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Fools can't catch colds, but they can get fevers (OHSHC - Tamaki)


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I’m here with more Ouran Highschool Host club! Sorry, you guys are probably sick of it by now. So this time I have my darling sempai Tamaki! So here!




The ouran academy host club was hosting another party outside, tables to eat sweets and snacks, pillows to sit on, and, like always, many people enjoying themselves playing “commoner” games. Kick the can, Hide and Seek, and a Host Club favorite, Croquet. Tamaki, being the idiot he was, hit the ball a bit too far. In fact, it landed straight into the fountain. (everyone, even himself, was wondering how he managed to do so.) Tamaki, being the one to have lost the ball, decided to go after it. He rushed over to the fountain, being stopped by something.


Uh oh… Where the heck did that banana peel come from?(Now watch and learn, here’s the deal! You slip and slide on this banana peel! A ha ha ha ha ha! I’m sorry)


Tamaki, being the imbecile he was, fell into the fountain. Again.


Haruhi, being the considerate person she was, followed to see if he was okay. AGAIN.


“Senpai, you’re soaked!” She rushed over to her upperclassman, holding out a hand and pulling him up. Tamaki was an idiot, there was no doubt about that, but he was a nice person, and Haruhi couldn’t help but want to help him.


“Oh, a little water never hurt anyone. Besides~” Haruhi scoffed at the next inevitable line, God, this pick-up-line again? She thought bitterly. “~People are always telling me I’m dripping with goo-huhh….” He paused, his eyebrows tensing as he pitched forward with a three syllable sneeze. “HUH’ ISHHHUH! Excuse me, dripping with good looks.


This, of course, was not how Haruhi expected him to end the pick-up line. Her eyebrows dropped with potential worry, while her eyes told a different story. “Tamaki~senpai, are you catching a cold?” Haruhi couldn’t help but mentally laugh at how he just contradicted himself. A little water never hurt anyone, but it could get them sick. Somewhere in the back of her mind, though, she was certain Tamaki would be okay. After all, it was said that fools don’t catch colds!


“I’m fine.” He shrugged, his mind wandering elsewhere. “Ah, there it is!” He smiled, and picked up the croquet ball that brought him into this mess. “C’mon Haruhi, let’s go catch up with the group.” As if nothing had happened, Tamaki casually stood up and started going back to the area in which the party was. Haruhi wasn’t so okay with that.


“Tamaki~Senpai…” She grabbed hold of his wrist, yanking to bring him to a halt, “You should probably change out of those clothes. You’re soaked! If you didn’t catch a cold now, you’re going to if you don’t put some dry clothes on!”


Tamaki, smiled, and simply pulled Haruhi into his chest, wrapping his arms around her torso. “OH AREN’T YOU SO PRECIOUS MY LITTLE DAUGHTER WORRYING ABOUT HER FATHER!!!” He finally let go of her and gave another smile, this time almost forced. “I’ll be fine. A good host doesn’t disappoint!”


That was yesterday, and boy was Tamaki wrong. He awoke with a start, bending forward with a strong “HURR’RSHHHOO!” passing through the gaps of his fingers in his shameless attempt to cover. A strong chill passed through his body as he shivered helplessly, pulling the blanket over his shoulders miserably. Have to go to school… Even his stubborn thoughts weren’t in complete sentences, but he still decided to get up and get himself ready.


He burst through the doors of his room, fully clothed, and hurried down the corridors of his huge mansion. He adjusted his tie as he walked down the stairs, checking to make sure he didn’t forget any important step in getting dressed due to his fever.


“What would you like for breakfast?” Asked his head maid, Shima, as he hurried along the carpet.


He stopped for a moment, staring her in the eyes. Just the mention of food made him sick in the stomach. “Hmm… I’m not hungry today, thank you Shima.” He turned away and continued toward the door.


Shima stood, confounded at hell knows what that shameless display was right there. “M’lord, are you alright?” She queried, worry creeping into her voice. He didn’t reply. He continued till he was about 10 centimeters away from the door. Then he stopped.


