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Cyrano de Bergiac (m)


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This fanfic is Cyrano de Bergiac fic but based in a more modern time but with a bit of old timey thrown in. ie. I still want Cyrono to have cool sword skills so there's a small bit of sword stuff. "the speech" is basically taken from the play/movie. This is also I also took some artistic liberties with one of the characters (Roxane)


THIS was surly unfair how can anyone in any common decency say such... lewd things. Anna Moreau sat red as a beet in her chair in the theater next to her best friend Roxane. Today was supposed to be the day the day she would tell Cyrono her feelings for him. But now the bastard was making a speech about... about his...dammed gorgeous nose. She would have probably been ok if it had just been him shutting down the play with all the wit in the world seemingly at his disposal but This!-

His speech went as such after that other man had said his nose was big

Ah no! Is that all?!

You could have said at least a hundred different things

By varying the tone. . .like this, suppose,. . .

Aggressive: 'Sir, if I had such a nose

I'd amputate it!' Friendly: 'When you drink

It must annoy you, dipping it in your cup;

You'd need a personalized cup wouldn't you?!'

Descriptive: ''Tis a rock!. . .a peak!. . .a cape!

'No a peninsula!'

Curious: 'How goes that oblong pocket?

do you use it for your utensils or maybe some flowers?

Gracious: 'You love the little birds, don't you?

I see you've managed with fond research

To find their tiny claws a roomy perch!'

Abusive: 'If you smoke a pipe. . .suppose

That the tobacco-smoke spouts from your nose-

you'll worry the neighbors, as the fumes rise higher,

Terror-struck: "The chimney is on fire"?'

Cavalier: 'The last fashion, friend, that hook?

To hang your hat on? 'It's quite a useful crook!'

Emphatic: 'No wind, O majestic nose,

Can give THEE cold!-save when the mistral blows!'

Dramatic: 'When it bleeds, what a Red Sea!'

Admiring: 'Sign for a perfumery!'

Simple: 'When is the monument on view?'

Rustic: 'That thing is a nose? honey come over here!

it's a dwarf pumpkin, or a prize turnip!'

Practical: 'Put it in a lottery!

Assuredly it would be the biggest prize!'

-Such, my dear sir, is what you might have said,

Had you any wit.

But, O most lamentable man-

You never had an atom of wit,

And-had you had the necessary wit,

To serve me all the pleasantries I quote

Before this audience.

and then he went on to have a cool sword fight...

Anna looked to Roxan. Roxan sighed and said "Come on let's go we'll do this some other day."

The next night a voice had woken us up Roxan and Anna up and began to serenade Roxan with some of the most wonderful things Anna had ever heard. And then came a different voice she knew very well.

Roxan responded promptly.

"...Cyrano? Cyrano is that you? What am I talking about of course it is."

Come on Cyrino get out here I know it's you.

"How did you know it was me ?"

"Cyrano I've literately known you for years I know your voice by now..."

"Could you... tell me then, what your answer is?"

"*sigh* My answer is no Cyrano, and no it's not because of your nose. The thing i don't like is that we're cousins Cyrano! Cousins!? That's gross. I could not care less about your nose. Every day with this shit you need to just shut up for one sec I swear to god. *sigh* I'm sorry I'm going about this so unapologetically, but you come to my house in the middle of the night and wake me up. I'm tired, and cranky, and frankly I'm tired of dealing with you're over-dramatic ass. Oh and whoever is down there with you? Ya, ya you. No to you too." There was an awkward silence before Roxan started again.

"Cyrano I've known for a long time you're feelings for me and I somewhat thought you knew I knew, and how I felt about it. But if you cant even see that then-"

Roxan suddenly looked at me and sighed again. She gave me that look I knew that look. "listen" she said to me "I just want you both to be happy i truly do and that's why I'm so tiered of all of this. Please Anna, just tell him you like him it doesn't have to be any thing else." She was right she was totally and completely right. I looked at her and nodded. I grabbed her hand tightly and walked to clear view on the balcony. I looked down to see the two men that had come here tonight. Anna looked Cyrano in the eyes and said. "Ilikeyou...doyouwanttogoonadate?"


10 months later

It had been planed for today that Anna would come over and they'd celebrate his birthday. But unfortunately like he normally did around this time of year he was sick as a dog, and even worse, sneezing his head off. Why did this have to happen now? He had felt it coming on the other day and had prayed against hope it was nothing or to give him just one more day before throwing him into the living nightmare that were his colds. He couldn't let Anna see him like this, so he had texted her.

CY: Anna I seem to have gotten quite sick, you should just stay home and we'll do this another day.

An: What? Are you ok?

Cy: Don't worry about it.

An: please tell me whats going on

Cy: It's a cold but I'm fine on my own please don't worry I don't want you catching this and besides I'm pretty disgusting right now.

An: let me over I'm fine I want to have a fun day with you and I don't even mind taking care of you if you let me

Cy: Are you sure?

An: yes im going to come over there and were going to have a nice day!

Cy: Ok.

