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I Will Keep You Warm (Orphan Black Cosima/Delphine F/F)


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Hi guys!


So a funny thing happened when everybody started posting about how the new season of Orphan Black was up…I realized that I somehow completely missed the last season. So I spent last week binging (if you can refer to a season that’s only 10 eps as binging, even), and this one scene in the finale just completely broke my heart. Cosima, half frozen to death, still dying from the mysterious genetic clone disease, being brought to the secret Neolution village, and finding Delphine there…everything about that scene just killed me. The thing that most caught my attention was how Cosima never stopped looking at Delphine, the whole time all the medical action was going on around her, having her shirt cut off her body because she was too weak to move, too weak to speak…her eyes were on Delphine every moment. So terribly, heartbreakingly romantic. And ultimate hurt/comfort. It was too good not to make into a sneezefic!

And if you somehow have never seen Orphan Black…first of all, your life is shockingly incomplete, go watch it right now! But for the purposes of the story, all you really need to know is that 1) Cosima has just found her way to a secret village on a frozen island where she was working with her enemies to try to find a cure for her mysterious genetic disease, that is slowly killing her and will kill all her sisters as well; but she has found a cure and it’s literally in her pocket, she just had to run away from the secret mansion because murder was afoot…and B) Cosima hasn’t seen Delphine since last season, everyone thought she was dead. Also Delphine is French. Imagine the accent. ;)

Enjoy! :)



I’ll Keep You Warm

An Orphan Black fic for SFF


Spoilers: 4x10 (finale)



            Cosima couldn’t stop looking at Delphine. Even though her face was too cold to smile…to weak to make any expression, really…she couldn’t take her eyes off the girl she loved, the girl she thought she’d never see again. They’d all told her Delphine was dead. But here she was, her beautiful face hovering over the half-frozen girl on the bed, her light blue-green eyes shining with love, with worry, her attention focused completely and utterly on Cosima and nothing else. The shivering girl felt as if that look alone should be enough to warm her up again.

            But of course, it was going to take a little bit more than that. Cosima’s consciousness drifted in and out of focus, vaguely aware of Delphine cutting off her shirt with medical scissors, a stethoscope pressed to her cold skin, thermometer against her forehead, blankets pulled up over her bare legs. She’s hypothermic, the blonde doctor’s voice was saying; but it seemed far away, like the echoing sound inside a seashell pressed to your ear. There were a flurry of voices at first…then it was just Delphine.

            “Leave us,” her lilting voice said urgently, desperate and commanding all at once. Suddenly all the other voices were gone. Cosima’s woozy hazel eyes blinked open again to take in the sight of Delphine frantically stripping off her clothes; not at all in a seductive way, but as if her life depended on it. “I will keep you warm,” she whispered as she climbed under the covers, her familiar skin pressing up against Cosima’s everywhere. After the long hours stumbling through the frozen darkness, shivering and coughing up blood, trying to stay strong for little Charlotte…this felt like heaven.

            “Hold me tighter,” the pale, shivering girl murmured sleepily. She felt drugged, everything was fuzzy; she still wasn’t a hundred percent sure she could trust her senses. Delphine easily obliged, gathering Cosima up into her arms, flinging one leg over her and stroking her icy cheek with one warm hand.

            “Is that better, ma chérie?” The warmth of Delphine’s voice was wrapped up with the warmth of her breath, and Cosima wanted to kiss her more than anything…but she barely had the strength to lift her arm to touch the blonde girl’s face.

            “I thought you were dead,” the dark-haired girl murmured, still staring up at Delphine like she was the epicenter of the universe, the origin of all life, the Big Bang itself. The only thing in existence was the two of them.

            “I nearly was,” the French girl murmured, still tenderly stroking Cosima’s freezing cold face with the feather-light touch of her fingers. “As soon as I woke up here, on this strange island, all I could think was to contact you…but communication here, it is very tightly guarded. I am a prisoner, Cosima. We both are. But you must not worry, ma coeur, I will not let any harm come to you here. Shh, you are all right now…” Cosima’s hand slid weakly through Delphine’s soft blonde hair; then she dropped it back down slowly to hover over her face, a woozy, out-of-focus expression glazing her sleepy eyes as they welled up and slid shut.

            “’Chxxiew!! *S-snghf*…Aahheshhiuh!!!” She barely had the strength to cover her sneezes with her hand, shivering again as her shoulders jerked weakly.