At first, Shima thought he was pondering her question. Maybe he would stop and tell her something was wrong and ask her for something before he left. She was decided on this explanation until she noticed him reel his head back, then slightly lean forward, pulling his hand to his face with a gentle “H’rnnn’SGCHHH!followed by a sigh of relief. After this display he seemed to be nearly gasping for air, as his chest was becoming tighter with every rattling cough he released.


“M’lord… Are you sick?” She attempted to grab his wrist and pull him closer so that she could touch his forehead to somewhat check his temperature, but by the time she grabbed hold of his hand she didn’t even need to touch his face to see that he was running a fever. “M’lord… You are burning up! You should take better care of yourself! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE IN THIS CONDITION!” Worry quickly turned to a scolding type of anger as she dragged him up the stairs and back to his room.


“I’m sorry, Shima! I simply thought I would be okay for the day If I-” He was interrupted by being forcefully thrown into his room, struggling to keep his balance as he wobbled onto his feet. Throwing aside the effort it took to get on his feet, he flopped backward onto the bed, coughing hoarsely into the air and finding the energy to roll onto his side. He would have to call the others and let them know he was not coming in today.


“Could… Bring… Phone…?” He managed to rasp out weakly, only triggering another bout of shuddering coughs from the depths of his lungs. Now that he was found out and it was decided that he was not going to school, he wasn’t going to waste any energy he didn’t need to use. Luckily, the maids seemed to understand what he was asking for and brought him the telephone, watching almost painfully as he feebly dialed Kyoya’s number.


“K-Kyoya-” His voice halted into a hoarse crack, as it evaporated into another fit of weak, congested coughs.


Ooh, that doesn’t sound good. Let me guess. You’re calling to tell me that you aren’t coming to the host club because you caught a cold from falling into the river because you are an imbecile?”


Tamaki nodded in affirmation, but then realized that Kyoya could not see that and simply replied with a weak “Y-yeah…” and gave another harsh cough into his wrist.


Hmm… The girls are going to be upset.”


“Th-that’s what I was af-fraid of.”


Alright. I’ll tell everyone you won’t be in today.”


Tamaki sighed, dropping the phone into it’s rightful place on it’s stand. He didn’t want to go to school, but he wanted to see Haruhi. He didn’t want the girls to be sad that he wasn’t there, for he nearly almost was, but he didn’t have the energy to go to school even if he wanted to.


---Back at the host club---


“So, Tamaki~Senpai is sick, and he’s not coming today?” Asked Haruhi, earning her a nod of affirmation. “I thought that fools couldn’t catch colds.”


“That’s what we thought too.” Spoke both the twins in unison.


“Yes, this is true.” Kyoya started, adjusting his glasses in a way that it glistened in the sun, making it difficult to see his eyes. “Fools can’t catch colds, which is why Tamaki only gets really high fevers.”


This made Haruhi start to worry. She tensed, worry creeping into her normally nonchalant expression. “A-Are you sure he gets really high fevers… every time he gets sick? I mean… Maybe he’s not as bad this time.”


Hikaru shook his head. “No, it’s every time. Or, at least, every time since we’ve known him. Kyoya can confirm, he’s known him for longer than we have.” He glanced toward Kyoya, who gave an affirming nod, adding to the conversation: “He sounded awful when he called me earlier.” Hikaru and Kyoya had no intention to make Haruhi worry, but whether they did or not, Haruhi grew more and more concerned by each word. Kaoru, seeming to notice this, elbowed his brother in the arm.


“Maybe we can visit Tama~Chan!” Hunny cut in, “We can bring him cake! It will make him feel better.” He rested his chin on Usa~Chan’s head, a smile resting across his face.


