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No Ill Intent (OHSHC, Kaoru)


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Whewwwww, another request I got on Tumblr! It's been a while since I've written OHSHC, but this was... possibly the best way to get back into the swing of it! :jump:

Hope you enjoy~ :heart:

Characters: Kaoru; Hikaru; Haruhi; Honey; Mori; Kyoya; Tamaki

Word Count: 3103

More often than not, Kaoru feels like the older twin, but that’s how he likes it. He gets all the responsibility, all the pressure, all the selflessness – everything that most people are afraid of having on their shoulders. That’s when he’s in his element. It’s where he feels comfortable, and there are very few moments when he regrets that role.

Right now is one of those moments.

Isn’t it in everyone’s nature to want to be comforted when they’re sick? Lying in bed with a pounding headache, a sore throat, and a runny nose, there’s nothing Kaoru wants more right now than that. Instead of going to school, he’d rather just snuggle up to his brother and be taken care of. He feels like hell, and the two of them have always taken care of each other during colds and the flu.

It can’t really be done, though. Not only do they both have obligations with regard to classwork, there’s also no way they can let the Host Club down. Today is one of their busiest days; Kaoru knows for a fact that he and Hikaru are both booked for two sessions. He can’t stay home, because Hikaru can’t exactly do their routine without him. The two of them being together is the big draw for all the ladies who want them for a session. It doesn’t matter how bad he feels or how much he just wants to stay in bed. He has to get up. He can fight through a little cold, can’t he? This is just the first day of it, so it won’t be too bad.

In a twist, Hikaru is the one who’s up first today, and apparently he’s been sent in because – not that it’s a surprise – the maids couldn’t get Kaoru to drag himself out of bed. “C’mon, Kaoru, you have to get up.” There’s more than a little annoyance in Hikaru’s voice, although it’s clear he’s trying to hold it back. “Haruhi just texted me; she’s at class early. We’re going to miss being able to talk to her!”

“Uuughhhh… Hikaru… I’b cobigg, I’b cobigg… you’re too l-loud…” His body tenses up almost immediately after he finishes his sentence, and it only takes a few seconds of wavering breath before he presses his face against the pillow. “HhhKKktshhh! HhKKTchhh! … Uuuughhhhhhh…”

Hikaru takes the opportunity when Kaoru’s muscles go lax to pull his twin up out of bed. “Bless you! Come on, let’s get you dressed and pop a couple allergy pills, then we’ll get going. Okay?”

All that prevents Kaoru from speaking up about the fact that this is most definitely not allergies is the reminder that he doesn’t want to be a burden on either his brother or anyone else. “Y-Yeah, okay. Sorry… I’b just really tired today…”

“No problem!” The other boy leaves a quick kiss on his brother’s cheek before waving the maids back in to help Kaoru get dressed. “Coffee’s already made, so we’ll just grab that on our way out!”

“Oh, yeah, that… ngh… soudds good.” There’s not enough strength in the younger twin’s body right now to try and return the gesture. A small, unbelievably anxious smile spreads across his face at the mention of coffee. Usually he likes it, but… his stomach is kind of turning at the thought right now. Oh well; time to suck it up. “T-Thagks, you always ddow just what I deed, Hikaru…”

Only two days later, what started out as a little cold has morphed into one of the worst colds that Kaoru has ever had. He’s going to school despite having a 39-degree fever, frequent coughing fits leave him nearly breathless, and it’s a struggle to go more than a minute or two without sneezing. It’s only been by sheer dumb luck that Hikaru hasn’t noticed just how ill his brother is. (Well. Dumb luck and the fact that the only thing on Hikaru’s mind lately has been Haruhi.)

Today he’s progressed to body aches and chills that he’s pretty sure are thanks to the fever. Not to mention that he’s exhausted since it’s kind of difficult to sleep while he’s trying to hack up a lung. It’s another busy day for the club, and he has tests tomorrow besides that, so the little energy he has is being put into his host duties and studying. To be honest, it’s starting to burn him out. By the end of the day, even though he’s heading to the music room for the club meeting, he really wishes he were going straight home to curl up in bed.

It takes all of two seconds for him to collapse onto one of the sofas, just wanting to relax for a minute before they have to entertain. A few coughs scrape up against his throat as he tries to get comfortable, followed by a string of sniffles. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, then opens them when he feels something soft pressed against his cheek. “Mmmmff… Hodey? Cut it out… I dod’t deed a kiss frob that thigg…”

‘That thing’ is Honey’s beloved stuffed animal, which the older boy currently has nuzzling against Kaoru’s cheek. Big brown eyes blink a few times, full of what is clear concern. “Sure you do! You look really sick, so… BunBun’s giving you a kiss to make you feel better. Accept his love!”

