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Light, Security Cameras, Action! (Death Note, L)


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(I'm so pleased with my title it's so lame but I actually love it haha.) Well, I've been obsessed with the anime Death Note for a little while now. And the muse struck me, it struck me hard... so I wrote this. This was shockingly easy and quick for me to write, but that's probably since it doesn't have a lot of dialogue, which I struggle with being in-character with (and I'm still kinda new to fanfiction, so I'm still learning). Anyway, this is L sneezing... Maybe Light later on, but we'll see. ;) Without further ado, here's my fic! This is set in the handcuff arc.

Lately, even the handcuffs linking them together showed no proof to L that Light was Kira -- or that he was not. It was all too open to consider. Light could genuinely be an innocent, hard-working man who strives to be a detective, or he could be a cruel, hard-working monster who strives to be a god. It wasn't clear enough, and L had to reduce the probability that Light was Kira to 0% before unchaining the younger man from himself. That would only happen when Kira was caught. All the evidence pointed to Light being Kira, except for the time he spent locked up in a cell. He had to be. He was, at one point, Kira... but was he still conscious of it?


L honestly didn't know the answer. It didn't help that they had fallen into as much of a rut as they could have when working to catch a mass murderer who could kill without needing be present, requiring only a name and a face to seal one's fate at whatever time he pleases. Nothing was new recently. Nothing surprised Light. Not one change in the routine happened. L needed something he hadn't seen Light react to before. Something to help him determine whether he was The Honest Man, The Supposed God, or The Detective With A Forgotten Past. L pondered this thought throughly.


What could I do?... How could I catch him in an act he couldn't have scripted yet? L thought. An idea came to the older detective. Considering it more, he deemed it an odd one. Would that really help? He could just put on another act if he were Kira... and it would distract me from the other aspects of the case... He decided it was worth a try. After all, he was childish and he hated losing. Light was Kira at one point. L was pretty sure. He just needed to find out if Light would respond in an uncaring manner or in that of a friend.


He needed to find out if Light was a true friend. Anyway, this wasn't the first time he had put on a play of his own to prompt a sympathetic response. However, L had never tried something quite like this before. He had, in the past, been required to fake a few sneezes -- an endeavor he was surprisingly adept at -- in order to excuse himself and a suspect from a room due to non-existent allergies. Rather allergies different from his own. The only allergies L had were to daisies. Oddly enough, he was hardly ever affected by most other species of flowers. Whatever the case, he had a plan...




The next day, L had his plot planned out, his script prepared, and a list of acceptable responses for Light at the ready. He started slowly in order to be sure if he ever tried this on a camera that wasn't meant for spying on suspects, but rather for television, he would win an Oscar. A few subtle nose rubs, a slightly more tired posture. After around 15 minutes of working on the case displaying only those conditions, he added a few new layers to his performance. He winced slightly -- only enough for one as observant as himself or Light to notice -- when swallowing his over-sweetened tea and cake, when Miss Amane was being her usual, obnoxiously loud self when she came in for a moment to see Light before getting chided for her actions and retreating back to her own floor of the building.


He could tell that Light was starting to take an interest in his act, but wasn't quite concerned yet. Good. L acted more exasperated and exhausted than he really was, including when Matsuda was being an idiot again (again) and all L did was sink into his knees in his chair further and tell the bumbling ex-police officer to be quiet. He even went so far as to alter his outfit and put a light, black jacket, claiming, "What?... It's cold in this room." That one earned him looks from all members of the task force for a few moments. Light was yet more intrigued, but not to the point of speech or evidence for or against him in L's eyes.


Then, to drive home the intention -- to sell out the theater and make it clear to those who less observant than Light the plot of the play -- he used a method he hadn't used before. He had earlier managed to have Watari slip him a pack of cayenne pepper while Misa had ambushed Light with an over-bearing bear hug, facing said suspect in the opposite direction. With the way he normally sat, L found his challenge an easy one. With his feet planted on the chair, knees up to his chin, it would be simple to not draw attention to himself -- especially as an added benefit of the jacket.