“That’s a good idea.” Haruhi snapped open her cell phone, dialing Tamaki’s number. She pulled it up to her ear after hearing a feeble “hello” from the other line, and smiled.


~~~~Back at Tamaki’s house~~~~


“Hello?” Tamaki groaned, hating for Haruhi to hear him in this state, but still not having enough energy to answer fully.


Tamaki~Senpai, we’re coming to visit you! It was Hunny~Senpai’s idea, he insisted we bring you cake, and I thought it might be a good idea and everyone else agreed…” Haruhi’s voice faded from Tamaki’s attention span. Haruhi… was coming to visit him… in the awful condition he was. The thought of that made him almost sicker, and he pulled the phone slowly down from his ear. “Tamaki~Senpai? Are you there-?” Tamaki snapped his cell phone closed, rolling over onto his face.


He didn’t want Haruhi to see him like this.


----To be continued----

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Holy cow, this story. :blushing: This is so perfect, and TAMAKI!! :inlove: This first part is REALLY good, Rach! I can't wait to read more! :) 

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3 hours ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

Holy cow, this story. :blushing: This is so perfect, and TAMAKI!! :inlove: This first part is REALLY good, Rach! I can't wait to read more! :) 

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and it's great to know you are alive! If you hadn't noticed, I posted a story on the twins and finished my two other stories. Just a heads up! (Sorry for being impatient)

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I ALMOST FORGOT HOW MUCH I NEEDED OHSHC FICS... Your fics are AMAZING! I've already read your other OHSHC fics -- except for that twin one I didn't know about (and shall be racing to read as soon as I get a chance). I forgot how much I love OHSHC. And Tamakiiiii~

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45 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

I ALMOST FORGOT HOW MUCH I NEEDED OHSHC FICS... Your fics are AMAZING! I've already read your other OHSHC fics -- except for that twin one I didn't know about (and shall be racing to read as soon as I get a chance). I forgot how much I love OHSHC. And Tamakiiiii~

Woooah, thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying my fics! ^_^

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oh wow! this is soooooooooooooo cute! I wonder how tamaki is going to try and hide it! 

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23 minutes ago, ihazakitty said:

oh wow! this is soooooooooooooo cute! I wonder how tamaki is going to try and hide it! 

wow, thanks~ I'm glad you are enjoying it! I'll be sure to put the next part up soon

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5 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and it's great to know you are alive! If you hadn't noticed, I posted a story on the twins and finished my two other stories. Just a heads up! (Sorry for being impatient)

Yes! I've finally crawled back out of my cave LOL. xD I've been working 40+ hours a week to save up money for some trips later this summer, so I've been slowly dying. XD I did see that you posted a twin story, and I'm actually going to go check it out as soon as I'm done this comment, plus go and finish up those past two fics of yours. :P 

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4 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

wow, thanks~ I'm glad you are enjoying it! I'll be sure to put the next part up soon


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  • 2 weeks later...


Okayyyyy, sorry for not updating this for awhile, but hereeee! Is the next part. Sorry, but for the sake of cliffhangers the next two parts might be reallllyyyyyy short, but I’ll be sure to update quickly!! Now where were we?




(Part 2)


Haruhi was coming to visit, and Tamaki didn’t want her to see him like this.


He turned over in his bed. What was he going to do? Tamaki was in such a weak, not to MENTION disgusting condition, surely Haruhi would think less of him for this. He pulled the covers over his face, thinking once again. What was he going to do?


Luckily, he had a couple of minutes before they arriv-


“Tamaki~Sama, your friends are here to visit you!”


At the sound of one of his maids calling out that his friends were here, Tamaki knew he was screwed. He found the energy to sit back upright, then found the energy to reply to his maid. “Tell them I’m not here!” He yelled, then simply laid back down.


