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Another request for DEEcat98 (Loud house - Leni + Lori)


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Sorry it took so long. I didn’t want to start with Luan, because i have writers block for her. Also sorry the first part is short, ill try to make future parts longer, but here is Leni and Lori, @DEEcat98




“Ugh, Leni! You literally stole my sweater AGAIN!?” Lori screamed as she tugged on the purple cat sweater that Leni had on. “Stop stealing my stuff!!”


“Well Sorry, but it was in an unlocked small room and it was super cute! You were practically begging me to take it!” She fired back, hands on her hips in an attempt to look more mature.


“Leni, it was literally in my closet!! You weren’t supposed to take it! Apologize right now.” Leni stopped for a moment, as if pondering Lori’s command… No, Leni doesn’t think! She must be too stubborn to listen. Lori guessed, and put on an upset, impatient expression. “Well?” She spat, tapping her foot with her arms crossed.


Hih-” Leni’s breath hitched, and at that moment Lori realized that she was silent for a different reason. “Hahh-! Hiitchhii! Iggxcshhh!” Leni pulled the top of Lori’s purple cat sweater over the top of her nose as she sneezed, sniffling as she slowly pulled it back down.


“Leni, you better not be catching a cold, because you literally just sneezed into my sweater, and I literally have a date with Bobby tonight!!!”


Leni sniffed, wiping the brim of her nose with her wrist. “No, it’s not that cold in here. Oh, did you want your sweater back, Lori?” She smiled, pulling the sweater off of her, and handed her a bunched up purple sweater.


“Eww!” Lori shrieked, dropping the sweater on the floor. “Leni, I don’t want your germs! I appreciate you trying to help, but that was uncalled for! I am LITERALLY out of here!” She spat, then stomped out of the room.


Four hours later they both had colds.


-------To be continued-------

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9 hours ago, DEEcat98 said:

I love this so far! Also I can't wait to see Lori sneeze in the next part! :D

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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21 minutes ago, DEEcat98 said:

So what will happen in the next part?


Guess we'll have to stay tuned to find out.

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58 minutes ago, DEEcat98 said:

So what will happen in the next part?

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I'll be sure to get the next part up tomorrow.


As for what's going to happen, that I can't tell you. Honestly I'm just making this up as I go XD

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Ok. I'm exited for more parts though! Also I hope there will be more Loud House sneeze fanfics in the future! =D

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7 hours ago, DEEcat98 said:

I hope there will be more Loud House sneeze fanfics in the future! =D

I can make that happen ;) 

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Yay! :D Also I'll let you know that any time a new Loud House episode comes I always hope for any of the sisters to sneeze in it!

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Sorry, I'm such a procrastinator :lol:

I promise tomorrow

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On 25.6.2017 at 0:45 AM, RachTheCool said:

Four hours later they both had colds.

This. That's what I like to read ;) Can't wait for the next part.

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On 6/30/2017 at 9:58 PM, RachTheCool said:

Sorry, I'm such a procrastinator :lol:

I promise tomorrow


luckily, as my fortune cookie said, "You need not worry about the future"!

I'll try for tomorrow, but idk :lol:

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Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. Me and my friend were binging like 5000 animes, and I can't shake this awful writer's block. On top of this I have been struggling with depression, but I'm trying to start working on part 2

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--Sorry it took so long. As I mentioned before: depression, writer’s block, binging anime, etc. Also, I’m afraid the writing might be a bit lazy, and the characterization might not be as good, but ah well at least I posted something, hehe. So umm… sorry this part is kinda short and out of character and awful, but here ya go!!--


(Part two)


 “Ugh, Le’di!! I lidderally caddot beliebve you got be sigk!!” Lori groaned with a rough and chesty cough. She groaned before pulling a tissue over her face, and letting out a deep, gurgly blow into it. Lori always was extremely congested when she was sick, and there was no doubt you could always hear it in her voice.


“Eww, Lori!” Leni shrieked, pulling back as she held out another tissue with her other hand. “Keep your grossness to yourself!”


“Ugh. Le’di, you realidze that we’re lidderally both sigk, righht? So, there’s do deed to… tuhh..  Hahh-Tchuuh!” A small, congested sneeze exited the Blonde’s body, and she grabbed the tissue from her sister, giving another blow, this time more of a congested honk. She knew she couldn’t go on her date with Bobby. She knew she probably had a fever, and even so, she couldn’t let Bobby see her like this, not even for a second.


“Ihhtshh!” Lori stared at the source of the nearby sneeze. Stupid Leni… She thought bitterly, She’s copying me when I feel much worse than her. With that, a new thought popped into her head. Leni didn’t look that bad, and after all, this was LENI’s stupid headcold… So Lori guessed that she was probably fine, and sat up slowly, stumbling her way into the closet.


“Where are you going?” Leni sat up, eyes wide at her most likely delirious sister.


“I’b goigg to ged ready for by date with Bobby. I’b dot godda led a stupid cold bake be cadcel!” She growled, and stepped into her closet. Despite feeling dizzy, she pulled her favorite date dress over her tank top and tumbled out of the closet.


“Lori, no!” Leni shouted, a concerned expression washing over her face. “You’re sick, and you can’t go to your date with bobby when you’re sick! Besides, dates aren’t really good fruits. You should have an apple instead! Although, they do keep the doctor away, and you really seem like you need one right now-”


“Shu’d ub, Le’di!” Lori growled from the doorway. “I’ll be fi’de. I’ll just tag’ke a B’ucidex add I’ll lidderally be okay for the rest of the d’ight.” Through her stubborn thoughts she felt a wave of dizziness take over her, but she only stepped forward.


“Lori, I-” She stopped, and her eyes widened as she watched her older sister fall to the floor.


“LORI, NOO!!!!”


------To be continued----

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 minute ago, DEEcat98 said:

So will you be finishing it to the last chapter?

I'm really sorry, but I've really been lacking motivation for this story. I don't know how to continue it and im not really sure I want to. Sorry, I might have to abandon it.

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I have an idea how to continue it, after Lori fell she gets a messy sneeze attack then Leni gets it too and then it ends with both of them deciding that they should rest on the couch with eating soup would help them get better. Would that work?

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Just now, DEEcat98 said:

I have an idea how to continue it, after Lori fell she gets a messy sneeze attack then Leni gets it too and then it ends with both of them deciding that they should rest on the couch with eating soup would help them get better. Would that work?

Like I said, I've been lacking motivation and I really don't know if I want to continue this. It's just really for some reason not fun to write this.

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1 minute ago, DEEcat98 said:

No you should continue it, I really love it and I don't want it to end on a cliffhanger!

I'm really not feeling it right now... like its not fun to write this like it is with other fics...

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