All he had to do was open the packet in his jacket and put some in his hand to transfer into his mouth while resting his head on his hand, while blocking the entire process with a combined effort of his legs and coat. This was done without raising any suspicion. He inhaled ever so slightly, and this sent him into a small coughing fit, once again training all eyes -- likely including those of Kira -- onto himself. He muffled the coughs into his jacket collar, but not before administering a dose of pepper to it. This was a step he had debated slightly, but it made the final cut. Carefully, he sniffed the pepper-covered fabric, using his hand that was pressed against it to block one nostril at a time, sending the particles up his nose. This induced a few more coughs. This, with the amount of pepper that had dissolved in his mouth, made his grey eyes water. Simultaneously, he felt the pepper irritate his nose, causing it to run. 


Seemingly ignoring the shocked faces around him -- so shocked, in fact, that they were rendered silent -- L rose. He plucked a tissue from across the room and returned to his seat. He had been watching Light this entire time. Examining his expression. The older man blew his nose and dabbed delicately at the edges. He had learned from a past incident (which was not intentional) that this would only help a bit. Resuming his position, and sneaking another sniff of the spice, he felt something hopeful stir in his now pinkish, recently-abused nose.


The tickle was a tantalizing one indeed. Especially since his nose did burn due to the pepper, and it was quite unpleasant. He let out a small breath, but the room was silent enough for it to be heard clearly. "Heh..." He sniffled, aggravating the itch. He had a surprisingly sensitive nose for the amount he allowed himself to actually sneeze. He gasped once more as the pepper relentlessly teased said poor, sensitive appendage. L wasn't sure how much longer he could hold on. To be accurate, he would have to hold the sneeze back a bit, but not to the point to where it was lost. He struggled against it for a moment.


"Huh-heh!" Silence. It seemed as if L had fought a bit too hard.  A few seconds later, however, and the teasing returned with reinforcements and finished him off. Even he would have wanted to, L could no longer stop it. "Heh! Heh! Hihhh-itschoo! Heh-huhstch! Heh-huh! Huh... Ngg," he sneezed, groaning not so intentionally at the end. He sniffled again, which unintentionally trigged a sudden "Heh-ishhhuhh!" Light was the first to speak, to L's interest.


"Ryuzaki... are you... feeling okay?" The seemingly concerned probable serial killer inquired. L sniffed once more, thankfully not producing a sneeze this time.


"Nn? Yes, I'm quite all right. Why do you ask?" L replied with flawless defensiveness and denial.


"You're sick, aren't you?" Light insisted.


"What brought you to that conclusion?" L asked innocently, tilting his head to the side in curiosity, forkful of cake hovering in front of his lips before entering  his mouth. He had never tried spiced strawberry cake before. It wasn't a very tasty situation.


"Well, for one, you were just sneezing and coughing a few moments ago, not to mention you've been more tired than usual today and I'm pretty sure you have a sore throat and a headache. And the jacket too -- since when was it cold in here?" Light explained his deduction. So he had been paying attention.


"Mm, yes, while that would tend to support your theory, I assure you I'm perfectly fine to continue working." L punctuated this with a few feigned coughs into his wrist, though he didn't take his eyes off of Light for a second. The rest of the task force that wasn't involved in an apparent staring competition exchanged uneasy looks.


"Ryuzaki, we need you on this case, at full health. If you're sure that you can work without getting any worse, we won't stop you. If you can't tell me that, then rest and free Light so we don't lose him too," Soichiro Yagami cut in.


"All right, that does seem fair. I reassure you all that I'm able to continue working right now... everyone good with that?" L responded, sounding happy and slightly encouraging at the end. Everyone nodded. Except for a few sniffs, L went back to serious at the moment. "Good... now let's catch Kira..."

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You know, I just realized that the title says "security cameras" when it should say "surveillance cameras." :rip:

Also, I'm not going to just do one section and then abandon this like I tend to do with stories because I can actually write this one. I have it planned out and I'm close to being done with the next part.

