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Secret Summer Santa Visits PropertyofCora! (part 4/4 July 27) Fandoms: Cinderella 2015, Devil Wears Prada, Frozen, Once Upon A Time


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Hello @PropertyofCora. It's me again! :yay: 

Alright, this is how it's gonna be, since my creative train of thought derailed in Indecision City. :rolleyes: Each July Friday, Summer Santa will post a ficlet of various fandoms, which ones I won't reveal in advance because pffft, where's the fun in that?!  :shifty: 

First installment today, and it's Lady Tremaine from the Disney live action Cinderella, where she was played by Cate Blanchett.

I hope you'll enjoy! ^_^ 


As if nature itself reflected the unhappiness that had fallen upon Ella since her stepmother and stepsisters moved in, it had been a dreary, chilly spring with lots of rain but very little sunshine. Perhaps the gloomy weather further dispirited Ella, but she knew that the seeds of all the beautiful spring flowers were only waiting for that one warm, sunny day, and they would all spring into colourful existence like, well… like magic.

This was that day. Ella knew it from the moment she woke up, caressed by a ray of golden sunshine. Her spirit lifted – it was not used to being dampened for long, not even in the worst of times – and she was singing while she prepared the breakfast.

“Do shut up,” a ragged voice said from behind her as she poured up tea. Ella jumped and spilled some tea, narrowly avoiding splashing it over her hand and getting burned.

“Oh, you frightened me,” she said and turned around to bid her stepmother good morning, but the greeting died on her lips when she saw the woman.

Lady Tremaine was a tall, beautiful woman who was mindful of always carrying herself with dignity and grace, and she wore the hardships she had been through wonderfully well. But today, dignified and graceful were the least fitting words for the red-nosed mess that stood before Ella.

Her sharp blue eyes were bloodshot and framed with tears, as if she had been crying, although Ella wasn’t certain if this woman even knew how to cry. Her nose was a bright pink shade that deepened into an inflamed red around her twitching nostrils, and as Ella looked at her, the older woman raised a lace handkerchief to her face and stifled three rapid, very tickly-sounding sneezes into the thin fabric.

“God bless you,” Ella said, but her stepmother was not yet finished. Her breath hitched several times before she sneezed again, three more bottled-up stifles that only seemed to make the need to sneeze even worse, followed by two wet, throaty outbursts that brought a flush to her pale cheeks.  

“AaaISSCHHhew! AaaESSCHHoo!”

Ella blinked and blessed her again, adding a concerned “are you not well?” although she knew nothing good would come from treating this woman with kindness. Still, it was how she had been raised, and she truly did feel sorry for her stepmother, who appeared to be tormented by this unyielding itch.  

“No, I am not,” the lady replied and dabbed at her irritated nose with the handkerchief, very cautiously as if she expected touching it too firmly would set her off again.

“I can make you a cold remedy if you want me to? I learned from the former kitchen staff, and…”

“It is not a cold, Cinderella,” Lady Tremaine snapped. The congestion in her voice softened it slightly, so it didn’t sound quite as hostile as it was meant to, but the message was clear nevertheless; Ella was an ignorant fool. “It’s hayfever.”

When Ella’s face continued to express bewilderment, Lady Tremaine sighed impatiently and gestured towards the garden, where buds were bursting and sending a haze of glittering, sneeze-provoking powders into the air.

“It’s the trees and the flowers in bloom that do this to me. The one remedy would be to cut it all down, but the appearance of a bare gardehhh… ehhh…”

Her nostrils flared as yet another building sneeze took hold of her.

“EeeAASCHHHoo! HehgNTThh!”

She sniffled and wiped her nose with the handkerchief that was already rendered useless.

“The appearance of a bare garden would be a visual insult to our guests.” She sniffled again. “What are you just standing there for, fetch me another handkerchief! This is not going to stop plaguing me for weeks, so you really must keep up with the laundry!”

Ella bowed her head slightly.

“Yes, stepmother.”

