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"Human Tendencies" SPN (Castiel)


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 So, this is my first story. I've just starting watching Superntural and I love it. I think that Cas is so cute in the way that he doesn't understand much and how Dean and Sam are constantly trying to explain things to him. I thought that it would be funny to see how they react when they have to deal with a very sick angel of the Lord.


 Chapter 1 


    Castiel had learned a lot of things from his time on earth. Most of what he had learned was due to him studying his father's creations. The humans were by far the most interesting thing that he had ever come across. He enjoyed watching them and studying every way that they did everything and why they did what they did. 


    He mostly watched Sam and Dean. They usually were agitated quickly with his antics, but at least they let him observe rather closely for a while. His latest inquiry had been when Dean was ill. He would watch his every movement and contemplate how it was different from normal. Dean had been over it quick, but Castiel either didn't notice or didn't care. He just felt it fascinating. 


    Castiel had done his best to give Dean his 'personal space' just like how Dean was always complaining about. But, it didn't go as planned. He had ended up helping them work a case where he, Dean, and Sam were all trapped in a shed for a few hours. There hadn't been much time for personal space there. Things had seemed to go fine after that and Castiel had vanished back to heaven, just waiting to be called back.


    That's why a few days later when Dean and Sam came across something that they thought that only Castiel could help them with.


    When they figured out the town that they needed to go which (which just happened to be a small town in Ohio which was a twelve hour trip) they decided that it would just be best to bring Castiel along with them so that he could fill them in on the car trip.


    Dean reluctantly decided that it would be best if he tried to contact Castiel. He grumbled slightly to himself as he leaned against the Impala at the motel that they had just wrapped up their latest case at. 


    "Cas. Castiel. I think that we have a biblical problem. Something tells me that you might know something about this," Dean began as he kicked at the ground. 


    There was a whooshing sound before their friendly neighborhood angel appeared. He tilted his head a bit as he looked at Dean, but something seemed a bit off. He was slightly hunched over and he opened his mouth as he breathed loudly. Dean thought that it was just Cas being Cas, so he shrugged it off.


    "What is it, Dean," asked Castiel. 


    Dean tilted his head. Cas's voice was usually gravely and deeper than most, but something was slightly off about it now. It seemed to be even deeper and hoarser than usual. His brilliant blue eyes looked almost glassy, but Dean wasn't going to ask about this either.


    Before Dean could answer, Sam came forward and beamed at him. "Cas, it's good to see you. Did Dean tell you about the deaths?"


    "What deaths," echoed Castiel.


    "I'll explain it in the car," offered Dean as he climbed into the driver's seat with Sam crawling into the passenger's seat. Castiel looked at the Impala before he begrudgingly followed into the back seat.


    They started off toward Ohio before Castiel's voice brought them back. "Why am I here?"


    "Can't we just call you to say hi," joked Dean as he looked into the rearview mirror. 


    Castiel's face remained hard and unchanging. He squinted his eyes ever so slightly before Dean licked his lips and slightly bobbed his head.


    "Alright. So, there have been three deaths so far in this small Ohio town. All of them are men in their fifties. They were all found drowned in weird situations and when they were brought to morgue all of them were found to have their organs be covered in wood and pitch," Sam explained as he read over the articles that he found.


    "Like-" He trailed off before he heard his throat catch. It was a ragged sound like someone choking on gravel. He quickly recovered before anyone could say anything with his usual blue, intense gaze rested on the rearview mirror. "Like Noah."


    "Noah as in the dude who built an ark," questioned Dean.


    Castiel nodded slowly. "Yes, he was a chosen man of God," he explained with the usual high and mighty voice that he used when he spoke of anything biblical whatsoever. "How do you know that this has something to with him?"


    "We don't think that it has anything to do with Noah exactly, but more with the ark," explained Sam over to the back seat.


    Castiel opened his mouth to argue before he started to cough. It wasn't just a tickle in your throat kind of cough either. It was deep, it was productive, it was painful. He doubled over ever so slightly as he struggled to stop.


    Dean almost pulled over the car before Sam turned to make sure that the angel was okay. "Cas, you alright?"


    It still took a few heartbeats before Castiel was actually able to take in a breath, let alone speak. "I'm fine," he snapped. He gulped before he leaned back against the seat. "So, why do you think that this has anything to do with the ark?"


    "Anywhere that they found a body submerged in water they also found a very ancient form of wood covered in black sticky goo," replied Sam as if nothing had happened but Dean was more aware. He kept his gaze on the road, but it couldn't help but flash backwards to Castiel ever few seconds or so to make sure that he was alright.


    "That does sound like the ark," Castiel rasped.


     "That's exactly why we called you here. We thought that you would, Cas?" Dean trailed off as he saw the vacant look on the angel's eyes and the way that his mouth slightly opened, his nostrils flared, and his eyes squinted.


    Suddenly, Castiel pitched forward and let out a sound that scared all of them.




    Dean swerved the car into the opposite lane when he heard the sound and it wasn't until another car honked at him that he made his way back. Sam almost panted in fear as he turned to look at Castiel.


    Meanwhile, Castile was more than surprised at what had happened. He lifted a fist and scrubbed it against his tickling nose. He had never felt this odd of a sensation before in this body part before. He was not keen on feeling it again.


    "Oh my gosh, Cas! I don't think that I've ever heard you sneeze before! Was this your first time?" Dean's eyes twinkled in surprise.


    Sam cleared his throat and shot his brother a looked Dean sighed and turned back to a very confused angel. 


    Dean breathed heavily, making sure that Castiel wasn't going to do it again. "Bless you."


    Castiel tilted his head. "I am an Angel of the Lord. I do not require being 'blessed'."


    "No, Cas, it's just an expression," Sam tried to explain as he looked back at the angel. 


    "I do not understand," Castiel grunted, still pawing a bit at his nose like a child as it twitched ever so slightly.


    Dean stifled a sigh. "It's just something humans say to each other when they sneeze. It's just being polite."


    "But, wdy?" Castiel's voice was already starting to show congestion through his first sneeze.


    "You've heard Dean and I say it before to each other when we sneezed. It's just offering good health to someone else," Sam tried to explain. The agitation was there in his voice as he tried to push it down. It wasn't Cas's fault that he didn't know about this stuff. He was an angel and he had only been around them once when one of them had been sick.


    Castiel thought for a moment before he opened his mouth and nodded slowly. "I remember."


    "Hey, you okay," Dean questioned as he watched Castiel continue to rub at his nose.     


    Castiel thought for a moment before he nodded. "It appeared that the sensation hasn't diminished."


    "Maybe you just have something in your nose," Sam offered.


    "Perhaps. The sensation is quite irritating," Castile commented as he wrinkled his face a bit as his nose twitched wild.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "I can't believe that we've having this conversation right now! How about we talk about the case and -"




    The sound was riveting and commanding like someone commanding power. Sam and Dean jumped once more. Dean had to grip the wheel tightly while Sam gasped in surprise.


    Castiel blinked his eyes in the aftermath as he straightened from being pitched forward from the force of it. He shook his head to clear it before he noticed that there was something running down from his nose and onto his upper lip. He tilted his head almost in confusion as his nose gave an involuntary sniffff sound.


    "Geez, Cas! Are you trying to give me a heart attack," Dean muttered as he took an hand and pressed it against his chest.    


    "If you would've lapsed into cardiac arrest I'm sure-"


    "Expression, Cas, expression," Sam tried to explain as he waved him off.    


    Castiel nodded before he turned back to see his friend in the back seat. He frowned before he realized what it was. Castiel lifted a finger and ran it against the slime under his right nostril and almost seemed to examine it.


    "Ugh, gross man!" Dean looked around for something before he found a diner napkin from their last meal. He tossed it back Castiel, who took it and just stared a it.


    "What do you want me to do with this," Castiel asked, but when he tipped his head upward a fresh stream flowed from his left nostril and rested on his upper lip. 


    Dean couldn't believe that this was happening. Castiel had seen him when he was sick wipe and blow his nose and had seemed fascinated. Yet, when it came to himself he was clueless. He didn't want to show Castiel all of this, but it didn't seem like he had a choice.


    "You put it up to your nose to stop.....well all that," snapped Dean, shuddering that he was actually talking to someone about snot. It also didn't help that Castiel was a full grown man.


    Castiel's piercing blue eyes met Dean's gaze through the rearview mirror before he placed the napkin completely over his face to almost submerge it. It was over his eyes and the one thing spot that it touched the mucus it turned discolored. He started to sniff and snuffle on the exes, but it wasn't working.


    Sam almost snickered while Dean curled his hand into fists against the steering wheel. "For the love of God!"


    Dean pulled the car over before he climbed out in a rage. He ripped opened the passenger side door before he yanked the napkin off the angel's face. He folded it a few times, careful to avoid the wet spots before he pressed it against the underside of Castiel's nose. He cringed before he grabbed Castiel's hand in his other hand and pressed it against the napkin so that Castiel was holding it by himself. 


    "There," Dean snapped as he met Castiel's slightly glassy blue orbs. "Now just keep it there until you nose stops running."


    "My nose hasn't gone anywhere," argued Castiel through the napkin that was slightly over his face. 


    Dean gritted his teeth as he set his jaw. "It's just an expression. It means that snot is coming out of you."


    Castiel went to remove the napkin, but Dean forced his hand to stay there. "Is that what this liquid exiting my vessel is?"


    "Yes," answered Dean as calmly as he possibly could. "And it's pretty gross so make sure that you keep that there until you're done, got it?"


    "I understand, Dean," rasped Castiel.


    Dean sighed in relief before he climbed back into the driver's seat. He was met with an amused and smug look from Sam. Dean reached over and punched him hard in the shoulder.


    "What was that for," complained Sam.


    "Not a word," muttered Dean as he placed the car in drive. "Now one word."


That's the end of chapter 1. I hope you enjoy it and I hope to update soon! 



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Alright here's Chapter 2. I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 2



    They were almost there when the sound of Castiel's snoring make Sam and Dean exchanged troubled glances. He had leaned back in the back seat with his head rested against the head rest with his mouth partially open and mucus continuing to make a mess of his upper lip as it ran from both of his nostrils. His cheeks were slightly flushed and it appeared that he was sweating through his trench coat.


    "He's slept that deeply for ten hours," Dean commented as he kept spying a glance at the rearview mirror that he had strategically angled so that it had to face Castiel.


    "Your point being," Sam asked as his gaze fixed on the newspaper clippings that he had found about the usual deaths.


    Dean ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "I don't know, Sammy. Something just seems off with him."


    "He's an angel, Dean. Things are supposed to be off with him," Sam pointed out as he circled a clue linking them all together.


    Dean shrugged. "Maybe, but I've never heard him sneeze before. I've also never seen him sleep."


    "Maybe he does when we're not around. It's not like we're with him that much," Sam argued as he tried to put his brother's mind to rest.


    Dean still didn't look convinced. But, he swallowed his fear for the time being. They had a case to work with biblical proportions. If a piece of Noah's ark was circulating around and cursing people then he had to find it.


    They finally pulled up at a motel. Dean was about to climb out of the driver's side when Sam stopped him.


    "I'll get a room. You check on Cas," Sam offered. He knew that Castiel liked Dean more than him and it would probably be good if he let Dean take the lead when it came to the angel.


    Dean wanted to call Sam back, but thought better of it. He knew that Castiel became embarrassed easily even when he didn't understand everything. He didn't get sarcasm, expressions, or jokes very well. Dean decided that he would be as straightforward as possible even if it killed him.


    Dean grunted as he reached back into the backseat so that he was twisted almost on his stomach. He was almost on his shoulder when he stretched out his hand and nudged Castiel's shoulder. Castiel's head tilted forward a bit. 


    A long line of mucus pulled away from his upper lip and now hung in front of his face from his nose. He snuffed and the mucus extended so that it almost touched his lap.


    Dean shivered in disgust. He had been through quite a lot of gross things. He had been spewed with all sort of liquid, thrown in sewage, spit on, and all kinds of other things. However, this was one of the most disgusting things that he had seen.


    "For the love of...." He trailed off as he grabbed another napkin and pulled the mucus stream from Castiel's nose. Dean crumpled up the glob in the napkin before he threw it aside and shivered.


    To his shock, Castiel continued to sleep. He just slumped aside again and continued to snore.


    "How can you still be sleeping," Dean asked before he hit Castiel's shoulder firmly.


    He shook him once more before Castiel's eyes suddenly opened. He seemed surprised that Dean was hovering right in front of him. He titled his head like usual with his blue eyes blazing brightly. Dean guessed that it wasn't just in curiosity.


    "Dean, what are you doing," Castiel asked, his nose starting to twitch once more.


    "Just trying to wake you up. We're here," Dean explained as he tried to catch sight of Castiel's face. His cheeks were more flushed than before and his raven colored hair was stuck up at all angles. His nostrils were starting to turn angry red and a fresh stream of mucus was already running from Castiel's nose.


    "Is there something wrong, Dean," inquired Castiel when Dean's gaze didn't leave his face.


    Dean cleared his throat quickly as he leaned back. "Of course not! Just checking on ya."


    Castiel opened his mouth to say something before his face started to slightly squint with his mouth partially ajar and his nose twitching more than ever. His breath started to hitch and Dean automatically knew what was coming.


    "Wha....ah....eh...." Castiel desperately tried to speak, but his hitching breath had other ideas. He tried desperately to stop it as panic showed on his face.


    Dean tried not to laugh as he smiled a bit. "It's alright, Cas. You just need to sneeze again. It's just like last time. Stop fighting it," he chided.


    Castiel shook his head desperately before he pitched forward with another loud, desperate, and messy sneeze.




    Dean ducked behind the driver's seat as Castiel sneezed openly, the warm mist spraying right where his face used to be. "Ble-"




    Dean flinched as he saw another pre-sneeze expression plastered on Castiel's features. It was actually quite comical to see the angel with his mouth open and nose still twitching. However, what wasn't great was the snot that continued to flow from Castiel's nose.


    It ran down from his upper lip over his open mouth. Castiel clearly had no desire to clean himself up if he even noticed. He just started with his hitching breaths again with tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. 


    He tilted his head back with his chest starting to expand. "Eh...ha...ehe..."




    It wasn't as loud as the prior ones, but it was messier. Castiel pitched forward with snot streaming from his nose like a waterfall. It fell a bit from his face and Castiel had a look of sheer panic and embarrassment on his face.


    Dean prayed that he was done as he looked around for another napkin. All he found was the napkin that he had used to wipe Castiel's nose a few minutes ago. He didn't think that it could handle all of this snot, but he was going to have to try.


    "Dean, there is a strange substance leaking from my nose again," mumbled Castiel as the snot grazed his lips. He lifted the arm of his trench coat and started to rub it agains the underside of his nose.


    Dean grimaced. "Don't do that, Cas!" He shoved the napkin into Castiel's hand. Castiel just held it and Dean struggled not to pull out his hair. "No, Cas! You have to actually wipe it up."


    Awkwardly Castiel started to rub gingerly at his nose and lip. He collected a good amount of the snot, but he still had some crusted on his face. Dean sighed before Castiel handed him back the tissue.


    Dean shook his head. "You can keep that, Cas."


    "Thank you," croaked Cas.


    Dean muttered something under his breath about Castiel being 'oblivious' and how they were 'suck with an 'incompetent angel'. Castiel heard all this, but he had more pressing issues to focus on.