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Okay, here's part two! There'll probably be about five parts total. I'm having a lot of fun writing this -- hope you guys enjoy reading it! Anyway, part two:


L had kept up his facade in basically the same fashion for the rest of the day. He had switched out his jacket for a grey blanket. He was actually rather hot, to be honest, but he was cuddled innocently in his chair, staring at his friend/suspect and typing away at his computer. The blanket only added another layer of "I'm sick" to the detective, which was his intention. He had decided to actually sleep that night -- a rare decision indeed for L -- not mostly due to his new game, but because he needed to sleep sometime anyway. He was surprised he could sleep. You see, the reason he hardly slept wasn't because he was busy working. He wasn't immune to the effects of sleep deprivation, and it affected his work if he stayed awake for too long. He honestly couldn't sleep most of the time even when he tried. That night, however, he slumbered somewhat soundly (the usual nightmares were a bit gentler than they normally were), Light -- forced to be in his own bed by way of handcuffs -- working for another hour before dosing off himself.


When he awoke, L swallowed harshly. He had discovered that evidently coating your throat with pepper left it somewhat raw. He rolled over sleepily, though he overestimated how much room he had left on his bed, and ending up taking a bad landing on the floor. Light did not have good luck either. He had been sleeping. Their beds were near each other so that the handcuffs would allow them to be comfortable, but there was still a gap between them. Light, bound to the fallen L by said handcuffs, woke up just as he was yanked across his own bed. Light managed to fall as well and hit his head on L's bed, receiving an equally bad landing as L's.


Both men groaned. Light sprung to his feet -- and away from L's fake germs -- and regretted the action instantly, due to his head protesting. L, on the other hand, rose slowly, being more wise. L had hurt his side, arms, legs, and feet for sure -- L could remember hitting each of them, but he couldn't remember injuring his head, yet it throbbed with pain as well. Though he was usually quite chipper (compared to normal) after sleeping, this time L had to rest, sitting on his bed for a second, to recuperate. He sighed, wincing as he rubbed his head. He glanced over at Light.


"I'm sorry. Are you all right?" L said groggily, sleep slurring his words a bit even after the adrenaline of injury.


"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine, it's no problem," Light dismissed, more alert than L. "How are you feeling?" he asked. L deliberated on this question for a moment, although not long enough to be suspicious at all.


"My throat still hurts, but it's a little better than yesterday, I guess. I'm mostly the same otherwise," he answered, unintentionally telling the truth in this case. He sniffed and faked a sneeze into a cupped hand. "Hetshuhh!" He sniffed once more.


"You going to be okay working today?" Light asked, supposedly genuine worry slipping into his voice.


"I'll be fine," L decided after a moment.


"You sure?"


"Mm, yes." L paused to stretch. "Are you ready to go join the others?" he inquired. Light expressed visible surprise and concern at this, since L never asked Light where he wanted to go. He just left and Light was supposed to put up with it and follow.


"Uh -- yeah," Light stuttered. And so, the two left together to the other floor where the rest of the task force was working. L figured that the pepper and all of the snot it brought were to blame for his disinterest in having cake for breakfast. Even the thought of it seemed to twist his stomach. He settled on just coffee for now, although he didn't even put half as much sugar as usual into that. Light noticed this, as evident by his eyebrow's journey to the moon -- past, actually -- when he watched L put in only five sugar cubes. That wasn't planned to be part of L's act, but it added to it. Still, a couple hours passed with only the feigned illness from L and discussion about the case broke the silence.


Then, L felt something rising into his sinuses. He recoiled a bit, his eyes widening slightly, before the thought came to him that he shouldn't react that way. He simply hadn't been expected an, well, unexpected tickle. Light, your seemingly friendly neighborhood concerned puppy dog, of course, jumped on the moment.


"Ryuzaki, are you all right? What's wrong?" Light asked. L didn't get through much of his reply.