Once Ella had left her alone, Lady Tremaine whimpered silently and rubbed the sides of her ill-treated nose with both hands, knowing it was futile but unable to help herself. Even the briefest moment of relief would be worth it.

She was simply too miserable.

Edited by Chanel_no5
Adding the fandoms
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Hello again :D

Okay but.  WHAT.  Wait.  Hold on.  *be cool be cool* I don't think you understand properly HOW MUCH I LOVE CATE BLANCHETT.  I did not expect this, I may cry.  And you're writing more other things for me!?  Somewhere inside me there is a very chill person who could be casually appreciative of things but that girl is so not here right now so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  Lady Tremaine, and Cate's portrayal of her, is one of my favorite characters.  I have spent so much time scouring for content like this of her in the past.  I adore how her presence feels even stronger the more she suffers.

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4 hours ago, PropertyofCora said:

Hello again :D

Okay but.  WHAT.  Wait.  Hold on.  *be cool be cool* I don't think you understand properly HOW MUCH I LOVE CATE BLANCHETT.  I did not expect this, I may cry.  And you're writing more other things for me!?  Somewhere inside me there is a very chill person who could be casually appreciative of things but that girl is so not here right now so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  Lady Tremaine, and Cate's portrayal of her, is one of my favorite characters.  I have spent so much time scouring for content like this of her in the past.  I adore how her presence feels even stronger the more she suffers.

I'm so glad you enjoyed! I know there has been no talk about the 2015 Cinderella on here that I've seen, but since you like female Disney villains AND Cate in the movie "Carol" (I haven't seen the movie myself), I figured Lady Tremaine would probably be appreciated. ^_^ I'm glad that was the case, otherwise it would have been awkward now. :lol: 

And yup, three more ficlets to come, of various fandoms, so stay tuned. :yay: 

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Yo, @PropertyofCora, Summer Santa no5 is back in da house with secret fic no2! ^_^ 

Actually, I was going to post it tomorrow, but since I'll be busy all day I decided to post it tonight, so I don't forget it among everything else I'll have to keep in mind tomorrow. :lol: 

For this one, I decided to go with Devil Wears Prada, and a rather miserably cold-ridden Miranda. :yay: 




When the other woman pulled away mid-kiss, Andy first thought she had done something wrong. It didn’t matter that she was no longer just a mere assistant, but a lover (a secret lover, sure, but it was nevertheless an improvement), Miranda still didn’t always explain her actions.

Then the older woman leaned away from Andy and from the clothes rack in the Closet, where they were currently hiding, and sneezed, so that was at least an action that didn’t need to be explained.


“Bless you,” Andy said, knowing perfectly well how much Miranda loathed that phrase. At times, she teased her lover just for the sake of it; she could get away with stuff (yes, stuff!) that Miranda would have others kicked halfway to Boston for. Miranda glared at her, but saved the retort. Andy knew from how her rosy nostrils twitched and her breathing came in airy gasps, that the only reason Miranda decided not to speak was because if she tried, she would sneeze again.

“Would it kill you to take one sick day?” Andy wondered and gave her lover’s cold-tortured nose a light, playful squeeze. When she let go, Miranda snapped forward with an immediate, helpless double, misting Andy’s bare shoulder lightly.

HeISSCHH! ISSCHhew! It wouldn’t kill me, but it might kill Runway!” Miranda replied and sniffled. She sounded awfully congested, and had for at least two days now, but she hadn’t been sneezing much. Andy guessed that was about to change. Miranda really looked like the entire cold had migrated into her nose and sinuses and was making itself comfortable there.

As if proving Andy’s theory, Miranda’s eyelids fluttered again.

“Oh this is ridiculous, I still need to sneeze… hah-ahh… aaaESSCHhoo! Hah-! AhhhISSCHHoo!”

She sniffled and pressed a tissue underneath her irritated nostrils as if trying to push back the oncoming sneezes, but it was no use.