    He had never felt this way before. His head felt strange and as if it was filled with something that made his mind fuzzy. His nose buzzed and tickled while the liquid that Dean called 'snot' kept coming. There didn't seem to be a reason to stem the flow anymore. He felt hot and achy too like he had just gotten out of a fight and lost. It was odd and he didn't wish to experience this anymore.


    There was a sudden knock on the driver's door that made Dean jump. He turned around before he opened the door to see his Sasquatch of a brother standing there.


    "Did they have a room," Dean asked.


    Sam nodded as Dean climbed out of the Impala. "Yeah. It should do." He motioned to the back where Castiel sat with his nose still running. "What's with Cas?"


    "If I didn't know any better then I would think that our resident angel is sick," Dean replied as the two brothers made their way to the trunk to grab their duffles.


    "Angels can't get sick," Sam argued.


    "That's what I thought, but Cas is proving me wrong," Dean muttered as he flung his duffle over his shoulder before he came to the back seat and opened up the door. He gazed at Castiel as he turned to face him. "Come on. Sam got us a room."


    Castiel climbed from the Impala slowly as if he was an old lady. He tried not to show the pain that he was suddenly feeling as he brought himself over to Sam and Dean. He didn't usually smile, but he tried to offer what he thought would be a smile. 


    Dean and Sam exchanged a glance before Sam tightened one hand around his duffle and walked forward. "Follow me."


    Castiel followed with Dean bringing up the rear. Dean knew that Castiel just liked to appear and disappear as he pleased and never stayed in their motel long, but he actually wished that he would just relax and go to sleep. He knew that Castiel would never agree to that, but he had spent years convincing Sam to do things that he knew that he needed, but making it seem like Dean himself needed it.


    "You know, maybe we should just rest for a little bit and get something to eat," offered Dean when they made it to their room and were inside.


    Castiel tilted his head. "I don't require food."


    "You say you don't require sleep either, yet you did in the Impala," Sam pointed out.


    Castiel placed his hands in his trench coat and felt his nose give another strange sniffff noise. He had no idea why it seemed like he was doing that without any help. He looked up before his gaze met Dean and Sam's waiting gaze. He gave another sniffff and was about to ask why his nose kept doing that before he thought better of it. 


    "Sammy, how about you go and get something to eat and Cas and I'll stay here to do some research," Dean suggested with a pointed look at his brother.


    Sam looked to Castiel, who had looked at the sleeve of his trench coat. He gave a small half hearted shrug before he lifted his hand and pushed it against his nose to stop the stem of fluid. Sam grimaced when Castiel rubbed at his nose and brought the sleeve away with a wet spot now appearing. His nose was still running like mad and that was the last thing that Sam wanted to deal with.


    "Um, yeah sounds good," he agreed as he gave Castiel one more look up and down.


    Dean clapped Sam's shoulder and steered him toward the door. "Bring me back a bacon cheeseburger and get some soup of Cas," he whispered the last part quietly so that Castiel couldn't hear. Not that he was paying attention. He was rubbing at his nose again with his trench coat sleeve.


    "Good luck with him," Sam chuckled as he walked out of the motel, closing the door behind him quietly.


    Dean clapped his hands together and turned to see that Castiel was so close that he nearly rammed into him. Dean frowned as he looked at him. His eyes were glassy and bloodshot, his nostrils were moist around the edges and tinged red from all the rubbing, his cheeks were rosy and flushed, and he was breathing through his mouth because of the congestion. The awful thing was that Castiel didn't even notice that he was doing it.


    "Personal space, Cas. How many times do I have to say that," huffed Dean as he jammed his hands into his pockets.


    "My apologies. I keep forgetting that," Castiel rasped as his voice crackled.


    "Clear your throat, Cas," Dean told him when the angel took a step back away from him and he was able to walk to the small table that was in their room.


    "Clear my what? How am I supposed to do that," Castiel asked with his head tilted.


    Dean snapped his fingers and motioned to the seat right across from him. Castiel walked over slowly and sat down across from Dean. He gazed at him and there was silence for a moment.


    Dean opened his mouth to explain when he looked down at Castiel's nose and saw more snot trickling from his nose. Castiel looked down before he realized what was happening. 


    "This keeps happening," Castiel rasped.


    Castiel raised his sleeve to his nose before Dean reached out across the table and caught it. His thumb hit the wet spot and he immediately recoiled, almost gasping in shock. He immediately wiped his fingers on his pant leg before he looked back to the angel, who had his arm slightly lifted where Dean had let it go.


    "Don't do that, Cas," Dean growled.


    "Is it traditional to just let it run then? Because you seemed very keen on me cleaning it up earlier," Castiel pointed out.


    The gravely tone of Castiel's voice was making Dean cringe. "Yes, I was. That's because you can't just let snot drip down your face. But, you're also not supposed to wipe up whatever that is with your damn sleeve either. Come on, Cas. You've seen Sam and I use tissues before or at least bandannas."


    Castiel looked down in embarrassment. "I have also witness you use your sleeves as well."


    Dean knew that Castiel had a point. To deflect from that statement he rose from the table with his chair almost clanking behind him. He rummaged through a few of the cabinets until he found a glass and filled it with water from the sink. He brought it back over to Castiel and set it in front of him. 


    "Take a drink of that. It should help you clear your throat," Dean explained.


    "I don't know how to 'clear my throat'," Castiel asked with air quotes around 'clear my throat'. 


    Dean sighed as he made a rumbling sound in the back of his throat. "Just like that. It should help me understand you better."


    Castiel took a sip of the water before he tried to copy the sound that Dean made. Dean cringed before he shook his head. "No, Cas. Not like that. It sounds like you swallowed a mower or something. Just gentle so that it just tickles your throat a bit to get the frog out."


    "I have not swallowed any amphibian into my throat," Castiel argued.


    Dean rubbed the palms of his hands against his eyes. "Yeah, I know. Just try again."


    Castiel started to make around the same sound that Dean had before he suddenly pitched forward with another unrestrained sneeze.




    It was a spraying sneeze and Dean lifted an arm to block the blast. He swore under his breath before he looked back to the angel. "Cas!"


    "By abologies," he croaked. He rubbed at his throat and grimaced. "Thadt one was not as reliebing as the others. It has caused an adgitation in by throat."


    "I'm sure that it did. I can hardly understand you now," Dean grumbled since he knew exactly what was coming next.


    Castiel sniffed heavily as a thin trail of snot made it's way from his right nostril. "Ub, it's habbening again, Deadn."


    "Yes, I know," grunted Dean as he headed to the bathroom and came back with the thinnest tissues that he had ever seen. He plucked them out one by one and stacked ten of them together. He sighed as he knew what was going to happen next.


    "I take it you don't know how to blow your nose," Dean questioned.


    Castiel tilted his head, which caused the pressure in his head to shift and more snot to trickle out. "I dodn't believe that there's ever beend a need for be to 'blow my dnose'," he pointed out with more air quotes.


    "Well, you're going to learn today." Dean reluctantly pulled his chair closer to the angel as he took Castiel's sweaty hand and forced him to grab the wad of tissues. Dean placed his hand over Castiel's and guided it up to his nose. He helped him clamp one nostril shut while Castiel tried to pull away.


    "No, buddy. Keep it where it is," ordered Dean as he patted Castiel on the shoulder with his other hand while keeping the other one still clamped around Castiel's nose. He could feel his hot breath that was forced out through his mouth since he couldn't breathe properly.


    "Whad do I do now," whispered Castiel.


    "You blow through your nose to get all that gunk out," Dean explained as he shuddered. He couldn't believe that he was doing this with his 'baby angel'.


    "Gunk," Castiel questioned.


    "I can't believe that we're having this conversation," sighed Dean with his hand still clamped over Castiel's face. "Yeah, gunk. It's snot and mucus and whatever else is in that infested angel body of yours. Now, just blow and keep your hand clapped over that nostril and then switch it to the other nostril."


    Castiel looked more than confused with his blue feverish eyes gleaming over the tissues. Dean said nothing more as he helped clamp his hand tighter as Castiel blew with the power of a child. Dean couldn't tell if he was embarrassed, clueless, or both. He sighed heavily and took the tissue away from his face. 


    Castiel kept blowing and Dean swore loudly. "Cas! Not now! I'm just flipping it over."


    Castiel didn't say anything as his eyes darted down, embarrassed at the mess. Dean pushed the wad of tissues back against the angel's face and clamped the other nostril shut as he snuffled heavily. When he was finished he was still sniffly, but at least his voice was a little more understandable.


    Dean cleaned the rest of his face up before he threw the tissues away. He pushed the box toward Castiel's chest and narrowed his eyes. "Okay, you have to do that regularly when you think that you need it."


    "It's a very odd sensation," Castiel pointed out as his nostrils started to twitch and tickle. He wrinkled his face a bit as he lifted his sleeve to his nose and rubbed ferociously. "It makes the tickle s-stronger."


    "You're going to sneeze again, Cas. The gunk that made you blow your nose comes out this way too. Just make sure you-"




    "Cover your mouth," growled Dean when Castiel had finished. He blinked his eyes madly before he lifted a new bundle of tissues and just pressed them to his face. "Bless you."


    Castiel nodded before Dean came up beside him and lifted his hand. He pressed the back of his hand against Castiel's forehead. Castiel lowered the tissues and sniffled pathetically.


    "Looks like you have a fever," Dean told him as he grasped Castiel's chin and forced him to look up into his eyes. "Your eyes are glassy too. Once Sam gets back I'll have him get the first aid kit from the Impala. I'm pretty sure that we have a thermometer in there."


    Castiel's face scrunched up once more and his breath quickened. He ripped away from Dean and Dean was happy to oblige. Castiel's nose started to twitch as his eyes involuntarily closed.


    "Cover your-"




    Dean grimaced, but at least Castiel only sprayed the table and there was a thin line of mucus making his way down his nose to his upper lip.


    "Mouth," Dean finished once more. "You have to remember that, buddy. When you sneeze you have to cover your mouth."


    Castiel looked surprised before Dean helped him fish out more tissues and press it to his dripping nose. "Cover it with what?"


    "It doesn't matter. A tissue preferably, but I'll take a sleeve, a hand, a shoulder, or at least angle it toward the ground or something," Dean tried to explain as he watched Castiel almost rip at his nose when he was trying to wipe it.


    "And don't do that either," Dean chided as if he was talking to a small child. He took Castiel's warm hand in his own and helped him rub gently. "Like that or your nose is going to start to bleed."


    Castiel's feverish eyes held tears. "Thank you, Dean."


    Dean did not want to have this moment with him right now, or ever for this matter. He didn't think that they would ever get to this point. A sick angle was not on his list of things that he wanted to deal with. However, he was here now and it looked like ready or not this was what was going to happen.


    "Don't mention it. Now, I sent Sammy for some dinner so how about you take a shower and get out of that disgusting trench coat," Dean suggested.


    Castiel looked at himself up and down before his gaze finally rested on the wet spots on his trench coat sleeves that he had used to rub at his itchy, tickling nose. "I-" He trailed off.


    "Yes, Cas," pressed Dean.


    Castiel's already flushed cheeks deepened in their crimson color. "I'm not sure how. I never have before."


    Dean bit his lip until it bled. On his bucket list was not how to teach an angel how to take a shower. However, he didn't feel like he had much of a choice. He clapped Castiel on the shoulder before he grit his teeth together.


    "Alright, let's go."


Chapter 3 should be available soon. Until then I hope you enjoyed it!

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I got another chapter! Hope you like it!


Chapter 3


    Dean led the angel into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He rubbed his hands together as if he was about to preform some deadly experiment. He just hoped that this wasn't going to be as awkward as he thought.


    "Okay, first off you have to get out of those clothes-"


    Castiel didn't even wait for him to finish. He started to undo his belt before Dean reached out a hand to stop him. Castiel tilted his head in confusion.


    "You just told me to-"


    "Not while I'm still in here," snapped Dean as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Just listen to what I have to say and when I'm gone then you do it, alright?"


    Castiel nodded before his face gave the tell tale 'I'm going to sneeze with no warning and it's going to be loud and messy look'. 


    "D-Dean," Castiel begged as he stretched out a hand and grasped at Dean's arm tightly. "I don't, eh....want to...huh...do this a-again!"


    Dean sighed. He quickly reached over and grabbed a towel before he pressed it against Castiel's face to try and muffle the sound and stop the mess.




    Once Castiel was finished he gave one final tentative sniff through his nose before he nodded slowly with the towel still pressed against his face.


    "I believe I'm done," he announced hoarsely.


    Dean wasn't 100% convinced, but he had to take Castiel's word on it. He slowly lowered the towel and saw how defeated Castiel looked. It was as if those sneezes had taken everything out of the angel. This was the angel that could take on anything without so much as a scratch. This couldn't be the same Castiel.


    "Bless you," Dean told him as he set the towel aside and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. 


    Castiel gave another long snifff before he looked up at Dean. "Dean, I am feeling....unwell," he told him curiously.


    "I'm sure that you are. Don't worry, we can work on that." Dean leaned into the shower and turned it on. The hot water screamed forward and Dean drew back before he could get very wet. 


    "Now, you're going to get in there and it should help you warm up a bit and maybe lower your fever. This is shampoo and condition and body wash." Dean pointed to each one in turn. "Don't worry. It's not that hard. When you get out Sammy should be back and then we can get some soup in you."


    "Soup," echoed Castiel. "I don't eat."


    "You don't sleep or sneeze either and that's happening now. Maybe something is up with Jimmy and he caught a bug and it's manifesting in you. I don't know. But, until then I'm going to treat you just as if Sammy was sick, got it," Dean told him firmly.


    Castiel must have been pretty ill since he nodded without complaint. "I understand, Dean."


    "Good. Just er call if you need anything. I'll be outside looking into these deaths. Anything you can tell me about it," questioned Dean hopefully.


    Castiel tilted his head and licked his cracked lips. "Look into Genesis. You may find answers there."


    Dean struggled not to snap at the angel. Instead he laughed and stuck his hands deep into his pockets. "Thanks, Cas. I'll look into that."


    With that he turned and closed the door behind him. Castiel was a bit surprised at the gentleness that Dean had bestowed on him recently. Dean was constantly joking and making fun of him in all sorts of ways, but it seemed that he wasn't interested in that right now and Castiel was confused as to why.


    The thoughts left his head as the hot water started to hiss behind him. He grumbled to himself as he did his best to get undressed. When he finally had he slipped into the stream of the water and he had to admit that it did feel nice on his vessel. 


    The steam was making his nose run more, but it was making his head throb less. He stopped trying to sniff back the congestion since no one else was there to notice it. The only problem with the release of the congestion was that it made his nose tickle even more.


    "No," growled Castiel as he felt the familiar prickle like a million feathers insulting the innermost parts of his nose. "Not again!"


    He tried to fight it like he had sometimes seen Dean do on a hunt. Dean had had much more practice than him and it was showing.




    He sneezed into the stream of water so that the spray was lost. He stumbled a bit in the aftermath before he lifted his fist and rubbed his still itchy nose back and forth. He frowned at the sticky liquid now on his hand. He stretched out his hand into the stream so that the water washed it off. This seemed much easier than having things to sneeze into all the time. He decided that he would just stay in the shower until this illness was over.




