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Saphael AU Alive/Breathing (Raphael) (Shadowhunters book/tv)


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If Raphael Takes Care of Everyone Else, Who Takes Care of Raphael?

Part 1

Fandom: The Mortal Instruments/ Shadowhunters

Characters: Raphael Santiago (Victim), Simon Lewis

Pairing: Saphael 

Summary: AU: Both alive. Simon is a college student who is majoring in Accounting. and Raphael is a hotel owner “Hotel Dumort” with a dark theme. Raphael is allergic to sun, which causes severe hives, and allergic to garlic. He also might have come down with a pretty nasty cold. Today was not his day, or is it?



Simon just finished his last class of the day and decided to go see his boyfriend. He quickly ran into the hotel door and jumped into the last elevator to the left and put his finger on the print scanner, to allow him to go up to Raphael’s flat. Raphael occupied the top floor of the building; the 37th floor. Excited to see him he opened the door with the key Raphael gave him last month. He still felt giddy when he used it. 


“Hey Raph!” He closed the door and when he turned around his face fell. the first thing he saw was the light peaking through the curtains. “RAPHAEL!” he ran and closed the curtains, “Babe! Please answer me.” 


Raphael weakly leaned against the doorway, “Hey.” He had hastily put on a cotton t-shirt and sweatpants. “sorry, I’m not feeling well.” he coughed and rubbed his chest. 


Simon ran over to him and looked him over, “Did the sun touch you? what hurts? Do you need something? You should go lay down!” Simon was rambling, worried sick. 


“I’m ok, Simon. I just need to lie down.” Raphael leaned against him, and Simon wrapped his arms around his waist and helped him to his bed.


“What happened?” Simon tucked Raphael in bed and checked for anything wrong. 


Raphael sighed and told him, “The power went out sometime this morning…”


*11pm last night*


Raphael was starting to get tired. Not being able to be in the sunlight, meant he usually worked and shopped late at night, but today he had to wake up to go to a meeting about the hotel. He was working through some numbers when he started to fall asleep around midnight. putting the papers down, he fell asleep on the couch.


He woke up later in the morning and looked at the clock. The clock read 2:12 am. Raphael sighed and got up. he really needed a shower, before going to sleep in his actual bed. Going over the list of things he needed to get done, whenever he woke up later in the evening he walked to the window and grabbed the curtain. Thinking it was so early in the morning that the sun shouldn’t be out, and he could see the town at night. 


Opening it, sunlight hit him straight in the chest and he fell onto the floor. He cried out in pain and stood up. He had taken his shirt off, sometime earlier, and ran to the drawer by his bed. He could feel his chest tighten and his chest itched and burned. He was having trouble breathing and felt dizzy. He was already feeling like he was getting sick, yesterday. He took his epi-pens out of the drawer and sat down on his bed. He began to wheeze and jabbed them in his left thigh. Starting to feel his chest relax, he laid down on his bed. He was really tired, and let himself fall asleep again. 


*present time*


“shit Raphael.” Simon pulled down his shirt and gasped at the hives, “Is there something we can put on it?” 


“I’m ok.” he held his hand. he tried to console a panicked Simon, but the urge to cough was intense. He pulled his shirt over his mouth and coughed. It sounded dry and painful, like he couldn’t get air in, and couldn’t push it back out. 


Simon helped him sit up and held him against his chest, “Do you have your inhaler?” Raphael motioned to the drawer; Simon got it and shoved it in his mouth. “Take a puff.” 


Slightly taken aback by the force he moved back, but quickly pressed down and took two. “Simon.. the clocks are wrong… can you..” he was wheezing and was having trouble keeping focus.


“I’m not going to leave you. Ill do it when i know your stable.” Simon caressed his cheek and frowned and touched his own forehead, “You feel the same…” Raphael could see the wheels working in his head. HIs eyes widen and he jumped up. Raphael chuckled and coughed. “You have a fever!” He threw his hand up and ran to the bathroom. He wet some rags and came back. “Ok, my mother used to put one on my forehead, and the other on my neck.” he did just that and stared at him; as if he was expecting Raphael to be magically better.


“You’re panicking.” Raphael frowned and patted the spot beside him.