“HehpTSHHkk! NktSSHHoo! Hah… AAESSHHhih!”

Her makeup was smudging around her eyes, not quite giving her the dreaded racoon appearance, but not far from it. The pre-sneeze look was plastered over her face like a finishing layer of makeup. Oh yeah, this cold had reached its sneezy stage alright, and there was no way even Miranda’s exquisite willpower could compel it.

As if a cruel God was setting the scene, someone entered the Closet. It was probably just Nigel, but that was bad enough. Nobody in the office knew about this highly inappropriate relationship between the editor-in-chief and her second assistant, and that was the way they both preferred it to be. The Closet was a large room, packed with clothes racks and aisles and you could get lost if you didn’t know your way around it, but Nigel knew this place like the inside of his handmade shirt pockets…

“Don’t make a sound,” Miranda mouthed to Andy, who nodded.

But it was Miranda who would have a problem following this decree. The immense tickle that had taken up residence right behind the deep congestion was not lighting up. Quite the contrary. With each laboured breath, the feathery urge to sneeze became a little bit stronger, a little bit more difficult to fight back. Andy knew Miranda wasn’t going to give up easily, but it seemed that even Snow Queen could be defeated by the power of viruses.

Miranda furiously rubbed her inflamed nose with her knuckles, so hard it made Andy wince. The harsh treatment seemed to work for a while, but while Nigel – whistling to himself, seeming unaware that he shared the large space with two ladies in a rather compromising position – reached the shoe rack and began rummaging around, Miranda made the mistake of sniffling. The added influx of the dust and clothes fibres floating in the air set off the desperate need to sneeze once more.


She pinched her nose, furiously trying to stop the build-up from reaching its climax, and the effort made tears stream out of her eyes and smearing her makeup further. But this was a fruitful attempt, as the sneezy sensation seemed to give in and wane. She reluctantly removed her hand from her nose and gave Andy an arrogant look that efficiently sent the message “I can handle this.”

The look of arrogance began to peel away and being replaced by surprised desperation, when Miranda realised that she could not, in fact, handle this. Her inflamed, itchy, tormented nose was done playing games, and in revenge for the sneezes that had been blocked, it would unleash a lengthy and unstoppable fit, and it would do so now.

While Nigel muttered something to himself over by the shoes, Miranda’s head tilted back as she sucked in air in staccato gasps, fighting against her own body but losing. Her red nostrils flared wildly and her eyes squeezed shut as the sneezes overthrew her powers.

Andy did the only thing she could think of; she pulled Miranda close to muffle the sneezing fit with her own body. With any luck Nigel wouldn’t notice, at least not if he kept whistling or talking to himself.

Miranda understood instinctively what Andy was attempting, and pressed her face into the younger woman’s chest, sneezing over and over again and causing both their bodies to rhythmically rock back and forth. Andy counted eleven rapid stifled sneezes before Miranda came up for air, then another fit of six, no longer fully stifled. Miranda was getting exhausted and her grasp of even the smallest semi-control was slipping.

Nigel brought whatever outfit he had been assembling, and left the Closet. The two women began to relax, when suddenly one final, unexpected sneeze barrelled out of the cold-ridden woman’s anguished nose. It came too sudden for her to stifle, muffle or even cover, and it sprayed the air in front of her with a fine, silvery cloud of droplets.


Andy, who had been hit with some of the spray, blinked in surprise and apprehension. Miranda looked like she wanted to fire her own immune system for failing to fight this cold in the first place.

Nigel stopped by the door and said:

“If I just heard something, which I’m sure I didn’t, I suggest the guilty parties lock the Closet next time a make-out session is in order, to save everyone some potential embarrassment.”

With that, he left, chuckling to himself.

“That’s a good idea,” Andy said. Miranda nodded.

“Another thing, I’ve been thinking about the concept of sick days, and you may be right. I should probably take the rest of the day off and go to bed.”

She eyed Andy with a naughty smirk.