            “A tes souhaits,” Delphine cooed softly, wiping her thumb once under Cosima’s nose before reaching across her to the bedside table, and coming back with a neatly folded cloth to wipe her nose properly. Cosima noted, with relief, that there was no blood.

            “Sorry,” the woozy girl mumbled, her eyes still just half-open as she passively allowed Delphine to wipe her nose. She was pretty sure she had never let another person wipe her nose before.

            “Do not be sorry, sweet one,” Delphine shook her head, actually smiling a little. “I think you have a cold now, yes? We must take good care of you.”

            “Yeah…fatal genetic disorder, hypothermia, whatever…but you better keep an eye on that cold…definitely.” Cosima cracked a weak, but obviously sarcastic grin. Delphine giggled for a moment, and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

            “You are still a cheeky monkey,” the French girl teased gently, her light eyes sparking with affection.

            “Gotta keep up my street cred,” Cosima agreed, her voice still soft and woozy, dreamlike. “This is real, right? This is really real? You’re really here with me?” She wrapped her chilled hand around Delphine’s arm, and the blonde girl leaned down and kissed her again.

            “I am here, Cosima. Right here.” She took the shivering girl’s hand from around her arm, and pressed it against her chest, so Cosima could feel her warm heartbeat. They smiled at each other like nothing bad could ever touch them, like they were a million miles away from this mad science island, like no one was a prisoner, like Cosima wasn’t still dying of an incurable genetic disorder.

            “I finished our homework,” Cosima grinned sleepily, before pulling her hand back from Delphine’s warm skin to cup her face again, as a fresh tickle wriggled inside her cold nose. “Hhitxchouh!! *Snghf*…” Her shoulders jerked weakly on the bed again, sleepy eyes scrunched up tight against the sick tickle.

            “Bless you,” Delphine smiled down at her affectionately, gently pulling Cosima’s hand away again so she could wipe the shivering girl’s runny nose. Cosima sniffled weakly.

            “Look id mby coat pocket,” she instructed, as focused and determined as she could be in her current state. Delphine obediently leaned down over the edge of the bed, pulling out the plastic case holding three identical vials.

            “Is this what I think it is?” Delphine asked breathlessly, hardly daring to believe it.

            “Yuh-huh,” Cosima nodded feebly, smiling despite how sick and weak and frozen her poor abused body felt. None of that mattered now. She did it, and Delphine was here, and they could be together again. “You…*snghf!*…you can shoot me up, just like old times.” She grinned widely, some of the sparkle returning to her hazel eyes.

            “You found your cure,” Delphine whispered, sounding awe-struck as she gazed down at the half-frozen, but still triumphant face of the girl she loved.

            “T-told you I would,” Cosima stuttered softly, her eyes fluttering helplessly as her breath hitched softly again in her chest. Delphine gently pinched her runny nose in the soft handkerchief again, feeling it quiver and open wide through the fabric. “Aah’tchxiiuh!! Hhuhh, hheiiishuh!!! *Snfl*…”

            “Poor thing…God bless you,” Delphine murmured, gently wiping the frozen girl’s damp nose once again. Cosima sniffled wetly behind the fabric. “You have a runny nose, chérie…can you blow a bit?” Too weak to argue that she didn’t need help to blow her nose, Cosima obediently followed her instructions, giving a weak, snotty little blow into the fabric being held gently to her icy-cold nose. “Good girl,” the blonde doctor smiled affectionately, leaning down and kissing her beloved lightly on the lips after she took the handkerchief away. She was still so cold.

            “W-will you j-j-just…lie on top of me for a little while?” Cosima whispered, her body aching all over from the wracking shivers. “J-just for a little while…then you can shoot me up…but please…j-just don’t…*snghf*…don’t get up yet…” Her breath gave another sniffly hitch, and Delphine gathered her up in her warm arms, cupping one hand protectively against the back of her head. “Hhuh’chhxiew!!” Cosima shivered and sneezed breathlessly against Delphine’s collarbone, wiping her hand across the damp skin with a regretful little sigh.

            “A tes souhaits, my little doe,” Delphine hummed softly, wiping Cosima’s nose again, then dropping the lightest, most tender kiss imaginable between her eyes.

            “*Snfl*…Mberci,” Cosima grinned weakly, her tired eyes finally swimming shut as Delphine began rubbing gentle circles over the back of her neck. Finally, she was safe. Soon there would be shots and treatments and x-rays and tests…but right now her frozen skin was melting in her love’s arms, and that was enough. She felt Delphine wiping her runny nose again as she drifted off to sleep.





