and workouts, only punctuated by Jay’s stifles. No one seems to notice, or at least didn’t say anything; which was odd, since everyone always made a big deal of everything. Maybe Jay was that good at hiding it and maybe Carlos just knew him too well. 


Once practice was done, Carlos and Jay went back to their room. Carlos watched as Jay tried to hide his watery eyes by blinking every second and pretending to wipe the sweat from his brow but wiping his eyes. Carlos was wanted to push him into a shower so he could at least get the pollen off him, “hey, You stink, go take a shower.” he half heartedly bumped into him towards the shower. 


“ok. i’m going.” he smiled and disappeared. Once he was alone with the shower running, he blew his nose and looked at himself in the mirror. HIs eyes were slightly watery, which he was grateful for.. it could be a lot worse. While in the shower he let himself dispel some itchy sneezes, uncovered, aimed at the floor, “ITschiew.. HIStch’ue…hih’Tshiew…hatch’IEEW.” he blew his nose and let the water rinse it away. He washed himself quickly and got out of the shower. The change in temperature made his nose itch again. He grabbed his towel and muffled them into it, “HIh’MMPHH’ah…HUrMpph.” he rubbed his nose harshly and dried off. Coming out with a towel wrapped around his waist he nodded at Carlos, “You’re turn.”


Carlos was caught off guard and took a moment to look at Jay’s body. Taking a minute to understand he said something to him, he snapped back up to his face and smiled, “Right.” He got up from his chair and passed him, taking on last glance at his toned back. 


“GO Shower Carlos.” He smiled, back turned from Carlos. Jay put on some clothes and sat on his bed. He was already annoyed with his nose. In the course of Carlos’s shower, Jay had sneezed four more times, into his shirt. 


Once Carlos was done he was about to Exit when he heard Jay hitching. He didn’t want to come out yet, so Jay wouldn’t stifle it. Since he’d been at Aradon, he had started to relax and certain things didn’t scare him as much anymore. Ya, Some days were worse than others, but he didn’t want to hear Jay hurt himself. Before, he was so freaked out, thinking his mother would round the corner, that he never really heard how painful they sounded. He knew Jay’s sneezes were harsh, but now that he knew he was safe and away from his mom, he could really appreciate what Jay was doing for him. He waited for the sneeze to happen before turning the door, “HURATCH’ieeew”. Carlos heard him lean back against his headrest and knew it was safe to reveal himself. 


Carlos quickly put on some clothes and sat next to Jay in bed, “Are you ok?” He turned to look at him, noticing how Jay kept his head turned away from him and left his hand on his chest. 


Jay took a shakey breathe, “I’m.. fiiiiine..” he sniffed and rubbed his nose. He put the closest hand on Carlos’s thigh and had two of his fingers up. He was preparing to tap him, apparently, on the verge of needing to sneeze, but not quite there. Carlos rolled his eyes, and took his hand and kissed it. Jay turned towards him slightly and raised an eyebrow, “whaaat’s that ffffooor?” He rubbed his nose furiously, and his eyes began to water. Carlos shrugged and tapped him twice on the hand he was holding. Jay looking even more confused, but too pre-occupied to say anything. His breathe was hitching madly and he looked like he desperately needed to sneeze. Carlos put a finger on Jay’s bridge and lightly stroked it towards the tip. 


He watched as Jay’s eye’s fluttered shut and the hand on his chest started to come up to his face, “HIIH’HIiiGHMPT’NXXXXT’Choo.” Jay was bent over at the wast. HIs fingers were pressed against his nose and he swayed a bit, “i’m sorry.” Carlos had let go of his hand, and Jay put it back on his thigh, now rubbing it, “i’m sorry.” 


Carlos wide eyed took him by his shoulders, and helped him straighten back up. Jay looked dazed and that worried Carlos, “Woah? are you ok?” he moved him so that he rested on Carlos.


“I”m ok.. Are you?” Jay weakly coughed into Carlos’s chest. 


