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Silver Linings and Black Handkerchiefs - a LUCIFER FanFic


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Okay....I'm in LOVE with the show Lucifer on FOX...and I had this idea spark my mind...I plan to update, of course...working on more of the characters...but here goes:

Silver Lining - Lucifer tries to convince Chloe Decker that she should be incredibly grateful for his assistance...or was it the other way around? With a murder in Acer Park leaving more questions than answers, a young writer might be of use to the two...





Silver Lining-- A Lucifer Fanfic


“Just hold it back a little longer!” Lucifer hissed at the new accomplice, both of them ducking behind a stack of wooden crates with “Cody’s Crab Crib” etched on the side. The image of a crab wearing a shiny gold necklace around what would be his neck seemed somewhat disturbing. Lucifer peeked over one of the crates and noticed the trade going through, just like he suggested earlier. He knew there was something off about the bling wearing crustacean’s home! “The detective will be here with backup any---”


“Hegehh...y-you don’t uhh...hhuuhnderstand!” Jessica hitched, her nose twitching as allergy tears started to form as she desperately tried to search for her handkerchief. “The luhh--huhh--longer I h-huuh! Huh!! Hold back… the buhh---bigger it...ihhh...Hehh...Hahh...O-oh, Gah!! Hhhih! God---”


“Trust me, my father has nothing to do with---”



Lucifer froze as he stared in marvel at the petite body giving off such a massively loud sounding sneeze. He was too much shock to notice the men already at their location, guns pointed at their heads. When it was too late, he looked to Jessica and sighed. "Bless you.”



*Three Days Earlier*




“--and not once has the Detective said anything about any kind of appreciation to me and my assistance,” Lucifer groaned. Doctor Linda Martin, certified psychologist, sat across from her regularly visited patient, her face showing no emotion.


“You--I know she says thank you,” Linda sighed. “She says it to everyone. The real question is...have you said anything?” The Doctor wanted to teach him to be a bit more thankful, especially to their mutual friend, Detective Chloe Decker. “You always seem to look at the glass half empty, save for a couple sexual jokes here and there--”


“Oh, who said any of them were jokes?”


“You need,” she ignored his usual comments, “to look at the silver lining in life. Take a look around at your life...and look at the bright side...look at the things that make you thankful.”


Lucifer blinked. “You’re right,” he stated, standing up.


Linda blinked in confusion. “I...I am? I mean, of course--”


“I need to show the Detective that she needs to be more appreciative of me!” he said. “Teach her the silver lining...thank you, as always Doctor!” he exclaimed as he hurried out of the room.


As he walked outside to his car, his eyes spotted a store across the way that was selling new cologne. “Oh, speak of the me…” He grinned as he saw the new cologne was indeed called Silver Lining. Determined, he walked into the new store and bought a bottle. It was a silver bottle that was  in the shape of a cloud (Oh humans and their corny ideas), and smelled like...hmm...he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but it smelled good. He spritzed a few sprays of the new scent on himself before getting into his car and driving off. Just then, his phone rang. He grinned when he saw whose name appeared on caller ID.


“Detective,” he greeted cheerfully. “I was just thinking of you--and no, not in the way you dream about---”


Lucifer, I need you to get to Acer Park...we have a case.” Detective Chloe Decker’s voice was soft yet urgent, something he always liked about her.


“On my way, love.”


“And don’t run through anymore red light---”


“A bit late for that...Three lights late to be exact,” he said, passing through his third red light as he hung up his phone.

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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omg I love lucifer too!! I watched the season finale today and dammn I was so shook :lol: 

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The season finale hasn't struck here yet... According to IMDB, the last episode is Mr and Mrs Mazikeen Smith... I've only seen up to The Good, The Bad, and the Crispy lol



But man I do love me some Lucifer... I'll post more soon. 

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I'm going to put my hands up and say I have never watched any of the show, but... 

