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Not alone (OHSHC - Twins)


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Okaayyyy, so quite a while ago I read this amazing fic by @alias. For this fic, alias is probably my now favorite writer. (Okay that might not be true. I’m a loyal Kalla fan!) The title is Twinfluenza, and not only does it have the best title ever, but it has the best plotline, characterization, spellings, writing, EVERYTHINNNGGGG!! It is undoubtedly, the best thing I have ever read. EVER.


Allow me to explain. So after reading lots of fics with the twins, I could never even read anything that I really enjoyed. Most of it was just fluff of the twins caring for each other in public and everyone squealing at it. THIS FIC changed EVERYYYYTHIIIINGGG!!!! This had actual plotline. THIS MADE ME CRY!!! (Half because of how freaking good it was, half because it was legitimately sad.) After reading this, I had made a vow to myself that I would write a twins fic that was NOT just fluff the entire time without copying what @alias did. This was my new lifetime goal.


Still don’t believe me on how good this is? Tamaki is my favorite character. The twins rank third, maybe even FOURTH OR FIFTH in my favorite ouran highschool host club characters. However, THIS FIC easily toppled my list of my favorite fanfiction for, heh, ANYTHING and it wasn’t even my favorite character that suffered!


So, well, I tried. I am deeply terrified that I didn’t reach my lifetime goal, but, yeah, here.


(could be read as twincest, but it doesn’t have to be. So keep that in mind.)




From the moment they woke up, Hikaru was sure something was wrong with Kaoru.


He could normally tell what! But this time was different. Today, Kaoru was almost unreadable. Hikaru was beyond worried. So, like any other responsible twin brother, he started gathering every little piece of evidence he could to make a conclusion. During breakfast, Kaoru wasn’t speaking to him, that was his first piece of evidence. During class, Kaoru refused to meet his eyes, that was his next piece of evidence. The rest of the day, he seemed to be a bit groggier than usual, thats for certain. During host club…. Oh, host club! Kaoru barely even made it there on time! Something was definitely wrong, and Hikaru was going to find out what.


The twins sat silently beside each other. Kaoru was doing his brooding while Hikaru watched him intently. Maybe he could gather enough evidence and finally put two and two together to figure out what was wrong. Nothing happened for a few minutes. Finally, Hikaru spoke. “Kaoru… What’s wrong? You can’t lie to me. I can tell something is bothering you.”


Kaoru looked away, uncharacteristically avoiding eye contact. This had Hikaru almost certain. Finally, Kaoru responded. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. I just didn’t get enough sleep last night.” Hikaru was not satisfied with this answer. Kaoru was avoiding eye contact, thats for certain, but they were brothers, and Hikaru didn’t need to see Kaoru’s face to identify those tells that showed he was lying. He could simply hear it in his voice.


Though mentally unhappy with his answer, Hikaru didn’t say anything and simply got up to get ready for today’s club activities. “Time for today’s club activities!” Tamaki chimed, as if on cue. However, his excitement was not shared among all hosts. Kaoru was still a little out of it, and Hikaru was undoubtedly worried about him.


Kaoru and Hikaru had an appointment with one girl named Koemi. They greeted her with a smile, (or at least one of them greeted her with a smile,) and sat them down for a cup of tea. Hikaru was happily telling the girls about Kaoru when he was little. Halfway through the story, Kaoru’s shoulders seemed to tense, and he flinched, turning away into his shoulder. “H’knkk!” The sound was barely audible, not to mention unidentifiable. Hikaru stared at him for a moment, his brain still processing the sound that the younger twin had made.


“Are you okay?” His expression was filled with concern. He started to lift his hand but before it could even make contact with his brother at all, Kaoru grabbed hold of his wrist and lowered it. “Don’t worry about me.” Kaoru started, “We should start thinking about our lovely guest!”


