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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Blue Diamond's Quirk [F/F, Steven Universe]


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Normally, I wouldn't write a story because I suck at it (as seen here). I've just had so much stress going on, that I decided to try something different.
This is the only story I have ever written of this quality.

Well... here it is:
(pastebin version here)

"Pearl, close the door." Commanded Blue Diamond, while sitting at her throne. Her Pearl responded with the typical "Yes, my Diamond", before turning around and closing the door. Blue Diamond walked over to her throne, and sat down. Pearl walked towards her Diamond. They waited a minute, before Blue Diamond made a rather unexpected request. "Pearl, summon your spear." Pearl hadn't heard this request in several centuries. Nevertheless, she produced her spear.

Blue Diamond raised her arm slowly. This caused the floor beneath Pearl to raise up-high. Pearl was just about level to her Diamond's face.

"My Diamond... are you aski-" Pearl started, but was cut off. "Yes, Pearl; I am." Blue Diamond interrupted, lightly grinning. Pearl hesitated for a couple seconds.

Pearl slowly moved her weapon to just below her Diamond's nostrils. She waited a second, before raising up upwards. She spent a few moments, gently moving the tip of the spear inside Blue Diamond's nose. Then, her Diamond's breath became slightly irregular. Pearl could now feel a small breeze as she continued to skim her Diamond's nostrils. Her Diamond's breath continued to hitch. Blue Diamond couldn't hold it back anymore. With a final breath, she sneezed. "Heh...He-kxnt!"

"Bless you, my Diamond!" Announced Pearl.

"Thank, you Pearl." Acknowledged Blue Diamond.

Pearl raised her spear back into her Diamond's nose. It didn't take long before she coaxed out another sneeze from Blue Diamond.

"Huh-xtchoo!" Blue Diamond sneezed directly onto Pearl, blowing her back. Pearl fell off the raised ground. Blue Diamond quickly grabbed her by the torso, and put her back.

"Pearl, I'd like you to sneeze for me." Asked Blue Diamond

"Yes, my Diamond." Answered Pearl, gleefully.

Pearl held her weapon in both hands, and manipulated the shape of it, making it much thinner. Letting go with one hand, she steadily brought it to the interior of her nose. As soon as it made contact, Pearl blushed. She stoked the lining of her nose for a good amount of time. Nothing. She decided to lift it up a small distance. That did it. "Hetchiiew!" As she sneezed, her spear dissipated. It was a loud one too. One you wouldn't expect from a gem like that.

Blue Diamond spoke. "Bless you, pearl." Pearl replied with "Thank you, my Diamond!"

"That will be all, Pearl." declared Blue Diamond, speaking gently, while smiling.
"Yes, my Diamond." Said Perl, holding a smile on her face as well.

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owooooo! :inlove:

Normally I don't like inducing fics, or fics in which the characters have a sneeze fetish (in which I inferred from this) but OML that was amazing. Blue pearrlllll :inlove:

Blue pearl is one of my favoriiiiitttteeessss and i love this. This here. It needs some love.

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this is cute! I love how they both like it, which sort of creates a bond(?) between them!

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  • 7 months later...

I loved this
The only thing I think that could've made it even better is if Blue Diamond had a giant hankie to blow her nose in that she shared with Blue Pearl

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