And just like that she was coming over anyway. In all truth he would like to see her, but that didn't stop the nervous feeling running through him. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, things in their relationship were better then he expected it would turn out, it was magnificent in fact. They had even said "I love you" to each other. But still he felt nervous and anxious.

Anna arrived at Cyranos house nervous herself. She truly wanted to have a good day with him today she had gotten cake and a present and a card and everything. There was one thing she was worried about though. Cyrano hadn't said what kind of cold he had. A cold could damn well mean anything. What if he-? No, even if there was -sneezing- she would get through it for him. Her heart raced at the prospect. She had parked her car and was at his door now, just standing there in the cold. She took a deep breath and rung the door bell. The door soon opened, and there he stood, hair disheveled ,pale skin, and his nose... dear god...

"Come in."

And his voice was slightly horse and a lot congested... great. She came in, slightly doubting her choices.

"Happy Birthday!" she said excitedly none the less. "Cyrano?" She questioned when he didn't respond or turn around. Unbeknownst to her Cyrano was on the losing end of a vicious fight with his nose. Why couldn't he just have one second to say his gratings before falling into a volley of sneezes? However despite his best efforts fall he did.

hhh...heh... heh-hEehh HHH -HHET'SCHnUUuu! hhh'hh'h...HETSCHHHHEeew!... heeh...HET'tiSHHhhh-uhhh! *sniff* Hiii Hhii hhh Yes *sniff* *coughing* Sorry excuhh-hhuse me I... HESCHHHHhh! Damn it." Cyrano grabbed a handkerchief from his sweat pants and walked toward the kitchen ,breath hitching, and sat down at the table, and then blew, hard. Anna's heart was beating hard in her chest.

He sniffed several times, sneezed, and then sighed. The teasing feeling back in remission (but probably not for long...). This was already getting embarrassing .

"Bless you" he heard from behind him. "...Thank you" he offered in reply. There was a awkward silence as Cyrano refused to turn back and look at her.

"Umm- I have a gift and cake and stuff, though, I don't know if cake would be the best right now... I could make you soup or something."

he sighed then said

"How about we start with the gift then."

"Ok so I know you said you didn't really want much but when I saw this I couldn't resist." She pulled out a neatly wrapped present with a card attached. As par etiquette he opened the card first. It was a very well done handmade card with a picture of the king of hearts on the font. Instead of a sword it was holding balloons and instead of a crown was wearing a party hat. He started Sniffling as he read,

'This is the right kind of card right? I hope your birthday is a royal flush! -Love Anna!'. He smiled at the whole thing . "Thank you Anna it's- HA'TiSCHhh... Bless me it's won- wonde- hh- HACHiSHHHhh- *coughing* wonderful. Bless me again." He could feel himself dripping from his nose and quickly coved his face with the handkerchief, mortified, hoping Anna hadn't seen. If she had she didn't say anything about it, and instead offered "Open you're present now!" Anna was too excited to have the previous display do much to her. This is what she was most excited about today, the gift she had been lucky enough to stumbled upon when she was searching for gifts.

Cyrano opened the package to find a book of poems by his favorite poet Robert Frost the one he could never seem to get his hands on. His eyes widened marveling at the object before him.

"Anna this is-"

"Open it to the front" she said excitedly.

No, it couldn't be. But it was, as he opened the book he found it was signed by none other then Robert Frost him self. He was beaming and Anna was ecstatic.

"How on Earth did you manage to get a hold of this?"

"Well I actually found it by chance while I was at an antique shop. I absolutely had to get it for you."

"Anna this gift makes even me *sniff* speechless for words."

"Why the great Cyrano de Bergerac? I'm shocked" she feinted a shocked expression. Then they both laughed.

Anna went on to suggest she make soup for him. He was a bit hesitant at the suggestion but agreed anyway. So she stayed for him, she stayed and made soup. She brought it to him on the couch and insisted he eat.

"How is it?" Anna asked.

"It's good, thank you for *sniff* doing all this for me... hhh" once again his over sensitive nose insisted on acting up. He quickly put the soup on the coffee table and grabbed for his handkerchief, only to realize in horror that it wasn't there. He'd left it in the kitchen he realized. There would be no time to get it. Never the less he put his hand over his twitching nose, holding the feeling back.

"hhAnna- I-think hI- Heh HEH- my handkerchief- Hhiin the kitchen, p-please."

Anna felt like a deer in the headlights of an on coming car. He was asking her to bring him his handkerchief. His used handkerchief. While he sat there having one of the most erotic buildups she'd ever seen. In a daze she felt herself get up and go to the kitchen. Found the handkerchief and stared at it in a trance. She heard Cyrano give in to a Fit of sneezes in the other room. She grabbed it her hand on fire, rushing to the other room Anna gave Cyrano his handkerchief. Anna looked away from him as waves of arousal filled her to the brim. This was too much, this was much to much. His breath caught again and again, body shaking with need Over and over He sneezed desperately. Breath hitching erratically between each one.

