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Misery Loves Company (Supernatural, Dean)


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Here is the final part. I hope you enjoyed this story since I loved writing it. It was really fun for me. Just like always I would love some prompt ideas if you have any. Hope you enjoy!


    Coughing woke Dean up, but for the first time in a while it wasn't his. He opened his eyes and sat up in bed, his hair sticking to half of his face. "Er, Sabby? Sabby, that you?"


    The coughing continued to grow louder and louder and more wet with every passing second. It sounded terrible and Dean couldn't just lay there. He had to do something and help his brother since he had tried to help him. They had had a difference of opinion, but that didn't mean that he was going to abandon his brother in a time of need.


    "Sab," Dean questioned in case his brother was awake.


    Sam still coughed and Dean knew that he was still asleep or he would've answered to his name, no matter how stuffy it sounded. Dean crept over to his brother and rested a hand on his shoulder, even though Sam was facing away from him with his eyes tightly closed almost in pain.


    "Sab, wake up. Wake up," Dean urged as he started to shake Sam. His body shook gingerly and, at first, Dean was sure that Sam wouldn't be able to wake up. Horror had gripped his heart for a moment when Sam wouldn't move.


    Sam suddenly shot up from his spot on the bed and gasped in surprise as he finally sucked in air. It traveled all the way up his mouth and up his nose. It tickled it madly and his nose gave a twitch. He buckled forward suddenly and sneezed before he could bring his hands up to his face to cover.


    "ItcshSHhh! ItcshShhh! ItcshSHhh!"


    Sam's sneezing echoed around the room much louder than Dean's. Dean hadn't heard his brother sneeze that loud before and he knew that it couldn't be good. He frowned as he watched Sam sniffle in surprise as clear, gooey snot ran from his nostrils. He looked around in embarrassment and Dean was so stunned at the display that he just stood there.


    "Ub, Deadn," Sam mumbled as he pursed his lips so that nothing came into his mouth.


    Dean shook his head as he looked around. "Yeah, yeah. Tissues. I'b on id!" He looked around and quickly found the box rested on his bed. He handed it over to his brother and forced himself to look away. It was probably best to give Sam the same privacy that he had given Dean.


    Sam pulled a bundle from his nose and blew his nose. Once he was finished he set it aside and looked over to his brother as if he was just realizing that his brother was there. He gulped as he turned away.


    "Hey, don'd do thadt," Dean grumbled as he tapped at his brother's shoulder to turn his attention back to Dean.


    Sam raised an eyebrow. "I can't understand you," he joked as he sniffed powerfully.


    Dean rolled his eyes. Well, two could play that game. He pulled out a few tissues and blew his nose. Once he had he looked over to his brother. "Happy," he asked.


    "Not really," answered Sam as he lifted a hand and rubbed his palms against his eyes as powerfully as possible to try and abate the headache he felt. 


    Dean frowned as he looked over at his brother. It suddenly seemed to make sense why Sam had been acting the way that he had been. "How long?"


    "What," asked Sam hollowly.


    Dean rolled his eyes once more. "You can understand me and you heard me. How long have you been sick?"


    Sam thought for a moment before he looked down. His fingers pulled at the edge of the comforter. "Not that long. Few days maybe."


    Dean didn't believe Sam for a moment. But, he had been too sick to actually be concerned about Sam's own health. He inwardly cursed himself for not worrying about his brother more. "Sab, why didn't you say anything?"


    "I didn't want to worry you when you were sick," answered Sam as he sniffed heavily and rubbed a hand against his nose and coughed heavily. His shoulders shook and he struggled for breathe.


    Dean leaned in toward his brother and patted his back strongly. Sam regained his breath before he looked to his brother through watery eyes. "Thank you," he rasped.


    "Let me get you some water. It might help with the cough," Dean told him as he swung his legs over from the side of the bed and hurried over to the small fridge. He pulled out a half drank bottle of water. He assumed that Sam wouldn't mind sharing one with him considering that they both had the exact same cold.


    Dean brought the bottle over and nudged it over to Sam. Sam took it and opened it with shaky hands. He poured it into his mouth and swallowed. His throat immediately began to ache and it caused him to stop drinking. He handed it back to his brother and nodded in appreciation. "Thanks, Dean," he rasped.