"I'm fi-hhh... I'm... heh! Hiiih-iztchuh! Ugh," L sneezed, genuinely sniffling afterwards. He cleared his throat. "I'm fine," he assured, rubbing his nose, though L noticed a bit of congestion in his voice. He snuffled and reached out a blanketed hand to grab a tissue, before finally uncovering his other hand to take the fluffy, cotton object and blow his nose with it. Tossing in this in the trash can, he returned to his comfy bundle of warmth. Okay, now L was actually, honestly cold. However, L simply passed over this thought and resumed stalking Light.


"Bless you."


The unplanned tickle in his nose had not returned, so he simply went back to occasionally faking one or two. He had decided to worsen his "illness" though, so the pepper returned. Pulling similar tricks was even easier with the blanket, which he had pulled up so that just his eyes were showing. Perhaps he applied a little too much pepper to his nose this time, since he immediately broke into an uncontrollable "*Hehh-hehshuhh! Heh-huh! Heh-hetschoo! Igtchhhoo!* Huh-uhhh... huhhh..." the sneezes tumbled out of him into his blanket, which fell down past his chin. Well, except for the last one, which was being stubborn. His eyes were unfocused, glazed with sneezy tears, and his red nose twitched like a rabbit's. After a few seconds of false starts, L sucked in a huge breath and "hitzzchuh!" a surprisingly high-pitched, desperate yet tiny, kitten-esque sneeze followed as his shoulders jerked and his floppy hair bounced. Light cracked a smile instantly.


L sniffled. "Whad?" he asked. Light just shook his head.


"It's nothing... Bless you. Anyway, so I w--" Light cut off suddenly when L started coughing again, harshly.


"Ryuzaki? Are you sure you're okay to work right now?" Matsuda queried once the ailing man had caught his breath.


"Yes," was L's terse reply. Another short cough and he rubbed his throat. "... But it'd be besd if I did so from my bedroomb."


"And what about Light?" Aizawa asked.


"I'mb afraid he'll have to combe with me," L answered simply. Light shot him a questioning glare.


"But I should stay with the others -- I'm a lot less good on a laptop separate from the other task force members," Light protested. "Plus, you'll get me sick," he added. Some of the others stood up straighter at that last statement and fixed their gazes on L, waiting.


"Yes, well that is a possibility, but as I'be said before, I canndot free you udntil Kira has been caughd," L insisted, placing the fingernail of his thumb in his mouth thoughtfully. All the other members of the task force argued, but L only ignored them and blew his nose. He held up a hand to silence them. "This is in the best interests of finding Kira, so no complaints." With that, he left, wrapping his blanket around himself and grabbing an extra tissue box, dragging Light behind him to their bedroom. Speaking of said bedroom, they had since pushed their beds together due to the morning incident.


Light paused typing on his laptop for a second to glance over at L on his bed."... I was thinking, Ryuzaki, why would Kira suddenly change from killing criminals to innocent (for businessmen at least) CEOs? Do you think... there's a third Kira?" Light suggested. Well, that was interesting to L to say the least. He hadn't told Light of his own theory along those lines. Light resumed typing, but soon abruptly stopped when he realized L hadn't said anything in reply. He turned to look at the older man, but found himself staring into L's eyes.


L sat only a few inches from Light. Well, approximately 3.75 inches. He gazed quizzically directly into the eyes of one Light Yagami whose Kira percentage had just risen to 68%. Now, if you had later asked L why he asked this next question, he wouldn't have had any answer for you. "Are you Kira, Light?"


Light simply closed his laptop, set it aside, and sat even closer facing L. He sighed. "Ryuzaki... I am not Kira. I swear to you," he said. He was trying to be gentle with L since he was sick. L noted this, though his analysis was inconclusive. He had more pressing matters to focus on anyway, like how Light's breath on his nose was starting to tickle the latter. L estimated a 98% chance that if he sneezed, he would be able to turn away first. This was becoming more important, grossness aside, since L had realized something (yes, he was still getting in Light's face, but he had to inspect his suspect closely!).