“I’m sure you could use a sick day as well. After all, you have been rather closely subjected to my… germs.”

Andy, who would never think of a word as lowly as "germs" in relation to Miranda, only grinned in response and followed suit.

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On 7/13/2017 at 3:07 PM, Chanel_no5 said:

She reluctantly removed her hand from her nose and gave Andy an arrogant look that efficiently sent the message “I can handle this.”

The look of arrogance began to peel away and being replaced by surprised desperation, when Miranda realised that she could not, in fact, handle this.

I CANNOT.  This part especially had me dying, it's so utterly Miranda to be so sure of herself, and I love her being stripped away from that by a little sneeze.  Amazing, absolutely amazing.  Thank you so much!!!!!!!  I was away for the last week without access to a computer to see this, so it was absolutely delightful to come back to.  I bow to your masterful characterization skills.

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9 hours ago, PropertyofCora said:

I CANNOT.  This part especially had me dying, it's so utterly Miranda to be so sure of herself, and I love her being stripped away from that by a little sneeze.  Amazing, absolutely amazing.  Thank you so much!!!!!!!  I was away for the last week without access to a computer to see this, so it was absolutely delightful to come back to.  I bow to your masterful characterization skills.

:heart: I'm so glad you enjoyed!


Here we have installment no3… some Queen Elsa with bad allergies. It’s been a while since I watched Frozen, so I’m not super confident in the characterisations here, but I tried. :lol: 


No, colds never bothered her anyway… but hayfever did. Normally people in the Northern Kingdoms celebrated the return of the warmth and the life-giving sunshine, but Queen Elsa of Arendelle was not one of them. To her, spring and summer were both seasons of endless tickly torture, when no number of sneezes seemed enough to satisfy her nose’s desperate plea for relief.

When others went outside to enjoy the warm, sunny weather, Queen Elsa locked herself up in the castle once more, casting her ice spells within its walls to at least keep the infernal flower and trees from growing in there. It didn’t stop the scents and the tickly pollen from coming in with the air whenever somebody opened a door, but at least it was nowhere near as flourishing and overwhelming as it was outside.

This strategy worked so well, the Queen could actually push her allergic suffering away from her conscious mind and focus on the work to be done.

But she had once more been ignoring her sister for a long stretch of time, and the moment Anna entered the castle with a picnic basket, Elsa knew exactly what was about to go down.


“Don’t you even try to act too busy and important to spend time with your sister,” Anna said. “Come on, I know you do important work, but you are entitled to a break sometimes, and now you’re coming with me.”

 “C-coming with you, where?”

“Outside!” Anna said and almost sounded annoyed. “Where else? Where the rest of the world is.”

“I… um…”

Elsa wondered how to get out of this without either hurting her sister’s feelings or revealing how miserable she got in the balmy, breezy summer air.

“Indoor picnics works just as well, you know,” she finished, knowing how feeble it sounded.

“Not this time, Your Highness,” Anna joked and did a tiny half bow, half curtsy, meant to make her big sister laugh, but Elsa’s lips only quivered in what looked like… dread. “Elsa, since your real coronation we never see each other. Again. I miss you.”

“I miss you too, but…” Elsa sent the bright spots of flowers outside a brief, worried look. “Can’t we just stay in here? I’m… much more comfortable in the cold.”

At least that was true, only perhaps not in the way Anna thought.

“But…” Anna said. “There’s this really pretty place that I wanted to show you, it’s perfect for a picnic, and…”

“You could always put a snow cloud over your own head to keep you cool, like you did with me,” Olaf piped up and climbed out of the basket. “It works very well, Your Highness.”

The Queen knew she wasn’t only outnumbered but would have to explain herself in detail if she kept objecting, so she sighed and nodded.

“Fine, but not too long. I still have lots of work to do.”

Anna smiled.

“Great! Our horses are right outside and ready to go.”

“Well,” she said and smiled back. “No time like the present, I guess.”