9 hours ago, HideAndGoSneeze said:

Lucifer froze as he stared in marvel at the petite body giving off such a massively loud sounding sneeze. He was too much shock to notice the men already at their location, guns pointed at their heads.

...yep, I think this would be me too :D 

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I thought this was supernatural for a second, and it confused me, but then I realized it :rollfast: Nice story anyway!

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As promised, here is the next section... I have to say, I enjoyed making the Dark Lord himself sneeze ;) *blushes* I hope you enjoy this...more comments gives me more motivation and courage to post more!! :D


Lucifer made it to Acer Park - minus the six red lights he ran altogether - and headed to the tacky yet efficient yellow banners that said “CRIME SCENE: DO NOT CROSS” over and over. He stopped in his tracks when a sudden tickle entered his left nostril, causing them to flare ever-so-slightly. Grabbing his silk black handkerchief, he braced himself for what humans called a nasal release. “HURESCHOO!” The cool silk felt nice against his twitching nostrils, as he felt yet another sneeze sneaking up. “Huhh...HURESCHOO!! Bollocks, how can anyone--?” he muttered, wiping his nose.


“God bless you,” a voice said. He raised an eyebrow and turned to see a small woman, up to the height of his shoulder, with her brown hair in a messy ponytail/bun. He didn’t notice that first...what he noticed were her electric blue eyes hiding behind black rimmed glasses. As a matter of fact, her blue eyes made it hard to notice the other bystanders.


“Oh no, he’s done plenty,” Lucifer stated matter-of-factly, holding his hand up in objection, “trust me.” He never understood why everyone needed to mention his father in practically everything...a sneeze...a stressful moment...during--well, his favorite extracurricular activity…


“Lucifer, you’re here.” Detective Chloe Decker said as she was just leaving the crime scene. She eyed the black handkerchief close to his nose. “Allergies?”


“What? Don’t be ridiculous,” Lucifer scoffed. “The Dark Lord does nuhh--huh--not...HURESCHOO! Ugh, bloody hell---don’t even THINK about saying my dad’s name again, specs!” he pointed to the the girl with electric blue eyes who blessed him earlier.

“N-no..I was just gonna say, ‘make a wish’,” she explained. When he raised his eyebrow, she blushed and, after brushing some imaginary strands behind her ear, she explained. “When...when you sneeze three times, it means the Devil is close by...so…”


“Oh, trust me love…” Lucifer inched closer to the girl until his lips were close to the ridge of her ear, “he’s much closer than you think.” As he walked away, he could hear the girl stifle her own sneezes. It was cute, he had to admit. Clearing his throat, he glanced to Chloe. “Detective, did we find anything?”


“Yes, I did. The deceased was named John Richardson. Cause of death looks like a stroke, but Ella is going to take a thorough look at everything. He worked at the library not far from here...we’re gonna check it out and see if any--anything---I’m sorry, what is that horrible smell?” Chloe scrunched her nose as she smelled Lucifer’s jacket, then retracted away quickly.


“Oh, you like it? It’s Silver Lining,” Lucifer held out the bottle he plucked out of his inside pocket. “Yes, Silver lining... like...appreciations, the bright side of things...like how you need me.”


Detective Decker chuckled dryly. “I need you?”


“Well...wuhh..well yeh--oh bloody HUH---HURESCHOOO!!” He released the sneaky sneeze in his handkerchief just in time.


“God bless--”

“Don’t say it!” Lucifer held a finger up to the detective, stopping her mid sentence as they entered the library.

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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Great story so far! I think you captured the characters very well. It's pretty obvious what Lucifer(and the other girl) is reacting to, but I wonder how long it will take him to figure it out. Hopefully, not too soon...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you all for your patience!!! Here is the next installment of this LUCIFER fanfic!! <3


Lucifer and Detective Decker walked into the library. Lucifer didn’t bother noticing the detective placing her phone on silent; instead, he was staring at the truck that could be seen through the library window.