Carlos ran his fingers through his hair, “Dude, you don’t have to stifle like that anymore, I’m doing a lot better now, and I don’t want you to hurt yourself for me. I’ll be ok.” he kissed the top of his head, “That one looked and sounded like it hurt.” 


Jay sniffed, “eh..” He held his hand out and swayed it side to side, “I don’t mind stifling-“ he coughed, “-Sorry.” he put a hand to his mouth and coughed a bit more. regaining some composure he put his hand down, “I don’t want you to ever be afraid of me, even if i just startle you. I really don’t mind stifling, if it means you’re ok.” He wrapped his arms around Carlos’s middle and nuzzled his neck.


Carlos was shocked and didn’t know what to say. He held him tighter and put his head on top of Jay’s. “Jay..” Carlos had to choke out the words. He was really touched by how much Jay cared, even if it was so mundane as quieting his sneezes. 




“I love you.” He looked down at Jay.


Jay looked up at him, “I love you.” Jay closed the distance between them and kissed him. 

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Awww! cuute~ I never realized I shipped this until now, aaaa! carlos, you cutie!!!

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@Kenzarty Thank you sooo much! I've got more for you, don't worry :) 

@RachTheCool Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  Welcome to the Ship! You're right, Carlos is the cutest! :heart:


Part 2


After their last class before lunch, the group: Eve, Mal, Ben, Carlos, and Jay, when to go find a place to sit for lunch. Carlos wasn’t paying much attention, instead worried about Jay. He had put on his sunglasses, because his eyes had become bloodshot and puffy. Carlos could see the reddish tint to his nose and how the flared erratically. He took Jay’s hand and rubbed his thumb across the top, Jay looked at him and smiled a bit, squeezing and not letting go. 


Ben had pointed to a table under a tree, and the girls shrugged, but Carlos’s eyes widened and noticed the tension in Jay’s shoulders. “Hey, Can we sit inside today?” Carlos Shrugged and moved his jacket closer to him, “It’s a bit cold.” He looked at Mal and Evie for support without saying how bad he knew Jay felt. 


The girls raised their eyebrows, but Eve was the first to remember, “OH!-“ he shoved Mal, “-RIght… and I forgot my sweater in our room. Lets find a table inside.” She looked at Mal and subtly gestured to Jay. Mal’s eyes widened, apparently she had forgotten, and steered Ben back inside. They found a secluded area and sat down. Jay kept his sunglasses and and said nothing. 


They all chatted for a bit, the girls giving sidelong glances at Jay. Carlos held his hand under the table and Jay Slightly leaned into him. Ben finally noticed something was up, or at least found the courage to say something, “hey, Jay. Are you alright?” 


“Ya, i’m good.” His Jacket was laying across his lap and Carlos noticed the light hives across his arms. Carlos ran his hand along his arms, feeling the bumps. Jay and Carlos shared a look and Jay sighed. Carlos was right, he couldn’t keep this charade up form much longer. He took off his glasses and Ben’s eyes widened, Mal put a hand over her mouth, and Eve cooed, “Not really. My allergies are really bad.” He went to rub his eyes but Carlos grabbed his hands. 


“we have medicine for this.” Ben tried not to look like he was pitying him. 


“He’ll just throw them back up.” Carlos said before kissing his shoulder. Jay had put their intertwined hands on the table. Evie smiled at the sentiment. 


Jay raised two fingers and Carlos waited in anticipation. The girls knew this little routine, but Ben raised an eyebrow and looked at Mal. She waved his questions off. 


Jay finally tapped the two fingers and Carlos let go of his hadn’t, putting his right hand on Jay’s back and inserting his left hand into Jay’s left hand. Jay pinched his nose and silently stifled a double, leaning the right, away from the table. 


“bless y-“ Mal covered Ben’s mouth with her hand. 


“save it.” she kept her hand there for the remaining time. 


Jay un-pinched his nose and covered his nose and mouth with his hand, “HInt’ nxt’ Chiew…..”Hair flew into his face with the force, and carlos continued to rub his back, “Hint’nxt’ah…Mph’chiew..” Jay squeezed Carlos’s hand as apology, and Carlos kissed it, “Hatchiew…” he tapped his hand before each sneeze, “ Hat’ChIEW…ITCH’ew….HIGK’nnxxt’uew..” 


