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Sneeze Fetish Forum

William (BBC Sherlock) 6/6 Completed 6/19/17

Subtly Clashing Wishes

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This is for @Kaze wo Hiku Happy Belated Birthday! Both she and @Masking expressed interest in a fanfic centered about Mycroft, Gregory and a cat... 

I meant for this to be a drabble, but once again I got a bit carried away. :whistle: I thought I'd post this in parts, since it breaks up nicely into 5 parts. No sneezing in the first part, but it's coming... trust me. :D 

I own nothing and comments = :heart: 



Part 1

           Mycroft Holmes had had a very trying day. The recent events in Manchester and London along with the surprising election results had added nearly a dozen emergency meetings to his calendar. He and his life partner had not seen much of each other in the past week due to the effect of the events on their already hectic schedules. As such the civil servant was rather relieved to see Greg’s shoes by the door as he let himself into the flat. Stopping by the closet, he hung his coat and put his umbrella in the stand. As he closed the closet door an unusual sight greeted him. He blinked a few times and briefly wondered if he was hallucinating from fatigue. Mycroft stared at a large, fluffy cat sitting in his hall just a few feet away.


He frowned now concerned he’d developed auditory hallucinations. The cat walked forward and began to rub against his legs. Convinced this was a real cat, Mycroft called out: “Gregory Lestrade, what is the meaning of this?”

            “Oh, hello, My.” Greg stepped out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

            “This, what is this?” Mycroft pointed at the animal at his feet.

            Greg gave his partner a bemused look. “It’s a cat, Mycroft.”

            “I know that. Why is it in our flat?”

            “Oh is that what you wanted to know? You only had to ask.”

            “Gregory…” Mycroft growled.

            “What? It needs a home. You like cats. I didn’t think you would mind.” Gregory moved closer to his partner and the cat.

            “Is this your way of telling me you are leaving me?”

            “No,” Greg looked confused. “Why would you think that? It belonged to a perp. The shelter was full, so I brought it home.”

            “You sustained a brain injury during the arrest. That would explain the addled cognitive process that brought you to the conclusion that a stray cat would be welcome in our home.”

            Greg gave Mycroft a mildly exasperated look. “You’ve had a hard day; I can tell. Go have a seat in the drawing room and I’ll bring you a drink. Dinner will be ready in about a half hour.” Greg headed back to the kitchen leaving Mycroft in the hall with the cat.

            Mycroft looked down at the cat and the cat looked back up at Mycroft. “You have ensorcelled him.”


            “I will not be enchanted by you.” Mycroft marched down the hallway to the drawing room. The cat trotted ahead, leading the way as if it had lived in the flat all its life. 

Edited by Sanguine Cheerful Worrier
grammar, always grammar
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Awwwwww thank you!!! :hug: This definitely won't end well.....hehe. The fact Mycroft is talking to the cat is hilarious. I look forward to more :heart:

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This was so cute! I LOVE cats and I can't have one because, guess what, my boyfriend is allergic (as he's allergic to almost everything in the world, it shouldn't make any difference, but still, I don't have a cat and I love to see cats in fics).

10 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“You sustained a brain injury during the arrest. That would explain the addled cognitive process that brought you to the conclusion that a stray cat would be welcome in our home.”

Mycroft... A bit not good. (But so funny!)

The dialogue between the elder Holmes and the cat is GREAT. :D

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@Masking No problem. You were very enthusiastic about this topic. :) 

@cally How can this not end well? I only believe in happy endings. :whistle: 

@Kaze wo Hiku You are welcome. :D I think Mycroft talking to the cat is pretty funny too. 

@Aliena H. There is lots of this cat in this fic. And more of Mycroft talking to the cat. :P 


Part 2



            Mycroft seated himself on the sofa with his legs crossed and hands folded on his knee. The cat jumped up on the furniture next to the irritated man. They started at one another for a long moment. A loud sneeze erupted from the kitchen, causing Mycroft to flinch. “That is on you,” he said to the cat. The cat had moved nary a muscle. It then blinked and began to rub its head along Mycroft’s hands, purring as it did.

            Greg came into the room carrying two drinks. “I see you are getting better acquainted with William.” He handed Mycroft his drink. As Mycroft lifted an arm to take his beverage, William took the opportunity to climb into Mycroft’s lap. The younger man rolled his eyes.  Greg chuckled and started to sit down next to his boyfriend.