“Ugh, geez. Yeah, thagks. I feel like crap…” The sentiment is sweet, but honestly the plush is just making his skin feel warmer. That’s kind of the last thing he needs right now. “Cad you bove hib dow? I’b really hot…”

“Oh… okay…” The stuffed bunny is moved, and only a second later Honey squeaks as he’s lifted up by Mori. “Takashi!! Look… Kaoru’s not feeling well… and not even BunBun’s kisses are helping! This must be serious.

A tiny smile plays at the edges of Mori’s lips; it’s gone just as quickly as Kaoru notices it, of course. “Must be.” He balances Honey on his shoulders with one hand, and the other picks up a cup from the table to offer to Kaoru. “Tea. Drink up.”

Although the cup is pretty hot in his hands, a surge of gratitude swells up in the younger twin’s chest. At least nobody can say the hosts don’t care about each other. “Thagks… by throat’s killigg be…”

The redhead is only a few sips in when the steam from the tea starts working its way through the congestion he’s been fighting. That would be a good thing, considering he’s only been barely able to breathe through one nostril… if not for two little details. One, it’s making his nose run and his hands are too full with the cup to be able to grab for a handkerchief. And two, it kicks up the tickle that he thought he’d had abated for the moment. “H-Hhh…! Shihiihhhh… B-Bori, cad yhhhh…!

Mori is already way ahead of him, evidently. The teacup gets snatched away and set down on the table, but it’s not Mori’s hand that quickly clamps a handkerchief over Kaoru’s face. Kaoru barely sees the flash of Kyoya’s glasses before his eyes snap shut. “HhKKtchhh! IhKkktschhh! HihhKKSshhh!” The sneezes come in a fit that probably sounds fast, and yet it completely drains what’s left of Kaoru’s energy. A wave of sinus pressure squeezes against his forehead, making him groan almost as soon as he’s done. “… S’cuse be… sorry about that, Kyoya…”

Honey is the first to speak up, though. “Wow, bless you!! Those sounded almost as loud as Takashi’s!”

Odaiji ni,” the bespectacled boy offers smoothly, without missing a beat or being distracted by Honey. “Open your mouth, Kaoru.”

“H… huh…? What do I deed to–” His question is answered before he even finishes it by way of a digital thermometer thrust under his tongue. “Mmf! Kyhyhhh! Th’ h’ll?!”

His classmate is already busy cleaning himself up with hand sanitizer, the handkerchief having been dropped in Kaoru’s lap – presumably for future use, if necessary. “Keep that under your tongue, and try not to sneeze. I can practically feel your brain boiling. You need whatever you have left, so for your sake, I hope that fever of yours isn’t as high as it seems.”

Well, it’s not that much of an insult. In fact, Kyoya seems to be lightening up a little since he can tell Kaoru’s not feeling well. So the redhead simply settles back against the couch, grabbing the handkerchief and rubbing his nose through a few sniffles.

“Poor Kaoru…” Honey pouts, giving a small squeeze around Mori’s neck. “You think he’s gonna be okay, Takashi?”

The taller boy instantly reaches to pat Honey’s shoulder. “I’m sure he’ll be fine, Mitsukuni. He just needs rest.”

Man, and he’d kill for that right now. All Kaoru wants to do is go to sleep right here, right now. The only things wrong with that are that he can’t fall asleep with a thermometer in his mouth… and he really doesn’t want Hikaru to find out he’s so sick. So he settles for letting his eyes linger shut when he blinks; after a moment of that, he discovers that he actually let them be closed a little too long, because the next thing he knows, Kyoya is taking the thermometer out of his mouth. Not only that, but there’s Tamaki standing over him too, blue eyes wide and filled with worry.

“Ughhh… hi, boss…” he mumbles, making sure to keep the handkerchief clasped over his face. “D-did you deed be to do sobethigg…? Sorry I’b just lyigg around… haved’t beed feeligg too well…”

“Well, I should say not! Just look at yourself, Kaoru!” The blonde’s hand is set against Kaoru’s forehead, then yanked away after less than a second, accompanied by an expression that would make one think Tamaki just stuck his hand on a hot stove. “Mon Dieu! You’re on fire! Kyoya, how high is his fever??”

The brunette’s glasses are pushed up, and the frown on his face is different than usual as he examines the numbers. “High enough – 39.2 degrees. Kaoru, what on Earth are you doing walking around with a fever like this when you should be in bed?”

His face flushes upon noticing that everyone’s eyes are pointed at him. (Except for Hikaru and Haruhi, who are setting things up in the kitchen.) Well, there goes any kind of secrecy he might have had up until this point. Before he can even answer, the irritation in his nose rears its head again and he ducks his face down into the handkerchief. “HhhKKktsshhh! IhhKKtshhh! HuhhIKKktschhh! HhKKTtshhh!