“Of course I’m panicking! you went into anaphylactic shock! You could have died because of something so stupid as a wrong clock!” He was panting and pacing. 


“Stop pacing.” Raphael sighed.


“Am I making you dizzy?” he ran a hand through his hair, “I probably am making you worse by pacing… Do you feel nauseous? you said you felt sick before? Maybe you have the flu? or pneumonia?…”


“Simon..” Raphael tried to get his attention.


You don’t get vitamin D so maybe its the deficiency? I should call a doctor? take you to a hospital! no, how would i do that..” 


“Simooon.” he waved, to no avail. 


“You can’t go into sun, thats the problem in the first place. I could probably wrap you in enough blankets to try to block it out..”


“SIMON!” he yelled and Simon jumped. “I’m fine… Its just a cold, and the allergy is going away. Please calm down.” he patted the seat next to him, “Come lay with me before you make yourself sick.” 


“I’m sorry.” he sighed and crawled in next to him, “I’m just worried about you.” 


“I know.” He laid down, “I don’t understand why. I’m fine. I can take care of myself, You can go home, I’m not much company.” 


“Raphael, I’m not leaving until your better.” He kissed his forehead, ‘I really like you, and i know you like me enough to give me your house key. I want to make you better.” He thumped onto the bed, “SO i’m staying until you are 100%.” 


Raphael snorted and laid back down. “I’m not used to being taken care of.”


“I know.” Simon smiled mischievously, “So I plan to spoil you.” Raphael looked slightly nervous, “relax.” he kissed his cheek, “You’ll love it.” 


Raphael was almost sure, he was going to hate it. 


Seeing Raphael’s face, Simon moved his face towards him, “hey. I know your used to taking care of everyone else. Your the oldest in your family, and you had to be the man of the house for most of your life.” Simon smiled, “I think you deserve to be taken care of at least when your sick.” 


Raphael was touched; he’d never had someone care about him this much. Of course his mom loved him, but he was always so worried about her, he never let her take care of him. He doesn’t regret it, not for a second, but things were different with Simon. He was willing to try it… at least once. 






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Awwww, this was really sweet!! I haven't seen or watched Shadowhunters, but now I might lol. I love how worried Simon is while Raphael really isn't. This was very well-written. I liked that Raphael finally accepts being taken care of with Simon. They're so cute together. I also really like how determined Simon is, and you did a good job with that. You might have just gotten me into the fandom!

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1 minute ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Awwww, this was really sweet!! I haven't seen or watched Shadowhunters, but now I might lol. I love how worried Simon is while Raphael really isn't. This was very well-written. I liked that Raphael finally accepts being taken care of with Simon. They're so cute together. I also really like how determined Simon is, and you did a good job with that. You might have just gotten me into the fandom!

Ahh! THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I'm soo glad you liked it! I hope you enjoy the show, but the books are better *wink*. You are so sweet :) :winkiss:

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1 hour ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Awwww, this was really sweet!! I haven't seen or watched Shadowhunters, but now I might lol. I love how worried Simon is while Raphael really isn't. This was very well-written. I liked that Raphael finally accepts being taken care of with Simon. They're so cute together. I also really like how determined Simon is, and you did a good job with that. You might have just gotten me into the fandom!

I just started to watch Death note :) I don't know anything about Anime. This might be the first show I finish :))))) 

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2 hours ago, RemedyBane said:

Ahh! THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I'm soo glad you liked it! I hope you enjoy the show, but the books are better *wink*. You are so sweet :) :winkiss:

Np! Good to know. I'm the kind of person who can slam certain shows in five days, but can't read a book to save their live lol. Unless it's manga. Where do you recommend watching Shadowhunters? It's not on Netflix, which was my first thought.

1 hour ago, RemedyBane said:

I just started to watch Death note :) I don't know anything about Anime. This might be the first show I finish :))))) 

Hope you like it!! Death Note's tied for my favorite anime ever. You'll have to tell me which side you end up on later on! DN's a pretty good introduction to more-serious-themed anime, I think. It's really, really good. :heart: 

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Part 2


Simon got up and went to the kitchen. Raphael watched him leave, still not entirely sure what was going on. he sniffed and leaned back into a more comfortable position. A couple of minutes later, Simon came in with a tea tray. 