To anyone else, his words would be assuring, but to Hikaru, it was anything but assuring. Hikaru took a moment to process his brother’s face. Something was most definitely wrong. Sweat covered both of his eyebrows, his face was almost pale, and his smile… Oh, his smile! It looked almost completely forced, as if something… something awful… was gnawing at the poor younger twin’s core! Not only was Kaoru clearly suffering, but Hikaru was too! Hikaru, for once, could not tell what was wrong! The two undoubtedly had twin telepathy, they could honestly win one of those game shows without any cheating at all, but today… Something was throwing it off. He could feel their connection being shattered. They were always together, almost one conjoined being, but he could feel them being broken into two different entities. When he was with Kaoru, nothing else mattered. Everyone else seemed to drift away from the two, but now Hikaru could feel his brother slipping away with everyone else. He didn’t want this. He wanted to pull Kaoru back into their bubble of protection from everyone else. He was starting to get extremely stressed out.


Kaoru once again ducked into his shoulder, pressing his face into his shirt with another soundless “H’nnk!” Hikaru didn’t know what was going on. He was drowning. He was drowning in the darkness, and this time he didn’t have his brother to hold onto. This was the end of the world for him.


“Please excuse me and my brother.” Hikaru finally spoke up. The girl, who was squealing at their brotherly relationship the entire time, stopped for a moment. She gave them a nod of approval, and Hikaru simply grabbed hold of the younger twin’s wrist, pulling him outside.


Once he was outside, Hikaru sat him down, then simply sat in front of him. He had Kaoru backed into a corner. He was holding both his hands, and was staring directly into his eyes. This meant no escape for Kaoru. “Mind telling me what’s wrong?”


Kaoru seemed to hesitate for a moment. He almost looked…. scared. His eyes seemed to shake for a moment, and then his nose…. twitched? He then pitched forward with a forceful, pent up fit. “H’RSHOO! H’NNRSH! Heh… Ehh! Uhh’KKSHHUH!Kaoru sniffled weakly, then seemed to cough and groan at the same time.  Suddenly, everything that Hikaru was missing seemed to click into place.  His eyes narrowed, and his mouth curved downwards with dissatisfaction. “You’re sick.” He finally concluded. That’s what was wrong, that’s what he was missing. However, he was still missing an important piece of information. “Why would you hide this from me?”


Kaoru looked down, twiddling his thumbs nervously. He was obviously avoiding the question. He muttered something almost inaudible. “What?” Hikaru started off calmly. Kaoru mumbled it again, slightly louder. “What!?” Hikaru snapped lightly. “HARUHI!!!!” Kaoru shot out even louder, tears starting to form in his tightly shut eyes. “I… It’s Haruhi…. She made us feel like we’re two different people. She made us know we are two different people. It’s almost as if we share the same feelings… but… Haruhi let us know that... that’s not true! We’re not the same, Hikaru! We’re different! You’re my brother! I knew you would worry, and for once… I didn’t want you to! When I woke up this morning with a fever, for once… I actually took to mind that we had different feelings…. I actually… thought of them for once. I didn’t want you to worry.”


Hikaru gazed into his eyes, taking to mind every single word his brother had just said. He wasn’t lying. He could see it in his eyes. He could hear it in his voice. He could feel it in his veins. “Oh Kaoru…” Suddenly, he too started to tear up. He rushed over to his brother, wrapping his arms around Kaoru’s back. “Kaoru! If you really didn’t want me to worry, then you should’ve told me! I could tell something was wrong, and for once I didn’t know what! I was beyond worried!” He then stopped, and took a moment to realize the awful state his brother was in. When Hikaru couldn’t tell what was wrong with Kaoru, it was if their connection had been shattered, and they had been broken apart. Now, he could feel the connection being restored. Everything else seemed to go black as he could feel their souls clicking together once again. His eyes popped open with a gasp, and he took both of his brother’s hands in his. Now, he could finally see every single thought that was running through Kaoru’s head. After hugging him like that, Hikaru didn’t need a thermometer to know his exact temperature. “102.9….” He whispered, clutching his brother’s hands even tighter. “I get it now… you woke up with the highest fever you’ve ever had… I can tell it’s not from working yourself, you barely worked at all today. I understand now, Kaoru! Of course you didn’t want me to worry, you’re so caring, and…” Hikaru trailed off, bringing Kaoru’s face into his chest and sobbing into his brother’s back. “Never do that again, Kaoru! You had me so worried!” Kaoru simply nodded. This felt… nice. The brothers were normally mischievous and not always loving towards each other. In fact, they only did it for host activities. For once, though, their relationship was strong and loving… and they weren’t even acting.