            “No,” Mycroft shooed Greg away. “You sit over there.”

            It was Greg’s turn to roll his eyes. He sat in a chair across from the sofa. “Honestly, Mycroft. I feel fine.”

            “I heard you sneezing in the kitchen.”

            “Of course you heard me sneeze. I’m making Steak Au Poivre.”

            “Oh? Steak Au Poivre?” Greg grinned. Mycroft shook his head. “Do not distract me.” He began to absently scratch William behind the ears.

            “Look, I took some antihistamines. He’s not bothering me.” Greg took a drink and smiled at Mycroft.

            Mycroft looked pityingly at his partner. “Oh, Gregory.”


            Mycroft sighed, as he continued to stroke the cat on his knee. “It’s only temporary.” Greg snorted. “I know you know that, but the effectiveness is limited by the burden of allergens. You remember you could not stand to be here more than a few hours when I had cats, even with the antihistamines.”

            “You had three cats, My. I think I can manage one cat--less of a burden than three cats.”

            “We will see,” Mycroft could tell his partner was going to be stubborn about this. He turned his attention to his drink and continued to pet the cat in his lap.

            Greg finished his beverage, sniffed and rubbed his nose. “I’m going to finish dinner.” Mycroft hummed in agreement. The older man watched Mycroft stroking William and smiled. Mycroft looked up sensing he was been stared at. “I knew you two would hit it off since you both like cuddling.”

            “Go make my dinner,” Mycroft huffed.

            Greg only laughed and exited. A moment later Mycroft heard the man sneeze—twice. He looked down at the purring feline lolling in his lap. “Pepper,” he said derisively and made a rude noise. “I think not.” There was no response from the cat other than to stretch contentedly. “Enjoy. Your time here is limited.”

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4 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

Mycroft seated himself on the sofa with his legs crossed and hands folded on his knee.

I love thisssssss so much because yesterday I watched the DW interview with Mark Gatiss and Matt Lucas and Mark sat this way at the beginning. :heart:

God, their banter is soooooo good. Greg with his excuses and Mycroft not buying one bit of it. :rofl: But the talking to the cat is still the best. I just love this :hug:

Edited by Kaze wo Hiku
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Oh Greg.  Sweet, innocent Greg.  Although, I see what you're doing.  Making a dish that's going to surely effect Mycroft to take the attention away from you.  Good strategy, but it's probably not going to work.

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This is so sweet! I love Mycroft being all "I'm not going to pet the cat...okay maybe just a little...okay I'll pet the cat but don't get used to it."

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Love this!!  Especially Mycroft's comments to the cat. :lol:  And Greg... too much of a pushover for the cat.  

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I'm so happy people are enjoying this! :D 

@Kaze wo Hiku I watched part of that interview. Quite the contrast from the 'man spreading' on the One Show. :lol:  

@cally If that was his intention it didn't work out that way. :whistle: 

@matilda3948 That cat is like water. It finds all the cracks. :P 

@tma Greg a pushover? Oh it gets better. :lol: 


Part 3



            Dinner was delicious and after the dishes were cleared Mycroft went to his study to work a bit before bed. William followed him and attempted to help compose a few emails. Eventually, Mycroft distracted his feline assistant with a laser pointer long enough to finish his missives. Ready to retire Mycroft headed to the bedroom, with William hard on his heels.

            “No, you are not allowed in here.” Mycroft addressed the cat as they stopped at the door. William protested pitifully. "Please, you know full well the sofa is perfectly comfortable," the man countered as he slipped into the room and shut the door.

            “Get everything done you needed to?” Greg asked from the bed where he sat reading.

            “Yes, for the most part. William was less than helpful. He kept deleting my emails.” Greg laughed. Mycroft moved about the room undressing and getting ready for bed. “Do you have a plan for him going forward?”

            “You don’t want to keep him?”

            “No.” Mycroft entered the en suite.

            “But you two get on so well.” Greg called out.

There was no response. Water was run, the toilet flushed, the water run again. A few moments later Mycroft returned and sat on the edge of the bed. “I also get on so well with you.” Mycroft pulled a few tissues from the box next to the bed. “And I prefer you.”


 “I know you think he isn’t bothering…” The younger man paused.  His eyes glazed over and his nose wrinkled up, nostrils flaring. “Heh…Heh’TSCH, Heh’TSCH, tsch, tish, tishch… Hihh’TSCHHOO!”

“Bless you. He’s not bothering me.”