Mal looked at Carlos, silently asking if she could put her hand down, Carlos shook his head and took the hand off Jay’s back to push the hair from his face, “One more.. come on.” he giggled a bit.


Tap, “HATCH’nxt’IEw.”  Carlos kissed his hand again and Jay started straighten back up. 


Carlos nodded to Mal and she put her hadn’t down, nudging Ben, “bless you. Are you alright?”  Ben looked worried and Mal rubbed his thigh to sooth him. 

“i’m fine.” he rubbed his nose on his wrist and put his glasses back on. Carlos leaned into him and Jay smiled. 


“wanna go back to the room?” Carlos looked up at him


“no..” Jay sniffed, “I’m gonna finish the classes.” He put an arm on the table and put his head in the crock of it, coughing. 


“You can take a sick day tomorrow, and take the rest of the day off. I’ll have the nurse check on you.” Ben started to get up but Mal tugged him back down.


Jay smiled gratefully but, “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll be like this until Spring is done.” He coughed again, “I can’t exactly skip through the season.” 


“Then take off the bad days!” Eve looked like she was about to cry. 


Jay got up and knelt next to her and gave her a hug, kissing her temple, “I’ll be ok. I always am. This isn’t a bad day.” 


“hmm.” Evie caressed his face, “then go to bed after classes. We’ll all help with the homework.” All of them nodded in agreement. 


“Thanks, you guys.” He smiled and they all got up to go to class.




After classes had ended, Carlos ran out and went to find Jay. Finding him, he latched onto his arm, eliciting a laugh from Jay, and they headed to their room. To get to their rooms they had to walk outside and through the field. 


Jay tapped Carlos’s side and dipped into his shirt to stifle sneezes, “hih’NXxt’ue…-“ Carlos pulled his hair back, “-HIh’NXT’chiew”. Feeling done he straightened back up and rubbed his nose. Carlos thought it was adorable. Jay was always to cool and tough one, but now he looked like a puppy, a lost, sick, puppy. Carlos felt Jay grab his side and tap furiously, “HATCH’AH!” Jay almost fell forward. 


Carlos grabbed his waist, “woah, please don’t fall.” 


“sorry-“ his breathe hitched, tapped Carlos, to which he rolled his eyes, “Hih’tsch.” He sneezed uncovered into his chest. 


“aww.” Carlos made a little pout face kissed Jay’s cheek, “poor puppy.” 


Jay have heartedly shoved Carlos away, only to grab his hand and bring him back into a side hug. He kissed the top of Carlos’s head and continued on. 


“You should take a shower when we get back.” Carlos swayed their intertwined hands. 


Jay sniffed his shirt, and realized he couldn’t smell anything. He groaned, “I cad’t sbell adythig” (I can’t smell anything) He rubbed his nose. 


“I know.” he looked sympathetic, “The shower might help. Get some pollen off of you.” They finally reached their room and Carlos almost pushed Jay into the room. 


Jay chuckled and jumped inside. He closed the door behind Carlos.


“ok, shower. now.” Carlos was trying to push Jay towards the showers, but jay stood his ground. He was enjoying how hard he was trying, with no success. 


Jay stood his ground and crossed his arms, “You are very eager to get be daked.” 


“i’m very eager to understand you.” He gave up on trying to move Jay, “Please, go.” Jay put his arms down and grabbed Carlos. 


“Joid be?” His arms wrapped around Carlos’s waist made Carlos swoon. 


“Don’t look at me like that.” Carlos looked anywhere but in jay’s eyes. 


“Like what?” Jay smiled and lifted Carlos up. 


“ah.” Carlos giggled and lightly pushed against his shoulders, as Jay nuzzled and kissed his neck, “ok, you win” 


“I know.” Jay walked into their bathroom, with Carlos in his arms, kissing him all over. He shut the door and all you could hear were Carlos’s giggles and the running water. 