He sighed, standing himself up. God, they should’ve done this inside. The girls would’ve gone crazy. “We should tell the boss that we’ll be going home now. We gotta get you to a bed asap.” Hikaru picked up the younger twin bridal style, carrying him inside gingerly and lovingly. The doors snapped open, and in walked the two twins, Kaoru asleep in Hikaru’s arms. Kaoru was… miserable. His nose and cheeks were stained with an unmistakeable cherry pink hue, the rest of his face being pale. He had some dark circles around his eyes, it wasn’t purple or anything, just a bit darker than usual. Without saying a word, Hikaru stepped forward to Tamaki, who was with two girls. “Mmmhm, that sounds lovely! I would think-” He stopped for a moment, looking up to see Hikaru standing in front of him. The shadows of his bangs covered the upper half of his face, giving him (without intention) a dramatic look. “Is there something that you two need?”


Hikaru simply nodded, scoffing mentally at the King’s obliviousness. Hikaru was carrying a miserable looking twin, who was asleep, and had just burst into a coughing fit. Could this imbecile not put two and two together? “Yes. Kaoru’s sick.” Tamaki raised an eyebrow, as if asking for his point, resulting in a scoff from the older twin. “Umm, really sick. Like, a fever of almost 103.” At first, Tamaki wondered what kind of stage-play the twins were up to. However, further glance at the expression on Hikaru’s face let him know that the twins were not acting. Tamaki nodded, and the expression that followed almost looked… worried.


Considerately, Tamaki pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, and dipped it into a cold glass of water. He then rested it on Kaoru’s forehead with a smile. “You’re excused. Feel better, Kaoru.” All the girls in the room, of course, squealed at the “brotherly love” between the twins, but Hikaru and Kaoru didn’t mind. All that mattered to Hikaru right now was Kaoru, and all the girls seemed almost faded to him. Everything around them went black, and he walked through the empty void that was the hallways. They were once again, alone, unable to focus on anyone other than themselves. Sure, you could call them self-centered, but to them, it was anything but self-centered. All they cared about was each other, and to them, there was no one else in the world. It was as if the two had some sort of strange obsession with each other. Suddenly, Hikaru could feel himself bump into something. No, someone. The world around them seemed to suddenly fade into place, but something wasn’t right. Normally, it would just be Hikaru and Kaoru, just them. Alone. However, this time they looked up to see Haruhi’s worried face.


Suddenly, they weren’t alone anymore.


(I might continue this)

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5 minutes ago, ihazakitty said:

wow! this is great as usual! 

thanks! :laughingsmiley:

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Aghhhh I've been silently yet consistently reading your fanfictions! I'm dying, these are just too great for me to handle! You're amazing at this, keep writing. Try to keep up with the speed that I devour them xD 

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Okay. I didn't want to have to say this, but this has been bothering me for awhile.

Look, I love all the support, and I love all the positive words on my fics, but if you're going to post something about my fics IN GENERAL, please attach it to something about the specific fic you are posting on. I'm not trying to be selfish or anything, but I work harder on my fics than others, and if you are going to come here and be general like "Your fics are great" please also say something about the specific fic you are posting on. I honestly don't care if you be general on my other fics, but I worked especially hard on this one and this is probably the only fic I'll actually be genuinely completely PROUD OF. It's no that I'm not proud of the others, It's just that... I have self-esteem issues, and feeling PROUD of something is pretty hard for me.