Mycroft turned to look at his partner, eyebrows raised. Greg gazed back stubbornly. Mycroft, who had to turn away to sneeze again, lost the silent battle.

“Bless, You take antihistamines nearly year round and use nasal sprays in the spring and fall. I can do the same.” Greg tried to reason with his partner.

Mycroft wiped his nose and threw away the tissues. “I don’t have a choice in the matter. It is either take those medications or spend eternity congested, drippy, sniffling and sneezing. It isn’t as if I could move to Antar—hah—arctica. Haht’CHOO! Heh’tschoo, tish, tish, tish… Heht’SCHOO!” Mycroft sighed and blew his nose. “Though if the Internet access was better, I would,” he grumbled.

“Bless you. If I can make it through the night to my next dose of antihistamines will you consider it?”


“Consider it?”

Mycroft damned those big, brown eyes. “Fi-hih-fine. Hiht’schoo! Hih’schOO! Hih… hih…” Mycroft sat, struggling with this last sneeze; his nostrils fluttered and eyes squeezed shut.

“HuhhRRDZSCHOO!” Greg pitched forward, sneezing into his lap.

Mycroft’s eyes flew open as he jumped. The need to sneeze was completely startled out of him. He put a hand to his chest. “Good lord. Bless you.”

“Excuse me,” Greg sniffled.

Mycroft offered the tissue box. “I am not sure we will need to wait until morning.”

“I’m fine.” Greg protested mulishly. He took the tissues however and gave his nose a good blow.

“Really? Then what was that?”

“A sympathy sneeze.”

“A what?”

“A sympathy sneeze. Clearly my nose felt sorry for your nose.” Greg tossed the used tissues into the bin and snuggled down under the duvet.

Mycroft rolled his eyes and, ridding himself of his tissues, joined his lover under the covers. 



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Mycroft sneezes a dozen times and that's ok, but Greg sneezes once, and well end of the world?  I'm glad he's at least consistent. :lol: 

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Oh, this is wonderful! I cannot get enough of Sherlock fics, and particularly of sneezy Mycroft. You write the characters very well - I'd love to read more.

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Who's up for another installment?

@Kaze wo Hiku :rofl: You know, you are welcome to it. Maybe in an Aiden and Barrett fic? :whistle: 

@Masking No cat is going to stop these two. :P 

@cally Yup, you know 4 sneezes in as many hours from Greg is truly the end of the world. :eek: 

@camillapapen  Thank you, I am glad you are enjoying this. :) There are plenty of Sherlock fics with sneezy!Mycroft. I've a drabble thread and so does Cally and Aliena H. that might appeal to you if you haven't seen them. Not to mention many wonderful longer fan pics. 

Part 4


            Late in the night Mycroft drowsily registered Greg leave the bed and come back. Not an uncommon occurrence as his partner needed the facilities at least once during the night. He felt the duvet shift and the mattress dip and warmth press against his back. Mycroft sighed and slipped back into a deep sleep.

            It seemed almost moments later that he suddenly awoke heart pounding and clinging to the edge of the bed. “HUHH’rrddSCHAAH!” Mycroft lost his grip and landed unceremoniously on the floor. He sat up and looked over at the bed. Greg was sitting up, his body preparing for another monumental sneeze. His chest heaved and contracted as he raised a fist toward his face. “Huhhrrrd’SCHSHHOO!”

            “Bless you,” Mycroft mumbled as he picked himself up off the floor.

            “Heh… Hah… Huhhdrr’SZCHSH!”

            “Bless…” Then he saw it. William was lying in the middle of the bed; his head raised calmly watching Greg work up to an enormous sneeze. “You!” Mycroft swiftly picked up the cat and rather rudely dumped it out the bedroom door.


William squawked in protest, but Mycroft shut the door firmly.

“Bless you, now blow.” Mycroft instructed dropping the tissue box in Greg’s lap as he stripped off the duvet. Greg blew, sneezed and blew again.

“Bless.” The younger man found a clean blanket and spread it on the bed.

“Sorry,” Greg said sheepishly. He sounded congested and he sniffed trying to get a clear breath through his nose.

Mycroft stood at the end of the bed arms folded. “Why did you bring William in here?”

“When I got up to use the loo he was scratching and mewing at the door. He’s new here. I felt sorry for him.” Greg rubbed at his eyes and nose.

“Bless you.” Mycroft said.

