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Crash and Burn: FMA-Brotherhood (Edward Elric)


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Hello. This is my first fic. I'm not new to the  forum, but really new to actually writing my own story. Feedback on how to improve my writing is appreciated. I originally wasn't going to post this but convinced myself to try something new. 

Disclaimer : I absolutely love Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood but sadly do not own the characters. 

So without further adieu...

Crash and Burn 

Pt 1

Papers and books cluttered the entire floor. The room itself looked like a tornado had come through and tore it apart. But when your life and someone else's is at stake, cleanliness is the last thing on anyone's mind, especially for a state Alchemist like Fullmetal.


It had been a while since Edward and Alphonse Eric had any time to sleep and take care of themselves. Well mainly Ed. He takes on the world without thinking about the consequences. Alphonse was still trapped in his armored body. Some days he really missed his real body. But on days like today, he was glad he didn't need sleep.


The boys had been hard at work finding more about the Philosopher stone and how it worked. They had been at it for four days straight. Al could stay up for days, even months reading without anything bad happening. Edward was a different story.


Alphonse was starting to see how run down his older brother was. Ed had bags forming under his strained eyes and a few coughs could be heard Every so often. Al also mentaly noted every time Ed rubbed his nose when he thought his brother wasn't watching. Was Ed getting sick? 


Even though Ed was short, he was known to be the biggest pain when sick, from denial, to over working himself to the brink of exhaustion, to fussing and whining about taking medicine. Alphonse knew the first battle was getting his brother to admit he was sick or at least tired.


He walked over to the table Ed was sitting at. Al noticed his brother was fighting sleep, trying desperately to keep his eyes open. The answers they've been searching for since they lost their bodies could be in this very room. If only Ed wasn't so hard on himself. They're both to blame for what happened, Al thought to himself


Ed looked up at his little brother. "Hey Al, what's up? Did you find something?"


"Brother, why don't we call it a night. It's getting late."


Ed wasn't expecting Al to call it quits. Especially since they were soooo close to the answer. 


"You wanna quit?" Ed asked failing to hold back a yawn. "What for?"


Al didn't wanna quit but he knew if Ed didn't get any sleep soon, things were gonna be worse. Just then an idea popped into the young boy's head. 


"Don't you remember? Colonel Mustang wants you to meet with him in the morning." Ha, if anything can motivate Ed to get sleep it would be Mustang, or at least the mentioned of having to deal with him in the morning. Even though it was a lie, Al hoped it was enough to get his brother to bed.


Ed was still not budging. "Oh yeah...that. He can reschedule. I wasn't planning to go anyway. Besides that hot head can send someone else to do his dirty work."


Strike one Al. Come on you can do better than this. This isn't the first time Ed was stubborn and it won't be the last. Al kept plotting a new strategy on how to get his blonde hair brother to bed, when he heard a strange noise coming from the table. 


He glanced towards his brother and watched as Ed had his mouth open, breathing unevenly, and hands hovering in front of his face. 



"HEhTSHooo. Heh...HEhTSHooo. Ugh" 


"bless you brother." This was Ed's chance. If not now then never. "Are you feeling alright?


"Yeah. I just got a facefull of dust from this old book that's all." Ed replied, trying really hard to convince his younger brother that he was fine. When in all truth, he felt worse than when he battled Scar last. He knew he was getting sick but didn't want Al to worry. 


Ed wanted badly to get everything back to normal. It was his fault; at least that's how he felt. He would do anything to fix his brother, even if it meant his own health suffering in the process. No matter what, Al was going to get his body back. 


Al nodded at his brother's response. How was he going to get Ed to sleep. Another idea came to the young Elric, this one better than Mustang. The only person in the world who could get Ed to do anything. Wrinry. 


"I just remembered brother. Wrinry wanted me to call her once we got back to Central." Ed stiffened when Al mentioned Wrinry's name. She could tell even through the phone if Ed was sick. He imagined Wrinry hitting him on the head with a wrench through the phone, calling him an idiot for not taking proper care of himself, like he promised. 


Ed tried playing it cool. " Is that so. Well tell her and granny I say hi." 


Al left the room. Ed began to unwind and let his body relax for a few seconds. He breathed in deeply, triggering a harsh coughing fit leaving him breathless. Man he felt awful. But if he was gonna fool both Al and Wrinry, he needed to focus his mind on faking healthy. 


Suddenly his nose began to tickle. With all his might he tried fighting but the sneeze was stronger than the sick Alchemist. 

"Hheh...hhh....Hhih...hehHEhTSHooo. HEhPTSHooo. " This was gonna be a long night

To be continued...


I had fun writing this and hope you guys enjoyed it too. Don't worry the other chapters will have more sneezing and lots of caretaking. 

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