L had managed to actually get sick. At the beginning, it was just an act. He had since managed to actually catch a cold, though. His evidence for this was his sore throat, headache, increased sneezing (which he normally never did), increased coughing, actually being cold... He wasn't faking much of it anymore. He only briefly wondered how the cold had advanced so quickly. After all, L hardly slept, he had a horribly unhealthy diet, and he was extremely stressed, faced with the fact that his first and only friend (Watari and the other children from Wammy's House were family) was likely a megalomaniac psychopath who's killed thousands of people, and it was basically solely his job to test if "likely" was "definitely."


Anyway, 98% chance. It was fine. He probably wouldn't sneeze anyway, and he could hold it back (he had to do that multiple times previously due to circumstances where if his position was revealed or in one where he was face-to-face with a different psychopathic murderer, and if he displayed weakness, he'd be killed. As a side note, he still hates that one old lady who loved daisies). Yeah, 98% was plenty to continue.


"I don't believe you," L muttered. This provoked Light, which was partially what L was going for, and partially not. Light took a deep breath.


"*I... am not... Kira!!*" Light exclaimed, fury and frustration practically dripping from his voice. All right, more breathing brought L down to an 85%. When the brunette forcefully grabbed the shoulders of the detective and shook him gently, it was 70%. When he opted for a more gentle approach and grabbed his wrists in an accidentally-restraining manner, 40%. L was barely listening anymore, though he tried to, and he tried to keep his eyes open too, but that inevitably failed too. Something about proof that Light wasn't Kira. That was all L understood. "Heh... Light... l-let me go..." He pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, trying to stave off the sneeze. It didn't help. Then, Light gently pressed their foreheads together, as if it would make L comprehend what he was saying. However, when he did this, their noses brushed, tips touching ever so delicately and teasingly as Light shook slightly with anger. 0%.


L involuntarily took in a near-silent breath of air. His nose barely had time to twitch before his nostrils flared and he sneezed. "Ah'ktschhh! Isshoo!" Twice. Directly in Light's face. Light paused, stunned, but freed L from his grasp. L retreated a bit and yanking up the collar of his shirt, continued sneezing into it. "Itsch! Ishh! K'tchhh! N'shhh!" They were ticklish, little things, but L still had no control over them at this point. A silence, and then "i'kshhuh!" one last sneeze snuck out. He blinked his eyes, sniffling. He rather resembled a guilty child. The glassy eyes and stuffy nose didn't help this. Light clenched his fist once and then unclenched it. His jaw tightened, and he lowered his gaze.


Meanwhile, L blew his nose innocently, at the safer location of his own side of the bed. When Light looked up at L, his eyes had softened greatly. "Bless you." He moved closer to L. "You okay, Ryuzaki?" he asked, as if L was a delicate flower (if he were, you can bet he wouldn't be one of those damned daisies) and if he raised his voice again, he would crumble. L thought that if Light truly held this perception at that moment, he would avoid getting punched the face again, which would not help his headache. Also, L really didn't feel up to kicking Light in the face in retaliation.


"Yes, I suppose so," L replied, sniffling and rubbing his strawberry-shortcake-pink nose.


"I'm probably going to get sick, aren't I?" Light thought out loud.


"Yes, I believe that would be the case. Although, you would probably be infected just from being handcuffed to me anyway," L replied. "I'm sorry." He wasn't sure if he really was sorry though. Maybe if Light were still conscious of being Kira, he might slip up if he's distracted by illness. Not to mention the fact that there's only a 44% chance that the man sitting in front of him now was someone he should genuinely care about.


There was also another reason why L wanted Light to get sick. To be honest, L had a bit of a thing for sneezes. This was part of the reason why he hated others seeing him sneeze (he only allowed himself to recently because he wanted to sneeze in front of Light). That and the great detective L would not be felled or distracted by something as simple as a sneeze. Yet, he had to admit, his deductive capabilities decreased by as much as 50% percent when his allergies got too out of control (okay, fine, there were a few more things L was allergic to, but only mildly! It was only if you started combining many of these things together that it would illicit enough misery to halve his deductions). In fact, his allergies used to be worse when he was younger. That was part of the reason he still, as an adult, preferred to remain inside. He remembered times when Mello and Matt would play soccer while Near would attempt to stack twigs into an accurate model of the Eiffel Tower, and L only watched from inside.