Greg made a grab for a tissue. “Huh’RRDSCHSH!”

“Come with me.” Mycroft headed to the en suite and Greg got out of bed to follow. Mycroft advised his partner to wash his face and hands. At his sink, the younger man prepared a sinus rinse. “You’ve seen me use this, correct?” Greg nodded reluctantly. “Good. When you are done with it. Take one of these. I trust you do not have any early morning appointments?” Greg shook his head as Mycroft set a packet of tabs next to the sinus apparatus. Mycroft left his partner to it and returned to their bed.

“Okay, that was gross, but I feel better,” Greg commented as he came back into the bedroom. Mycroft hummed in agreement and they settled down under the blanket. The room was quiet except for the sound of mewing and scratching at the door. “You see,” murmured Greg.

“Yes, but the answer is not to let him in here.”

“No, I suppose not.” Greg sighed.

A few more moments went by and the meowing continued with no signs of slowing. “He’s going to wreck the wood work,” Mycroft groused.

“Yeah,” agreed Greg, but he had no suggestion on how to improve the situation. The crying escalated to yowling.

“Fine!” Mycroft huffed and got out of bed. He gathered up the discarded duvet and his pillow.

“Where are you going?” Greg sat up.

“William and I will repair to the sofa. You stay here.”


“I’ll see you in the morning.” Mycroft leaned over the bed and gave Greg a quick kiss. Opening the door carefully he blocked William from immediately rushing into the room. Bending over he scooped the cat up and put the feline over his shoulder. Greg wished he’d his phone out for this sight. William began to purr. “You needn’t sound so inordinately pleased,” Mycroft muttered as he left the room, duvet trailing behind him.

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Argh, sorry, I didn't mean to quote the entire thing, I was trying to pull out a specific paragraph! Because I'm new, I suppose, I can't seem to edit or delete the comment. It is all completely adorable though so my point kind of stands.

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Wow, you've been updating very quickly!!! Poor William, Mycroft isn't very fair with him... :rolleyes:

3 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“When I got up to use the loo he was scratching and mewing at the door. He’s new here. I felt sorry for him.”

How could anyone resist to a mewing cat? That's impossible. Even the most cold-hearted man can't do this.

3 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“You needn’t sound so inordinately pleased,” Mycroft muttered as he left the room, duvet trailing behind him.


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5 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

Not an uncommon occurrence as his partner needed the facilities at least once during the night.

Only once.  I'm jealous. :lol:  Although at least one of those times is due to Bailey obviously dying from starvation, despite a full bowl of crunchies being available.

5 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

Mycroft mumbled as he picked himself up off the floor.

Oops. :lol:  I can picture the look on his face.  #notamused

5 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“When I got up to use the loo he was scratching and mewing at the door. He’s new here. I felt sorry for him.” Greg rubbed at his eyes and nose.

Oh Greg.  

5 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

Bending over he scooped the cat up and put the feline over his shoulder.

I'm jealous.  Bailey won't let me pet him with 2 hands, never mind pick him up.  And if I tried to pick up Alonzo, I'd probably throw my back out in the process! :lol: 

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Thank you for all the lovely comments. :heart: 

And a short PSA: If anyone was looking for any of my other stories or posts and couldn't find them this week, they were accidentally hidden. The forum staff are working on getting them visible again and should be available again; if not already then soon.

On 6/15/2017 at 2:43 AM, camillapapen said:

It is all completely adorable

Thank you. :D 

On 6/15/2017 at 4:28 AM, Aliena H. said:

How could anyone resist to a mewing cat? That's impossible. Even the most cold-hearted man can't do this.

No, not even The Iceman, himself. :lol: 

On 6/15/2017 at 6:00 AM, cally said:

:lol:  I can picture the look on his face.  #notamused

Completely unamused, for sure! :D 


Okay, here's part 5 and I lied. There will be another part or an epilogue. :whistle: So not completed, yet.  

Part 5


            The next morning Greg awoke feeling groggy and out of sorts. His throat itched; his eyes itched; his nose itched. He looked at the clock and groaned. He was already an hour late and he hadn’t even left the bed. Shuffling to the en suite to use the facilities, he sent a quick text to Sgt. Donovan.  Finished with the loo, he donned his robe and made his way to the kitchen, sniffing all the way. Mycroft was sitting at the dinette, dressed for the day and reading a newspaper.

            “Good morning, my dear.” Mycroft smiled at his disheveled partner. Greg grunted and gravitated to the coffee pot, grateful it was full of hot coffee. “How did you sleep?”