    There was a knock at the door as Dean rushed forward. He opened the door and saw Sam fumbling with bags. Dean rushed to help him and it didn't take long before he took in the sweet aroma of tomato rice soup.


    "I hope that he'll like it," Sam grunted as he sat down heavily in the seat that Castiel had occupied a while ago.


    Dean nodded. "I'm sure that he will. He's even more impossible to deal with when he's sick like this. He has a fever and don't even get me started on teaching him how to blow his nose! He's worse than you."


    Sam couldn't help but smile. "Well, I guess I'll take that as a compliment."


    "Yeah, it's not." Dean rummaged around in one of the bags before he brought out a beer. He smiled before he lifted it up and uncapped it. He took a quick swig of it and beamed. 


    "You're worried about him," Sam observed as he brought out another beer and started to drink it.


    Dean raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"


    "Just the way that you look. I mean, I've never seen Castiel be anything except injured. An angel being sick is a little alarming. I mean, is it Jimmy or is this actually an angel with a cold," Sam asked.


    "What makes you think that I know? It's just hard to teach him all these human tendencies. I never thought that it wouldn't be obvious when to wipe your nose or cover your mouth when you sneeze," Dean complained loudly.


    Sam quickly leaned forward to try and hush him. "Shhh or Cas will hear you."


    "And," Dean pressed.


    "We don't want to embarrass him anymore. I'm sure that he's not liking this anymore than we do," Sam pointed out.


    Dean chuckled. "I'm not giving him a hard time. It would just have been better if we hadn't gotten stuck with the baby angel in a trench coat," he pointed out.


    "You know that he hates when you call him that. Just give him a bit of a rest, would you," Sam pleaded.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "I am. I'm helping him. I just wish that he would understand most of this stuff already, you know. It's just hard, that's all."


    Meanwhile, Castiel stood at the door of the bathroom. He had put his clothes on, even though he was still dripping wet. He listened through the door, hearing Dean and Sam argue about him.


    He sighed as he turned invisible and walked through the door without Sam and Dean knowing that he was there. He continued to hear them argue about him before he felt another prickle. He wrinkled his nose and wrapped his hands around his nose to stop the inevitable. It wasn't helping whatsoever.


    He suddenly couldn't stop it as he pitched forward.




    He appeared harshly and he stumbled forward. He blinked his eyes as he saw Sam and Dean watching him. Castiel gave a sniff before he straightened and tried to ignore the moisture still collecting against his upper lip.


    "Cas," Dean began in surprise as he looked at the angel.


    Castiel lifted up a hand, still dripping wet from the shower. "No, Dean, I heard you. You think that I should know this and you're right. If I wanted to have a vessel then I should know this."


    "Cas, no, you know that's not what I meant," Dean argued with a shake of his head.


    Castiel looked the most hurt that Dean had ever seen. He had said some pretty messed up things to the angel, but the illness combined with the fever was making him more emotional than he ever had before. Dean just wished that he could take back when he had said.


    "I should just go," Castiel rasped as he gave a body shaking cough.




    Dean trailed off before he realized that Castiel had vanished. He exchanged a glance with Sam and Sam frowned.


    "That's not good," Sam exclaimed as he looked around. "There are plenty of angels and demons that want to kill him. We have to find him."


    Dean let out a sigh as he nodded slowly to Sam. "I know. I know." He panted heavily as he spiraled around, running his fingers through his head as he started to panic. 


    Sam rushed forward and grabbed his brother's shoulders. Dean let out a gasp before Sam stopped him. "Calm down, okay. Calm down. We're going to find him and we're going to get him back. You're going to apologize and so am I and then we'll figure this all out, okay?"


    Dean's breath eased out before he gave a nod. "I just hope that we can find him. If anything happened to him then I don't know what I would do."


    "We will. We will find him, I'm sure of it."


That's the end of Chapter 3. Hope you liked it and Chapter 4 will be up soon.

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Aw I miss Cas with his wings being able to pop in and out. He definitely shouldn't be flying in his condition though! I hope they can find him before he makes himself worse! 

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This is amazing! I love how miserable poor Cas is and poor Dean having to teach him how to handle being sick! Ahh, I can't wait for more!

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I'm so glad that you're liking it! Here's Chapter 4


Chapter 4


    Castiel shivered madly as he made his way through the crisp landscape of the small Ohio town. He hadn't wanted to go far since he was sure that he couldn't. He hung his head and sniffed. His nose was itching even more than before. He hated it out here, but he didn't think that he had much of a choice. 


    "EtchsHSHS! He'HutCHSH! EtchSHHSHh!"


    Castiel growled to himself as he felt more moisture flowing from his nostrils. He wished that he had something to clean it up with. He didn't, so he used his sleeve to wipe it up. He knew what Dean and Sam had said, but right now he really didn't care. 


    He walked on for a while before he sat down on the nearest bench in the park. He shivered madly as he pulled his wet trench coat further around him. He gave another sniff before it turned into a messy sneeze.




    Castiel rocked with each one powerfully. His nose dripped, but he didn't even bother to mop it up this time. He closed his eyes and rocked back and forth.


    Castiel. Castiel! Please, Cas, come back. We need you.


    There was a brief pause.


    I didn't mean what I said and I thought that you knew that. Please come back to us. Please.


    Castiel shook his head and wished he could just tune Dean out. He didn't want to hear him right now. He just wanted to relax to the best of his ability and wait for this to pass.


    Castiel wasn't sure how long he had sat there before he started to drift off. He had fallen horizontal and pressed as much against the cold bench as possible. His teeth chattered madly and his nose was running so much, yet the liquid just froze now. He quaked where he laid with tears almost falling down his face. He was lonely, he was cold, and he was sick.


    Castiel. Please, just tell us where you are if you won't come to us. We just want to make sure that you're okay.


    That was Sam's voice in his head. Castiel knew that he had made a silent vow to ignore them, but he couldn't. He wanted Dean and Sam to help take care of him and explain what he was doing wrong. 


    Castiel quickly pulled out his cell phone and flipped it open. He rung Dean since he knew that Dean was probably a little more worried about him than Sam was.




    "Yes, Dean, it's me," whispered Castiel since his voice was almost gone.


    "You sound horrible! Just tell me where you are and Sam and I can come and get you," Dean told him.


    Castiel looked around from where he was still laying on the bench. "Um, I'm not sure." He gave another snifff. "But, it looks like a park of some kind."


    "Are you still in the same town," Dean inquired.


    Castiel thought for a moment. "I do believe so."


    "Okay, hang in there. We'll be there in a second."


    "Okay, HutchsSHSH!"


    Castiel heard Dean sigh on the other end and he guessed that that had been a little loud. "By abologies."


    "Don't worry about it. Bless you," Dean told him before Castiel hung up. He felt like he was going to sneeze again and he didn't want to do it right in Dean's ear.




    It was loud and riveting against his throat. It caused him to cough afterwards which only made his nose vibrate and tingle even more. More snot ran down his nostrils and he whimpered. He closed his eyes and let the cold numb him to his core.


    "Cas. Cas. Castiel!"


    Castiel opened his tired eyes and groaned. He coughed weakly before he focused on Dean in front of him. "Deadn?"


    "You sound worse than before," Dean told him before he exchanged a glance with Sam. "Help me get him up."


    "Yep." Sam grabbed Castiel's shoulder before he wrapped his arm around his waist and draped one of Castiel's arms around his shoulders. Dean did the same as they half led, half carried the weak angel back to the Impala.


    "Damn, Cas! You're shivering bad," Sam assessed as Castiel's body quaked against the brothers' bodies.


    Castiel gave a small nod. "I am well aware," he croaked weakly.




    Castiel would've fell forward if the two brothers hadn't tightened their grip on him. Castiel straightened with the moisture running down to his upper lip. Castiel coughed again and shook his head.


    "Bless you," Sam told him before he looked at Castiel's coat and then his hair. "Are you still wet?"


    "I believe that I neglected the 'drying' portion of the shower," Castiel explained.


    Dean would've slapped Castiel if he wasn't so sick. This just made things worse. The last thing Castiel needed was pneumonia. 


    They led him to the Impala and helped him in. Castiel shuddered and shivered, coughing weakly before he fell over once more. Sam and Dean exchanged a glance before Sam crossed his arms against his chest.


    "Maybe you should sit with him," suggested Sam.


    Dean's eyes widened. "What?"


    "I'm just saying. Look at him. It's at least a twenty minute drive back to the motel. I just think that it would be best if you sat with him," Sam whispered.


    Dean looked at the shivering mess of sick angel and stifled a groan. If it wasn't for him then Castiel wouldn't have been in this situation. "Fine."


    Sam smiled before Dean climbed into the backseat and slammed the door. He looked over to Castiel before he hit his side. Castiel turned slightly so that he could look back at Dean.


    "Come on," Dean told him as he grabbed him by his wet trench coat and pulled Castiel so that he was vertical. He wrapped an arm around him and allowed Castiel to rest his head against his shoulder. Castiel coughed against his neck and actually nuzzled closer.


    Sam started to Impala before he looked over his shoulder at his brother and the angel. Sam smiled while Dean glared. Sam quickly turned around with his cell phone and snapped a picture. Dean would've lunged for it, but he didn't want to disturb Castiel, so he stayed where he was.


    As soon as the Impala started to move, Castiel pressed closer into Dean. Dean tried to remember that Castiel was extremely feverish and wouldn't remember this the next day. There was nothing wrong about this.




    Castiel sneezed right against the curve of his neck. Dean cringed as he shifted despite himself. "Oh, Cas," he whispered as the angel's sterling blue eyes opened so that he had to meet Dean's gaze. "Bless you."




    "And again," whispered Dean as Castiel tried to pull away. "No."


    "I should leave," Castiel croaked again as he went to close his eyes.


    Dean grabbed on tight so that Castiel would've had to take him with him. Castiel relaxed finally before he looked to Dean as Dean shook his head.


    "You're not going anywhere. You're family to us and family watches after each other. You know that," chided Dean.


    "But, what you said before-"


    "I didn't mean," interrupted Dean with a wave of his hand. "I was just worried, still am worried. Trust me, you'll learn that I don't mean half of what I say. Can we just start clean, okay?"


    "Okay," whispered Castiel as he closed his eyes. "I think I will try to attain some more sleep."


    Dean chuckled. "That's a good idea. Get some rest. I'll wake you up when we get there."


Here's Chapter 4. I hope you like it!

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He's Chapteer 5. Hope you like it!

Chapter 5


    Castiel moaned as Dean shook him awake gently. He blinked his hazy blue eyes before Dean helped him out of the car. Sam came around and went on Castiel's other side. The three of them barely made their way to their room before Castiel collapsed on the bed.


    "First thing's first we're going to get you out of these wet clothes," Dean told him before Castiel could fall back asleep.


    Castiel looked at the clothes that he always wore. "I don't believe that I own any other clothes."


    "It's just to sleep in. You can borrow some of mine since Sam's are a little too big," Dean told him as he rummaged around his duffle until he found a plain t-shirt and sweatpants. If he said that he was cold later then he would give him a sweatshirt, but right now he was sweating from the fever.


    Dean handed him the clothes and looked toward the bathroom. "Please tell me that you can do this on your own."


    Castiel gave him an irritated and pointed look. "I'll be fine," he rasped as he swung his legs from the bed and took a step toward the bathroom.


    He suddenly bent at the waist as he let out another angel style sneeze.




    Dean flinched. "Bless you," Dean told him as he grabbed his father's journal and sat on one of the beds.


    "By abologies," Castiel sniffed.


    "Don't forget to blow your nose when you're in there, Cas," Sam told him from the table with his laptop open as he did some research on the case that they still hadn't started yet.


    Castiel said nothing as he headed into the bathroom. Dean heard a few weak blows before he realized that he would probably have to show Castiel again how to do it. This time he wouldn't complain about it. He would suck it up and help Castiel through this, just like he knew Castiel would do for him, if he knew what he was doing that is.


    Castiel emerged a few moment later looking even more exhausted than before. "I don't enjoy this."


    "No one does, Cas. But, we get through it and you will too and we have somethings to help with it," Sam explained as he motioned to the seat across from him. "Hungry?"


    "Not really," Castiel explained. However, like the good soldier he was he walked over and sat down.


    Dean sat down beside Castiel and started to divvy out the food. He gave Sam his salad before he grabbed his bacon cheeseburger with fries and finally Castiel his tomato rice soup with some crackers. Castiel raised an eyebrow as he swiveled his head to look at Dean.


    "What is this," he asked.


    "Tomato rice soup. It cures just about anything. Trust me, you'll like it," Dean told him before he rummaged through another bag and brought out a box of the lotion tissues. He set it down besides Castiel and ripped it open. "If you feel like you have to sneeze then use these. You'll notice that you don't have sleeves anymore."


    Castiel looked at his bare arms before he nodded. "Thank you."


    "Don't mention it. Let's just eat," Dean told him as he grabbed his burger and took a monstrous bite.


    Sam started to eat his salad while Castiel picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup. He swallowed it and before he took another sip and another and another.


    Sam was about to take another bite before he saw the way that Castiel was wolfing down the soup. "Slow down, Cas. Soup is hot and makes your nose run and that makes you-"


    Castiel's nose twitched and Dean knew that he wasn't going to get there in time. Dean pulled out three of the good tissues and pressed them into Castiel's hand. Castiel raised it to his nose just in time to catch the explosions. 


    "HutchsHSHS! HuTCHSHS! HetcHSHS!"


    When he was finished he went to blow before Dean rested a hand on his shoulder. "At least turn away from the table when you do that."


    Castiel gave a nod before he turned aside. He let out a pathetic blow before Dean rolled his eyes. 


    "Do what we did before. Clamp one nostril at a time and then do it," Dean explained.


    When Castiel listened to Dean's advice he did a lot better. When he finished he gave his nose a few more wipes before he set the tissues on the table. Dean went to take another bite of his burger before he saw it.


    He sighed as he took the tissues and placed it on Castiel's lap. "Don't leave it on the table."


    "My apologizes," Castiel rasped. 


    "It's alright, Cas. You'll just know for next time," Sam told him with a kind smile.


    The rest of them ate in silence for a while before Dean broke it. "So, do you have any idea why this happened, Cas?"


    "I believe that it has something to do with the time I've spent with your kind," answered Castiel as he took another slurp of the soup.


    He started to sniff before Dean pointed to the tissue. Castiel picked them up and rubbed upward at his slightly burning nostrils. When he was finished he set it down and took another sip.


    "Maybe if you washed your hands or were a little more aware of this kind of thing then it would've been different," Sam suggested.


    Castiel nodded. "I shall work on that, Sam. I do not wish to have a repeat of this again."


    "It's not pleasant, but it only lasts for about a week or so," Dean replied.


    "Luckily we have some other things that should be able to help out with it too," added Sam when they had all finished eating.


    He dug around a while before he brought out some cold medicine, cough drops, and vapor rub. Getting Castiel to actually use any of that would be a challenge, but Dean was up for it.


    "What is it supposed to do," asked Castiel.


    "Sleep mostly," replied Sam with a small smile. "But, it helps with congestion and the cough as well. It should also lower that fever."


    "I have a fever," murmured Castiel.


    Dean leaned forward and pressed the back of his hand against Castiel's forehead again. He nodded and drew back. "I'm guessing that's definitely a fever. How about we see for sure?"