Again, I'm not trying to be selfish or anything here, but I poured my heart and soul into every word of this fic, being sure to use all of my valor to make this story as prominent and emotional as possible so that I could reach my goal, and you guys are coming here like "Your fics are great." Please, be specific on the fic that you are posting on. You can be general, as long as you are also specific. (EXP: This was great! I loved when (something that happened). This made me really sad for (character). Your fics are great!) Like I said, the main reason I was so passionate about this one specific fic is because of that one goal that i was STRIVING to reach that one goal I wanted to reach, STRIVING to try and make this fic tug at you guys' heartstrings, and I'm sorry, I am ashamed that this is narcissistic, but I want to hear about what SPECIFIC things I did right on THIS SPECIFIC FIC.

I'm honestly terrified that I didn't clarify enough, but hopefully this clears things up at least just a little bit.

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7 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

I'm not trying to be selfish or anything, but I work harder on my fics than others, and if you are going to come here and be general like "Your fics are great" please also say something about the specific fic you are posting on.


It may be frustrating to not receive the feedback you're originally hoping to get, but it's also a little rude to claim that you work harder than others on your fic. As a writer of fifteen years myself, I can personally tell you that I pour 100% of myself into each story I write. Furthermore, telling people how to comment and what to say when they comment is a poor practice that is generally frowned upon in any kind of writing community. I would strongly advise refraining from doing so, or it might have the opposite effect and encourage readers not to comment at all. 

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I agree with Spoo here. I am also commenting on someone who can't judge the fic, because I have never seen OHSHC. Ever. 


People aren't obligated to comment on your fics. If they do - regardless of how 'general' - you should be grateful. 

It is very unfair to ask people what to say in their comments to you. If they just want to put 'Nice!' then they can. 

Writing shouldn't be about getting regonition (although that is a nice part). Writing should be done because it is something you enjoy doing. If you write to purely get people gushing over your work, then not only are you going to be very disappointed when you don't get the response you desire, you will end up not enjoying it at all. 

Of course, getting praise and recognition for something you worked really hard on is validating. I know. Trust me, I know. But I fear you are alienating people away from commenting by saying 'Oh, you commented, but you didn't comment ENOUGH! BE MORE SPECIFIC.' 

I'm not posting this to be a jerk. I'm trying to give you some perspective. As a writer myself, I find the 'I work harder than others!' kind of offensive. Because I pour everything into all of my fics, as do 90% of writers. You don't know how much effort they put into their work, so it is unfair to make that assumption. 

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10 hours ago, Spoo said:


It may be frustrating to not receive the feedback you're originally hoping to get, but it's also a little rude to claim that you work harder than others on your fic. As a writer of fifteen years myself, I can personally tell you that I pour 100% of myself into each story I write. Furthermore, telling people how to comment and what to say when they comment is a poor practice that is generally frowned upon in any kind of writing community. I would strongly advise refraining from doing so, or it might have the opposite effect and encourage readers not to comment at all. 

mmkay wow, I'm bad at words. Im saying i worked harder on this one fic then I did on my tamaki fic or my drabbles or my haruhi fic. I'm not trying to say I work harder than other people, I'm saying i worked harder on this fic than my other fics. I understand that it was awful of me to say that. Could you like.... delete that or something?

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Before I say anything more I have to ask you to try and not take this the bad way ok. I'm just kindly trying to help you out to minimise the risk of people misunderstanding and getting irritated with you like this in the future.

If you want to say that you've worked harder on this fic than your other fics maybe instead of saying this:

19 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

I work harder on my fics than others

Say something like: "I worked harder on this fic than on my other fics". The important part is to add something that helps the reader understand you are talking about your own fics in general instead of "others" as in "other people". In the case of my example the "my ... fics" serves that purpose. If you have just refered to you fics you can say "the others" instead (ie. "I put a lot of effort into my fics. I worked harder on this one than the others"). In this case the context and the use of the definitive article "the" allow people to understand you correctly.