He groaned, placing his forearm on his forehead, groaning as dramatically and pitifully as possible. One part of him told him he wanted to see Haruhi. He wanted to see her, and complain to her, and lay his head on her lap while she fed him soup. A more dominant part of him didn’t want Haruhi to see him like this, not to mention he didn’t want her to catch this. Tamaki would definitely beat himself up if he got Haruhi sick.


“Tamaki~Sama, your friends insisted on seeing you. Should I send them up?”


Instead of groaning this time, Tamaki sighed. He guessed there was no avoiding this. Instantly, he contradicted himself. No, Tamaki! You can’t give up! Surely there’s some way around this! Stay Positive! He thought to himself. Thinking up a reply to the maid. Maybe he should tell her to tell them that he needs his rest and doesn’t want to be bothered? Yeah, that would work. He felt a sharp tickle in his nose, but decided to ignore and started to speak up. “Tell- hiih!” Tamaki’s breath hitched as a ‘sharp tickle’ turned into a burning itch. He stopped and closed his eyes in anticipation. “Heh-!” It happened once more, but nothing seemed to happen. He was stuck with a presneeze expression, as this sneeze decided not to come out. Finally, he let out a harsh “HAAh’IIIISHYUUH!”. He shivered, as two more escaped him. “HUHITCCHHHUH! UHH’EHH’TSHUH!”


Much to his dismay, the maid took pity on him, and decided that he needed his friends to keep him company. She thought that maybe his friends could give him moral support, helping him feel better, at least in the slightest. “I’m sending them up, Tamaki~Sama!”


Uh oh. It was too late. Haruhi and the others were being sent up right now, and there was nothing he could do about it. Absentmindedly, with time running out and him panicking like he would never live to see tomorrow, Tamaki slipped under his bed and was careful not to make any noise.

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This story gives me so many mixed emotions; the rational part of me wants to feel bad for Tamaki, stroke his hair until he falls asleep, and see him get better... and then the  fetish-y side of my brain wants him to stay this miserable and adorable. :evilsmiley03: This story is coming along so well, Rach!! I can't wait to read what happens next! I really do feel bad for Tamaki, I can't wait to see how the hosts react to his pathetic state. :heart: Keep up the great work!!

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37 minutes ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

This story gives me so many mixed emotions; the rational part of me wants to feel bad for Tamaki, stroke his hair until he falls asleep, and see him get better... and then the  fetish-y side of my brain wants him to stay this miserable and adorable. :evilsmiley03: This story is coming along so well, Rach!! I can't wait to read what happens next! I really do feel bad for Tamaki, I can't wait to see how the hosts react to his pathetic state. :heart: Keep up the great work!!

yaaaaaayyyy!!! Your replies make me so fricken happyyyyyyy!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Next part will be up tomorrow morning

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yay!!! I am here once again and all da drama on my twins thread has been somewhat resolved!! Srry there’s no sneezing in this part, just filler. But I promise there will be next part!!! Soooo, here is pt 3


(Part 3)


In a fit of panic, Tamaki absentmindedly slipped under the bed and was careful not to make any noise.


“Where is he?” Haruhi questioned as she walked into Tamaki’s room: but there was no Tamaki. Her eyes widened with worry, and she looked to the twins expectantly, hoping they had an answer.


The twins shrugged at the same time. “I don’t know, maybe he faked sick so that he could run off somewhere?” They said in perfect unison.


“No, that’s definitely not it.” Spoke the shadow king beside them, adjusting his clouded glasses while staring down at his notebook. “Tamaki’s the type of idiot to say the word cough. That fool couldn’t fake illness even if he tried.” He murmured the last sentence coldly, and finally looked up with a smile that said ‘You know I’m right.’ Sure, Tamaki could sometimes get away with faking well, and towards the girls he was an extraordinary actor, but faking sick; especially to his friends, he did not have the willpower to do.