    He brought out the thermometer from the first aid kit before he motioned toward Cas. "Open your mouth."


    Castiel shook his head. "What is that supposed to do to me?"


    "You put it under your tongue and it tells what your internal temperature is. If it's over 98.6 then you have a fever," Dean told him.


    Castiel tilted his head. "Then what?"


    "Then you're not allowed out of bed except to use the bathroom until it goes down to normal. That's the rule," Dean told him as he pressed a button on the thermometer before he motioned it toward Castiel's mouth. "Open up and put your tongue over it."


    Castiel did as he was told as Dean popped it into his mouth. Castiel stood firm for a moment before he looked at Dean. "Um, Dean."


    "Cas, you can't speak with that in your mouth or it won't read right," Sam told him from over his laptop.


    Castiel shook his head. "But-"


    "Just wait one more minute and then you can tell me. It can wait until then," Dean told him as he flipped a page in the journal.


    Castiel shook his head. "I don't think that I can," he whimpered before he raised his hands to a steeple over his face as if he forgot all about the tissues.




    The thermometer fell from Castiel's mouth, but his hands stayed over his face. His eyes widened as he looked at Dean.


    Dean lowered down to pick up the thermometer before he sighed and wiped it on his shirt. "I guess that's what you couldn't wait to tell me, huh?"


    Castiel nodded with his hands not moving for a moment. He didn't say anything as he prayed silently that one of them would understand what he needed.


    "Cas, you can take your hands away now," Sam joked.


    Castiel shook his head. "I don't think that I should. It would not be a wise decision," he pointed out.


    Dean nodded as he grasped a few tissues and passed them to Castiel. Castiel grasped it and rubbed it at his nose before he cleaned up his hands afterwards.


    "Go and wash your hands, Cas, and then we'll try again," Dean told him.


    Castiel tilted his head. "How am I supposed to do that?"


    Dean stood up and grabbed Castiel's shoulder. "Alright, I'll show you this once, but then you have to do it on your own. Something strange is happening to your vessel so I'm guessing that you may have to be doing this more than you would like."


    "Why does one wash their hands," Castiel asked keenly.


    The two walked into the bathroom before Dean turned the light on. "It's a sanitary thing. There can be bacteria or germs on your hands that other people can catch and become sick with. That's how illness is spread."


    "So, this stops it," inquired Castiel as Dean turned on the sink.


    Dean shrugged. "Sam would say that it does, but I'm not so sure. People still get sick, but I guess not as much. You're supposed to do it every time you sneeze or blow your nose or cough, but no one does. Just do it periodically."


    Castiel still looked more than confused before he watched Dean wet his hands, use a bar of some strange white block, before he rinsed off his hands again. He wiped them on his pants before he motioned for Castiel to try.


    Castiel wasn't as quick as Dean was, but he did it to the best of his ability. When he was finished Dean clapped him on the back.


    "That'll make Sammy happy. He's more of a germaphobe than I am. But, I guess I see his point a bit. Let's see if we can take your temperature again," Dean told him as they exited the bathroom.


    Castiel turned to the table, but Dean steered him to the bed. Castiel turned to stare at him. "What am I supposed to do?"


    "You rest. You sleep. You watch crappy TV in a crappy motel. You don't just sit at a table when you're sick. Besides, you look like you're going to fall asleep at any moment," Dean told him good naturally.


    Castiel allowed himself to be steered over to the bed. He climbed under the covers before Dean collected the thermometer from the table and stuck it under his tongue. Castiel blinked his eyes before the familiar pre-sneeze expression showed.


    "Oh no you don't. You're going to keep that in your mouth until it beeps and then you can sneeze," Dean told him.


    Castiel twisted his head from side to side. "I don't think I have much of a c-choice," he stammered, nostrils flaring.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "I can't believe that I'm doing this."


    He leaned forward and clasped his thumb and forefinger around Castiel's nose to keep it shut. Castiel looked less than comfortable, while Dean felt the same. The two just stood there for what felt like forever before the thermometer finally went off.


    Dean released Castiel's nose and not a moment too soon. He pitched forward while Dean caught the thermometer.




    "Bless you," called Sam.




    "Again," Sam chorused.




    "And again."


    "Sammy, tissues," Dean called as he watched Castiel lift his wrist to his nose to stop the flow.


    Sam did as he was told and Dean caught them with one hand while he read the thermometer with the other. He handed the box to Castiel who dove into it immediately.


    "103.6. That's not good at all, Cas. You never do do anything by halves," Dean sighed as he set the thermometer to the side.


    Castiel shuffled weakly into the tissues. "What can I do about it," Castiel asked.


    "Nothing that you can do about it. We'll see if the medicine helps," Dean grunted as he collected the things that Sam had bought and brought it over to the bed. He sat on the edge before he set it all down on the nightstand.


    "We'll do the cold medicine first since it's the worst tasting," Dean told him as he opened it and poured the appropriate amount of gooey cold medicine. He handed it to Castiel, who took it in his hand and frowned at how it looked.


    "It won't taste good, but it'll make you feel better later," Sam told him as he carried his laptop and set it on the bed besides the bed that Dean and Castiel were sitting on.


    Castiel looked at it before he took it and tipped it into his mouth. He grimaced in the after math as he pushed it back to Dean. Dean and Sam laughed while Castiel shook his head.


    "That is awful! That is beyond awful," Castiel rasped.


    Dean nodded. "I know. I think it's supposed to taste bad."


    "Now what," Castiel asked less than thrilled.


    Dean opened the bag of cough drops before he handed one to Castiel. "This one tastes a little bit better. It's like honey. It's supposed to soothe your throat."


    Castiel shook his head. "I don't think I would enjoy that."


    Dean stifled a groan before he unwrapped one and showed it to Castiel. "I'll take one if you take one, okay? Does that sound fair?"


    "Why are you doing all this," Castiel asked in surprise. 


    Dean looked over to Sam to back him up, but it appeared Sam was having too much fun watching to actually chime in. Dean was on his own.


    "I guess this is what family does for one another. Besides, it is my fault that you're this sick anyway," Dean joked.


    Castiel smiled before he took one of the cough drops and unwrapped it before he popped it in his mouth just like how Dean had done. Dean tried not to grimace at the taste, but it was better than the cherry ones at least. 


    "Last thing before you're allowed to go to sleep," Dean told him as he brought out the vapor rub.


    Castiel tilted his head once more. "That doesn't look very pleasant to consume."


    "It's not to consume," Dean laughed as he showed a glob of it to Castiel. "It's to help you breathe. You rub it on your chest and it helps with the coughing."


    Castiel nodded before he dipped his hand in just like Dean had. He started to smear it on his chest with his shirt on before Dean reached out to grab his hand. 


    "No, Cas, you do it under your shirt," ordered Dean as he tried not to make any derogatory statements.


    Castiel nodded as he pulled his shirt down a bit before he tried to smear it on his chest to the best of his ability. He already felt his chest start to open with sent him coughing madly.


    "Easy, easy," whispered Dean as he rested his hand out to steady him. "I think that it's time for you to watch some of that crappy TV and get some rest."


    Dean went to leave before Castiel reached out a hand and caught Dean's. He quickly let go of it before he shook his head. "Nevermind."


    "What is it, Cas," questioned Dean gently.


    Castiel blinked his feverish eyes. "Can you stay with me?"


    Castiel looked beyond embarrassed before Dean smiled and nudged him. "Scoot over."


    Castiel did as he was told. Dean laid on top of the covers with Castiel underneath. Castiel rested his head on Dean's shoulder and Dean was unable to move. He sighed as he curled an arm around Castiel and allowed him to stay where he was. 


    "Not a word," Dean began before Sam could say anything. "This is just until he gets better, which can be what, a few days at the most?"


    Sam shrugged. "Only time will tell."


That's the end of Chapter 5. Hope you liked it and Chapter 6 will hopefully be up soon.

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Here's Chapter 6. Hope you all enjoy!


Chapter 6


    Dean awoke to find that Castiel was no longer beside him. He twisted around madly as he saw Sam snoring in the bed across from him with his laptop still open and remote in his hand. 


    Dean grabbed the laptop and looked at what Sam had been researching. He saw the Bible story about Noah in front of him. He smiled to himself before he set the laptop on the nightstand and closed it. If Castiel would've been feeling better, or if he could find him, then he would've just asked him to tell them the story of Noah. He probably knew more about it than anyone else.


    He looked around in the darkness before he heard painful coughing coming from the bathroom. He tiptoed forward before he realized that it was pitch black. He tried not to laugh as he heard another cough.


    Dean knocked on the door quietly. "Cas?"


    There was silence before a deafening sneeze.




    Dean nodded slowly. That would be Castiel.


    "Cas, come on. Let me in," Dean grumbled as he knocked at the door once more in case Castiel hadn't heard him the first time.


    There was a shuffling inside the bathroom before Castiel opened the door. Dean's eyes widened as he took him in. He looked even worse than before. 


    His eyes were glassy, his nose was red and chapped, and he was still breathing through his mouth. His cheeks were flushed and he couldn't help but sway when he stood. Sweat seemed to pour from his body, yet he shivered in cold.


    "Cas, what are you doing? How long have you been hiding out here," Dean asked with a frown.


    Castiel grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bathroom. Dean quickly turned the light on and saw that Castiel had moved a blanket and a pillow in there.


    "You're not sick to your stomach, are you," Dean inquired.


    Castiel shook his head. "No. I just didn't want to wake you or Sam up so I moved in here," he replied with a small shrug.


    "Cas-" Dean began.


    Castiel quickly cut him off. "I should really leave. I'm hindering your hunt," he argued with a shake of his head.


    Dean grasped his shoulders to keep him from falling forward. "You think that I'm just going to let you head out, again? Do you think that I want to kill you or something?"


    "The thought had....eh....huh......"


    Dean quickly let him go so that Castiel could lift a few tissues to his face. 




    The sneeze shredded the tissue and bent Castiel at the waist. Castiel cleared his throat before he straightened and fixed Dean with a teary eyed look. "Ouch."


    "I'm sure that didn't feel good. Bless you," whispered Dean as Castiel straightened and pulled the tissue away from his face.


    Castiel gave another sniff, but he appeared to be too weak to care to do much about the growing mucus running down his nose. He lifted his wrist to his nose and when that didn't work he lowered his hands and just stood there.


    Dean plucked out a few more tissues before he handed them to Castiel. He tightened Castiel's hand around the tissues before he lifted up his hand to his nose. "Come on. I know this sucks, but you can't just let it there."


    "Why is it not socially accepted," Castiel asked.


    "I don't know, because it's not," answered Dean as Castiel continued to scrub at his nose. 


    Castiel's head fell before he threw the tissues away. He turned on the sink and started to wash his hands. Dean felt like a proud parent as he watched the angel.


    "At least you remembered that much," Dean joked.


    Castiel turned off the water after he had finished and looked down. "I shouldn't stay here."


    "Alright," Dean decided as he opened the bathroom door. He returned a few seconds later with one of his sweatshirts and threw it at Castiel. Castiel barely caught it before he looked at Dean in surprise. "Let's go."


    "I'm not always great knowing exactly what is implied, but do you mean 'we'," questioned Castiel, his voice sounded as if his throat was lined with sandpaper.


    Dean nodded slowly. "Yep, I mean we as in you and me."


    "Where," Castiel pressed.


    Dean thought for a minute before he shook his head. "It's going to be a surprise. Just, follow me," Dean told him as he almost pulled Castiel along. 


    Castiel reluctantly staggered after Dean, using one hand to rub it across his nose. "I don't like this," Castiel confessed as he paused and ripped himself away from Dean as his nose started to tingle and buzz.




    Dean spiraled around and sighed before he grabbed the thin box of tissues on the table beside them that had been discarded for the thicker tissues. He ripped out as many as possibly and thrust them against Castiel's nose so that he didn't wake Sam up.


    Castiel ripped away with his nostrils flaring madly. Dean muttered under his breath before he pulled his head forward and into the tissues. "No you don't. Don't think that you're going to get out of this that easy!"


    "I don't want to," Castiel almost wailed. "It hurts!"'


    "I know, but I really don't think that you have much of a choice. Just relax," whispered Dean as he pulled Castiel toward him as his body expanded with each hitching breath.




    The sneeze shook broth of them and the thin tissues did nothing to stop the mess. Dean tried not to cringe as he felt the wetness on his hands. 


    "Deadn," whispered Castiel.


    Dean nodded. "Just hold on. Relax," whispered Dean as he grabbed a handful more of tissues after he threw out the original ones. He pressed them against Castiel's face before Castiel took them instead. He mopped up the mess from his face while Dean scrubbed the palm of his hand against his leg. 


    "Okay, now that that's taken care of, let's go," murmured Dean as he pulled Castiel forward before he could sneeze again and risk waking Sam up. However, Sam was dead to the world. A marching band probably couldn't wake him up right now. It had been a while since he had gotten any genuine sleep.


    Dean opened the door slowly and pulled Castiel through it. Castiel looked over is shoulder at the motel room with a cock of his head. "I thought you previously stated that one was not to leave bed with a fever."


    "This is okay because you're with me. Besides, I'll think you'll like where we're going. Now get in," Dean told him as he motioned to the Impala.


    Castiel climbed into the passenger seat before Dean realized that they hadn't brought any tissues. Well, Dean couldn't go back in now. He just hoped that Castiel could hold off until they got to where they were going.


    Sure enough, as soon as they started out, Castiel began to paw at his nose. He rubbed it every which way which made a sound like you were moving something squishy. Castiel blushed as he lowered his hands. "Sorry."


    "You don't have to apologize," Dean told him, even though he knew what usually following his sniffling. Things were going to get a whole lot messier.


    Castiel's nose gave the telltale twitch. He looked at his hands as if he expected to see tissues in his hand. When he didn't his head darted up to look at Dean. "D-Dean," he stammered as he looked around. "Uh...huh....."


    "Okay, okay," Dean sighed as he pulled the car over to the side of the road and watched Castiel try to fight it to the best of his ability. He even went so far as to lift his hand and clamp his thumb and forefinger over his still twitching appendage. 


    Dean stretched out his hands and pulled Castiel's hands away from his nose. "No, we don't do that."


    "But, I don't have any....t-thing," Castiel stammered as his nostrils flared.


    Dean nodded slowly. "I know. I know." He stretched out a hand before he pulled Castiel's head against his shoulder. Castiel shifted a bit and tried to pull away before he eventually forced himself to relax.


    "Dean, Ib gonna, eh-"


    "I know," Dean sighed as he gripped the angel's shoulder. "I know. It's okay."


    Castiel lurched forward with loud and unrestrained sneeze, even though he tried desperately to stop them.




    Dean gripped him strongly before Castiel finally relaxed, panting ever so slightly. Dean released him and Castiel drew backwards. He panted heavily with a stream of mucus running from both his nostrils. It made a mess of his upper lip and all he could do was look at the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Dean's sweatshirt. 


    Dean almost laughed as he saw the pathetic look in Castiel's eyes. "It's alright. You can use it until we find you something better," Dean told him.


    Castiel lowered his arms before he sat back in the Impala. "I can waidt."


    "Uh huh. I'm sure you can," Dean told him as he clapped his shoulder. "But, I think that you should."


    "Budt, your sweadtshirt," Castiel argued.


    "I can always wash it. You just look gross," Dean told him.