He hated this why did he have to have this cold that ruined everything about today? He wanted to crawl into a hole and hide never to be seen again. Happy as the gift giving had been, he would rather Anna just leave. He couldn't take how awkward this seemed to make her. What she had already done was enough.

*sniff* Listen you've looked uncomfortable *sniff* since you got here today why don't you leave.


"It's fine I'm fine *sniff* you hih you've done enouhhhgh for ... HAT'SCHHOoo! -HAT'SCHHhnEew! enough for me t- today. I'm a disgusting repulsive mess right now *sniff* you don't ha- HET'SCHHHhhii! you don't ha- -HAT'SHHHhee! You don't have to deny it.

She didn't want Cyrano to think she felt that way about him but she was on absolute fire and could barely speak barely move.

"I- don't think your disgusting" she barely managed to say.

"Then why have you been so obviously -hih- uncomfortable today?"

She felt anxiety overturn the arousal she felt as she had the things she wanted to confess right on her tongue but didn't have the will to move them.

"It's not like that."

"Hii heh- HETCHhhAaaa! Then what is it?"

"I don't- It's not- You..."

"I -HET'SCHHhee! I don't want any pity Anna. *sniff* If your just going to lie to me then then I'd rather you just... rather you just leave."

She turned and left the room in a rush. She couldn't do this. Why did she think she could do this? She was such a coward and she hated it but still she ran away. Even though he would probably even like hearing the part about she just how much liked his nose. Still she was afraid of what he would think, what he would say. She had wanted to tell him from the very beginning about these things but she couldn't she couldn't she couldn't...

Cyrano felt like an ass now he'd purposely driven off the only girl that had ever been interested in him. After she had done so many things for him today. But he had told her, told her how discussing he was right now with this damned cold, what did she even mean when she said she didn't think he was discussing ? She had looked so uncomfortable practically from the moment he saw her. He should probably just be thankful she wanted to come over at all. Let her stay if she wanted to. But he didn't want pity and he didn't want her to suffer for his sake.

She had gotten to her car and started crying. Why couldn't she just tell him? This was all so stupid! They'd been going out and things were going so well. How was she supposed to make him understand how she felt is she couldn't even get her words out. She stayed there in the car for an unknowable amount of time. It could have been a couple seconds or days before something came to her... this way she wouldn't have to say any thing all she would have to do was... she hoped she could do it at least no she would do it this time. No more running away. She grabbed a peace of paper from the glove box and a pen from her purse and started writing.

Cyrano had inadvertently fallen half asleep when the sound of his doorbell startled him awake. Had Anna come back? As fast as his bleary head and body wold let him he went to his door. He opened the door and there she was.

"I'm sorry" they both said at he same time.

"No you shouldn't be sorry i should be sorry " Cyrano started "I shouldn't have gotten upset with you *sniff* you have nothing to be sorry for."

"...But i am sorry, I'm sorry for... can I- can I please just come in.?"

He nodded and Anna stepped aside.

"I have something for you!" she suddenly announced loudly

Cyrano looked at her puzzled "*sniff*What is it?" she looked like she felt extremely awkward, (again). "What is it?" he repeated.

she slowly pulled a folded piece of paper from her pocket. He reached out for it and take it but soon felt an iron grip keeping it in Anna's outstretched hand. befuddled he asked. "Are you *sniff*going to let me have it? I do believe you said this was for me." "Just give me a seconded." He was about to retort when the ever present tickle in his over sized nostrils started to bloom once again. He turned to his side, breath hitching. He heard an exacerbated sigh and felt the note being shoved into his hand as Anna then walked to the chair and sat. But he had barely the ability to notice such things as he came upon the precipice of sneezing.

hHI'HATSCHHHIiiii!...HETSCHHHhiee!... Het- HEt- HATSCHHHOoo! He sniffed cautiously and then again, still not knowing if he would sneeze again or not he walked to the other chair and sat down pulling out his handkerchief and dabbing his nose. not daring to blow it he kept it there as he opened the paper and began to read the contents he saw scrawled inside.

As Cyrano read he was overcome with wave after wave of world shattering statements that rang through his head like a miracle he hadn't even dreamed was possible. He would have thought if he where to be told such things he would have been over the moon with jubilation. Which a small part of him was but more then that was befuddled disbelief. He was surly dreaming or had been overcome with his cold so much that he was having some sort of hallucination.

He looked to Anna who was hiding behind her hands, embarrassed.

"Is all this true?"

Anna nodded and Cyrano could feel it's truth.

"Is that okay?" she whimpered.

"It's wonderful" he said feeling happiness and amazement growing rapidly inside him.

Anna lowered her hands and they looked at each other- saying things that could only be said without words. They went to each other, intent on reviling in each other, and exploring this brand new world.


-The day before their first anniversary (of going out).

Cyrano suddenly announced "You know... I do happen to take allergy medication for several things."

Anna looked lost for words

"Perhaps, by chance, I should forget to take it one day and we see what happens?"

Anna now looked even more lost then before.

"What would you think about that my darling?"

Anna, after a bit, nodded vigorously.

Cyrano Chuckled.

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