Haruhi, however, had jumped to a different conclusion. One that had her worried - no, terrified. What if he had been so delusional - no, what if he had been so STUBBORN, and decided he was well enough to leave and go off somewhere? Haruhi was worried, and this showed in her eyes.


“Don’t worry, Haru~Chan!” Squeaked Hunny beside her, “I’m sure Tama~Chan’s just in the kitchen for some cake!! Cake always makes me feel better when I’m not feeling well!” He looked up to Mori, who, in return, simply gave him a shrug.


Something had seemed to make Kyoya smirk, a somewhat warm, knowledgeable smirk. “I’m sure he’s somewhere in the house.” Kyoya once again adjusted his glasses, and maybe it was just a coincidence, but he seemed to glance at the bed for a second.


Haruhi shrugged. “I’m sure you’re right.” She slowly gained back her chill and nonchalant attitude, mentally sighing in relief. What was she so worried about? He was probably fine. Or… was he?


Meanwhile, Tamaki was under the bed, listening to the whole conversation. My poor Haruhi… He thought, She’s so sweet, worrying about her daddy like that! He couldn’t help but smile to himself at the nonchalant honor’s student. However, that smile had changed when it began to curve downward, his lips parted as his nose tickled.


Tamaki was about to sneeze.


TO BE CONTINUED (I forgot to do this on the previous chapter)

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THE SUSPENSE! I love how you write Haruhi's worry!! :heart: Most of the other OHSHC fics I've read write her with a "It's just a cold, you'll be fine soon." attitude, which I see in her character, but I love when she is worried about her boys, especially Tamaki. :inlove: All of your writing has been inspiring me lately; I may post a few new stories on here once I catch up on some outstanding stories on other sites. :) Keep it up, Rach. :thumbsupsmiley:

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4 hours ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

THE SUSPENSE! I love how you write Haruhi's worry!! :heart: Most of the other OHSHC fics I've read write her with a "It's just a cold, you'll be fine soon." attitude, which I see in her character, but I love when she is worried about her boys, especially Tamaki. :inlove: All of your writing has been inspiring me lately; I may post a few new stories on here once I catch up on some outstanding stories on other sites. :) Keep it up, Rach. :thumbsupsmiley:


YESSSSS!!!! I 20000000% SUPPORT YOU ON POSTING FICS!!! I got done reading one of your old free fics (i think) and you. are. FRICKIN AMAZING!!!:jawdrop:


you are really REALLY nice!!!  this post makes me feel so warm inside... all your posts do!! Thank you so muchh!!!

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I LOVED writing that fic, but it kind of ended up getting pushed into the back corner when I started working on a novel-length story on fanfiction.net. :blushsad: I plan on going back and finishing that one soon, too. :) Any time girl, I'm glad my comments mean so much to you. :smile::heart:

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Okay yayyyyy! Thank you for all the support, you guys are awesome! I was really happy to see you guys enjoying my fics, and I’m also happy to keep updating my fics! It makes me really sad to end a fic but THERE WILL BE MORE OURAN so do not worry!


Part 4


Tamaki had to sneeze.


He sniffed lightly, trying to get rid of the tickle without making too much noise, but it only made the tickle worse. He wrinkled his nose, then pinched it shut with two hands, but it was no use. He was screwed. He. was going. To sneeze.




Luckily, he managed to stifle it a little, but it was still there, and it was definitely loud enough for the rest of the gang to hear it. All except Kyoya  lifted their head, a shocked expression washing over them, the words ‘What was that?’ or, ‘Where did that come from?’ written all over their faces.


Kyoya, simply smirked, an all-too-familiar smirk that suggested that he knew something they didn’t. “You can come out from under there now.” He lifted the covers of Tamaki’s bed, revealing none other than the pathetic-looking prince himself. Kyoya adjusted his glasses once again.


“You knew that he was under there the entire time, didn’t you?” The twins both came to the exact same correct conclusion. Kyoya smirked, the equivalent to a nod, or even the word ‘yes’. “You could’ve told us before.” They chorused once again.


Kyoya shrugged, and pulled the pitiful-looking golden-haired boy out from under the bed and up onto his feet. “Got something to say, Tamaki?”