Edited by wannablessedbe
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This was really sweet and had a feel of family comfort to it that I liked very much please continue :D

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Yay! Cophine forever! Here's another part :)



I Will Keep You Warm

Part 2



            Delphine stayed cuddled up to Cosima’s icy-cold body long after she’d fallen asleep, trying to give the frozen girl as much warmth and comfort as she could. She only got up when absolutely necessary for medical reasons, fussing over her sick, brave girl, putting in an IV of warm fluids to help combat the hypothermia and dehydration. Cosima was dead asleep, not even giving a twitch when Delphine inserted the needle into the crook of her arm. It was very unnerving, as the blonde doctor knew well that the dreadlocked girl was normally not a heavy sleeper. She woke fairly easily, and she usually moved around in her sleep and mumbled science equations every so often. It was beyond adorable…Delphine had been so afraid, so sure she’d never get to sleep beside Cosima again.

The blonde girl crawled back in next to her sweet, geeky little goofball as soon as she was done taping the IV needle securely to her arm, cuddling her as she slept and slowly bringing her frozen body back to life. Finally, the dark-haired girl did begin to stir in her sleep, like she usually did; but this time she wasn’t mumbling science equations.

            “No, please…please…don’t hurt her,” Cosima whimpered softly, her head rolling limply to one side while her fingers twitched. Delphine took her cold hand and pressed a silent kiss to the sleeping girl’s palm. “Please…I’ll do anything…”

            “Shh, love, you are safe now,” the blonde girl murmured, dipping her head down so her breath warmed Cosima’s ear. It wasn’t quite as icy as it had been an hour ago…but it was still a long way from warm. “I’m here, mon amour…I’m right here…”

            Cosima woke up with tears dripping down her face, too weak to really cry; Delphine lovingly wiped them away, stroking her cold cheek and covering her face with kisses, whispering soft assurances and little loving bits of nonsense. Cosima was slightly delirious now, not asleep but definitely not fully awake, either.

            “They killed you because of me, Delphine…it’s all my fault,” the woozy girl whimpered inconsolably. “All my fault…”

            “Shh, no one has killed me Cosima. I am right here with you, ma coeur. Look at me,” the blonde girl murmured softly, her voice full of warmth and tenderness as she gently held Cosima’s face in her hand, forcing her to make eye contact. Things were a bit fuzzy without her glasses, but they were so close together in the bed, there was no mistaking the loving blue eyes and the smile shining down on her.

            “What…you…no, I…I, uhh…” Cosima shook her head weakly, her chilly hand running over Delphine’s cheek as if to prove to herself that the blonde girl was real. “You were dead…” Her eyes welled up slowly, and her cold nose twitched a few times before she dropped her hand from Delphine’s face back to her own. “Hh…hhuh…hhatxchouh!!! *S-snghf*…” Cosima shivered weakly when she sneezed, her eyes scrunched up so tight it made a little crinkle above her nose.

            “Bless you, love,” Delphine cooed gently, rubbing the crinkled spot between Cosima’s eyes, then leaning in and dropping a kiss there before reaching for the handkerchief sitting on the small end table beside the bed.

            “Ughhh…I’mb sigck,” Cosima mumbled dazedly, as if she’d just realized it, wiping her nose on the back of her hand. “I mbead…*snghf!*…sicker thad I already was before.”

            “Not entirely,” Delphine shook her head, with a smile so big, it reached all the way to her blue eyes.

            “Whaa…what? *Snghf.*” Cosima wiped her runny nose on her hand again, leaving the underside still shining and wet. Delphine reached up and gently wiped it again with the handkerchief, feeling how cold her poor little nose still was, just like the rest of her. They’d been snuggled in the narrow bed for over an hour, skin to skin, in only their underwear; but still there was only so much the re-warming process could be rushed.

            “I gave you your shot while you were sleeping,” Delphine beamed at her, putting the slightly damp handkerchief aside so she could resume stroking the woozy girl’s face. “You were so deep asleep, I knew you would not feel it…and I could not risk that someone would come and stop us. They must not know we have the cure, Cosima.”