    Castiel couldn't take it any longer before he pressed the soft sleeve of the sweatshirt against his chapped nose. Castiel stood there for a few heartbeats with his eyes starting to tear up.


    "What's wrong," Dean asked.


    Castiel turned away to look at the window. He hung his head and tried his best not to start becoming emotional right there. He hadn't shown these sort of emotions to Dean before and he didn't want to. He wasn't even sure why he was feeling them.


    Dean sighed as he stretched out a hand and pressed it against the back of it against Castiel's forehead. Castiel pulled away and pressed himself so close against the passenger seat door that he was almost sitting on the door.


    "Yep, you still have a fever. That's probably why you're suddenly acting like that," Dean decided before he forced the Impala forward still.


    Castiel said nothing more as he pressed his head against the cool window and closed his eyes.


That's the end of Chapter 6. Hope you liked it. Chapter 7 will be up soon.

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I'm eager to see where they're going! :o Poor Cas though..

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Okay here is Chapter 7. This chapter was inspired by a place that I've passed hundreds of times, yet I've never been there. When I go to visit my Mimi in New York we pass this town that has this wonderful thing that you're going to read about in this chapter. I've always wanted to stop there and enjoy it, but I never have. This chapter is dedicated to something that I hope to one day stop and enjoy. 

Chapter 7


    "Cas. Cas. Castiel, we're here."


    Castiel moaned as he opened his eyes and saw that they were parked in a parking lot of some sort, but he wasn't sure why. 




    "Yep, I have stuff for that too," Dean told Castiel as he rummaged through a plastic bag and brought out a large box of tissues. He passed it over to Castiel, but not before he ripped it open. "It's a 200 count. Watch you go through that!"


    Castiel didn't bother thanking him. He wasted no time in taking four of the tissues and blowing his nose. He had gotten much better with it since Dean had taught him how. These tissues were soft too and didn't make his nose hurt as much as the sweatshirt did. 


    "Bless you by the way. You snore loud when you're sick, you know," joked Dean as he climbed out of the driver's side.


    Castiel just sat there until Dean came around and opened the door. "Come on. I have a surprise for you."


    Castiel tilted his head in confusion before he forced himself to his feet and brought the tissues against his chest out with him.  He watched Dean grab a few blankets from the trunk before he nodded his head to the side.


    "Where are we," Castiel asked at the glittering lights around him of small shops. They were lined up without any breaks in between them and they were lit, but no one was there. It was quite beautiful. 


    "A small set of shops I think in some small town. It's just a few towns over from where the motel is," Dean explained as he walked ahead of Castiel on the sidewalk.


    Castiel jogged up to catch up with Dean before he let out a volley of wet coughs openly. His breath slightly billowed in the chilly air and he pulled himself closer against his sweatshirt. "But, why are we here?"


    "I'll show you! You're so impatient! Just like a baby angel," Dean joked warmly.


    Castiel tilted his head once more. "I am not-"


    "I'm just joking. Come on, Cas. We've talked about this. Apparently we need to talk about this more," Dean grumbled as he turned the corner and rubbed his hands together. "There is is."


    Castiel looked in front of him before he noticed what appeared to be a small coffee shop with a large fire pit and a burning fire in the middle of it. It crackled and sparked up in the air, bringing smoke and ashes in it's midst.


    "What is it," asked Castiel.


    "It's like a place where a lot of people get together. It's warm and inviting and there's no one here right now," Dean told him.


    Castiel seemed confused as he took a few steps toward it. He crept toward it and jumped back when one of the logs broke and more ashes sparked upward. 


    "It's okay. It's just like the fire that Sammy and I use to burn bodies. It's not Holy fire, don't worry. Come on," Dean invited as he sat on one of the benches and motioned for Castiel to join him. 


    Castiel walked in a circle as far away from the fire as possible. He plopped down besides Dean and Dean unfolded one of the blankest and draped it over Castiel's shoulders. Castiel curled it tighter around him with the tissue box on his lap. 


    "That warmth the fire is producing is quite enjoyable," agreed Castiel.


    Dean nodded. "Yeah. It's like 2 a.m too so I doubt you'll have any interruptions. I thought you'd enjoy it," he told Castiel.


    "I do enjoy it," he sniffled before he rubbed at his nose furiously with his fist.


    "It's going to start to run like crazy because of the heat and smoke," Dean told him as he looked up at the stars.


    "Each star has a story," Castiel chimed.


    Dean looked over at him and saw that he was looking up at the sky as well. "What?"




    "Yep, I'm pretty sure that that's not what you said," Dean argued with a serious shake of his head.


    Castiel lifted a finger before he tried to speak again. "I s-sAITCHSHS!" He paused to snuffle into a tissue before he pulled it away, his nostrils still moist. "Th-that stATCHSHS!" He paused one more time. "They HUTCHSHS!"


    Dean jumped at the noise. He had thought that Castiel's sneezes were loud before, but it appeared that he had been restraining them just a bit. 


    "Okay, buddy. Just wait until your finished because I can't understand you," Dean suggested as he watched Castiel fold over desperately. 




    When he felt like he was truly finished he lifted his head with mucus free flowing from his nostrils before he turned to look at Dean. "As I was saying-"


    He looked down when Dean pointed at his nostrils. Castiel fumbled for a tissue before he rubbed at his nose madly. He wanted to finish his thought and it aggravated him that it had taken so long.


    "Every star has a story and how they got there," Castiel explained.


    "Some say that they're souls," Dean replied as he gazed up at them.


    Castiel looked baffled. "That's foolish!"


    "Oh really. Well then, can you do better," Dean challenged as he thought about the stories that Castiel could come up with.


    Castiel shook his head as he shifted forward and blinked his eyes. Dean looked at their feverish tinge, but didn't interrupt Castiel since it seemed like he had something else he wanted to say.


    "The stars are fascinating, but what's better is the story about the Northern Lights," Castiel murmured as he sniffed weakly. "Aurora Borealis."


    Dean shrugged as he let Castiel in his fevered sate go. "Okay, then explain that to me. What's the lore or true story behind them?"


    "The Scottish believe that the lights are the blood from fallen angels that light the sky. It shines like that only during the most impressive battles," Castiel explained feverishly. "The battles where everyone is injured and you're lucky you won't loose your life or your wings or your-"


    "Okay, okay," Dean cut him off as he saw where this was going. "How about we talk about something else other than angel wars and blood."


    Castiel frowned. "As in?"


    "I don't know. What do angels usually talk about when gathered around a fire," Dean wondered.


    Castiel thought for a moment. "You mean when we gather around hell?"


    "Where did you?" Dean shrugged. "I see where you got that. No, not hell. Just what do you talk about?"


    Castiel continued to look up at the stars before he sneezed openly.




    "That's not what I think you talk about. If you can't think of something then maybe we should talk about the case," Dean suggested as Castiel's attention once more turned on him.


    Castiel rubbed at his nose with his wrist. "I don't believe I know much more than you."


    "It seems a little weird that a piece of Noah's boat would just show up here. Do you have a museum in heaven where you keep it," Dean inquired smartly.


    "If such a place exists in heaven then I've never seen it. I just know that pitch is a preservative. Wood could survive that long. I can't contemplate how it could be turned into a weapon," contemplated Castiel.


    "Maybe someone made a deal with an angel. Got any Noah fanatics up there," Dean chuckled.


    Castiel raised an eyebrow. 


    "I suppose not," Dean continued awkwardly.


    "Any angel would have any knowledge of this. Why kill humans," muttered Castiel as if he was asking himself.


    "I wish someone would tell us why monsters do what they do." Castiel swiveled his head around before Dean corrected himself. "Sorry. I don't mean that angels are monsters. That's not what I meant."


    Castiel huffed. "We need to figure it out before it kills more innocents."


    "We will. We always do," Dean told him before he turned his attention back up to the stars.


    Castiel did the same before the cold mixed with the dwindling fire made his nose buzz even more.


    "HutcHSHSSH! HutchsHSHS!"


    "Bless you." Dean looked at his friend before he saw that his hand wasn't even steady enough to keep his tissue pressed against his nose. "Okay, let's go."


    Castiel shook his head when Dean tried to lift him up. "Please, don't. I-I want to stay here for a while longer," he pleaded.


    Dean gave him a sideways smile. "Alright, but just for a bit longer," he told him firmly. The last thing he wanted was for Castiel to catch pneumonia or something and he had already been outside once when he shouldn't have been.


    "Fair," Castiel breathed with his head continued to be tipped back and his eyes partially closed. 




    Dean smiled as he closed his own eyes under the stars with the sound of fire and congested breathing beside him.


There's Chapter 7. I hope you enjoy it and liked where Dean took Cas. This is probably my favorite chapter yet. Chapter 8 will be up soon. 

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Aww! That's so sweet of Dean to try and cheer Cas up! Another lovely chapter! :):D 

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Hey guys! I'm so glad that you're enjoying it and I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Here's chapter 8.


Chapter 8


    Sam awoke and stretched out in the cheap motel room. Ordinary Dean would've been awake by now and joking with Sam while trying to get him to wake up. However, Dean was nowhere to be found as well as Castiel.


    "Dean? Cas?"


    He called one last time for good measure before he grabbed his laptop sitting on the bed. He saw that someone had taken it off his bed in the middle of the night, but he wasn't sure when. He had fallen asleep after Dean and Castiel around midnight. 


    He saw his phone beside him and he picked it up. He flipped it open and immediately dialed Dean's number. When he got no response he switched and called Castiel instead. 


    He still received no answer. He swore loudly before he threw his phone on his pillow. He decided to get up and shower and see if Dean came back after that. Once he finished he came out of the bathroom he realized that Dean and Castiel still weren't there.


    He was about to go out looking when he heard the door click before it opened. Sam rushed forward when he saw Dean and let out a breath of relief. He embraced him before Dean pushed him back.


    "Easy, dude. We were only gone for a few hours," Dean pointed out.


    Sam turned troubled eyes to his brother. "I just woke up and you and Cas weren't there. I was worried," Sam confessed.


    "Sorry, Sammy, but Cas was being well, Cas only sicker so I decided to take him out for a bit," Dean explained as he pointed to the still sniffling angel.




    Castiel pitched forward with an unrestrained sneeze before Sam ducked back and smiled fearfully. "Um, maybe that wasn't the best idea," Sam commented.


    Dean shrugged. "I couldn't just have him wake you up. You were sleeping good for the first time in a while. Besides, he was going to leave with or without me. I just went with him to make sure that he didn't kill himself."




    "Cas, cover your mouth," Sam told him.


    "By abobligies," he mumbled as he rubbed a handful of tissues against his nose. "I forgodt."


    Sam looked to Dean and Dean sighed. "Look, we really need to start interviewing people," he pointed out as he motioned toward the door. "And I think that I know exactly where to start."


    "Where are be goingdn" asked Castiel.


    Sam glared at Dean before Dean stepped in. "First thing, Cas, blow your nose."


    Castiel nodded as he plucked more tissues and noisily blew his nose. Dean shook his head as he realized that either Castiel was very tired or he forgot how to since the blow wasn't productive or gurgling at all. All it did was billow air, which did nothing for him.


    Castiel set it aside before he rocked back and forth on his heels. "I'm ready now."


    "I don't think so. It's hard enough having normal you at these interviews. It would be much easier for you to just stay here and rest," Dean told him.


    "I've already rested. How much more rest do I require," Castiel snapped.


    "It doesn't work like that, Cas," confessed Sam as he looked at the pouty angel. "Just take as much rest as you can get, okay?"


    Castiel looked beyond angry, but he knew how stubborn the Winchesters could be. He hung his head before he nodded. "Fine."


    "We shouldn't be long, Cas. You'll be fine," Dean told him.


    Castiel hung his head before he stuffed his hands into his sweatshirt. "Ok-a...ay....."




    Castiel's ducked his head into his sleeve before he let out a squeak of pain. "I don't like this," Castiel whimpered.


    "I know that you don't," Dean chided gently. "But, it gets better. We won't be long."


    Castiel nodded slowly as he looked at the bed. "If you need anything just call for me," he urged.


    "Will do, Cas," Sam replied, even though it didn't take Dean long to tell that his brother was lying. They both knew that Castiel needed to rest and he certainly wouldn't if they called him.


    "Watch some TV and get some rest," Dean told him as he thrust on his jacket. "We won't be long. We're just talking around today."


    Castiel looked like he wanted to argue, but thought better of it. He slumped back before he nodded slowly. "O-Okay," he finally decided as he shuffled over to the bed slowly and sat down with his legs sprawled on top of the covers. He breathed with an open mouth with his eyes slightly open.


    Dean frowned as he looked at the angel. Sam quickly steered him away before he  could suggest staying. "He'll be fine," Sam argued as he watched at the already snoring angel. "He's okay. He's sleeping. We will only be a few hours and it's nothing dangerous."


    "Yeah, okay, let's go," Dean finally decided as he reached the door with Sam following. The door slammed and Castiel jumped in bed.


    "Wha? Dean? Sam?"


    Castiel shook his head before he looked around. They weren't there. He tried to rack his brain, but for some reason he couldn't think of where they had went or if they told him that they were going somewhere. All that he could think was that they were in trouble and that they had left him behind.


    He quickly stood before his legs gave out and he collapsed on the floor. He swore under his breath as his nose collided with the ground and all that did was make it more itchy and more tickly. It started to run like a faucet before he felt the familiar sensation that he couldn't stop.


    "Eh'HUTCHSshsHSH! HutcSHSHS! HetchsHSHSH! Huh'tCHSHSH!"


    The fit winded Castiel more than he would've cared to admit. Snot streamed from both of his nostrils and sprayed the ground. He fumbled for the tissue before he pressed them against his highly agitated nose. He settled to just wipe at it instead of blow, even though he knew exactly what Dean would say if he were there, Sam too. He ignored the feeling before he forced himself back to his feet.


    He quickly headed into the bathroom and changed into his usual attire, equipped of course with his trench coat. He kept it pulled around his shoulders before he shivered and tried to reach out to where Dean and Sam could be. 


    Castiel cursed himself for making them untraceable to angels. He was going to have to do this the old fashioned way, which was going to take a whole lot out of him. 


    But, he knew that he had to for Sam and Dean's sake. He had no idea where they were, but he knew that he had to find them and fast.


Here's chapter 8! Hope you enjoyed it. 

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Chapter 9 is finished! Hope you enjoy.


Chapter 9


    Sam let out a small breath as he stalked forward with a shotgun raised. He looked around madly for anything supernatural. He couldn't find anything, but all of the locals had stated that before the men had died that they had visited this warehouse for something. They just didn't know what.


    "You see anything," whispered Dean.


    Sam shook his head. "No, nothing. You?"


    "Nada. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Maybe these men came across Noah fanatic another way or something," Dean suggested with a shrug.


    "That seems highly unlikely," argued Sam as he continued to creep through the dark warehouse.




    Sam jumped from his skin before he spiraled around with the barrel of his gun pointed at the hunched over version of an Angel of the Lord. Castiel's hand was placed over his nose while his eyes were puffy and glassy. He looked up with a still sneezy expression on his face.


    "Cas," questioned Sam.


    Dean spiraled around in shock. "That was Cas?"


    Castiel straightened before another sneeze bent him at the waist.




    And another.




    And another.