            Greg started to answer, but was cut off by a harsh sneeze. He barely managed to muffle it in a nearby dishtowel.

            “Bless you.”


            “Again, bless.”

            Greg wiped his nose and then poured a coffee. “I think I slept too well. What were those pills you gave me?” He yawned widely.

            “One of my high dose antihistamines. How are you feeling?”

            Greg plopped in the chair across from the younger man. “Like shite. I’m groggy, completely stuffed up and my eyes feel gritty. My throat itches, my mouth itches, my nose itches, my ears… Hell, everything itches.” Mycroft hummed in sympathy. “Is it like this for you everyday?” Greg scrubbed at his face.

            “No, just at the beginning of each season. Once my regimen is in place I feel much improved.”

            “But it never completely goes away, does it?”

            “During spring and autumn? No.”

            Greg nodded glumly and took a drink of his coffee. The warm beverage soothed his throat slightly. He sniffled and sat his cup down. A hazy look came over his face; Mycroft braced the table. “Heh… Huh… HahhDSCHZOO! HarrhhddSHCHAAH! Ugh!”

            “Gracious, bless you.”

            Greg got up and found the dishtowel again to blow his nose. “You’re right,” he said as he finished tending his nose. “I don’t want to feel this way everyday, with no end in sight.”

            “You are a wise man, Gregory Lestrade.” Mycroft intoned.

            Greg snorted and took his seat, bringing the dishtowel with him. “Where is the little beast?”

            Mycroft raised his eyebrows. “You mean William?”

            Greg chuckled. “Alright, yes, William.”

            “He is asleep on the sofa at present. Still fatigued from his nocturnal adventures.”

            “Oh?” Greg turned away breath hitching again. Mycroft once more gripped the table. “Heh… heh… hehh…” Then his body relaxed. “Bugger,” he muttered.

            Mycroft went on to clarify. “Yes. Apparently my toes appealed to him as a possible midnight snack. He spent much of the night attacking my feet.”

            “Oh God, My. I’m sorry… HuhhRRDSHCHAAH!” Greg barely managed to get the dishtowel to his face and he rocked forward jostling the table. Mycroft’s tea sloshed onto his paper.

            “Bless you, dear,” Mycroft sighed. He blotted the newspaper with a nearby napkin. Then he picked it up, shook it slightly before folding it to put away. Greg watched his partner’s nose start to twitch. “No matter. I believe I have found…” Mycroft stopped his actions and swiftly pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. “Hih…hih’tisch, hih’tisch, tsh, tsh, tsh… Hih’ehtSHOO! Pardon me.” Mycroft dabbed at his nostrils before pocketing his handkerchief.

            Greg grinned. “Bless you, love. Newspaper getting to you?”

            “Certainly not,” Mycroft frowned briefly at his partner. “Only sympathy sneezes.” Greg rolled his eyes. “William and I must be off. Anja will be here with her crew in an hour to remove all traces of William’s presence.

            “Where are you taking him?” Greg asked a trifle worried.

            Mycroft smiled, “Some place I believe he will be much appreciated.”


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Oh poor Greg.  He sounds miserable. :( 

5 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“Yes. Apparently my toes appealed to him as a possible midnight snack. He spent much of the night attacking my feet.”

Huh. :( This never happens to me.  I'm jealous of Mycroft once again. :lol: 

6 hours ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“Certainly not,” Mycroft frowned briefly at his partner. “Only sympathy sneezes.” Greg rolled his eyes.

That's what happens when you start with that, Greg.  You just get it thrown back in your face. :lol: 

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Sympathy sneezes! *melts* I can't wait to see what happens to the cat. Assuming he will get a happy ending too...

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On 6/18/2017 at 6:10 AM, cally said:

 I'm jealous of Mycroft once again. :lol: 

Don't be; this is a miserable way to try to sleep. :nosad:

On 6/18/2017 at 6:10 AM, cally said:

That's what happens when you start with that, Greg.  You just get it thrown back in your face. :lol: 

I believe this would be an example of them enabling each other that @Masking mentioned. :lol: 

23 hours ago, camillapapen said:

Sympathy sneezes! *melts* I can't wait to see what happens to the cat. Assuming he will get a happy ending too...