“Cody’s Crab Crib?” He quoted in disbelief as he stared at the small crustacean with bling--yes, bling-- on what would be his neck. “I can’t imagine anyone eating there.”


Detective Decker, ignoring Lucifer’s comments, began talking to the librarian. Lucifer was about to make a suggestion having to do with one of the aisles and tight spaces when a familiar sound pulled his attention.


“Hehh...hihh...hih-CHMPF! CHHMPF!”


Turning to the source, he raised an eyebrow when he recognized the girl who blessed him earlier at the crime scene.


“Usually the culprit returns to the crime scene..maybe…?” Lucifer quietly walked up to the young girl with the electric blue eyes as she dabbed her reddened nose with a tissue. “Hello again, lovely.”


The girl looked up, and color rushed to her cheeks as a genuine surprised look was on her face. “Oh! Huhh--heh--hell--Hahh--” her hands were raised to her face, tissue ready to catch the sneeze. Her eyelids fluttered, and she continued to hitch, but nothing came out. As she lowered her hands slowly, she looked to Lucifer, an apologetic smile on her face, which suddenly dropped as she gave an explosive, “HEH-CHOO!!”


“Dad Bless You. Yes, like you said, I’m very close by,” Lucifer said as she blew her nose.


“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you...what?” she asked. Lucifer sat down in the chair next to the young girl, wrapping an arm around her.


“Sorry, I never properly introduced myself.” His nose began to twitch suddenly, as he fought the oncoming sneeze. “I’m..I’m Lu--hoo---” Knowing it was no use, he grabbed his silk black handkerchief, and held it to his nose.  “Lucifehh...heh...HUH….HURESCHOOO!!”




“HURESCHOO!! HEACHOOO!! Bloddy Hell! That’s never happened to me before!” He complained,rubbing his nose with the silk cloth.


“God Bless Y--”


“Yes, Yes, you can keep dear ol’ dad’s blessings...what I want...is your name.”


The young girl blinked. “Oh...I’m Jessica.”


Lucifer tucked his handkerchief away, sure that his appendage would not cause anymore trouble. “That’s a beautiful name. Now, you were at the crime scene...now you’re here? Is that a coincidence?”


“Well, I always come to the library. And John--”


“Oh, so you knew the man? Maybe you knew him too well? Hmm?”


Jessica blinked in confusion. “Uh...I’m sorry, I don’t--”


“You love him? He didn’t love you? Though I don’t know who wouldn’t get lost in those..deep oceans in your eyes,” Lucifer leaned in closer to the young girl, their eyes locked. “Tell me...Jessica...what do you desire?”


Jessica gazed at Lucifer, her eyes glazed over. “What...do I...heh..desire?”


“Yes, yes, tell me what you need!”


“I...I need…” Lucifer didn’t notice the slight flaring of her nostrils as he inched closer, the slight hitch in her breath.. “I nee...need...I need to...to...heh--heh--HEH-CHMPF!!

CHMPF!! HEH-CHOO!!” Jessica caught the sneezes in what was left of her tissue before throwing it in the trash.


“Bless you. My, you are the sneezy one.” Lucifer observed. He finally noted the twitching occuring in her nose once again. “Good Dad, you’ve got more?! Well, wait--wait---here! I’ve got a spare!” he quickly handed her the other black handkerchief he kept--still new, not touched...until..


“HEACHOO! HAH-CHOO! It...it’s your puh--huh--”


“Well, it’s probably the dust in this place. I don’t know--”




“--what you humans see in---”




“--libraries. They’re so boring, so dull..unless you’re here after hours, you know what I mean?”


Jessica raised an eyebrow at him, and shook her head ‘no’ while the handkerchief was still over her mouth and nose.


“You don’t? Oh, well! Perhaps I should educate--”


“Lucifer!” Detective Decker cut into the conversation. “You will not be taking her anywhere, but the precinct.”


“Oh? Why is that?”


“Because,” she looked at the girl as she blew her nose. “He was last seen with her, which makes her our primary suspect.”

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