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Are you sick Mommy? (OHSHC - Kyoya)


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On 6/1/2017 at 10:16 AM, RachTheCool said:

Great!! I'm very happy for that :D 

yknow, the "probably" is there because I might not end it there. I was thinking about maybe having a certain blonde-haired prince catch a certain shadow king's cold...

????? yes yes yes ?

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52 minutes ago, 2SHY222 said:

????? yes yes yes ?

Glad to hear you'd want that! I'll get started on it then!!!!

(By the way, I also finished my Haruhi fic if you did not notice)

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ahhhh another Ouran story! They're so cute together <3 I love it

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8 hours ago, lalaland~ said:

ahhhh another Ouran story! They're so cute together <3 I love it

Glad you enjoyed it 

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  • 3 weeks later...


Sorrryyyyy, I totally forgot about this thread and that I promised @2SHY222 an epilogue!!! So, without further ado, here it is!!!






Kyoya was sure there was something wrong with Tamaki even before he walked in the door. The Kingly host never missed a beat, never was late, never failed to satisfy the girls, so as soon as the time to start host club came, and he was even only a second late, Kyoya knew something was wrong.


Tamaki emerged from the doors mere seconds later, apologizing for being… ‘late’. Haruhi shrugged and notified him that he was only a few seconds late, and that it was completely fine, but to Kyoya this was not so. The moment Tamaki walked in, the moment Kyoya took one glimpse at his very slightly disheveled appearance and barely-pink-stained nose, he knew what was going on.


That idiot had come down with his cold.


Now, to prove his hypothesis, he had to get close enough to Tamaki to check for fever. Tamaki was a fool, and fools can’t catch colds. If Tamaki didn’t have a fever, then it was simply allergies. However, this was no easy task. Tamaki was constantly being smothered by other girls, so it was hard for him to get near him without being trampled by a stampede of loving girls. He also wanted to do it subtly, or simply wait for him to get worse, for no one seemed to notice that he was very slightly out of it at the moment, and he didn’t want to come out as strange if it was just a false alarm.


For now he simply observed. He observed him, with the two other girls he had his arms around. He needed to check if he was sick or not. Not that he was worried or anything, he just didn’t want that idiot spreading germs around if he was sick. That definitely wouldn’t do well for his business.


He slowly gathered his evidence. A slightly audible sniffle was his first piece of evidence. When he turned away from the girls to give a slight cough, that was his next piece of evidence. Slowly and secretively, he would gather more evidence until he had enough to prove a point.




A-ha! Kyoya thought as Tamaki bent forward, rubing the bridge of his nose with his index finger with a courteous ‘Excuse me’, A sneeze! That could be enough to prove my point! Kyoya reached out his hand to finally inform everyone that he was sick (and most likely contagious), but by the time his hand reached nearly ¼ of the distance from his face, a crowd of girls formed around him.


“Oh Bless you, Tamaki~”


“I hope you’re not coming down with a cold!”


“If you are then we’ll have to cure you!”


Tamaki rotated about 180 degrees around and caressed the last-girl-to-speak’s face. “You could cure me of a cold, or…” He paused for dramatic effect, pulling the girl in closer. “I could cure you of your lack of a man.”


As all the girls squealed at his clever flirt, Kyoya couldn’t help but smile at the way he managed to quickly pick himself back up and make the girls happy. It’s no wonder he was the most frequently requested host.




Kyoya was brought back to his surroundings when Tamaki turned over his shoulders to sneeze into the open air, pulling away from the girls. “Oh, ‘Scuze me, girls!” He apologized sheepishly, his face flushed with a nearly unmistakable cherry pink hue. The room chorused with the words ‘Bless you’ and the squeals of more girls. That’s it! This was Kyoya’s chance! He finally stepped forward and clamped a hand over his forehead.


“You’re burning up.” He narrowed his eyes, his voice low and emotionless. He shook his head, the words ‘You caught my cold, ya idiot’ written all over his face. He then looked to the crowd of girls with a warm smile. “Please excuse us girls, but I’m going to have to take Tamaki elsewhere. He’s going to need his rest.”


The girls nodded sympathetically, each smile ringing out with satisfaction and compassion. “Feel better, Tamaki!” One girl called out.


Kyoya dragged him into a spare room where he then set him on a seat somewhere in the room. As if saying ‘I really don’t want to be here, but I am somewhat concerned for your well-being’, he shoved a thermometer into his mouth and waited for it to beep.


“Goddammit, Tamaki!” He spat as he stared at the thermometer in his hands, “How is your fever higher than mine!?” Tamaki looked down apologetically in response to this, biting his bottom lip in what almost seemed like guilt. Kyoya shook his head, decidedly cutting him some slack. It wasn’t his fault, he guessed.


“You really should’ve told me you got sick from me.” He started quietly, pitifully holding back on scolding him too much. “You really shouldn’t be working like this, and-”


“You’ll take good care of me, right, Mommy?” Tamaki interrupted with an innocent and expectant smile.


Kyoya smirked, not in response, but in amusement. “Alright. I will.”



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2 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

*Squeals* ? Thank you soooo much. These two are my favorite. You are the best ?

Thank youu!! I am glad you enjoyed it :3

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YOOOOOO, I didn't expect you to write an epilogue for this one! :smile: Tamaki is so cute when he's the sick one (well, he's always cute, but still...), and I love over-protective, caring Kyoya. :inlove:  I LOVE it when guys turn away from other people to sneeze/sneeze into shoulders/etc., it's so cute!! TAMAKI!! :wubsmiley: Thank you so much for the extra content, Rach! This was such a cute story! :)

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14 hours ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

YOOOOOO, I didn't expect you to write an epilogue for this one! :smile: Tamaki is so cute when he's the sick one (well, he's always cute, but still...), and I love over-protective, caring Kyoya. :inlove:  I LOVE it when guys turn away from other people to sneeze/sneeze into shoulders/etc., it's so cute!! TAMAKI!! :wubsmiley: Thank you so much for the extra content, Rach! This was such a cute story! :)

WAHHHH!!! I am always happy to do epilouges and stuff like that! I love writing on these forums, You make me so happy!!! I will happily take requests for anything at all, whether it be drabbles, art, or fanfictions on here: 


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7 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

WAHHHH!!! I am always happy to do epilouges and stuff like that! I love writing on these forums, You make me so happy!!! I will happily take requests for anything at all, whether it be drabbles, art, or fanfictions on here:

Girl, I may have to take you up on that offer. :laugh: I don't know about you, but I've always been the type of writer that really enjoys getting requests; they keep me on track and make for fun challenges. :heart:

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3 hours ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

Girl, I may have to take you up on that offer. :laugh: I don't know about you, but I've always been the type of writer that really enjoys getting requests; they keep me on track and make for fun challenges. :heart:

Ohhhhhh!!! ME TOOO!!! I love getting requests, and then happily fulfilling them and watching the requester enjoy it!!!


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