    "Geez, bless you," Sam gasped while Dean rushed over to him. He set down his shotgun before he rested a hand on Castiel's shivering back. Even through the trench coat he could tell that Castiel had a fever and a high one at that. 


    "Ugh, thandks," Castiel murmured with his hand still clamped over his face. 


    Dean helped him straighten before he placed the back of his hand against his forehead and cheeks. Castiel immediately pulled away as if he was afraid for Dean to grasp exactly how high his fever was.


    "Cas," started Dean.


    Castiel shook his head as he stumbled backwards, almost losing his footing. "Y-You left," he stammered in almost a feverish daze.


    Sam and Dean exchanged a glance. "We told you to rest and you agreed. We wouldn't have left you on purpose, I promise," Sam started as he took a step toward Castiel.


    Castiel immediately lifted his hands as if he wanted a fight. Sam took a step back and looked to his brother. Dean let out a sigh as he took a step toward him. Castiel still looked defensive, but at least he didn't look like he wanted to attack Dean.


    "It's going to be okay. You just have a really high fever," he tried to explain. 


    If Castiel didn't understand humans before, he certainly didn't understand them now whatsoever. He gazed at Dean like he was the enemy and was spewing lies.


    "Where's Urial," Castiel asked hoarsely.


    "He's dead," answered dean calmly. "You killed him."


    Castiel barreled around before he tripped over his own feet and collapsed. He took his hands and pressed them over his ears. "No! I wouldn't do that."


    "Great, a delirious angel. As if we didn't have enough to deal with," grunted Dean with a roll of his eyes.


    "Dean," snapped Sam as he kneeled beside Castiel and tried to console him to the best of his ability.


    Dean sighed. "Fine, but I don't know what you want me to do. With this high of a fever he's not going to know what's real and what's not. Most of everything he thinks he sees is going to be fake."


    "You can get through to him," Sam pointed out as he looked at his brother. "He trusts you."


    Dean set his jaw before he leaned forward and stretched out a hand toward Castiel. Castiel pulled away, but Dean wasn't finished with him. 


    "Cas, it's me. It's Dean. Focus on me, okay. Can you do that," Dean asked. He had said the exact same thing Sam had had a high fever like this.


    Castiel looked up, squirming almost in his own boiling skin. His nose suddenly gave the twitch that Dean had learned only too well. It would have been too much to ask for Castiel to actually bring any supplies with him so he was totally unprepared. 




    The first sneeze was sneezed openly in Dean's direction. In fact, Castiel's head was bent almost against his shoulder. Dean flinched before he realized that at least Castiel seemed to know where he was and who Dean was. That had to be a good sign.




    This time Castiel was able to lift a sleeve to stop the mess that leaked from his nose. Tears lit in Castiel's eyes as he swiveled his head to look at Dean, ashamed. Dean had no idea what Castiel wanted him to stay or do. He was just going to have to wait out the fit.




    "Shhh," Sam suddenly snapped as he lifted his gun and pointed it around. "I hear something."


    "You hear something," echoed Dean with a snort of amusement. "That's probably Cas. In case you haven't noticed it sounds like a bomb's going off."


    "No, it's not that," answered Sam as he looked around. "I thought I heard something else."


    Dean was about to say something more when Castiel stumbled forward yet again.




    "Get him to be quiet," pleaded Sam as he looked around madly. His flashlight caught glimpses of different things, but nothing living. "If I'm right about this then we're looking for a demon that made a deal with an angel."


    "Now I've heard it all," Dean grumbled before he looked at Castiel. He was still a shivering, sniffling mess in front of him and he certainly wasn't done with his nasal explosions. However, there really wasn't a way to make Castiel quiet and he didn't want him to hurt himself. Besides, he doubted that he could stifle the sneezes anyway. It wasn't like he had much experience.


    "D-Deadn....." Castiel's mouth opened as a small stream of mucus dripped from his nose. "I...uh..ehe...huh....."


    Dean closed his eyes. "Come here!"


    He reached out a hand and clamped it over Castiel's nose. Castiel tried to pull himself away, but Dean had an iron grip. He started to rub his nose back and forth in small, rhythmic circles. He tried to ignore the wetness against his palm and fingers. That was just too gross.


    "I can't believe I'm doing this," hissed Dean as he grabbed Castiel's nose harder so that no air could make it's way through as he continued to rub it back and forth to try and abate the tickle.


    Castiel no longer tried to fight him, but the tickle was still there. Tears welled in his eyes as he tried to pull Dean's hands away from his nose.


    Suddenly, Castiel pitched forward with Dean still holding on tight. 


    "HuxXHCh! HeXcHxx! Hitchsxx!"


    They were a lot smaller and restrained, but Castiel kept panting heavily as if he wasn't finished. Clearly when the angel stifled his sneezes it just made more want to surface.


    "This isn't working, Sammy," Dean called.


    "I think I see something," Sam replied before he turned to look at Dean and Castiel. "Wait! I think I have any idea."


    "And what is that," asked Dean with Castiel still pulling at his hands.


    "Let Castiel go. I think that we can use him as bait," Sam suggested.


    Dean's eyes widened. "Bait? Now? He can hardly stand," he argued.


    "Just trust me. We'll be right here. Besides, there's nothing that a demon likes more than an angel," Sam pointed out as he clicked off the flashlight and rushed over to his duffle to bring out the holy water.


    Dean shrugged. "Alright, if you say so."


    He released Castiel's nose and rubbed his hand against his pant leg with the hair on his arms standing on end at just how gross that had been.


    Castiel immediately tilted his head back before he tried to sneeze into his sleeve, but it did nothing for the monstrous noise. 


    "HutchsHSHS! HUTCHSHSHS! HetcHSHSH! Uh'HutchsHSHS!"


    They were loud and forceful as ever. Dean looked to him before he stood with Sam coming beside him. Castiel was still pawing at his streaming nose to no avail. His trench coat was drenched from the constant use and he blinked his eyes rapidly to ward off anymore sneezes.


    Suddenly, Castiel felt something grab his shoulders and throw him backwards. He let out a cry of surprise before he fell into a pile of crates. He broke them and groaned as he squirmed and tried to stand. 


    The demon stood over Castiel with it's black eyes suddenly glowing in amusement. "Is this the angel Castiel that I've heard so much about? Sniffling and sneezing like some common human. Not very angel like of you."


    "Leave him alone!"


    Dean lunged forward before the demon disappeared. The demon's laugh sounded through the entire place and Castiel felt a shiver make it's way up his spine.


    "Are you alright, Cas," asked Sam as he came up to the angel.


    Castiel nodded before he fell forward and sneezed against Dean's shoulder.




    "I'm going to take that as a no," decided Dean as he looped his arm around Castiel's arm and shoulder before Sam did the same thing on the other side. "Now what?"


    Sam frowned. "We can't just leave. Whenever we go it's just going to go after Cas," he pointed out with a fearful glance at Dean.


    Dean chewed at his lower lip as he looked at the still sniffling angel at his side. "Okay, this just got a whole lot more complicated."


That's the end of Chapter 9. Hope you liked it. Chapter 10 will be up soon.

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As promised here is chapter 10. Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 10


    Once Dean did a quick sweep of the warehouse he came back to where he left Castiel, sitting on a crate in one of the back rooms. Castiel had his trench coat thrown as tightly around himself as he could possibly manage with his nose bright red and running.


    "I'm sorry, Dean," Castiel rasped.


    Dean sat on a crate across from Castiel as he took out some salt and made a circle around Castiel so that the demon couldn't get that close to him again. 


    "Don't worry about it, Cas," Dean chided once the salt line was set. "I shouldn't have just left you like that."


    Castiel sniffled as he rubbed his hand against the side of his nose. He looked beyond miserable and Dean's heart broke looking at him. "Did you find anything more about the case," he asked.


    "Yeah, actually. I mean we figured out that it had been an angel that made a deal with a demon. I didn't even know that happened," Dean told him as he watched Castiel continue to rub and paw at his stuffy nose.


    "Maybe I should just leave," Castiel decided after a few moments as he rubbed upward at his nose. 


    "And where are you going to go? The last time you tried that you went a few miles, if that. Do you really think that's a good idea," Dean inquired.


    Before Castiel could answer his nostrils flared and his head tipped back.


    "HutchsHshsh! "htcuhsHSHS! Uh'hutCHshshSH!"


    Dean cringed at the sound and the wetness. Castiel moaned as he rubbed the trench coat against his nose madly. "I really dneed to blow my dose," Castiel complained with his mouth stretched wide since no air was getting through his nose and when it did it just caused more snot to trickle down his face.


    "I know," sympathized Dean. He wished that he had something for Castiel, but right now all he had was whatever was in his pockets. He fished around before he brought out a bloody and oil covered bandanna that he had used to fix up the Impala. It was better than nothing.


    Dean stretched out his hand and smiled at Castiel. "Here," he offered as the bandanna went limp in his hands. "Just treat it like a tissue. You sound awful!"


    Castiel scowled, but he still took the bandanna without a second thought. He pressed it against his face and inhaled before he blew his nose powerfully. It let out a gurgling sound and Dean grimaced. At least he didn't need help anymore with that. He just wished that Castiel hadn't been so sick and was now resting in a warehouse on a crate.


    "So, do you know of any angels that are sympathetic towards demons and might actually want to work for them," Dean inquired.


    Castiel pulled the bandana away from his face a second to answer before he sneezed openly in Dean's direction.




    Dean gasped in shock as he tried to jump out of the way. He didn't in time and he felt the warm mist on his arm. He squirmed on his crate and just wanted to jump from his skin. "You are so lucky I already had this."


    A flush of embarrassment showed on Castiel's cheeks. "Oh, Dean, I'm sorry," he apologized.


    Dean waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. You're sick, you can't help it," he sighed as he pulled Castiel's bandana clad hand up to his nose. "Just remember you have this, okay?"


    Castiel nodded as he lifted the bandana and sniffled into it. "I think that I may know of an angel that you're talking about," he sighed.


    This was about the first focused thing that Castiel had been able to say in a few days. This might actually be able to help them. 


    "Really," Dean asked curiously as he sat back on a crate, but this time he sat next to Castiel instead of in front of him. "Well, what's his name?"


    "Azrael," replied Castiel as he lifted a hand and rubbed at his temples. "I think that I should be able to summon him."


    Dean raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think that's a good idea?"


    "Why wouldn't it be," asked Castiel in confusion.


    "I don't know. Maybe because the angel is working with a demon and probably wants you dead," answered Dean as he threw his hands in the air.


    Castiel shrugged. "Do we really have much of a choice?"


    Dean grunted. "I guess not. But, you're not doing it alone. Sam and I are going to be there too since you can't take on an angel in this condition."


    Castiel almost seemed to resent him with the look in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. He just stood from the crate and for a moment he looked like the same fierce angel that Dean had first met.




    Castiel suddenly staggered forward and Dean jumped up to stop him from falling. Dean grabbed his arm and squeezed it ever so slightly. "Alright. Easy," Dean chided as he helped Castiel forward.


    Castiel stood on his own two feet before he swiveled his gaze to almost glare at Dean. "Whatever you do, do not make me look weak in front of Azrael."


    "Um, I think that you're managing to do that yourself," pointed out Dean smartly. 


    Castiel shot him a glare. "Just don't." 


    It wasn't long before Sam joined them and sighed. "I can't find any reminisces of the demon, but I'm sure that it's in here somewhere."


    "That's okay, because Cas here is going to summon one of his angel pals," Dean told Sam as he thumped Castiel on the shoulder.


    Sam's eyes widened. "Is that really a good idea?"


    "Nope! But, we're all out of options and Cas can't fight off a demon in this condition, so this is our only option," Dean confessed.


    Sam stepped back with disagreement clear on his face. Castiel tried to ignore it as he forced him to take a step outside of the salt line. Sam and Dean flanked him on either side, but not too close so that Castiel didn't appear weak. That was a death sentence for a angel.


    "Azrael," Castiel rasped into the nothingness. "AzhtuchsHSHS!"


    Castiel thrust his hands over his face as he almost stumbled forward. Dean was about to help Castiel before he fell, but Sam stopped him. 


    "Remember what Cas said. He can't show weakness in front of this angel," Sam pointed out in a hushed tone.


    Dean shook his head. "He needs help."


    "We can't," Sam argued in agitation. "But, we're right here. We have to let him do this on his own, just like always."


    Meanwhile, Castiel forced himself to straighten as he lifted a hand and scrubbed it against the side of his nose. Mucus continued to run down his upper lip before he swiveled his head and looked at Dean with a pathetic look shinning blue eyes.


    Dean felt his heart break. "The bandanna, buddy. That's all we have."


    Castiel nodded before he took the bandanna and rubbed it vigorously against his nose. Once he was finished he cleared his throat.


    "H-How do I sound," he stammered.


    Dean was about to say something, but Sam elbowed him hard. "Fine," Sam told him quickly. "You sound fine."


    That seemed to be enough for Castiel. He looked back into the nothingness and tried to stand as tall and strong as he possibly could. Dean could just imagine his wings slightly lifting behind him.


    "Azrael. Azrael. We need to talk. I think that you remember who I am. It's Castiel," Castiel called into the nothingness with a hint of malice in his words.


    There was a whooshing sound of wings before a middle aged man with slightly ruffled dark brown hair and deep amber eyes came over to Castiel. He was slightly taller than Castiel, but Castiel didn't appear intimidated by him.


    "Ah, Castiel. It's been a while, hasn't it," Azrael joked as he stood chest to chest with Castiel so that he could force the angel to look up.


    Castiel struggled not to curl his lip. "Yes it has, Azrael."


    "There's something different about you, Cas," Azrael told him as he started to prowl around him like Castiel was some sort of prey. Castiel stiffened as did Sam and Dean. Azrael clicked his fingers before he beamed. "That's right! You're hanging around with humans now, aren't you?"


    Castiel tilted his head. "Hanging around isn't quite the word I would use to describe it," he pointed out briskly.


    Azrael tapped his chin with one finger, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Yes, it would appear that humans are your new friends, isn't that right? They're sharing all sorts of things with you, huh?"


    Castiel swallowed a few painful coughs, which just made his nose tickle more. His nose gave the telltale twitch, but Castiel was able to control it by blinking like mad. That would only stop it for so long, but all he had to do was buy time.


    "Awe, does little Cas have a little cold? Spent so much time with humans that now you're sick like one. Poor Cas," cooed Azrael as he flicked his finger against Castiel's nose.


    That's all that it took and Castiel was off.


    "HutchsHSHS! HetchsHSHS! HutCHSHSH! SHSHSH! Eh'HutchshHSH!"


    He was sneezing without so much as a breath in between and blue started to slightly tinge his lips as the coughing took over. He struggled to stand as Azrael laughed.


    Dean couldn't stop himself. He came forward and wrapped an arm around his shoulder to keep him upright as he alternated between coughing and sneezing. 


    "Why are you making deals with demons," growled Dean as Castiel slumped so much against him that Dean struggled to hold his entire body weight.


    Azrael rolled his eyes. "Why not? They get what they want and I get what I want."


    "Why do you want a few dead people," Sam asked.


    Azrael snickered. "No! That's the demon's play. They wanted the piece of the ark since they knew it would get you three idiots here. Those demons really hate you."


    "And what's....huh...HutCHSHSH!" Castiel staggered before he narrowed his eyes. "What does the demon get out of it?"