Thank you and if you haven't learned this about me yet, I only believe in happy endings. :D 


Here is the last bit. Thank you everyone who has read and commented. I'm glad it was enjoyed. I have to admit I got a little mushy at the end, but it is a happy ending. It also harkens back to things that happened in TFP.  Not really a spoiler so don't worry if you haven't seen it, but it might make more sense if you have. 

As I periodically like to say: I own nothing and comments = :heart: 


Part 6


            “Dear God, what is that?” Sherlock exclaimed as he flung himself in the chair across from his brother’s desk.

            Mycroft didn’t look up from his work. “The arms deal the Americans are proposing with the Saudi’s,” he replied disinterestedly.

            “No, that allergen producing beast.”

            Mycroft glanced over at the cat sprawled across his desk and gave a small smile. “This is William. Have you not met?”

            “No,” Sherlock eyed the cat balefully.

Mycroft ran his hand along the feline’s back eliciting a purr and something else…

“Hihhnn’KTSH! Hihhnn’KTSH!” Sherlock’s black curls bounced as he half stifled his uncovered sneezes.

“Bless you, brother-mine.” Mycroft nudged the box of tissues sitting on his desk closer to his guest.

Sherlock rubbed his nose with the cuff of his jacket sleeve, giving it a pink tinge. “You look like Blofeld sitting there stroking that creature.”

Mycroft smirked. “I find William very soothing to my nerves and he helps keep unwanted vermin out of the office.” He shot his brother a meaningful look.

“I didn’t realize you and Lestrade had parted company,” Sherlock insinuated snarkily.

Mycroft scowled at his brother. “Gregory found William and gave him to me. Naturally he couldn’t stay with us, much to Gregory’s disappointment.” Mycroft took a small piece of paper and balled it up. William watched with interest as the elder Holmes tossed the ball to the floor. William leapt from the desk and pounced. He batted the ball about then stopped near Sherlock’s chair. He sat back and began to clean himself as if he had not been just cavorting about.

“Charming,” Sherlock drawled before ducking his head down and sneezing again.

“Mrrow.” William retorted before picking up his ball and retreating to a patch of sunlight on the floor.

“William, don’t be rude.”

“Heh… Hihnn’KTSH!” Sherlock rocked forward in the chair.

“Bless you.”

He sat back sniffling. “Was that comment aimed at me or the cat?”

“Both.” Mycroft pulled out a lint roller and began to clean his suit. “What brings you here Sherlock?”

The younger Holmes sniffled and ignored his brother’s pointed look at the tissue box. He pulled an envelope from his jacket pocket and threw it on the desk.

Mycroft spared a glance at the small letter as he continued to clean his suit. “What is it?”

“You can’t deduce it?” Sherlock challenged with a smirk.

Mycroft rolled his eyes, put away the lint roller and picked up the envelope. He turned it over a few times. “Mass produced, cheap paper with a card of heavier stock. I would deduce this would be a save-the-date card, except for the garish shade of pink. My name and Gregory’s is written across the front in John’s handwriting, not yours...” Mycroft frowned and opened the envelope. He extracted a card decorated with glittery pictures of fairies and cakes. “What am I looking at?”

"It is an invitation to Rosie's first birthday party.” Sherlock sniffed and finally pulled a tissue to blow his nose.

“Ah, well…” Mycroft paused, still gazing at the card, then replied quietly, “Please give my regrets to John and Rosamund.”

“No.” Sherlock tossed the used tissue on Mycroft’s desk.

“I’m sorry.” Mycroft looked askance at the tissue. He used his pen to knock it into the bin next to his desk.

“No, you will attend.”

“Sherlock, don’t be ridiculous,” Mycroft snapped. “Such parties are for family.”

“And that is precisely why you will attend.” Sherlock stood and swept out.

Mycroft sat still; a sneeze echoed down the hall. His fingers gently traced the sparkling images on the card. “Bless you, brother-mine,” he murmured.

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Oh, I loved the unexpected bit of Sherlock being sort-of-nice at the end! Lovely lovely lovely. Thank you for writing it.

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29 minutes ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“I find William very soothing to my nerves and he helps keep unwanted vermin out of the office.” He shot his brother a meaningful look.

:lol: Direct hit.


29 minutes ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“I didn’t realize you and Lestrade had parted company,” Sherlock insinuated snarkily.

:lol: Rude.

31 minutes ago, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

“And that is precisely why you will attend.” Sherlock stood and swept out.

And Sherlock being almost nice.  Will wonders never cease? 


Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :heart: 

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