Queen Elsa took a tentative, slow breath through her nose as she followed her little sister, and it felt… almost like normal. So maybe it wouldn’t be such a disaster after all.


She had been mistaken. Brutally, miserably so. The outdoors air was so packed with pollen and fragrances of all kinds, she could almost feel her nose hesitant to even try and deal with it. Her large blue eyes watered and itched, and the tingly, prickling sensation had spread from the back of her throat up to her nose, where it had completely taken over. She did everything she could not to sniffle, because that would cause two unpleasant things to happen; even more pollen would get stuck in her already upset nose, and Anna (and Olaf, who had of course insisted on trailing along underneath his cooling head cloud) would start to notice. Anna’s attention span was usually easy to disrupt, but too much sniffling too often…?

Yeah, Elsa would soon be in real trouble, and she had known that from the moment they settled down at this picnic spot. There were too many trees, too much grass, their blanket was surrounded by flowers, most of which she didn’t even knew the names for. She just knew that they smelled too strongly. They smelled like allergic breakdown in the making.  

“… and then I told Kristoff that it’s pointless to have more than one ride because he can’t use more than one at a time, and…”

Elsa nodded without listening and fidgeted with the napkin. Maybe if she could just casually blow her nose this insane tickle would calm down, but she didn’t want to blow her nose in full view of her company.

A whiff of heavy, sweet flower fragrance snuck into her airways, tickling the insides of her reddening nose like long, fuzzy feathers, tickled mercilessly, and Elsa couldn’t fight back against it any longer. She fumbled to get the napkin up in front of her mouth and nose, but was a bit too late – or perhaps it was the first sneeze that was too eager – and ended up spraying her own lap with a light cloud of mist. Before she could follow this up with something messier, she had the napkin in place and let out two more quick sneezes muffled by the fabric.

“MktSSH! HehTSHHHo!”

Anna looked up.

“Bless you!”

The Queen wasn’t finished yet. The twinge in her nose only seemed to force itself deeper, and she bent forward with another wildly ticklish fit, took a few hitching breaths, and then succumbed to a third.

“HehKTSSHH! TSSCHeww! AaaTSSHHuh! Hehh… hehh-eh! Ah… hahhh… HahATSSHHoo! AaeSCHHkt! HaaptSCHhho!”

She half expected Anna to joke about her always sneezing in triples, but Anna looked far too surprised and concerned to even think about any jokes at the moment.

“What’s wrong?” Anna asked. “Are you sick?”

“It’s the flowers,” Elsa managed and made a sweeping motion with one hand, while she kept the napkin firmly placed to catch the next set of tickly sneezes. “Flowers always make me s-sneeze… ehISSHHHoo! Hah-TSSHH! Hah-iTSSHHih!”

Anna began gathering their belongings.

“On second thought, I think an indoors picnic works just as well,” she said.

Queen Elsa nodded and politely refrained from telling her sister that she had said so from the beginning.

Edited by Chanel_no5
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I feel so attacked right now!  You're spoiling me, giving me everything I ever wanted.  How will I ever go back a reality where these wonderful treats no longer await me on Fridays?  This is the Frozen fic I have dreamed of and scoured the internet for many times, always coming up disappointed but now it exists.  Wow.  THANK YOU.  Elsa trying to hide her allergies because she didn't want Anna to notice is so perfect.  I can just see her trying desperately not to ruin Anna's fun day plans like that.

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On ‎2017‎-‎07‎-‎24 at 8:17 AM, PropertyofCora said:

I feel so attacked right now!  You're spoiling me, giving me everything I ever wanted.  How will I ever go back a reality where these wonderful treats no longer await me on Fridays?  This is the Frozen fic I have dreamed of and scoured the internet for many times, always coming up disappointed but now it exists.  Wow.  THANK YOU.  Elsa trying to hide her allergies because she didn't want Anna to notice is so perfect.  I can just see her trying desperately not to ruin Anna's fun day plans like that.