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Part 3: 


I know i keep changing how Jay sneezes.. but now i Like “HEGH’sho” emphases on the first part and breathey ending. 



The next day, Jay woke up feeling pretty mediocre. He turned to see a smiling Carlos, still fast asleep. It was now Saturday, and they had Tourney practice. He got up and started to brush his hair when Carlos yawned and sat up, “Mornin’.” 


Jay smiled, “morning, sleepy.” He finished brushing his hair and put it up in a quick bun, “ready for practice.”

Carlos woke up quickly and looked at Jay, “Its Saturday…” he blinked a few times before speaking again, “you sure you feel up to it?” 


“Ya. I’m fine.” Jay took off his sleep pants and put on his uniform, “hurry up, if you want breakfast.” 


Carlos sighed and quickly got ready. Once they opened their dorm door to get out, Jay hid his face in his Jersey, tapped Carlos’s back, and sneezed, “HNNXt…Nxt’cho.” 


“you sure about this?” Carlos looked skeptical. 


“I’m not gonna let this stop me from doing my normal stuff.” he shrugged and walked to the cafeteria. 


Carlos sighed and ran after him. 


Practice went as well as expected. They did some scrimmaging and laps, Jay sneezed a bunch, but no one seemed to mind too much. Ben kept his eye on Jay to make sure he was still standing. Carlos was glad he wasn’t the only one worried about him. Once it was over, the team started to put equipment back. Jay and Ben went to pick up the frisbees and Chad walked over to Carlos to do absolutely nothing but pick on him. 


Jay could see Chad’s smirk from across the field, and he nudged Ben, “Why doesn’t he just leave him a..alone…hih.” He cupped his hands over his face, “HEAGHK’scho-“ Ben took the frisbees that Jay dropped, “-hih….HEGH’scho…hih…hiiih.. HEEKGH’cha.” He was bent over at the waist. He told back up and took the frisbees from Ben.


“Bless you.” He put a hand on Jay’s shoulder.


“You know, you’re gonna get tired of saying that.” Jay smirked, while receiving a blush and chuckle from Ben. 


Ben and Jay walked over to the bleachers along with everyone else. They stopped when the noticed people were staring and huddling together. Jay and Ben pushed through ad noticed Chad making fun of Carlos’s love for Dude. Jay sighed and rubbed his face. He looked over at his boyfriend and noticed how hard he was squeezing the bottle. 


“I mean seriously, Cruella’s son having a safe relationship with a dog? How do we know he isn’t gonna skin it and make a hat!”  Chad feigned horror. 


“I would NEVER hurt Dude!” Carlos yelled. Jay took a step back, not used to hearing Carlos yell. It scared him a little. 


“Oh come on, Carlos.” Chad walked closer, “With Jay all sick, you’ve lost your body guard.” 


“Do NOT bring Jay Into this!” Carlos got right in Chad’s face, fist pulled back and a look in his eyes that reminded Jay of Cruella. Jay took a sharp intake of breathe, but it was cut short. 


Back on the isle, when his dad was scheming or remembering the past, or just mad at anything, he would build up this fire and let the smoke take up the room. If jay was in trouble, he would be forced to stay in the room with all the smoke. As he grew older, he got used to it and his lungs healed, but every once in a while, when he was sick, allergic, or just bad memories pop up, his lungs would get tight and he wouldn’t be able to breathe. Carlos had only seen it once and it scared the crap out of him. 


Carlos heard Jay’s intake and turned around to see Jay grab his chest and bend over coughing harshly. He dropped his fist and sprinted to jay, “I”m sorry. Just breathe.” Carlos had no idea what started it, but he felt guilty that he even let Jay out of the room. Carlos thought his allergies caused it. Jay weakly grabbed his shirt, trying to take in air, “Throw me the bottle.” One of the other members threw him the bottle and Carlos put it to his forehead and neck, “come on, Jay.” He went down on his knees and pulled Jay towards the ground and lean against him. “Breathe into me, ok?” Jay burred his face in Carlos’s jersey and coughed. Carlos uncapped the water bottle and poured some of the cold water on Jay. He figured this out on the isle, after he first learned of Jay’s condition. Carlos had thrown Jay into the water, Forcing him to breathe, and later learned that cold water, helped stop the panic. He put the bottle to Jay’s mouth, “drink some, ok?” Jay nodded and took a few sips. His coughing died down, and he could breathe again. 


