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Five Times L's Immune System Failed and One Time He Wished It Did


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I think the title's pretty self-explanatory haha. For this first part, it mentions little kids being sick, but only in that they're sick and L takes care of them. I didn't describe anything for them, only for L, who at that point was 18. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy (and that I wasn't too OOC)! (And, yes, the ages mentioned are correct for being set seven years before Death Note began.)


L was summoned back to Wammy's House because Mello and Near had fallen terribly ill and kept wondering where L was. They hadn't seen the 18-year-old man in a while, to be honest. It was clear that they missed him, even though Near hid it more than Mello.

L walked through the familiar halls, inspecting each detail as if he were trying to discover if any speck of paint had so much as chipped since his last visit. He slipped into the bedroom that the two boys shared. Both leapt to their feet and hugged the elder's legs.

"Hey," L said, chuckling. "I missed you. Did you miss me?" It was interesting to him that being in Wammy's House made him more, well... emotional. He was generally too broken and his social skills starved of use since he left the orphanage that he honestly didn't feel much for most people. Those from Wammy's House, though, they were family and he knew it.

"I missed you so much!" Mello replied.

"I missed you more than Mello did," Near retorted.

"Nuh-uh, I missed him the most!" Mello shot back.

"Near... Mello..." L said and the two children calmed down. "Now, I hear you two aren't feeling well. Is that true?" Two nods. "Well, don't worry. I have some free time, so I'm going to stay here and help take care of you both."

"Really?" Near asked, grinning.

"Yay!" Mello exclaimed.

Countless bowls of soup, tissue boxes, mugs of tea with honey, "d'you wanna try this new game Matt got with me?"s from Mello, and "d'you wanna help me? I'm tryin'a build a model of the Statue of Liberty with Lego"s from Near, and the boys were feeling better in no time. Unfortunately, L realized mid-intense video game battle that he wasn't really feeling his best. His eyelids were heavy (he slept the previous night, so he should've been fine!), his throat was a bit sore, and his nose was both stuffy and running like a faucet.

"Are you sick, L?" Near was the first to notice, even though L had only done so much as being heavy on his feet after he woke up, and this was evident by Mello whipping around to inspect L.

"Are you?" Mello chimed in.

"I-" L started, but his voice cut out. He cleared his throat. "I am, but I'll be finde." He rubbed at his nose absentmindedly.

"Aww, we're sorry for getting you sick!" Mello said. Ever the emotional eight-year-old, he looked almost like he was going to cry. But he hardly ever did that.

"Yeah," Near agreed.

"It's okay, I really don't mindd. Plus, sidnce I'm sick, I have an excuse to not go back to work, which mbeans I can stay with you guys," L explained. "Or I could be miserable out solvingg cases instead. Which is it?" He made his point accidentally by muffling a quick "hh'gtissh!" into a tissue (one of many to come).

"Stayyy!" Mello insisted.

"Please stay," Near joined in.

"Well, all right thend -- heh'shuhh! Ugh -- looks like I'm stayingg," L assured, smiling.

Countless boxes of tissue, mugs of tea with WAY too much honey, bowls soup that begrudgingly weren't sweet (he considered putting some of the honey in, but Near protested), "Near, come play video games with me and Matt and L!"s, "L, do you wanna play chess?"s paired with "Ndear, I hardly thingk that's fair. I'mb sigk, dond't mbake mbe suffer a debastadingg loss too"s, "L, can you tell us stories about the cases you've worked?"s paired with "Madtt, I dond't thingk that those are abbropriate for children -- ndo mbatter how indcredibly skilled at video gambes they are. How aboud a bedtimbe sdory indstead?"s (Matt had also caught the virus, probably from Mello), "L, do you wanna play soccer?"s paired with "Ndo, I'mb ndo mbatch for you ind soccer -- you're too good, how about tendis?"s with following "Nah, I suck at tennis!"s, "hah-hah! Ihhh'gtshoo! Hah-atschew!"s from L followed by a resounding chorus of "Bless you, L!"s with a slightly embarrassed "Thandks" in reply, and the boys were soon feeling better.

It was a shame when L left. Mello had tried to get him sick again (hoping he would stay) by borrowing some germs from a girl with a cold, but L had caught him and made him stop. L hesitated at the door. He looked back for one last time at the three boys, who all ran up to get a chance to be lifted up and hug him. L managed to hold all of them: eight-year-old Mello, eight-year-old Matt, and six-year-old Near -- he had Mello and Matt over one shoulder each, supported by his arms, while he held Near against his chest. Getting them down safely was harder then getting them into that position, but L managed it.

L sighed. "Goodbye -- I'll see you three again soon," he promised. One last wave to the almost-crying Mello, the stoic-acting-but-clearly-sad Near, and the averagely disappointed Matt, and L left.

Even though he was terribly sick (sicker than the other three ever got) and terribly weary, that was one of L's favorite memories.


90% of the reasons this fic exists is because I have a lot of feelings about L with Near, Mello, and Matt at Wammy's House, and also because I love the image of a red-nosed, sniffly L being a sweetie to said three boys and reading them bedtime stories and stuff. By the way, I know that L could have beaten them in what I mentioned (chess, soccer, video games), since not only is it my personal opinion that L's the smartest character from Death Note (biased, though, because I really love him), but also the other three are way too little to contend with him. That was just L being a sweetie like I mentioned.

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Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Precious boys!!!!! I love L and even though sick, still spent time with the boys.

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51 minutes ago, Arty said:

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Precious boys!!!!! I love L and even though sick, still spent time with the boys.

:) Glad you liked it! Thanks for commenting!!

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Omg, I've been on such a Death Note trip recently and honestly I've been dying for new content, so this piece was such a pleasant surprise! I love L so much and this was soooo cute! Please continue ?!