I hope this was helpful and I'm sorry about the whole derailing your fanfic thread thing.

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On 6/7/2017 at 1:07 PM, PuddinPop said:

I agree with Spoo here. I am also commenting on someone who can't judge the fic, because I have never seen OHSHC. Ever. 


People aren't obligated to comment on your fics. If they do - regardless of how 'general' - you should be grateful. 

It is very unfair to ask people what to say in their comments to you. If they just want to put 'Nice!' then they can. 

Writing shouldn't be about getting regonition (although that is a nice part). Writing should be done because it is something you enjoy doing. If you write to purely get people gushing over your work, then not only are you going to be very disappointed when you don't get the response you desire, you will end up not enjoying it at all. 

Of course, getting praise and recognition for something you worked really hard on is validating. I know. Trust me, I know. But I fear you are alienating people away from commenting by saying 'Oh, you commented, but you didn't comment ENOUGH! BE MORE SPECIFIC.' 

I'm not posting this to be a jerk. I'm trying to give you some perspective. As a writer myself, I find the 'I work harder than others!' kind of offensive. Because I pour everything into all of my fics, as do 90% of writers. You don't know how much effort they put into their work, so it is unfair to make that assumption. 

Hey, yeah, I've explained myself a little bit, and I would really appreciate if you could like... delete that or something?

I feel really bad about it, I've had this on my conscience for awhile and If you could delete that post and all replies to it?

After this is cleared up, I'll return to writing...

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On 6/10/2017 at 4:59 PM, RachTheCool said:

Hey, yeah, I've explained myself a little bit, and I would really appreciate if you could like... delete that or something?

I feel really bad about it, I've had this on my conscience for awhile and If you could delete that post and all replies to it?

After this is cleared up, I'll return to writing...


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ahhh, Okay. How do you guys feel about me continuing this?

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Oh my goodness!!! *runs and jumps and tackle hugs you*  If I weren't such a stranger to the forum these days and had logged on in the past month I most certainly would have read this sooner, so I'm sorry it took me so long to see!  First of all, thank you so much for all of your kind words about "Twinfluenza!"  You absolutely made my day and it makes me so happy to hear your enthusiasm.  Your enjoyment and appreciation of it means the world to me. <3 *hugs you tighter*

I really love the relationship you portrayed with the twins here!  I love seeing the tenderness between them, and the soft side of Hikaru that gets worried about his brother.  I think you were very accurate in depicting Hikaru's panic when he realized something was off with his brother.  That's actually one of the reasons Hikaru is my favorite character, is that he is so simultaneously sensitive and naive, and doesn't quite know the best way to manage his feelings, ESPECIALLY when his comfort zone of being in synch with his brother is knocked askew.  I also love the progression of the fic, where they start off with the tension of being out of synch with their twinness, and then come together again in the end and share a sweet moment.  Very fitting for the emotional lil guys they are. <3 

I would love to see you continue! :D 

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1 minute ago, alias said:

Oh my goodness!!! *runs and jumps and tackle hugs you*  If I weren't such a stranger to the forum these days and had logged on in the past month I most certainly would have read this sooner, so I'm sorry it took me so long to see!  First of all, thank you so much for all of your kind words about "Twinfluenza!"  You absolutely made my day and it makes me so happy to hear your enthusiasm.  Your enjoyment and appreciation of it means the world to me. <3 *hugs you tighter*

I really love the relationship you portrayed with the twins here!  I love seeing the tenderness between them, and the soft side of Hikaru that gets worried about his brother.  I think you were very accurate in depicting Hikaru's panic when he realized something was off with his brother.  That's actually one of the reasons Hikaru is my favorite character, is that he is so simultaneously sensitive and naive, and doesn't quite know the best way to manage his feelings, ESPECIALLY when his comfort zone of being in synch with his brother is knocked askew.  I also love the progression of the fic, where they start off with the tension of being out of synch with their twinness, and then come together again in the end and share a sweet moment.  Very fitting for the emotional lil guys they are. <3 