Tamaki is the first to jump back, although it’s clearly more out of surprise than disgust. “Oh, my! Bless you, mon ami! You really should probably be at home… you’re far too sick to be at school, much less do any hosting.”

“I’ll go call your driver so you and Hikaru can head off,” Kyoya calls as he heads into the back room. “Someone make sure he gets bundled up! It’s cold out today.”

With that, he disappears behind the door and another coughing fit shakes Kaoru’s slender frame. “D-Do, cobe od…!” he whines softly as Mori sits him up and Tamaki heads off to grab a spare coat. “H-Hikaru doesd’t eved ddow, add I dod’t wadt him to…” More coughing cuts him off, and Mori gives a few firm pats to his back when he sees Kaoru’s face start to turn red.

It’s at this point that Haruhi walks out of the kitchen, without Hikaru – and obviously confused as to where Tamaki and Kyoya are. “Huh? Uh…” Her eyebrows furrow together as she walks over and rests her hand on the back of the sofa. “Kaoru? Uh… what doesn’t Hikaru know?”

“Hikaru doesn’t know that Kaoru’s sick!” Honey pipes up. He props BunBun up and waves the plushie’s ears at Haruhi. “Not even BunBun’s kisses helped!!”

“Wow, really? I can’t imagine how he hid it from Hikaru if it’s that bad.” Her face doesn’t sway as she humors her friend, then reaches down to put her hand on Kaoru’s forehead. “Uh… yeah. You’re kind of burning up here, Kaoru. How did Hikaru not notice you’re so sick…?”

He shakes his head, his free hand carefully pushing hers away. “It’s dot like I told hib I was sick… he’s beed busy this week, w-with exabs add doigg hobework with you add everythigg…” He sniffles in an effort to keep his nose from running, but just decides on keeping the handkerchief where it is regardless. “Guys… dod’t tell Hikaru… please…”

“Don’t tell Hikaru what?” Almost as if they spoke of the devil, Hikaru comes out of the kitchen, putting his phone into his pocket as he does. “Wait, let me guess – don’t tell me where you hid that chocolate we just bought for the White Day preparations? Because Haruhi and I can’t find it.”

To nobody’s shock, it’s Haruhi herself who walks over and lightly grabs Hikaru’s arm to guide him over toward the couch. “Hikaru, take your brother home.”

“Huh?” The older twin raises an eyebrow and tilts his head. If there were any doubt over whether or not Hikaru actually knew that Kaoru was sick, it’s all dissipated by the clueless look on his face. “Why? Did he get hurt?” Upon being pulled to the sofa, he leans over to smile at his twin. “Hey, Kaoru! What’s the matter? I know going home sounds better than actual work, but the club’s gonna be really busy today! We can’t just slack off!”

His grin fades almost the exact second that he gets a good look at his brother. Gold eyes widen as he takes in Kaoru’s bloodshot eyes, flushed cheeks, chapped nose, and shivering form. “Oh – what the – wow – you’re sick!!” It doesn’t take long for him to rush around and take Mori’s place, gently rubbing his twin’s back. “Wow, how did it hit you this hard so fast?”

By this point, Kaoru’s face has turned almost as red as his hair. How did he let this get so out of hand? He wasn’t supposed to even let Hikaru know he was sick, and now his brother’s going to be fussing over him until he’s over this. “… I’ve, uh… b-beed sick for a few days… actually… I’b sorry… I-I just… didd’t wadt you to worry… you’ve got edough od your bidd lately…”

“Not enough that I wouldn’t wanna take care of you! C’mon, you know better than that… you’re my little brother, Kaoru, and I love you…” There aren’t enough words to describe the hint of guilt that’s swirling around in Hikaru’s stomach. What king of good big brother doesn’t even notice that his twin is this sick? Especially because he’s too busy daydreaming about some girl he’s never going to get? Geez. Hikaru probably shouldn’t feel as bad about this as he does, but that’s not easy to tell his heart. “Let’s just… get you home, okay? Here, I’ll get my coat since I didn’t need it today…”

“No need.” Kyoya walks out of the back room, typing away on his cell phone. “Tamaki went to get one of the extra ones. Might as well let him do something useful. I called your driver, so the two of you should be able to head out in about ten minutes.”

Kaoru rests his head against Hikaru’s chest, feeling a little better just because he can freely seek comfort from his brother now. “What about our cliedts…?”

The Shadow King waves his hand with a shrug. “Don’t worry. I’ll explain the situation and reschedule their sessions – I’m sure they’ll understand. Not to mention, knowing that Kaoru is so vulnerable right now and Hikaru is taking care of him like a dutiful older brother should actually increase the demand for sessions with you two. Your absences will be a win-win; you’ll get to recover in peace, and when you come back, there will be plenty of clients waiting for you.”