Anyway, L had only seen Light sneeze twice this entire time, and he had stifled both times. L had still blushed a bit, perhaps -- sue him -- but he longed to see Light sneeze without stifling. And this cold would probably do it. And they were chained together, so L couldn't miss a single sneeze. He had become lost in his thoughts, but he snapped back to reality when he noticed Light looking increasingly worried.


"Ryuzaki?" Light prompted.




"Were you listening? I said you should get some sleep." Now that was a strange idea. L sleep two nights in a row? A rare occasion indeed. But, as L noticed his eyelids begging to be dragged closed and his body aching for rest, he gave up.


"Yes, I think I will, actually..." L murmured. He nestled himself under a mountain of blankets before turning to the other man for a moment. "Goodnight, Light." There was an unintentional amount of fondness in the words, though that was mostly due to sleepiness.


"Goodnight, Ryuzaki." Light decided to tell the other members of the task force that he would be going to bed so as to keep up his immune system so that he hopefully wouldn't catch L's cold. However, he already knew it was a lost cause. He looked over at L, who, despite being under the covers, was shivering slightly. Light sighed and moved closer to the older man, wrapping his arms around him.


"L-Light?" L stuttered in surprise.


"You're cold -- it's okay, I'm already getting sick. Don't worry about it." L didn't reply, as he had already fallen asleep. "Sweet dreams, Ryuzaki."





The cuddling might be a little OOC, but I really couldn't resist. I actually really want to write some of the events I've mentioned haha, like L trying not to sneeze while hiding and with that psychopath where he couldn't show weakness but due to some old lady who loved daisies, that was unfortunately difficult. Does anyone want me to do that? I'll definitely write one or both of them if you guys want me to. Otherwise, I'll probably just stick to finishing this and working on a few other ideas I have for Death Note sneezefics.

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aaaaaah oh.my god. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! L with little sneezes is my absolute favourite thing and im excited for this contagion that's just appeared (; (also light stifling is.perfect this is just everything I've ever wanted in a death note fic)

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Ahhh Karma sickness. ::weak::

You did a great job of writing their dialogue. I was really into it!

I loved the nose brushing. ^///^ ::moreweak:: It was super cute.

Thank you for going through the trouble of writing and sharing!!

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Oh, my gosh, your comments made my day!

10 hours ago, BringDylanTheHorizon said:

aaaaaah oh.my god. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! L with little sneezes is my absolute favourite thing and im excited for this contagion that's just appeared (; (also light stifling is.perfect this is just everything I've ever wanted in a death note fic)

 I couldn't resist giving L kitty sneezes. :wub: I really couldn't. Thank you so much for commenting, I'm glad you like it so far!!

5 hours ago, Bananagirl said:

Ahhh Karma sickness. ::weak::

You did a great job of writing their dialogue. I was really into it!

I loved the nose brushing. ^///^ ::moreweak:: It was super cute.

Thank you for going through the trouble of writing and sharing!!

I looove karma sickness (and I'm starting to believe in it since I swear I keep getting sick whenever I read/write sickfics!). Thank you for going through the trouble of commenting! :)

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Okay, here's part three! Probably shouldn't be posting it this late at night but, oh, well, haha.



Light awoke to a sore throat. Not so surprising. What did surprise him was a sudden noise from the other side of the bed.

"Ketchii! Ikshh! Ugh..."

"Mm, bless you, Ryuzaki," Light mumbled groggily, stirring slightly, though still half asleep.

"Bless me," L echoed softly, not fully awake yet himself. Light tried to return to his slumber, only to hear sniffs and then -- "Heh... Heh... uhh... heh-kisshhoo! At'schh!... Ndot agai-- hehshoo! Ihhh-hihshuh!" Another groan escaped the raven-haired man's lips.

"Bless y'... You 'kay?" Light slurred, still in the grips of sleep.