“Thanks.” he coughed and leaned against him. 


“Always.” He wrapped his arms around him, ignoring the crowd that was forming. Ben nodded to everyone and they dispersed. “Ben? Can you help me get him to our room?” 


“ya.” Ben, helped Jay up and took an arm, “I’ve got you.” Jay was too focused on keeping his breathing normal and not thinking about how Carlos looked like his mother when about to fight Chad. He chose to keep it to himself. Carlos was nothing like Cruella, except that passed down temper; Carlos worked so hard to keep down. 


Once they reached the room, They helped him sit on the couch. Carlos smiled in gratitude to Ben, to which Ben winked and walked out. “Jay?” Carlos felt his forehead and pulled his hair back, “What happened?” 


“nothing.. allergy attack.” Jay kept looking down and brought a fist to his mouth, to cough a bit. “I’m gonna take a shower.” 


Carlos helped him get up, “ok, but cold water.” Jay nodded and disappeared.


Jay took about fifteen minutes, until he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He leaned against the doorframe, and weakly called out, “Carlos…” He coughed into his towel, unknowingly slipping it off his waist. 


Carlos’s eye’s widened and ran to shut the blinds, “dude, almost showed the goods to half of Auradon.” His smiled faded when he looked at Jay’s face, “what’s wrong.” 


“Don’t feel good” He put the back of his finger over his mouth to cough a bit. 


“Lungs still tight?” Carlos slowly walked over. 


Jay shook his head and swayed, “no…dizzy.” 


He fell off the doorframe and stumbled before Carlos caught him, “Woah! you’re burning up!” The touched the towel and noticed that the water was cold. “come on… Lets put some pants on and in bed.” Carlos threw some shorts at Jay and went to find a thermometer. He came back to see Jay, with shorts this time, laying on his bed. 


“Think I have a fever…” He whined and put a hand on his forehead. 


“let’s find out.” He put the thermometer on Jay’s forehead, the room had one of those touch ones, and tried to hold in the panic. “101…” He got a cold washcloth and laid it on his head. “I’m gonna go fine James…” James Cricket, Son of Doctor Jimony Cricket, was the school nurse. 


A few minutes later James came in and sat on the bed next to Jay, “ok, kiddo… On your file it says you’re allergic to most meds I have, But I have a few that you don’t have on the isle. I want to test to see how you react, ok?” He took out an Allegra and children’s Tylenol. 


Jay shook his head, “can’t have Tylonol…” He sat up and leaned against the pillows, “Tried it. Made my tongue swell and had trouble breathing.” 


“ooookay.” HE put it away then it hit him, “how did you try it. Its not registered in the isle.


“Stole it from the dock when Carlos was sick. Kept it afterwards.” 


James raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask for specifics, “well, do you think you’d like to try Allegra? Then maybe a popsicle for the fever?” He smiled when jay’s eyes went wide, “You should be drinking lots of fluids, sleeping, and eating cold things for this fever. SO why not a popsicle?” He smiled and nodded towards their freezer. 


Carlos walked over to see fudge popsicles in the freezer, “its chocolate!” That got Jay’s attention. 


James chuckled and took out a bottle of water and a tablet, “try taking this. I’m going to stay here to make sure you respond well. Thirty minutes, ok?” 


Jay looked at Carlos and took the pill. Carlos held his breathe, and Jay closed his eyes, waiting for something bad to happen….NOthing. He opened his eyes and looked around. “i feel no different.” 


“thats good. If you are allergic to it, then it won’t be so serious.. but i’m still going to stay, to make sure you don’t have a swollen tongue.” he winked at him and sat on the couch. Jay shrugged and Carlos let out the breathe he was holding. 


“So… wanna watch a movie?” They all shrugged as Carlos turned on, “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.” 

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