            “You cured me? I’m cured?” Cosima asked blankly, her voice shaking slightly. Then her eyes slowly narrowed again and her mouth half-opened, a fresh dribble of snot already clinging to the underside of one pink nostril as she woozily cupped her hands to her face. “Aahiiishxew!!! *Snf, snf.*”

            “You cured yourself,” Delphine shook her head, a proud smile spreading across her face as she tenderly wiped Cosima’s nose again, squeezing a little harder this time to try to help quell the sick tickle a bit. “I only put a needle in you.”

            “So…*snghf*…so the only thing wrong with me now is a cold?” Cosima said slowly, still looking too stunned to completely believe it. Scared to have her hopes dashed. Again.

            “Also there is the hypothermia,” the blonde girl reminded her sternly, with one eyebrow raised. But still, she was grinning.

            “I’m not gonna die,” Cosima whispered.

“You are not going to die, mon amour,” Delphine murmured back, stroking her cheek. They just stared into each other’s eyes for a minute, beaming, at a complete loss for words. Then the dark-haired girl began to cough, clamping her hands anxiously over her mouth as she always did, ashamed of the blood splattering onto anyone or anything. But this time, when she took her hands away…there was no blood. Delphine put one warm hand against Cosima’s collarbone, rubbing her thumb in slow circles.

“In the movie version of our life…there would be a really hot sex scene right now,” Cosima murmured, yawning softly. “This is like…the single greatest moment of my life…and I’m too sleepy for sex…*ssnf*…uhh’chxshht!! Iiiih—Iiihshxuh!!” She pinched her nose weakly between her fingers as it scrunched up with a chilly, tickly sneeze, and then another.

“À tes souhaits, ma chérie,” Delphine giggled a little, leaning in and kissing Cosima between her eyes again.

“Why are you laughing?” the sleepy girl whined, sniffling.

“You are very cute when you sneeze, you know,” the blonde doctor replied with an adoring grin, stroking the side of her love’s face again. “And there will be plenty of time for that later, the ‘hot sex scene.’ All the time in the world…but now you must go back to sleep, ma coeur. You are so tired. Come…close your eyes.” Cosima wanted to argue…but she just couldn’t. Her eyelids felt like they were made of lead.

“Stay with me,” she murmured, clearly half-asleep already as she curled one hand weakly around Delphine’s arm.

“Always,” Delphine whispered, dropping light kisses all over Cosima’s face as she fell quickly and deeply asleep, her hand still curled loosely around Delphine’s arm.





Edited by wannablessedbe
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Ok really? REALLY? How can I POSSIBLY be the only person geeking out over orphan black up in here??? C'mon Y'all :)

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Aargh I don't know the characters so I did quick google and Cosima is beautiful. And this fic is beautiful. You always write the sweetest, most loving and natural queer relationships and I love you for it, I'm always excited when a story of yours appears xxx

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On 7/15/2017 at 5:37 AM, Salamander said:

Aargh I don't know the characters so I did quick google and Cosima is beautiful. And this fic is beautiful. You always write the sweetest, most loving and natural queer relationships and I love you for it, I'm always excited when a story of yours appears xxx

THANK YOU so much! I really appreciate that. It's been a huge bummer for me lately that all my usual commenters seem to have vanished...I don't need tons of praise heaped on me, but more than none would be nice, ya know? I just wanna know that there are ppl geeking out with me. so just hearing from one or two ppl at this point is very validating.

and Cosima IS so beautiful...she is my perfect soulmate. Part of her beauty of course is also in her personality...she's a brilliant sexy geek, tattooed hippie stoner lesbian from Berkeley. TABLE FOR TWO PLEASE. I hope you will watch OB now bc for realz, Cosima and Delphine are the best canon queer couple ever ever ever. their chemistry is off the charts. and just in case you didn't see this when you googled, here is the scene this fic is based off: http://www.bbcamerica.com/shows/orphan-black/video-extras/season-4/episode-10-from-dancing-mice-to-psychopaths/cosima-and-delphine-reunite


enjoy! :)

Edited by wannablessedbe
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2 hours ago, Salamander said:

Oooh wow that scene was so good. I'm going to need to start watching this show I think! I'm so glad you shared.

you absolutely must. even if the rest of the show wasn't that great--which is NOT the case, I assure you--tatiana maslany is so incredible, she's playing half the characters on the show and you WILL forget that fact the entire time you are watching. they are all amazing characters, she's fucking brilliant. --but even if that were NOT the case, cosima and delphine would make it all worthwhile by themselves. their relationship and their chemistry is just flat-out-insanely-amazing. it's so real, and so hot.






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