“My mom always made tea when we were sick, so,” he rubbed the back of his neck after placing it on the nightstand, “I thought it was worth a try.” he smiled and poured Raphael a cup. 


Siting up, he sniffed and rubbed his chest, “Thank you.” he smiled slightly as he took the cup. he looked fondly at Simon and took a sip. It did sooth his aching throat.


 Simon had smiled and sat down next to him, “Is there something you need? medicine? tissues? blankets?” he looked eager help and a little antsy. 


Raphael chuckled and put a hand on Simon’s shoulder, “I’m really ok.” 


Simon leaned back against the bed and took off his shoes, “what do you usually do when your sick?” 


Raphael sniffed, “nothing.” he shrugged and took another sip, “Just work as usual.” 


SImon’s eyes widened, “So you never took a sick day?” he cleared his throat and composed himself, “I mean.. I know no one has ever taken care of you, but I just assumed you took care of yourself.” He motioned from side to side with his hands, as if it helped put his thoughts in order.


Raphael sniffed and put the tea down, “I didn’t think I needed to. There was so much work to be done, that I never really thought about my condition.” he rubbed his nose and pinched it. 


Simon knew what that meant and forced his arm down, “nope, you are going to just sneeze like a normal person and not blow out your ear drums.” He put his right arm behind Raphael and took Raphael’s right arm, his left holding Raphael’s left. he moved Raphael to lean into him, “You are taking a sick day, so you might as well act sick too.” he kissed the back of Raphael’s neck and watched as Raphael’s nose twitched, “There are tissues on the nightstand.” Feeling like Raphael wasn’t going to fight him, he let go on his arms and wrapped around Raphael’s middle. 


Raphael’s breathe hitched and he cupped his hands a foot in front of his face, “hih..Hiiih… HIIH.” He wiggled his nose and brought his hands closer and turned away from Simon. 


Simon had never heard Raphael sneeze before and was kind of intrigued. he rubbed his back as he hitched; part of him holding on to every intake of breathe, awaiting the release. 


“high..hih’EISH!-EISH!-EIGHSH!-ISH!-ITSch!-itsch!-itschk!-ishk’ue!” he sniffed and leaned back.


Simon was taken a back at how rapid and forceful they were. He felt each spasm and was left wide eyed, “holy shit, are you ok? Do you always sneeze like that?” he had counted each little explosion, “That was like eight times.” 


Raphael sniffed and leaned back against Simon, “the record is twenty?” he put his hands on his stomach, “I think. You’ll have to ask Lilly; I’m pretty sure she has a chart.” 


Simon mouthed, “twenty” and tightened his hold on Raphael. If he sneezed three times his mom was worried, but here he is, talking to his boyfriend who sneezed twenty times in a row. “Holy shit. Doesn’t that hurt? you sneeze like that normally? or just when you’re sick? How do I know if you get worse?” He knew he was rambling but that little fit made his brain short circuit. 


“If you’re going to get this worked up every time I sneeze more than what’s normal for you…which I believe is three?, Than you are going to drive yourself mad.” Raphael closed his eyes and smiled, “Sneezing is not a good indicator of my health. I’ very rarely show signs of illness. I wouldn’t worry.” he hid his face in Simon’s neck, “I’ll be ok.” 


“So I’m gambling with your life?” held him close and ran his fingers through his hair. 


Raphael chuckled, “If I become dazed and no longer lucid, then maybe i’m getting worse.” he teased Simon and pocked his side. 


“SO not funny.” Simon kissed the top of his head, “So what now?” 


Raphael sighed through his nose, “I hhhave to snnneeze again..” he put his face in his shirt and Simon rubbed his side, “hiiih… hih’EISGH!-EIGHSH!-EISh!-EIiiSH!- Eiiiish!-Ish!-TSCh!-ish!ish!-EItsch!-Eighk!” he took a much needed breathe and coughed. 


“I’m never getting used to that…” Shaking his head to clear him of the shock, “oh ya… bless you.” He laughed awkwardly.


“gracias.” Raphael sniffed and rubbed his nose. He got up coughing and started to get out of bed.


“Woooaahhh!” simon jumped up and jumped in front of him, “and where do you think you’re going?” Crossing his arms he blocked Raphael’s path.