I would love to see you continue! :D 


i got so frickin excited to see someone posted on here. Then I saw IT WAS YOU AND I FRICKIN EXPLODED WITH HAPPINESS


I was planning on continuing. There is a reason why "Twins" in the title is plural ;)

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I came back to reread this and realized I had never commented the first time I was here!! What?! :o Anyway, this is super cute!! And so many more feels than I had expected. :bawl::heart: When I started reading this, I thought that Kaoru was just being a little brat, but then he flipped it around and it was so sweet. :heart: It's been a while since I've read any twins fics, and this was such a good one to get back into it with. :) Keep up the awesome work, girl, and sorry I didn't comment on this sooner. :laugh:

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1 hour ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

I came back to reread this and realized I had never commented the first time I was here!! What?! :o Anyway, this is super cute!! And so many more feels than I had expected. :bawl::heart: When I started reading this, I thought that Kaoru was just being a little brat, but then he flipped it around and it was so sweet. :heart: It's been a while since I've read any twins fics, and this was such a good one to get back into it with. :) Keep up the awesome work, girl, and sorry I didn't comment on this sooner. :laugh:

yayyyyyyyyyy!!! :D The main thing I wanted to see in people's replies is that I successfully tugged on someone's heartstrings. Makes me happppyyyyy to see it made you happpyyyy

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Thank you!!! I’m sorry for being so inconsiderate to my readers with that one post, but you guys were so nice by still being amazing posters even AFTER that incident. I love you @alias, and I love your “Hikaru has loud and explosive sneezes” theory, I hope you don’t mind If I borrow it.


(Part 2)


Suddenly, they weren’t alone anymore.


“Woah, what happened to him?” Haruhi glanced at the now-asleep, ill twin, then at the twin that was carrying him. Her face was filled with concern, but her voice was still as nonchalant and jokingly-casual as always.


“He’s really sick.” Hikaru explained with no regard for how worried she was. “He has a really high fever, so if you don’t mind…” He cocked his head to the side in an attempt to slip past her, but Haruhi wasn’t having it.


“Hey… Is there… maybe… anything I can do to help?” Haruhi always wanted to do something to help out, but Hikaru really didn’t want Kaoru to get worse. He was already in such an awful condition…


“How about you let us get through… and… I can put him to bed?” Hikaru once again tried to move around her, but this time Haruhi pushed an arm against the wall to stop him again.


“Seriously!! I want to help you! I mean, Sick or not, Tamaki is always needy, so I kinda have some experience doing things for-”




Haruhi jumped at this sudden outburst, not just at the size of the explosion, but at the fact that it came from the supposedly ‘healthy’ twin. “Woah…. Bless you, Hikaru. I hope you aren’t coming down with something yourself.” She regained her chill, relaxed attitude, this time her smart-alec voice hinting at a more joking expression.


“ ‘M fine.” He shrugged, making sure not to drop Kaoru at the force of the explosion. Unsurprisingly, with a loud noise like that, Kaoru stirred, but to Hikaru’s relief he stayed asleep. He gave Haruhi a goodbye wave, and she simply rolled her eyes and replied with an irritated ‘whatever’. Hikaru told himself he could care for Kaoru himself. That he needed him. Deep down, however, Hikaru knew that he wanted Haruhi’s help… he wanted her to help care for Kaoru, make some “commoner’s soup” and please everyone with her presence… Maybe he just didn’t want her to get sick. He simply left it at that thought.


With that, Hikaru and Kaoru were on their way home. Hikaru pulled Kaoru in closer, making sure not to drop him. He was getting pretty tired of carrying him… probably because of everything that happened today. He shivered, but not because of all the rush that had just happened. His nose twitched with the sudden need to sneeze, and although he blamed it on dust, the following outburst was noticeably congested. “Hah! HYY’IGGKKSHHUH! HAH’SHHH’UH! Huh’g! Ngg! HH’GGTTSHAHH!”