Oops, "attacked" might not be a good thing.  :rofl:  "Spoiled" on the other hand, that's kind of the point. ^_^ I'm really glad you like them!!

Okay, because tomorrow might go either way; I'll either not see my computer at all, or I won't be away from it, so in case it's the former I'll post this one now. Um... yeah, so… I really wanted to try and write your first choice of fandom, but I never managed to get into "Once Upon A Time" when it first aired. I found it online so I watched the first six episodes of season 1 last week, and I still didn’t feel like I got into it very well. :unsure:  So, I simply did the best I could. I apologise if it’s completely out of character and if anything in it conflicts too much with canon, but I  really wanted to try and write it for you.

It's set early season 1, obviously, and Regina is the one suffering.

So, um, here goes… Merry July! :lol::xmas: 


The difficult part wasn’t to gain authority, no, you just had to be intimidating enough for long enough. The difficult part was to keep it that way. The more you were in the public eye, the greater the chances that your complete grasp of control would slip to some degree. Maybe not by much, and Regina Mills had discovered that at times, a brief breach of personal control could, in fact, intimidate people even more.

Unfortunately, that required that you’d be able to stop doing whatever out of control thing you did, and that was not a simple task when it came to her allergic sneezing. It was bad in spring when the trees spread their own magic fairy dust over the land, but in late summer and early fall it was unbearable, and she didn’t even know what it was that blossomed then that bothered her so. Maybe grass, maybe weeds, maybe both.

Each year she simply decided that she would not be allergic anymore, mind over matter, and every year her nose reminded her that Mayor or not, Queen or not, she was still an underling to her own body.

This year it was particularly annoying, because it seemed that everywhere she went, there was Emma Swan. And Emma happened to be the last person in the world that Regina wanted to see her in any kind of distress.

But her nose tickled so infernally it was impossible to resist.

At the moment, Regina sat behind her desk, pressing the back of her hand against her irritated, reddening nostrils, actually feeling how they tried to flare in anticipation of the oncoming sneeze, even in spite of her firm denial.

She was very good at stifling. It was a useful skill when it came to random sneezes, or the cold ones that at least seemed to come in singles and doubles, although frequent…. but these allergic sneezes never stopped at singles, doubles or even triples. Once Madam Mayor started having an allergy attack, she wouldn’t finish until her nose was too tired to keep going, and it seemed her nose was both eager and energetic today.

“Nkkth-nnkthh-ngtSHhk-nggthh! Huhhh… nggthh-nkkt-NKTsh! Ohh…”

She tried to get a hold of herself, tried desperately to stop her nose from doing these ridiculous, annoying, endless spasms, but there was nothing she could do.  

She could not stop sneezing.

The only thing that resembled control that she could exert over this fit was keeping it as quiet and contained as possible. But even that was merely a fool’s wavering grasp of the situation, because as she grew more and more exhausted from fighting against it, the harder it was to stay quiet.

“NnkkTsh! Tsshh! NNKTsh!”

But she had to. Emma was in the next room and Regina refused to let the other woman see her in this condition. She wished she had brought more tissues, but the supply she had was long gone, except for one last tissue. Sometimes – not always, but sometimes – it would help put an end to the fit if she blew her nose, but that was one thing she could not be quiet about, not if she wanted it to be efficient.

“HNKTSSH! NktSCHoo! Uh-arrSCHO! Nggtshh! HuRSSHoo!”

Regina really didn’t have a choice any longer. She couldn’t slip out of the office unseen (and unheard) if she kept sneezing like this, and if she didn’t blow her nose, well, there was no telling how long she’d keep going. So she removed her hand from her itchy, quivering nose, reached for the tissue and blew as hard and fiercely as she could.

It seemed, thank God, to do the trick. Her nose was still tingly and tender, but it seemed to have been nudged out of the loop with one sneeze setting off another. She exhaled shakily and dabbed at her damp nostrils with the last dry spots of the tissue.