    "Stay out of this, Cas. You should probably take a sick day," suggested Azrael with a fake sympathetic frown.


    "Answer him," snapped Dean. 


    Azrael looked down on Dean with clear distain in his eyes. "A human telling me what to do? I could crush you like a cockroach."


    Castiel stood and glared at Azrael before the tip of the silver angel blade showed around his finger tips. "Try anything and I will end you," he threatened.


    Azrael threw his hands in the air as he waltzed backwards. There was amusement in his eyes and it made Dean's stomach flop. "What does it matter what I got in return? Don't you have enough problems with a demon trying to kill you?"


    "I want to know-" Castiel paused to cough wetly. He raised a hand to his mouth before he immediately lowered it. "Why."


    Azrael walked around them with his hands in his pockets and back erect. "Well, I see that you're feeling a little under the weather, so I guess I could humor you in some way." 


    His eyes suddenly took on a serious hue and his walk turned more rigid and less smooth and commanding. "He told me that he would tell Death to leave one of your kind alone."


    "I don't understand," Castiel started.


    "I wouldn't expect you to! Yet, you would." Azrael licked his lips. "Just like you have charges, so do I. Mine just happened to be a women and her daughter. I haven't seen them in a while, but when I was here her daughter was two and now she's five and has brain cancer. I couldn't bare for Death to take her away from her mother, so I made a deal with one of his head demons and that's where we are now. It's nothing against you, Cas. But, it is amusing to see them chase after you in this state."


    Castiel shook his head, sniffling wetly. "You can't do that."


    "And yet you would've done the same thing and you know it," seethed Azrael. "Don't try denying it!"


    The anger was clear in his voice and Castiel stiffened, knowing that it was true. He snuffled his feet before he sneezed again.




    "You better get some rest, Cas. You're going to need it." With that Azrael disappeared with the same whooshing of wings that he had came with.


    Dean swore loudly as he kicked the nearest thing that he could find, which just so happened to be an empty crate. "That gave us nothing! Now what are we going to do?"


    Castiel looked up to where Azrael disappeared and seemed almost lost in thought. While Dean was seething in agitation, Sam walked over to him. He rested a hand on Castiel's shoulder to try and bring him back to reality.


    "Cas, you with us," Sam questioned.


    "He wants me and we want the ark piece," Castiel rambled.


    "We are not doing a trade," argued Dean as he stomped forward. "I'm tired of making deals with demons! We never win."


    Castiel shifted away from both of them. "We need the ark piece."


    "Yes, we know, but we're not trading you for it. They'll kill you in this state," pointed out Dean with worry on his face.


    Castiel didn't seem worried in the slightest, but it might have just been the fever talking. "I'm not talking about trading myself. I'm talking about using myself as bait."


    "We are not doing that again," snapped Dean as he grabbed Castiel's shoulders and swiveled the sick angel to face him.




    "That just seals the deal there," Dean told him since he had long since been unfazed by the idea of Castiel sneezing on him. It had happened so often.




    "Bless you," Sam sympathized since his brother seemed to almost think of Castiel as a problem to be solved. 


    Castiel wrinkled his nose as another tickle seemed to overwhelm his entire face. His face went slack and Dean came on Castiel's other side as he let another one loose.




    Dean hated seeing Castiel like that and it was just making the fear manifest into anger. "One more," he predicted almost in boredom.




    Castiel looked up with another fresh stream of mucus running from one nostril. It appeared that this was just a normal thing. 


    Dean stretched out his hand and gripped Castiel's hand once more. He lifted the now wet bandanna to Castiel's nose before he almost fell against Dean. Dean frowned before he looked to his brother.


    "Give us a minute," Dean told his brother softly.


    Sam nodded as he picked up his shotgun. "You better hurry it up. That demon won't stay away for long."


    Dean stifled a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair, slightly massaging his forehead. "Yeah, I know." He looked at Castiel, who turned blue eyes to gaze up at him. "Come on, Cas. We need to talk."


That's chapter 10. Hope you liked it. Chapter 13 will be up soon.

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I love these updates! I'm on the edge of my seat! :D

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Here's yet another chapter. Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 11


    Dean and Castiel sat in the small salt circle with their backs pressed against the wall, sitting on crates. Castiel shivered in his trench coat with the bandanna almost forgotten on his lap. He was breathing with his mouth opened so loud that the demon could probably hear Castiel breathing like that from anywhere.


    "You okay," whispered Dean.


    Castiel almost forgot that he was there. Castiel turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Dean. "I will never assist you with anything while either Sam or you are ill."


    "Sounds fair," Dean decided with a shrug. "But, you were the one who was all 'intrigued' or whatever the hell you called it. Newsflash, God did create things that beat the hell out of us."


    Castiel panted heavily and blinked his eyes madly. "A-Agreed," he stammered with a hitching breath.


    "Stop fighting it," Dean chided as if he was talking to a child. He lifted the wet bandanna to Castiel's face and stifled a groan when Castiel didn't take it for himself.




    Dean gingerly wiped Castiel's nose up and sighed heavily. "Bless you," he told him before he set the bandanna back down between them. "Look, we can't have you being bait like this. I don't think that it's a good idea."


    Castiel wrinkled his nose against the itch. "I won't be useless."


    "You're not useless. Aren't you always telling me that you've fought in countless wars and you've been here since before human creation. That is not useless to me. Aren't you trying to stop Rafael and protect us all? Who pulled me out of hell? Who rebelled for me? Who came to Sammy and I's aid all the time? Who will do anything for us? Does that sound like someone who is useless?"


    After Dean's monologue, Castiel looked very proud of himself. He smiled at Dean with feverish eyes. "I'm okay."


    "Yeah, buddy. You're certainly 'okay'," Dean chuckled as he sighed heavily. "Now, we still have to figure out what to do with our demon problem."


    "I have faith in you," Castiel pointed out with no hint of doubt in his voice. "Utilize me as bait. I can lure him out and then you can exorcise him."


    Dean chewed at his bottom lip. "Are you sure that you're up for this? This demon is out for blood. Your blood."




    "That's not making me feel better, Cas," Dean grunted as he watched Castiel rub at his nose once more.


    Castiel's eyes turned troubled. "I believe you told me before not to hold them back."


    "Yeah, Cas, I did," Dean muttered as he ran his hand against the back of his neck. He squeezed the tension as much as possible before he smacked his knees as hard as he could.


    "Dean," rasped Castiel. 


    Dean turned to answer before Castiel suddenly doubled over in a hacking fit. His entire body shook like he was having a seizure as his eyes widened. His lungs crackled with every breath as each gasp left him partially winded.


    Dean immediately rushed back to him and started to rub circles into his back. That did absolutely nothing and panic started to rise through Dean. Castiel was still coughing, but he wasn't bringing anything up either.


    "Sit up as tall as you can," Dean instructed as he flashed backed to when Sam had had a very bad coughing fit when they were young. Dean hadn't had to do this when Sam was grown since Sam knew how to get rid of the mucus on his own, but he was sure it worked the same.


    Dean started to hit on Castiel's back in certain spots where he knew his lungs were. Castiel started to choke and Dean shook his head. "No. No. Don't swallow it!"


    He took the bandanna and placed it in front of Castiel's mouth. He allowed him to spit in it and Castiel's breath started to even our. When he finally started to breathe normally, Dean let out a breath of relief. 




    Dean looked at the bandanna before he shook his head. "Sorry, but this is done. You're going to have to use your sleeve for now."


    Castiel didn't waste a beat. He rubbed his hand against the side of his nose and rubbed it back and forth. He finally pulled the sleeve away when it started to bother his red and irritated nose.


    "I'm ready," Castiel rasped, his voice basically gone.


    Against Dean's better judgement, he clapped Castiel on the back. "I'll go and find Sam. Stay inside the salt circle and please don't do anything stupid."


    "What does 'stupid' entail," asked Castiel. 


    Dean laughed. "Just stay here and don't move." He squeezed his eyes shut as he thought what that might mean to Castiel. "Don't leave the circle, but you can move if you have to."


    He hoped that that was enough instruction for Castiel. He reluctantly left the room and walked through the warehouse until he found Sam in one of the other rooms, setting up a devil's trap. Dean wondered if Sam had heard him and Castiel talking or if he just knew what Dean was going to say.




    "Yeah," Sam asked, still spray painting and not looking back at his brother. 


    Dean rocked back and forth. "We're going to use Cas as bait," he growled.


    "You don't sound happy about it," Sam pointed out as he stood up and slightly towered over his brother. 


    "Are you? Cas isn't up for this. It's a risk for all of us," Dean snapped as he pointed in the direction that he had just come.


    Sam sighed as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "What do you want us to do, Dean? 


    Dean shook his head as he thought hard. "I don't know, Sam. I just think that we should come up with another way."


    "We can't. This demon is coming whether we want it to or not. You just have to trust Cas," Sam told him as he sighed heavily. "Is he ready?"


    "Does it count if I'm not?" Sam raised an eyebrow and Dean sighed. "Yeah, he's ready."


    Sam nodded as he grabbed his gun. "Do you want to go and get him? He's going to have to already be in here."


    "Yeah, fine," muttered Dean as he kicked at the ground stubbornly. "Sometimes I think that we should just quit this and-"


    "Do what," interrupted Sam. "Clearly we're not better at much else."


    Dean didn't answer as he left the room and walked down the hallway before he stopped at the entrance to Castiel's room.


    "HutCHSHSH!" HutchshHSHS! HutchshHSHS! Huh'HutchsHSH!"


    Dean stayed at the doorway and waited until he felt Castiel was done, or at least almost done. He didn't want to embarrass Castiel anymore than he was already embarrassed and he was sure that walking in on him like this was the best play.


    "HetcHSHS! HutcHSHSH! Heh'HutcHSHS!"


    Dean waited a few moments before all he heard was harsh sniffling. He walked in and saw Castiel slumped against the nearest crate with his eyes partially opened. From where Dean stood he looked dead. His congested breathing was the only telltale sign that he was alive.




    Castiel's head darted up and Dean extended a hand to stop Castiel from lunging forward. Dean forced a small smile as he tried to calm him down. "It's okay. It's just me. It's Dean."


    "Dean," echoed Castiel almost in fear. "I know someone named Dean."


    Dean rested a hand on Castiel's forehead before he opened up one eye. Castiel's eye darted around in his socket as a smile showed on his face. "I have a friend named Dean."


    "Yeah, I'm guessing that's me," Dean told him as he looped an arm around his shoulder and tried to haul him up. "Come on."


    Castiel let out a defeated sounding cough. "I think I should rest."


    "You and me both, but you had the grand idea of following Sam and I here," Dean pointed out as he helped Castiel walk forward. He was sure that his fever must have climbed, but how much was still unknown.


    "Do you still think that you can do this? Because if not Sam and I can find another way. We-"


    "I can do this, Dean," Castiel wheezed with discharge now starting to come out of his eyes. It seemed like he had a few lucid moments. "I want to bring this demon down."


Hope you liked the latest chapter! Chapter 12 will be finished soon!

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Here is another Chapter. I hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 12


    "What did you do to him," Sam asked Dean as he led Castiel in.




    Dean cringed. "Nothing to him. Him on the other hand has sneezed on me three times!"


    "I do apologize, Dean," Castiel sniffled.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "You don't have to say that anymore, Cas. Just stop sneezing on me and we'll call it even, okay?"  


    Castiel gave another tentative sniff through his clogged nostrils. "I will do my best."


    "That's all we can ask for," muttered Dean as he clapped Castiel on the shoulder again before he looked over to Sam. "Are we ready?"


    "Yep. I'll put a tarp over this and you'll try to lure the demon here," Sam instructed Castiel as he grasped the nearest tarp as he and Dean covered the trap.


    Castiel rubbed a hand blearily against the side of his nose as he let out a husky cough. "Do I have to say anything specific?"


    Dean raised an eyebrow as Sam stood. "Um, no, just say what you would normally say."


    Castiel still looked a bit out of it before he took a step toward the trap. He patted it through the tarp with a foot as he hung his head. "I will do my best."


    "We know that you will, buddy. We know," sympathized Dean as he gripped Castiel's shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze before he turned toward the door. "We'll see if we can lure it in this direction, but if not then you'll be on your own for a bit, okay?"


    Castiel sniffled desperately.




    Dean jumped slightly at the sound. "This is such a bad idea," he grumbled as he gripped a jug of holy water and tossed it to Castiel.


    Castiel caught it and looked at it almost in surprise. "For the demon," prompted Sam.


    "Right," Castiel rasped as he rubbed at his nose with his sleeve. "HutcHSHSH!"


    Sam started to steer Dean out since he knew that if he didn't then Dean would just stare at the pathetic angel for the duration of their stay. They headed out of the small room of the warehouse as Castiel almost walked in a circle.


    He had never felt this way before. It was as if his mind wasn't connected to his body. Everything prickled and tingled around him and his body felt heavy, achy. He was aware of his congested breathing and the uneasy feeling that kept running over his skin like a millions of ants. He just didn't feel comfortable in the slightest and he wasn't sure what was gone on.




    And then there was that. The constant tickle deep within his nose. No matter how many times he had these desperate explosions the tickle stayed. It ended up forcing this white or clearly sticky liquid from his nose. He had learned how to blow his nose and how to clean it up, but it was becoming tiring. Now he just wiped half hazardly with his sleeve that was covered in the sticky stuff. It was caught in his nose and caused him trouble when he breathed.


    Breathing was also a struggle. It was as if someone was sitting on his chest. This was almost worse than the feeling of him being choked. At least then he knew what he was after. Now he struggled to breathe and every breath ended in pain. He couldn't breathe through his nose so now he did through his mouth, which was much louder and annoying, even to him. There was nothing about this illness that he enjoyed or was even tolerating very well.


    "Come on, demon," he rasped to no one in particular. He walked in circles around the trap since his mind still seemed to be in a fog. "Here demon! Here I am. Time to claim me as your prize!"


    "I never thought that it would be this easy."


    Castiel turned sharply and saw a middle aged male figure standing in front of him. His eyes glowed pale yellow and a smile played on his face.




    Castiel sneezed in front of him as the demon laughed. Castiel shook his head as he stumbled slightly backwards. 


    "This is who I was sent to capture? An angel with a cold? How pathetic," the demon caterwauled.


    Castiel's cheek flushed in embarrassment. "I'm not usually like this, I swear."


    "I don't know and I don't care," the demon started as he walked toward Castiel. "There are a lot of other demons that would love to play with you."


    Castiel moaned as he stumbled backwards and hit the wall. He let out a body racking cough before he fell back down. He raised his hands over his face as each cough released congestion in his throat. He started to hack it up painfully.




    It was accompanied with another sneeze as mucus sprayed from his nose. He moaned as he tried to regain whatever composure that he had left. He looked up with gleaming eyes as he whimpered.


    "This was fun. But, your time is up."


    Castiel stared up with his hands still cupped around his face. "I could say the same to you."


    The demon suddenly froze and let out a growl of disbelief. "No!"


    "Looks like you've been fooled by 'a sick angel'," Dean suddenly taunted as he rushed in with Sam at his side.


    The demon swiveled around to glare at him. "Look at you three. Looking so proud. Mark my words, you have not won!"


    "Oh, we haven't," taunted Dean as he grabbed the jug of holy water and threw it over the demon's face. The demon started to sizzle and cry out in agony.