It doesn’t sound so bad, to be honest. They can do their homework while they’re at home so they don’t have to catch up, and then they’ll get to be booked for a bunch of sessions as soon as Kaoru is better. The thought makes him smile slightly as he cuddles up against Hikaru. “A-Awesome…”

“As for you, Kaoru.” Kyoya’s voice comes out likely a little harsher than he meant it to, but what’s done is done. “His fever is 39.2, Hikaru, so once you get home, you should probably give him some medicine for that. He can eat if he’s hungry, but nothing that’s hard on the stomach, and a lot of fluids should help him feel better sooner. Other than that, just keep him comfortable and in bed.

The younger twin turns even more toward his brother, shyly burying his face against Hikaru’s chest.

Hikaru just chuckles and presses a kiss to the top of Kaoru’s head. “Trust me, Kyoya! He’s not gonna be going anywhere. If need be, I will actually sit on him.”

“Good. Now, I’m afraid I have to do some setup, so I can’t see you two off… just take it easy, alright? Both of you.” He leans over the side of the sofa for just a second to give Kaoru a pat on the arm. “Feel better, Kaoru.”

The sentiment is echoed from the others as Tamaki comes back into the room with the coat. “Yes, feel better!” Although he tries to get it onto the redhead himself, Hikaru quickly takes over.

As soon as the coat’s on, Hikaru helps Kaoru to his feet and makes sure his brother’s supported. “Thanks, guys! I’m sure with my excellent care, he’ll be feeling better in no time!”

It’s probably unfortunate timing: “HhKKktshhh! IhhKKtschhh!

Thankfully, Hikaru doesn’t take that as a challenge, and just laughs again. “Alright, alright! Let’s get you home, huh? We’ll curl up in bed and I’ll even make you soup!”

“S-Soudds great…” Since Hikaru is doing most of the walking anyway, Kaoru lets his eyes drift closed. Soup, bed, and snuggling with his brother sound like nothing short of heaven right now.

As it turns out, too, Kyoya wasn’t wrong. They pass their two would-be clients in the hallway, and after being told the situation, the girls’ reaction is to say “awww” while patting Kaoru’s head, before practically swooning over Hikaru’s own gestures of care.

Yep. They’re definitely going to be busy when they get back. But then again, they wouldn’t have it any other way – as long as they’re together.


“You ddow, Kaoru… I’b startigg to thigk we’re a little too close.”

“Huh? How come?”

Hikaru gives a halfhearted glare toward his younger brother before blowing his nose – loudly, on purpose. “Just because we’re twids, we dod’t have to share everythigg. Rebeber that dext tibe you get sick.”

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Oh wow I don't know how I missed this! Ouran was one of the first anime series I watched, and I've always loved Kaoru. I just adore the dynamic between the twins. They're probably my favorite characters.

Thank you so much for sharing! And just curious: Do you have a lot of fics on your tumblr? Because if that's the case it'd be wonderful to read them! :) 

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I had no idea there was a community on tumblr for this (not that I even have a tumblr)

anyway, to the point: I love LOVE this fic and all these new Ouran fics are making me want to rewatch the anime!

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On 6/6/2017 at 11:25 PM, Starry_Screamer said:

“You ddow, Kaoru… I’b startigg to thigk we’re a little too close.”

“Huh? How come?”

Hikaru gives a halfhearted glare toward his younger brother before blowing his nose – loudly, on purpose. “Just because we’re twids, we dod’t have to share everythigg. Rebeber that dext tibe you get sick.”


On 6/6/2017 at 11:25 PM, Starry_Screamer said:

“Takashi!! Look… Kaoru’s not feeling well… and not even BunBun’s kisses are helping! This must be serious.



On 6/6/2017 at 11:25 PM, Starry_Screamer said:

Hikaru takes the opportunity when Kaoru’s muscles go lax to pull his twin up out of bed. “Bless you! Come on, let’s get you dressed and pop a couple allergy pills, then we’ll get going. Okay?”



On 6/6/2017 at 11:25 PM, Starry_Screamer said:

“Hikaru, take your brother home.”



On my Twins Fic I said this: "So after reading lots of fics with the twins, I could never even read anything that I really enjoyed. Most of it was just fluff of the twins caring for each other in public and everyone squealing at it. THIS FIC changed EVERYYYYTHIIIINGGG!!!! This had actual plotline. THIS MADE ME CRY!!! (Half because of how freaking good it was, half because it was legitimately sad.)"

SOOO!!! Basically, All the other fics on the twin is just plain fluff. Especially fluff to make the girls happy. THIS MADE ME GENUINELY UPSET, until I found a fic by @alias called Twinfection, BUT!!! Looks like I found another FRICKEN AMAZING fic where it's not just plain fluff and it's AMAZING AMAZING I LOVE YOU NOW

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