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On 5/31/2017 at 7:24 PM, Chickadee365 said:

Omg, I've been on such a Death Note trip recently and honestly I've been dying for new content, so this piece was such a pleasant surprise! I love L so much and this was soooo cute! Please continue ?!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I have also been on a Death Note trip recently -- I read all the existing sneezefics I could find, and there were way too few, so I'm working on fixing that. :D

And, continue, you say?...


Part Two:

Another time L's immune system was particularly annoyingly terrible was one Tuesday afternoon. L was on his way back to his hotel from inspecting an area where he believed Kira might have been. He honestly had been missing even more sleep than usual due to this case. He practically limped due to tiredness. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man approaching. He had a Rudolph-esque nose, weariness dragging him down, and a bundle of soaked tissues pressed against his nose. He was clearly ill. L simply passed by him, paying it no mind. As they grew near each other, the ailing man covered a volley of harsh coughs rather poorly into his fist, spraying germs all over L. L decided that surely his immune system, extremely sleep deprived or not, should be perfectly all right handling it.

The next day, L sniffled miserably into a wad of tissue. He blew his nose, ridding himself of as much congestion as he could. What he had to do next, he would really rather be able to speak clearly and avoid confusion. The Japanese police department listened intently to L's disguised voice as he was connected to them and detailed his theories regarding Kira.

L discretely sniffed a couple of times to prevent his nose from running without having to take the time and distraction to grab a tissue. This seemed to set off a slight tickle. Nothing much. Hardly noticeable. Still, since he preferred to not show weakness in front of his colleagues (after all, he was still perfectly all right to continue working), he scrubbed at his nose until the tickle had vanished. All was well. Until, being a rather stupid genius, he sniffed again, and the tickle came back with twice the effort.

"Kira is cle-hhh... clearly... hh," L's voice wavered slightly. He quickly turned off the microphone. He brought up his wrist to his nose. "Eh'ksshh! Ahh... ah'hitschoo!" He sneezed. He pawed at his nose with his wrist for a moment before turning his microphone back on.

"L? What's wrong? What happened?" One of the police officers asked. He would later learn it was Soichiro Yagami.

"It's nothing, I apologize for pausing. As I was saying, Kira is clearly --" Oh, no... "Ehh'shhhk! Itschuh!" Damn doubles. He didn't have a chance to cover his mouth or turn the microphone off that time. Meanwhile, the Japanese police department was thoroughly confused since, well, L had his voice disguiser on, and no one could really be sure what sneezes through that program really were.

"L... are you okay? What's going on? What was that?" Another police officer asked (he had not met Aizawa). L felt a rebellious blush rise steadily up his cheeks. He was glad that they could not see him.

"Yes, I'm quite all right. I'm afraid I'll have to apologize again for the... interruption. It's nothing you need concern yourselves with. Anyway, as I was saying..." The rest of the conversation went about as smooth as sandpaper. It didn't take the others long to be able to recognize L sneezing, L sniffling, and L coughing. To be honest, it was pretty clear even through the voice disguiser, but they considered L as a god, almost. It was hard to be reminded that he was human, that he could get sick. It was strange.

"L, are you feeling okay?" A third police officer asked (of course, it's always Matsuda who asks the stupid questions). L glared at the screen of his laptop.

"Yes, I'm perfectly all right, now -- heh... heh... heh'ustchoo!"

"Bless you!" The same idiot chimed in. L wanted to chide him for being such a fool. It was obvious that L wished to pretend that his illness didn't exist, that he didn't want to appear weak in front of (not literally of course) the police department. L sighed.

"Thanks..." L replied haltingly. Begrudgingly. He resumed describing his thoughts on the case, only to be distracted a few seconds later. It seemed that the itch in his nose wasn't done yet. "K-Kira... huh... i-is... K-hihhh..." And worst of all, the sneeze wouldn't come. "Heh... hih!... Nn." L managed to stop the itch by rubbing his nose violently.

"Bless you!" By thanking Matsuda for blessing him, it seemed to have encouraged the dim-witted detective to continue doing it. L resisted the urge to snap at him, but didn't have a chance since being blessed somehow managed to unlock his sneeze.

"Hahhh... ischuh! H'gtssh! Hah'astchuh!" ... Or three. He involuntarily groaned afterwards. He didn't thank Matsuda ever again in these meetings. Unfortunately, it was too late -- it didn't deter the eager man from blessing him. Every. Single. Time.




I don't know, I just find the idea of L sneezing and being all embarrassed about it while (partially) due to the voice disguiser program, the Japanese police department's just like, "The HELL was that??" ... Anyway, I've been updating my Death Note fics fairly quickly (I have no life haha so I can usually update every few days if I have time), but the next couple of weeks, I'll be pretty busy. I'll be able to update during those weeks, but probably slower. Plus, I have a third Death Note fic I want to write (yes, it's also L, but I love him), so I have more things to write. Instead of being able to update everything once a week (or so), it'll probably be one fic a week. Just kind of wanted to explain that I'm definitely not abandoning anything, I'll just be busy for a bit, and then I can resume updating quickly.

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Ahhhh. I can see this happen to L. It would happen to him. Lol.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/3/2017 at 6:31 PM, Arty said:

Ahhhh. I can see this happen to L. It would happen to him. Lol.

Lol yeah I feel like L would be unlucky like that. Poor L.


 I'm almost done with the next part. It got really long though. I've been working on it for a while. Do you guys want me to just post part of it now and the rest later when I'm finished or do it all in one post in a bit? I still have a decent amount left (I'm SORRY -- I get really carried away). Also, it might be more readable in two posts. :laugh: It got really long... but I think it's turning out well.

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