    Meanwhile, Sam rushed over to Castiel's side and struggled to help him sit up. "You okay, Cas?"


    "I'm fine," he gurgled on the gunk in his throat and mouth.


    Sam looked around before he managed to find another bandanna in his duffle and quickly handed it over. "Here. Spit into this. It might work better than your hands."


    "Thanks," rasped Castiel as he took the bandanna and spat into it before he wiped it against his nose. "HutchsHSHS!"


    Dean cringed, but he stayed on task. He started to prowl around the demon as he tensed his muscles, thinking of all that he wanted to do. The days of torturing other souls in hell came rushing back to him in a moment. All he wanted was this demon in his hands, pleading for mercy. No one messed with his family and that meant Castiel as well.


    "Who ordered you to find Cas," Dean asked calmly at first.


    The demon blinked his eyes painfully. "And why should I tell you?"


    "Fine, don't tell me, but I used to torture all kinds of souls in hell. Don't think that I won't use those techniques now," Dean told him as he took a handful of salt, mixed it in some of the holy water, and poured it down the demon's throat until the demon gagged and sputtered in agony. 


    Dean drew back while Sam came on his other side, leaving Castiel to steadily blow an unbelievable amount of mucus into the bandanna.


    "You better tell him. He can go through this for a while," Sam pointed out.


    Dean grasped the demon by the jaw and tilted him back, pouring more salt into his mouth before he turned to his eyes. "Answer the question! It's really not that hard!"


    Dean released the demon and the demon shook his head. "There's a group of them, but all demons want that thing dead." He spat on the ground, close to Dean's feet. "You're wasting your time trying to defend him. Angels or demons, someone will have him. Someone will kill him! He will die a most painful death! Nothing will stop it!"


    Suddenly, a hand was placed on the demon's head and a bright light shined through him for a few moments. The demon's eyes went blank and his body went limp as he fell to the ground.


    Dean and Sam exchanged a glance of shock before Castiel took a step forward, the bandanna bunched and pressed against the side of his sinuses. "Was that annoying anyone else?"




    "Thanks, Cas," interrupted Sam before Dean could scold him. "Yeah, that was quicker than whatever we were doing."


    "HutchshshH! E'tCHSHSH!"


    "Bless you," the two Winchesters chorused.


    Castiel nodded in thanks before he forced himself to straighten. "Do you think that we can go home now?"


    "I think that we can arrange that," Dean muttered as he looked at where the demon had once stood.


    "Good," panted Castiel as a dreamy expression showed on his face for a few moments. "Because I'm very tired." 


    He took one more step before he came crumpling to the ground.


Cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed it. This is the second to last chapter to the next one will be the final part.

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This is the final part of my story. I hope you enjoyed it since I loved writing it! Here is Chapter 13.


Chapter 13


    "Cas. Castiel. Cas! Open your eyes damnit!"


    Castiel's sterling blue eyes finally opened when he felt someone slapping his face quite hard. He moaned ever so slightly as he saw Dean and Sam standing over him.


    "How high in his fever," asked Sam as he kneeled beside Castiel and grasped his wrist, checking for his pulse.


    Dean rested a hand on Castiel's head. Castiel sniffled before he leaned into it. "Dean, I don't feel so well," he whispered.


    "I imagine not. You scared us to death," snapped Dean as he punched Castiel's shoulder.


    Castiel fell a bit and Dean gripped Castiel to stop him from falling again. "Okay, okay, let's get you back to that motel."




    "Yeah, I couldn't agree more," grunted Dean as he, once again, helped raise Castiel onto this feet. Sam helped him on the other side and almost carried him out to the Impala.


    Castiel's head lolled back ever so slightly when they made it to the car. Sam opened the back while Dean held onto Castiel. He appeared that he would pass out at anytime. His breathing was labored and congested while the rest of him just appeared to be defeated.


    "Please say you're still with me, Cas. I need you to stay awake," Dean told him.


    Castiel forced his eyes opened and coughed painfully. "I fear my internal temperature has risen."


    "I agree with you on that," Dean joked as Sam moved their things from the back seat so that Castiel could sit comfortably. Sam even gave enough room so that Dean could sit comfortably too.


    Sam nodded slowly. "You should stay with him again."


    Dean glared.


    "He clearly shouldn't be alone," added Sam with a shrug.


    Dean pointed at Sam intently. "No. Pictures."


    Sam placed his hands up in defeat before Dean helped Castiel in the back. Castiel almost fell forward before Dean pulled him by the back of the trench coat and forced him to sit upright. 


    "I need to talk to you," Castiel suddenly pleaded.


    Dean rested a hand on his shoulder. "Just wait until we get back. Save your strength. I don't think that Dean and I can carry your worthless carcass all the way back to the motel room."


    "It's imporHutchsHSHs!"


    Castiel sprayed his hands that were raised, but not entirely in time. He blinked his eyes in the aftermath and whimpered. "By throad."


    Dean rummaged around in the car before he found a blanket that they had used earlier. He wrapped it around Castiel's shoulders before he wiped at his hands roughly. "Just use this for now. We'll wash it when we can. Besides, you're going to be sick for a few more days."


    "More days," echoed Castiel with round eyes.


    "It's not one and done, I'm afraid," called Sam from the front as he started the Impala's engine.


    Castiel flopped onto the door with the blanket crinkling around his shoulders. He started to slowly moan as he worked his palms against his eyes. Dean caught on right away and scooted over so that he could get a better look.


    "Sinus headache," Dean questioned.


    Castiel shook his head. "I don't think so." He paused to pant. "It's the angels. Their thoughts are incredibly distracting and painful."


    Dean sucked at his bottom lip. He hadn't thought of how loud the angel radio must be when Castiel was so weak. He wished that he could do something about it, but it wasn't like he could just stop Castiel from being an angel. It just didn't work that way.


    "Do you know what I do when I need to focus," Dean asked as he tried to distract Castiel.


    Castiel blinked his eyes before he lifted the blanket and buried his head into it. It flowed in and out with each one of Castiel's hitching breaths. Dean tried not to laugh as he waited patiently for Castiel to get on with it.


    "HutchshshHSHS! "Eh'HutchsHSH!"


    Dean patted Castiel on the back. "We are so washing that first chance we get."


    He let out a few more frantic sniffles before he resurfaced. His hair was even more messy than before and his nostrils glistened in moisture. "What do you do to focus," he asked, still sniffling.


    Dean rolled his eyes as he grasped the blanket tightly and pushed it into Castiel's hands. "Just clean yourself up a bit more. I can't take the sniffling!"


    His cheeks flushed in embarrassment before he lifted the blanket and gave a pathetic blow into it. He followed with a few swipes before he lowered the blanket and coughed. "Sorry."


    "Stop apologizing for being sick. You'll get used to it. At least next time you'll know what to do." Dean cleared his throat. "Anyway, when I need to focus I listen to music. It helps you tune out everything else."


    Almost excitement showed in Castiel's eyes. He had heard Dean's music before and he certainly didn't mind it. If anything it was calming since it reminded him of his friends. "A-Alright."


    "Sam, could you turn on the music," Dean requested.


    "Sure. But, not too loud," Sam told him as he messed with the sound system in the Impala wordlessly.


    It wasn't long before AC/DC started to play through the Impala. It was a lot softer than Dean would've liked, but the goal wasn't to give Castiel an even bigger headache. 


    Castiel's head nodded a bit to the beat before he actually nodded off completely. Dean caught him before he fell sideways and he scooted over so that Castiel could actually lay down in the back. Castiel snuggled into the blanket as Dean watched him, a small smile playing on his face.


    "I can't believe how well you did with him through all this," Sam commented from the front.


    Dean shrugged. "I've taken care of you every time that you were sick," he pointed out smartly.


    "I can't argue with that. I just meant that you were pretty patient with him," Sam replied.


    Dean shifted with uncomfortableness. He never wanted to have this conversation. "I just want him to get better. He's like our brother and I would do anything for him."


    "Don't get carried away. You still have a few more days of sick Cas," Sam chuckled.


    "You're in this too! Don't even think about bailing," Dean flashed as he suddenly saw Castiel start to thrash and shift a bit in his sleep. He moaned as he lifted a hand and feebly rubbed at his nose and the side of his face. A long stream of mucus was rubbed from his nose to the side of his face as he cried.


    Dean stifled a sigh as he reached down under his feet and rummaged through his bag for something that could clean him up. He found a clean, white t-shirt before he shrugged. He was going to have to do laundry anyway.


    "Here," whispered Dean more to himself then Castiel. He rubbed the snot from the side of his face. 


    When he had drawn back, Castiel started to moan and thrash again. "No. No. No!"


    "Wake him up," Sam suggested. "We're almost there."


    Dean grasped Castiel's shoulder and gave it a small shake. "Cas. Wake up. Cas!"


    "Please! No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to betray you. I didn't want this to happen. Let me go!"


    Castiel shot up a hand and clocked Dean on the side of the face. Dean gasped in pain as he felt his jaw wrench sideways. He lifted a hand to his face and massaged it deeply.


    "What was that," Sam asked over his shoulder.


    Dean grumbled to himself. "Nothing. At least he didn't sneeze on me this time," Dean pointed out as he cracked his jaw and moved it around gingerly. "But, I still didn't wake him up."


    "That must be one pretty intense nightmare," Sam pointed out as he pulled into the motel and parked the Impala. "Come in when you finally get him up."


    Dean nodded as the door closed. He looked over to Castiel, who was still whimpering and shifting in his sleep. He almost fell from the seat and Dean sighed as he rested a hand on his shoulder, hoping that that would let him know that he was there and it would help Castiel relax.


    It did nothing and Dean knew that he had to wake him up. He kneeled in front of Castiel on the Impala's floor and looked at Castiel's face. It was contorted in terror and pain and Dean felt his heart almost break. He hung his head as he stretched out a hand and felt Castiel's forehead once more. Heat pulsed from him and Dean could almost tell this wasn't going to be any better.


    "Cas, wake up," Dean urged as he patted Castiel's cheek so that it might elicit a reaction from the sick and sniffling angel. 


    Castiel's eyes flashed before he sat straight up. The change in pressure caused a thin line of snot to run from Castiel's right nostril. His mouth opened as a vacant look spread over his face.


    Dean quickly lifted the blanket and shoved it over Castiel's face. "Oh no you don't."


    "HutchshsHSHSH! Ehh'hHUTCHSHS!"


    Castiel's body shook with each explosion. He snuffed back an unbelievable amount of snot before Dean lowered part of the blanket so that he could see Castiel's eyes. "Blow."


    Castiel squeezed his eyes shut as he seemed to lapse into tired concentration. He blew as hard as he could and the sound echoed through the empty Impala. Once he was finished Dean wiped the remaining moisture from his nostrils before he flicked the blanket away as if it was on fire.


    "Sorry," Castiel whispered.


    "Again, nothing to be sorry for. Let's just get you into bed and medicated so that I don't have to drag your ass to the nearest hospital," Dean suggested as he started to climb out of the Impala before he came to the other side and helped Castiel stand and crawl out of the car.


    Castiel nodded as he slumped against Dean. Dean held him upright and stifled a groan. "You know, after this I am going to give you a lesson on human illness," Dean suggested as he almost dragged Castiel back to the motel room. 


    When Dean opened the door he saw that Sam was sitting at the dinning room table, typing rhythmically on his computer. Dean had no idea what Sam could be researching and he didn't care. All he wanted was to get Castiel settled and feeling. better.


    "Change into the clothes that I gave you earlier," Dean told Castiel since he just stood there in fear. 


    Castiel lowered his head as he turned away from Dean.


    "HutchsHSHSH! HutcshsHSHSHS!"


    "Or do that," Dean murmured as he nudged Castiel toward the bathroom. "This time I'm sure to make you sit in bed until you're better."


    Sam snickered as Castiel headed into the bathroom. Dean swiveled his head around to glare at him. "What are you laughing at"


    "Nothing," Sam argued with a firm shake of his head. "I'm just thinking of how you used to be when I was little."


    "I would do the same thing for you now," Dean pointed out as he sat down on the bed across from Sam and pulled off his shoes and sprawled out on the bed. He yawned and rubbed at his eyes. "This was quite a case."


    "I just hope we never have to do it again," agreed Sam as he set the computer aside and ran his fingers through his hair.


    "Me either."


    Both Dean and Sam looked up as Castiel shuffled toward them. He coughed pathetically into his shoulder as he sniffed powerfully. 


    "Come on," urged Dean as Castiel walked over to the bed. Dean forced him to lay down before he started to measure the medicine that he had poured just a few hours before. "Think you would like some more of that medicine you had earlier?"


    Castiel raised an eyebrow. "The kind that tasted horrible," he questioned.


    Sam laughed while Dean tipped his head to and fro. "It wouldn't be medicine if it didn't taste good," he pointed out as he lifted the small cup of brightly colored goo and held it up to Castiel's lips. "Swallow."


    Castiel obeyed as Dean tipped the liquid into his mouth. Once he was finished, Dean handed him a bottle of water. Castiel swallowed it in a few quick gulps before he leaned back against the pillows, breathing heavily through his mouth.


    "That'll knock you out hopefully," Dean explained as he watched Castiel's eyes flutter.


    "HutcshsHSHS! HutchshshsHSH!"


    "Bless you," Sam called before Dean grabbed the tissue box and set it on Castiel's lap. "You might want to keep this close."


    Castiel tiredly grabbed at the tissues and gave his nose a tentative swipe. He set his hand down and blinked his eyes up at Dean. "How long will this last?"


    "Hopefully only a few days. We'll stay here until then. Sammy and I could use some rest too," Dean told him, hoping that Castiel wouldn't be so opposed of it if he said that it was more for Sam and himself then Castiel. It was a pride thing. Dean could understand that. All three of them were prideful and stubborn. He just hoped that they could be prideful and stubborn together.


    "W-Will you stay again," Castiel stammered.


    Dean smiled at him. "Would you like me to?"


    Castiel looked at the wall as he let out a harsh breath. It turned into a coughing fit that propelled himself forward. Dean leaned forward and patted gently on Castiel's back as he tried to break up whatever was in his lungs. He grabbed more tissues and held them to Castiel's mouth as he spit into it. Dean set it aside before he leaned against the back of the bed and nodded.


    "I think that that I can arrange that," Dean murmured as he looked at his friend. "You feeling okay?"


    Castiel shook his head. "No, not really."


    Dean wrapped an arm around his shoulders so that Castiel rested his head on Dean's shoulder. "Just try to get some sleep," Dean whispered.


    Castiel nodded and it wasn't long before snoring filled the room. Dean rolled his eyes before he heard the sound of their picture being taken, again.


    Dean looked over at Sam and growled under his breath. "Sam."


    Sam looked at the photo before he looked back at Dean and Castiel. He sighed before he threw the phone at Dean. Dean caught it and looked at the last two pictures that Sam had taken of him and Castiel. He deleted them, but not before he actually laughed at them himself. He threw the phone back to Sam and it landed close to Sam's leg.


    "You were really good with Castiel, most of the time," Sam commented.


    Dean shrugged with one shoulder since Castiel was still on the other one. "It's what you do for family. Even for someone who knows nothing about human tendencies." 


    The End


Hope you enjoyed it. As always I love prompt ideas and suggestions. Thanks for reading!

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