Kaoru gave a waking hum, and once again stirred, leaving Hikaru nearly terrified to feel his twin moving against his waist. He prayed that Kaoru was just moving a little, and that he would get back to sleep soon, but he mentally kicked himself when he saw Kaoru’s hazel eyes flutter open.


“H-Hikaru?” He murmured, pulling his head up slowly, almost painfully. “Did you just-?”


“Shut up.” Hikaru responded blankly, still upset with himself for waking the sick twin. No doubt Kaoru could see what was going on in his mind, but Hikaru didn’t care. Unlike Kaoru, there was nothing he needed to hide.


“Are you… sure you’re okay? I mean, y’know how fast germs can spread between us…” This was true, for the connection between the twins was so strong it was almost magical. Whenever one twin got sick, it could only take minutes for the virus to spread to the other twin. More often than not, one twin would catch the other twin’s cold before it even fully developed. Never once had one twin suffered through illness without the other eventually catching it.


“It was probably dust.” Hikaru shrugged, knowing very well that his brother needed him at the moment, and that he couldn’t get sick on him now. He didn’t even want to consider the possibility that he could be catching the other twin’s cold… He didn’t want to copy him, not when he felt so horrible.


Kaoru shrugged. He didn’t want to get into an argument with his brother now, not when he was sure he didn’t have the energy. He closed his eyes when he felt Hikaru’s cool hand rest against his feverish forehead, sighing in relief. “Your fever’s gone down.” Hikaru broke the silence with a simple statement. “It’s still pretty high though, we need to get you to bed.”


Kaoru attempted to worm his way out of Hikaru’s arms. It was a difficult task, Hikaru’s grip tightened when he felt Kaoru trying to get out, but Kaoru was determined to walk home himself. He didn’t want Hikaru doing too much for him, especially when he was maybe coming down with Kaoru’s cold himself. “Hey, stop squirming!” Hikaru attempted to grab Kaoru back when he finally managed to escape.


“I can walk myself.” This statement was almost disapproved when he nearly toppled over, grabbing onto the older twin’s arm for balance. “H’rnsxchh!Kaoru sneezed openly onto the floor below him. Without a word, Hikaru draped one of Kaoru’s arms around his shoulders.


Kaoru felt so much safer in Hikaru’s presence. He felt so relaxed, and calm, he could almost fall asleep right now, if he wanted to. But he didn’t want to, he wanted to stay awake for the sake of him and his brother. He was glad to have stayed awake when the two of them had come to a sudden halt so that Hikaru could hack up a metaphorical lung.


“Hm… And I suppose it’s just dust that’s making you cough like that?” Kaoru smirked.


“Shut-” Hikaru paused so that he could give a couple more hoarse, congested rasps and attempt to continue denying illness. “-Up.”


Kaoru lifted his other hand and cupped it over Hikaru’s forehead. “You have a fever too.” He noted. Hikaru barely had the energy to fight with Kaoru at this moment, so when Kaoru pulled him down so they could both sit on the floor, he didn’t protest. He practically fell into the younger brother’s lap with a sigh, and closed his eyes tiredly. “I’m dying, Kaoru.”


“I’m sure that’s not true, but some rest would do the both of us some good.” He stroked the older twin’s hair, and as his brother’s nostrils twitched, he turned away while his did the same.



“H’GSSH’UOO!” The sneezes were perfectly timed, perfectly in sync, just like always. Hikaru couldn’t help but smile. A few minutes ago Hikaru was beyond worried about his brother, and here he was, lying helplessly in his lap.


Something was missing.


He knew the two couldn’t take care of each other if they were both sick… so… he honestly wished he had accepted Haruhi’s help.


Since Haruhi had joined the host club, two thoughts had crossed their minds that would have never even occurred to them if they hadn’t joined the host club.


One) There were more people than just them.


Before the twins joined the host club, before they met Tamaki and the gang, there was no one else except them. Everyone else was just outsiders to them… just more people walking around them.