“Uhh-- ah, uhh-” Tamaki only stuttered, but Haruhi had some different words for him. “Woah, senpai! You look worse than I thought.”


This caused a bright red flush to appear on Tamaki’s face, and not because of fever. He was almost at a complete loss of words, but he managed a sarcastic: “Th-Thanks…”. Haruhi’s eyes snapped open, as if saying ‘I didn’t mean it like that!’, but that wasn’t the reason Tamaki was so flustered by that statement. Haruhi had (--He would’ve shuddered at the thought--) seen him.


“Uhh, Senpai, what were you doing under there?” She raised an eyebrow, and Hunny and Mori seemed to give an affirmative nod to show that they were wondering the same thing. Tamaki could only stutter, and not just because he was at a loss of words. “I- hhh-! H’gxsh’t! E-Excuse me…” This time he clamped a hand tightly over his nose and mouth in an attempt to not only stifle, but also in some sort of hoping to not spread as much germs so that he wouldn’t infect Haruhi.


“Senpai, you don’t have to stifle, that’s not good for you.” Haruhi scolded, and in response Tamaki only nodded. “Also…” Haruhi trailed off, as if she was about to regret what she was about to say next. “...Bless you…” She nearly only breathed the words, but Tamaki’s eyes widened in amazement as if she had just proposed to him. (And boyy, did he wish she did)


“S-Sorry you habve to see be like this, Haruhi. I hope it doesdg’t ba’ge you thig’k addy less of be…” His voice was thick, and very congested. So congested that she handed him a pack of ‘ Commoner’s Handkerchiefs’ (aka those tissues that you keep in your pocket), and gave a slanted, sympathetic smile.


“It doesn’t make me think any less of you. After all, it’s not your fault.”


At these words, Tamaki’s face lit up with relief and an adoring sense of admiration, only to have the moment ruined by a brief, yet congested, coughing fit, which evaporated into another sneeze. “Hahh-Iggxshh’huh!” Though Tamaki tried to stifle with a balled up fist pressed against his mouth, he slightly decided to follow Haruhi’s advice and keep it a little loose. Haruhi answered with a warm smirk, as Tamaki pulled out one of Haruhi’s ‘Commoner’s Handkerchiefs’ and started cleaning up the mess on his face.


“Uhh…” Haruhi and Tamaki looked down at the small second-year that had just made the noise. Haruhi and Tamaki’s conversation was most likely making the three other hosts seem like third-wheels. “I-If you two are ready, I brought you some cake to feel better!”


Tamaki smiled. “Of course you did, Huddy~Sedbai. D’ow, If we’re all do’nde talkigg, let’s all eat Huddy~Sedbai’s cake!”




-----Yayyy! This fic was so fun to write! It made me so happy to write Kyoya inviting Tamaki out from under the covers. I gave subtle hints that Kyoya knew from the start in the previous chapter, and it made me so excited to see if you guys would notice and say something like “OH MY GOD. HE KNOWWWSSS!!!!” As for what I’m going to do next, I really want to write at least one fic for each host, and that includes hunny because WE NEED SOME CARETAKER MORIII!!! Other than that, I’ll probably write, like, 1000000 more Tamaki because who doesn’t love Sick/Allergic Tamaki?---

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Worrying Haruhi, cocky Kyoya, and ashamed Tamaki, such a lovely combination. :heart: Kyoya is such a sassy Sue, I love it. :inlove: Another SWEET conclusion, eh? :laugh: All cringe aside, it really was a super cute ending, Rach! I totally second more caretaker Mori! :thumbs_up: 

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12 hours ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

Worrying Haruhi, cocky Kyoya, and ashamed Tamaki, such a lovely combination. :heart: Kyoya is such a sassy Sue, I love it. :inlove: Another SWEET conclusion, eh? :laugh: All cringe aside, it really was a super cute ending, Rach! I totally second more caretaker Mori! :thumbs_up: 

Yayyyyy! You never fail to make me happy with your repliesss! :inlove: But for now, I need to make a part two to my twins ficcccx

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7 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

Yayyyyy! You never fail to make me happy with your repliesss! :inlove: But for now, I need to make a part two to my twins ficcccx

I second that, too! :laugh: I get super happy when I see any of your updates; do what you love and what inspires you, and I'll happily enjoy it all. :heart:

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