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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Nowhere Else (Lin-Manuel Miranda RPF)


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*waves shyly* Hi! I've been lurking here forever now but finally got the nerve to join, because I've really gotten back into writing lately and want to share and hopefully make some people happy!  This is my first piece of writing I've ever posted somewhere, I'm sorry there's not a lot of sneezing, but I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: sadly, I don't own LMM

You hurried back into the bedroom as you heard the rustling of blankets signaling Lin was finally awake. He'd been nursing the beginnings of a nasty head cold for several days now, and it had finally hit him full force. Him being the stubborn workaholic that he is refused to take it easy yesterday and fell asleep almost immediately after getting home from work. You managed to take his temperature (100, not good, but not as bad as you expected-Lin tended to run high fevers when under the weather) and get some cough syrup in him before he was out cold for the night. 


As you entered the room, Lin struggled to sit up, the effort making him choke on his breath and starting a painful sounding coughing fit. Sitting down on the bed next to him, you rubbed a hand up and down his back trying to settle him.


"(Y/N)?", he croaked, voice nasally and nearly gone from all the coughing he'd been doing lately. He looked over to you with weary, tired eyes, sniffling as he dragged a wrist under his runny nose.


"Yes love?" You replied softly, running a hand through his tangled, slightly sweaty hair.


"Will you lay with me? I'm cold and bed is so lonely without you here."


"Just a moment dear, okay?" you said, edging off the bed. "We need to get some more medicine into you, you feel warmer than last night. I'll be right back, just lay down."


With that, Lin, already looking drained just from the few minutes of sitting up and talking, gingerly lowered himself back onto his mountain of pillows as you went back into the kitchen, filling a glass with water and grabbing the box of NyQuil, along with tissues, cough drops, and Lin's favorite throw blanket from off his chair in the living room. 


"Sweetie?" You asked, shaking Lin's shoulder, seeing as he'd dozed off already "I need you to wake up so you can take these, okay? You can go right back to sleep after."


Big brown eyes slowly blinked open and Lin offered you a sleepy, yet painful looking smile. Whenever Lin got sick, the pressure in his sinuses caused terrible headaches that radiated into his face and neck, and clearly this time was no exception.  You kissed his forehead as you looped an arm around his shoulders to help him sit up. Obediently, he held out a shaky hand for the pills, and swallowed them without complaint, only a grimace as they scrapped against his sore throat.


"Lay with me please?" he whispered as he laid back and snuggled further under the covers, pulling them up to his chin.  


You just smiled and shook your head at him, walking around to your side of the bed and getting in. Immediately Lin scooted over to press up against you, and you could feel the heat radiating off his body as well as the shivers that wracked his small frame every few seconds. You throw your arm around his waist and plant a kiss on his red, raw nose.  He coughs roughly a few times into your shoulder, and you gently rub his back until he quiets, continuing like this for a while as his breathing begins to even out.


Just as you're about to drift off yourself, you open your eyes one more time to check on Lin. As you watch him lovingly, you see his reddened nose start to twitch.  His breath hitches a few times and..




You grin as Lin snuffles and tugs the blankets up higher, the sleep he so desperately needs undisturbed by that sleepy sneeze stifled into his pillow. You pull him closer once again, planting one more kiss to his fevered brow before drifting off yourself, and there's nowhere else you'd rather be. 


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Omg! This is great! I adore lin and this fits him amazingly!

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I wasn't planning on continuing this, but after Lin tweeting this morning about how he has a cold right now, I couldn't resist. As always, I hope you guys enjoy! 

Disclaimer: I still don't own Lin-Manuel :(

When you awoke, sunlight was streaming through the windows, and you noticed the other side of the bed was empty.  You pushed yourself out of bed and padded to the kitchen, where you found Lin, blanket wrapped around his shoulders, face pale, bustling around the kitchen making tea. You sneak in and sit down at the table, and sit back to watch Lin work, a worried expression crossing your face at his near constant sniffling and coughing.  You reach behind you, grabbing the tissue box off the counter, placing it at Lin's spot at the table, it sounds like he needs it. 

Finishing up, Lin turns to take a seat, looking startled when he sees you there. "When'd you get here?" he asks, setting the mug down and pawing at his nose with the other. It didn't seem possible, but his voice sounded even worse than last night- just listening to him made your throat hurt. 


"A few minutes ago", you replied. "Why didn't you wake me up?"


"You looked..." he paused to grab a tissue from the box. Het-CHUHH!  


He sniffles wetly a few times then continued "you looked so peaceful, I didn't wadda andoy you". Wrinkling his nose at the congestion in his voice, Lin turned away from you, blowing his nose forcefully. 


You reach out to check his temperature, frowning at the burning fever you can still feel. "Bless you. Come on love, lets get you to the couch okay?"


Lin nods, standing up shakily. You know he's feeling poorly when he doesn't protest your coming to wrap an arm around his waist to steady him. Rather, he just loops his arm over your shoulder and let's some of his weight sag onto you. You press a kiss to his temple, guide him into the living room and gently lower him down onto the couch. 


"Hey (Y/N)?" Lin whispers. 


"Yes honey?" You ask, rearranging the blankets over him and smoothing down his hair.  You look over, waiting for a response, and instead see Lin, tissue in hand, nostrils flaring, clearly struggling to sneeze. 


heh...ehh.. "Ugh ids studck!" Lin explains, scrubbing furiously at his nose. You reach a hand over to lightly trace a finger under his itchy nose, knowing this always puts the tickle over the edge.  Lin's head rears back, eyes falling shut as he brings the tissue to his nose.


HESHOOO! ehh-HesUHH! CHEW!! heh-heh-huSHEW!


You grab another tissue and gently wipe Lin's runny nose, blushing at the sheepish smile he gives you. 


"Thadk you for taking care of be (Y/N). You're the best"


You return his smile, sitting down on the couch and pulling Lin down so that he's laying in your lap. You stroke Lin's cheek and fight to bite back a giggle when he nuzzles into your hand.  Wrapping your arms around Lin, you kiss his head once more as he goes limp in your arms, drifting off to sleep, and you wonder how you got so lucky to have him.  


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:drool:wow! I love that you continued! This is so perfect!

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