    Dean nodded as a smile spread across his face. "Don't mention it." He stretched out a hand and felt it against Sam's forehead. Sam allowed his brother to do so, even though Dean couldn't feel anything. He swore under his breath as he drew backwards.


    "What's wrong," asked Sam in fear.


    "It's just that I can't tell if you're warm or not because I still have a fever," Dean grumbled as he drummed his fingers against his leg. "Looks like we're going to have to break out the thermometer."


    Before Sam could object, Dean stepped off the bed again and walked over to the first aid kit that Sam had set on the counter. He rummaged through before he found the thermometer. He walked over to his brother and sat down beside him. He rubbed the tip off since he wasn't sure the last time it had been used before he came toward Sam's mouth.


    "Open up," he cooed in amusement.


    Sam looked over to him and frowned. "Dean-"


    "Just do it, Sam. You need to just do as I say, just like I did for you," Dean pointed out, even though he knew that that wasn't true in the slightest. He had been pretty hard on Sam and had scared Sam more than he had wanted to. That might be why Sam was so drained now.


    Sam complied as he took the thermometer from his brother and stuck the tip into his mouth. He closed his eyes as he sniffled a bit. He lifted a hand to rub at his nose before he looked at his brother.


    Dean immediately battered Sam's hand away from his face. "Sam, stop," Dean chided as if Sam was five again. "Let it do what it needs to do."


    Sam screwed up his face as he gave another liquid sniff. "Deadn!"


    "What, Sabby," asked Dean in exasperation. 


    "ItcsHsHs! ITcshSHh! ITCSHsh!"


    The thermometer fell from Sam's mouth. He stretched out a hand to catch it before he cupped his other hand over his nose. It seemed to take a while before Dean understood what Sam needed again. 


    Dean found the box lost in the shuffle of covers before he pulled out a few and pressed it in Sam's other hand. He turned away as Sam clamped the tissue over his nose and blew his nose. He used the tissue to rub at his hand before he looked to his brother. "Sorry," he croaked.


    "It's alright," answered Dean as he picked up the thermometer and turned it on once more. "Let's try it again, but just take it out if that happens again."


    Sam nodded as he took the thermometer from his mouth and tucked it under his tongue. It didn't take as long to go off Sam thought. He let Dean take it out of his mouth and he looked up to his brother with round eyes. "How bad is it?"


    "102.4. That's certainly enough to make you uncomfortable," Dean pointed out as he lifted a fist to his nose and breathed deeply. "How about we get something in you?"


    Sam coughed painfully as he turned and pressed his face into his shoulder to avoid coughing on his brother. "You two," he choked out.


    Dean knew that this would be the only way that he would get Sam to agree to take his own medicine. "Yeah, alright," he answered before he turned heavily with his elbow lifted and his face hovering in it. His breath hitched as his nose twitched. His eyes fluttered before he crushed forward into his elbow. "Hutcshsh! Hetcshsh! Hutcshsh! Hetcshsh!"


    Sam coughed lightly as he looked over to his sniffling brother, fumbling for the tissue box as he kept his hand poised under his nose as mucus dripped into it. He had almost forgotten that his brother was sick too. "Bless you," he whispered.


    Dean smiled ever so slightly as he blew his nose into a tissue. His nose felt it had been rubbed completely raw, but he wouldn't complain to Sam about it. It was time to be the big brother that he was used to being.


    He walked over to the counter once more and found the medicine that he had been given a few hours earlier. He picked it up before he noticed that Sam was shifting in bed. He walked over and saw him take out another medicine bottle from his pocket. He looked up at Dean sheepishly.


    Sam sniffed as he tried to stop a bubble of snot from trickling down his face. "Took this earlier," he sniffed as it continued to threaten going down his face. 


    Dean nodded as he sat down on the side of the bed once more. He pulled out a few tissues and pressed them against Sam's nose. Sam was hardly aware of what was happening and Dean vowed to himself that he would never mention this again. Instead he cleaned up Sam's nose wordlessly and turned back to the medicine. He opened the top and poured a generous amount of the radioactive green goo into the cap. He waved it around Sam's face a bit before he perched it at his lips.


    "Just take it in one go. It tastes horrible, but not for too long," Dean told him. 


