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I've Got You - Criminal Minds Reid


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Thank you so much for the lovely comments @2SHY222 @HarryPotterGeek @silentdreamer789 @Thatonestranger.

Next chapter, short and sweet, and hopefully worth the wait (but probably not because it is super short, but life has been getting in the way and I know everyone understands what that's like.)

Chapter 9

“Come on kid, you can’t ignore me forever.”

Reid had grabbed a shake after Rossi left but laid down on the bed farthest from Morgan.

“Please.” Morgan couldn’t force his friend to talk and he wasn’t fond of begging, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Finally a whispered voice was heard, “Everyone thinks I’m weak. You still have a fever but would have been allowed to go out.”

“Dude, you were at 102. Of course they wouldn’t let you out, and they wouldn’t let me out at that temp either.”

Reid rolled to face farther away, “Why can’t my body handle this?”

“Just give it time. Do you really want to work?”

Finally the doctor rolled over to face the other agent who had slowly moved closer, “Yes.”

Eyes still glazed with fever and nose red, Morgan almost wished he hadn’t asked; but the face looking up at him was pleading for help.  He needed this.

Frowning a little Morgan opened his phone.

“Well hello my chocolate Adonis, how may I serve you today?”

“We’re goin a little stir crazy sweet cheeks; got anything to take Reid’s mind off of feeling so lousy?”

“Awww honey, boss man told me to keep you guys out of this.”

“Doctor gave me permission to work if needed.” Morgan gave his biggest smile, knowing Garcia would hear it through the phone.

“I guess technically I can at least send you a file with the boat specs; you know, so you have some idea of what is going on. It’s not like I’m having trouble calculating how long it would take to travel to the different drop off locations, especially factoring in weather and the dates we have for lighthouse shipments.”

“You’re amazing doll.”

“Yeah yeah, Garcia out.”

Instantly Reid headed for the laptop, ignoring the way his body tried to pull him off balance by grabbing at the desk.

“Whoa oh kid. I don’t think so. You get your butt in bed. I may have been persuaded to let you work but you do it from there.” Morgan pointed to the spot previously occupied.

The doctor’s body stiffened and the older agent came to put an arm on his shoulder, worried he had upset the boy.

“It’schhhh, ek’shhhuh, het’chhhhhuh.” Reid lifted a sleeve to wipe his nose.

“Bless you. Come on, let’s get you settled.”

“Thags.” He made it to the bed just as a tissue box landed at his side; Morgan grinning as it slid perfectly into place. 

He rolled his eyes, giving his friend a half cocked smile.


What would have taken Morgan days took the doctor about two hours. Morgan watched as numbers and symbols flew across the laptop screen. And now that there was something to focus on Reid was quite compliant. Every time he coughed or cleared his throat a drink would be forced beside his hand and he would gulp some before handing it back. Once he felt a nudge with a couple pills. He wiped a hand across his forehead, realizing for the first time he had started sweating again. The only words spoken were Reid saying, “Bless you,” as the other agent turned away, sneezing heavily into a few tissues before releasing a gurgly blow.

Finally a single tap on the send button confirmed the work was finished. Morgan having slid down against the pillows a little handed over a tissue as he saw mucous trickling down to his friend’s upper lip. Reid smiled and wiped it away before rubbing a hand along his temple, feeling the ache that was masked by his intense focus.

Satisfied, Reid moved the laptop to the side table and curled against his friend. He drew his arms close to his body resting his head on the big man’s shoulder, allowing Morgan’s arm to instinctually wrap around him.

Reid closed his eyes and whispered, “thank you,” as his body finally gave into weariness, quickly pulling him to sleep.

“You’re welcome kid,” Morgan smiled feeling like he was finally able to do something right. Muscles relaxed as he felt his friend’s body warm against him, slow breaths lulling him to sleep as well.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooh! I love Criminal Minds and this is so well written! I can totally picture all the characters in the story. Thank you for this ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i love this so much ;___; ❤ your writing is amazing and i absolutely adore sneezy reid! this is such a cute story i keep coming back to read the existing chapters again and again. can't wait for the next update!!

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