Raphael raised an eyebrow and went to go around him, “As much as a appreciate the effort, I am not an invalid.” 


Simon put his arms around Raphael’s waist and pressed him against him, “You’re not.” he kissed his forehead, “but you still have a nasty bug and to get rid of it, you need to rest.”


“you’re right.” Simon smiled, thinking he’d won, “But I can do that at my desk, while I do easy work.” Raphael slipped from his grasp. 


“I meant in bed! while watching movies and cuddling!” exasperated he ran after him.


“I do still run this establishment.” He glanced at Simon and sat down at his desk, “I can’t exactly stop.” He put on his glasses. Simon always found them old fashion. They were just like the Riddler’s glasses from Gotham. He thought they were awesome. 


“You feel like shit!” he walked in front of the desk and leaned against it, getting in his face, “wanna know how I know? Only yesterday you had an Allergy attack, which lead to anaphylactic shock, and to top that all off you have a cold.” he pushed Raphael’s glasses up with his finger, “You never wear your glasses unless you feel really bad and things are hazy.” He huffed, “last time you wore them, you had an allergic reaction to garlic and your eyes were swollen for days.” 


Raphael blinked at the memory, then sat back and stared at him, “would it make you feel better if I let you check over finances?” 


Simon stopped open mouthed, thinking about it, “ok yes.” He was kinda excited about it. Since he started accounting in college he would look over Raphael’s shoulder or look up while resting on his lap, to look over at some files. He felt relaxed doing math. He would suggest certain things, and Raphael promised to hire him once he has finished college. 


Raphael smirking, knowing he’d won, he put some files in front of Simon, “take a look.” 


A couple of hours went by as they both worked in Silence, only being interrupted by Raphael’s sniffles, coughs, and occasional fits. Simon had to admit that he was enjoying working with Raphael. He also took a little pleasure in watching Raphael have those fits. He found them both intriguing and slightly arousing. The way he lost control and was temporarily helpless. Raphael was anything but helpless and he was always in control. He snapped himself out of it, he couldn’t take advantage of Raphael; not while he was sick. 


He was truly snapped out of his head when he heard coughing. It wasn’t unusual, Raphael was sick, but the way they sounded was familiar. He snapped up and ran to him. He was wheezing. Something set him off, he didn’t know what, but he needed his inhaler. The thing about Raphael’s sun allergy was that it didn’t go away as quickly as you expect. Sometimes the api-pens weren’t enough. He had an inhaler incase he was having trouble breathing, like he was right now. 


“Hey hey, sit up for me.” He pushed Raphael further back into the chair, “that’s it baby.” He took off the cap for the inhaler and put it in Raphael’s mouth. Raphael’s hand came up and took it from him. His eyes were closed and he took a few puffs. The coughing slowly stopped and he was left panting. Simon pushed his hair back from Raphael’s forehead and shushed him quietly, “It’s over, just breathe.” 


Raphael took Simon’s hand and brought it to his lips. He could feel Raphael’s breath on his fingers as Raphael went to kiss his knuckles. It was a little gesture Raphael did when he couldn’t talk, to say thank you and calm Simon down; to let him know he was alright. 


The annoying thing about the after affect of the anaphylactic shock, was that anything could set him off: dust, pollen, dander, wool, etc. It was like he was allergic to everything in that period. “Do you know what set you off.” 


Raphael leaned his head against Simon’s hip and Simon put his arm around him, “maybe..the..cold.” He coughed hoarsely with his mouth closed, “You probably shouldn’t…be this close..” He started to move away, but Simon was having none of it. 


“nuhuh.” he bent down and pulled him into a hug, “I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.” He kissed his forehead and took his hand, “Do you want to move to the couch?”


Raphael nodded slightly, to winded and tired to work anymore. Simon smiled at the little victory and helped him stand up. He led him over to the couch and went to put on a movie. He put on Star Wars, his favorite. He had watched it before with Raphael, so maybe he wouldn’t feel like he needed to stay awake and let himself drift off. He squeezed in behind Raphael after gathering a glass of water for Raphael and a blanket. He spooned him and draped the blanket securely around them. Not half way through, he heard Raphael’s soft breathing as he fell asleep. Simon smiled and continued to cuddle him until he too fell asleep. 

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