    Sam allowed his bother to tip it into his mouth and swallow it down. He shuddered at the taste as Dean smiled. "Looks like that's payback for you," Dean pointed out as he nudged Sam gingerly.


    Sam looked over to his brother and pointed to the other bottle of medicine. "Here. Your turn," he rasped.


    "Alright, just don't talk anymore! It sounds like you've been over your throat with sandpaper or something," Dean pointed out as he took the medicine himself and looked back over to his brother. "Hopefully that will help with both of our fevers."


    "Hopefully," mumbled Sam as he closed his eyes shut tightly and breathed loudly through his mouth. 


    Dean knew that it wouldn't be long until his brother was asleep, or really until both of them were asleep. However, he didn't want to go to sleep before his brother in case Sam needed him. But, he was tired and achy and if he laid down then he probably wouldn't get up. There was only one solution.


    "Scoot over," commanded Dean as he nudged his brother in the bed.


    Sam dragged himself to one corner of the bed while Dean took up the other side. They hadn't done this in what felt like years. Dean would never admit it, but it was probably when he felt the most safe when he was with his brother like that. He had no idea if Sam felt the same way, but he was sure that he would never find it out.


    Dean threw the covers over his shivering brother and decided to just sit on top of them since he was sweating. He stretched out a bit, but he let his brother have the majority of the bed. "Comfortable," Dean asked.


    Sam nodded as he stretched out his neck and rested it on Dean's shoulder like he used to do when they were young. He hadn't done it in forever and Sam wasn't sure how Dean would take it. To his relief, dean relaxed against him.


    Suddenly, Sam tensed as he felt the familiar itch travel through his nose. He stiffened and Dean looked over. "Sam, are you okay," Dean asked.


    'ITCshsShh! ItcshSHhhs! ITCshshshSh!"


    Dean felt something wet and slimy drip down the side of his bare neck. He sighed as he looked to his brother, who was rubbing madly at his tickling nose. "I guess that's payback again, right?"


    "Sorry," Sam sniffled as he continued to rub at his nose. "I'b so sorry!"


    "Here," chided Dean as he picked up the box and handed it to his brother. "It's alright. Just blow your nose," he instructed as he grabbed a few tissues to clean off his neck. 


    Sam did as he was told and blew his nose loudly. Once he was finished he kept them bundled in his hand for later use. He laid back against his brother and Dean felt dead weight against him. "You good now," asked Dean.


    "Yep, I'b good," answered Sam in a sleepy voice.


    "Looks like we're going to get through this together, huh," Dean pointed out since that was how it always went. They would look after each other and whenever one was going through something, the other would always help them get through it. That's how things had always been and that's how things would always be.


    "Deand," whispered Sam.


    Dean blinked open one of his eyes. "Yeah, Sam," he asked.


    "I'b miserable," answered Sam almost in embarrassment as he closed his eyes tightly. 


    Dean struggled not to roll his eyes at his brother. He sighed as he wrapped his arm around Sam's shoulder. "I know, bud. I am too. But, if it's one thing that I've learned is that misery loves company."


    Sam smiled as he sniffed loudly against Dean's neck and Dean could only imagine the snot that was dripping from his nostrils. "Thanks for everything," Sam mumbled.


    Dean nodded slowly. "Of course. I'm your brother. It's what we do. But, for now on I'm not going to have a moody teenager, okay? If something bothers you then you tell me. You don't just shut down, alright," Dean ordered.


    Sam seemed to think about it for a moment before he finally let out a deep sigh. "Alright. So, what do you want to know?"


The End

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Dean feeling his brother's forehead when he himself has a fever... Awwww. :blushing:

On 01/09/2017 at 2:06 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

"I guess that's payback again, right?"

Winchesters. Idiots.

I really enjoyed this story! Thank you for writing it. (But if you feel up to adding a bit more with a sick Sam, of course I'd not say no to that!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/1/2017 at 8:06 AM, Wolfwings22 said:

  "I didn't want to worry you when you were sick," answered Sam as he sniffed heavily and rubbed a hand against his nose and coughed heavily. His shoulders shook and he struggled for breathe.


    Dean leaned in toward his brother and patted his back strongly. Sam regained his breath before he looked to his brother through watery eyes. "Thank you," he rasped.

Aww:heart: lovely story!

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