Suddenly Emma put a box of tissues onto the Mayor’s desk. She didn’t put it down with force, but Regina still jumped, as she had been too focused on her nasal disturbances to notice Emma entering.

“I figured you’d need these,” Emma said, and her eyes bore deep into Regina’s. The most unpleasant part about the look in those eyes was that it wasn’t unpleasant, not really.

“I don’t believe I asked for your help,” Regina snapped, cringing inwardly as she heard the amount of congestion present in her voice.

Emma smirked.

“I don’t believe you would have been able to, had you tried,” she replied, not missing a beat. “What’s the matter with you today anyway? Allergies?”

“Nothing is ‘the matter with me’, thank you very much Miss Swan,” Regina hissed. The hiss made the comment sounded like a warning, and Emma knew it wasn’t worth getting into trouble over the Mayor’s sneezing whether it was allergies or a cold or the damn plague, but she couldn’t leave it alone. Regina looked like a pitiful, drippy, itchy mess. It was actually a bit cute.

“Really? Because before today I haven’t seen you sneeze even once, and now you’ve been sneezing almost nonstop for over an hour. That doesn’t sound at all like there’s something going on.”

“It was nowhere near an hour,” Regina replied. She wanted desperately to ignore the tissues Emma had brought, to really prove her point that there was nothing wrong with her, but her nose was still tickling, and what was worse, still dripping, and so she reached out and snatched a couple of tissues and held them to her nose.

“Maybe not, but it was one hell of a lot more than a simple sneeze,” Emma said and sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk. “So. I’m going to guess it’s allergies, because they tend to be far itchier than colds.”

“What would you know about that?” Regina shot back.

“A lot, actually. I sneeze like crazy when I’m around cats.” She grinned. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, or I’ll find that the City builds a shelter for stray cats right next to where I live.”

Regina huffed.

“Don’t be stupid Miss Swan, do you really think I’d do that?”

Emma laughed out loud. It was a quick but genuinely amused laughter, and Regina thought it was oddly attractive. Oddly that she found it attractive, that was. Gee, she was supposed to squash this girl like a bug, not find anything about her attractive.

“Yes, Madam Mayor, I really think you’d do that.”

Regina smiled amiably, then the prickle in her nose overwhelmed her anew and she doubled over with another stifled fit. At least this time she had tissues to catch them in in case one or two slipped out unstifled.

No, I wouldn’t do that, she thought, for a moment revelling in her own misery as she thought of it bothering Emma Swan instead. But I might get Henry a kitten for his birthday. A sweet, innocent, furry, shedding little kitten. Anything to keep you away from him, Miss Swan.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH.  It has been an absolute pleasure to receive these lovely weekly gifts all month.  Consider yourself very lucky that you didn't get into Once, because it's become such a painful trainwreck to endure. I very much appreciate you taking the time to watch any of it just to write this for me.  There's so very little written at this part of the show anymore, let alone as sneeze content.  I am living for Regina's torn thoughts and vindictive kitten plans.  It's so entirely like her in season 1, I screamed.  It has been so lovely to be your recipient for these.

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On ‎2017‎-‎07‎-‎29 at 9:37 AM, PropertyofCora said:

THANK YOU SO MUCH.  It has been an absolute pleasure to receive these lovely weekly gifts all month.  Consider yourself very lucky that you didn't get into Once, because it's become such a painful trainwreck to endure. I very much appreciate you taking the time to watch any of it just to write this for me.  There's so very little written at this part of the show anymore, let alone as sneeze content.  I am living for Regina's torn thoughts and vindictive kitten plans.  It's so entirely like her in season 1, I screamed.  It has been so lovely to be your recipient for these.

Thank YOU, I'm so glad you enjoyed them!! :yay: Yeah, I think OUAT had a great premise but it was a bit too confusing already to begin with, in my opinion, so I couldn't keep up. Haha, I'm glad you liked Regina's kitten plans, that wasn't planned when I started writing, it was all her. :lol: 

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