All that changed when they joined the host club. They actually made friends other than themselves, and they actually saw more people in the world.


Two) They were both different people.


Before Haruhi, each twin was only one half of a person. Hikaru wasn’t Hikaru without Kaoru, and Kaoru wasn’t Kaoru without Hikaru. Together they made up one person. Even after they opened the door to music room 3… even after they joined the host club, they still seemed to be one conjoined being. Those who requested them didn’t really get a two for one, the two of them were practically one person.


That changed when Haruhi came along. She could tell the difference between them… She actually let them know that they didn’t share a brain, that they were two individual beings and that they weren’t exactly the same. However, when ARAI came… Oh, that jerk nearly completely separated them! For once, Hikaru felt differently about a person than Kaoru did… and when Hikaru and Haruhi went on a date, it wasn’t ‘both twins feel some way about other people’ anymore, it was ‘one twin feels some way towards the other, and vice versa’.


So, almost reluctantly, Hikaru snapped open his cell phone….


And dialed Haruhi’s number.


----Thank you for reading, I’m not sure if I’m just going to end it there or write more, so maybe you guys could tell me! Thankksss!----


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Awwwww twins taking care of each other! <3  So precious.  I love how determined Hikaru is to be independent and take care of his brother, while at the same time being helpless and in internal crisis, AND coming down with it himself.  It's interesting to watch him come to terms with everything Haruhi has changed and made them think about, and seeing him strive to be his own person while still loving his brother unconditionally.  

It was so cute to watch Hikaru adamantly push through his developing systems, and then give in all at once like "I think I'm dying."  XD Hahaha, rational Kaoru to the rescue.  I also really love how different each of their spellings are, especially when one of the central themes of your fic is about them being two different people; it works really well (and of course, interesting spellings are always awesome).  Oh and also AGHFKADLFKDA that part where Hikaru has Kaoru's arm around his shoulder and is helping him walk YAS that is one of my favorite things!! ^.^ 

My philosophy is, as long as there is still story to write, keep writing it!  So I say give in to your inspiration. :)  Awesome work! 

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15 minutes ago, alias said:

Awwwww twins taking care of each other! <3  So precious.  I love how determined Hikaru is to be independent and take care of his brother, while at the same time being helpless and in internal crisis, AND coming down with it himself.  It's interesting to watch him come to terms with everything Haruhi has changed and made them think about, and seeing him strive to be his own person while still loving his brother unconditionally.  

It was so cute to watch Hikaru adamantly push through his developing systems, and then give in all at once like "I think I'm dying."  XD Hahaha, rational Kaoru to the rescue.  I also really love how different each of their spellings are, especially when one of the central themes of your fic is about them being two different people; it works really well (and of course, interesting spellings are always awesome).  Oh and also AGHFKADLFKDA that part where Hikaru has Kaoru's arm around his shoulder and is helping him walk YAS that is one of my favorite things!! ^.^ 

My philosophy is, as long as there is still story to write, keep writing it!  So I say give in to your inspiration. :)  Awesome work! 



THIS MADE ME DIE OF HAPPINESS :rollfast:I'm guessing that that last sentence means I should continue it.... SO OKAY!!! It'll probably fall somewhere near last on my priorities list, though, I promised people lots of requests :lol:


(I love you)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/30/2017 at 11:12 AM, alias said:

My philosophy is, as long as there is still story to write, keep writing it!  So I say give in to your inspiration. :)  Awesome work! 

Okayyy, yeahh.... I probably won't continue this... BUT I WILL EVENTUALLY IF I HAVE TIME. Because right now I watched the show that is your profile pic and signature. Soo... *instantly starts writing stuff with Dazai to get senpai you to love me  notice me*

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  • 3 months later...
16 hours ago, Pheonix_Mandrill said:

It's a "twinfection" (Ba dum crash) This was really good though! Loved it! 

Oh wow thank you!! I just got back from the hospital so now I am able to make all da ouran fics again!!

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