"I'mb finde." L sniffed and blew his nose. Light dozed off again. When he awoke, it seemed to be daytime. His eyes flickered open -- and when they did -- Light jumped back into a sitting up position against the headboard. None other than L was sitting perched over the previously-sleeping brunette, staring intently at him, as always.

"What are you doing?! Ryuzaki, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Light exclaimed. A silence followed where L tilted his head curiously. "Let me guess, that makes me Kira, doesn't it?" He sighed impatiently.

"Mm, perhaps," L responded vaguely. "Arrre you sick?" he asked in an almost childlike fashion. Suddenly, a hand bolted up to Light's nose.

"K'gnxt!" Light stifled a sneeze between two fingers, much to L's disappointment. "Xch!" He scrubbed at his nose. "Take a guess, detective," he grumbled.

"Bless you... Why do you stifle like that?" L inquired. He couldn't resist the question, yet he had several Kira theories regarding answers such as wanting be in control.

"What? N'gkt! Oh, that. I don't know, I guess it makes me a feel a bit less... infectious," Light replied, shrugging, no malice present, though the invitation was there in the word "infectious."

"Hmm... I see. How are you feeling?" L changed the subject in shyness.

"Well, aside from my nose, I'mb finde, I guess." Light emphasized this point by blowing his nose. "How about you? You look kind of flushed. You okay? Do you have a fever?"

"No, I don't. I'm perfectly all right." L really didn't want to say that it was due to the fact that Light was already sneezing, and eventually Light's going to get too tired to stifle, and then... L was officially glad he got Light sick.

"I guess I better tell the others we'll be staying in here for the rest of the day. I don't think it's worth it to expose the others to this, and we need to get better as quickly as we can so we can resume working on the case at full strength. I suggest that we just work from here," Light proposed.

"Yes, I think that's a good idea," L agreed. Light gave the message to the other task force members.

Although they had tried, the two barely got any work done. Both of their brilliant minds were foggy and they couldn't make it through the day without napping -- planned or accidentally dozing off. Not to mention that both had trouble going very long without sneezing.

Speaking of which, L's gaze shot over to Light as he seemed to be in the grips of one. Light's breath quivered tantalizingly for a moment, his eyes drifted over to L just a second before -- "Kn'gt!" Another stifle. L mentally sighed. "Ryuzaki, why do you keep looking at me?" Light asked. The question surprised L, since, well, L stared at him more than a teenage girl stared at her crush.

"I still suspect you to be Kira... I have to keep a close eye on you," L stated the obvious.

"No, no, I get that, but I meant when I sneeze," Light clarified. L blinked.

"What do you mean?" L prompted carefully.

"You keep looking at me whenever I sneeze. Why do you do that?" he queried.

"I don't believe that I do; my only reason is suspicion." *Of being ridiculously attractive and near-perfect if not perfect itself in every way...*

Light gave him a dubious glance. "... Anyway, have you found anything new?" he changed the subject.

"No, unfortunately not. However--..." L paused when he realized Light had stopped listening.

"Hihhh... hih-heh! Hihhhh'hastchuhhh! Ih'gtschoo! Ng..."

"... However, come look at this," L continued without missing a beat. He did note, though, that Light has stopped stifling after he seemed to suspect L of... did he know? If so, is this him saying, "I know. I'm fine with it, and I'm interested in you" or "you're weird, I'm going to tease you about it"? He hoped it was the former, but... he couldn't even prove that Light was Kira. It wasn't worth wasting his time figuring out whether or not Light approved of his quirks. Heck, it wasn't like his mind was functioning anyway. He hated being sick.


Light stirred himself from sleep with a harsh coughing fit. After it stopped, he groaned and looked over at L to see if he had woken the elder man. His eyes widened as he realized that L was... crying? Tears rolled down L's unusually-emotional face as he tossed and turned. His mouth hung open as if he would scream, wanted to scream, but it appeared that he couldn't or perhaps wouldn't. His breath seemed to shiver with him. Images flooded his mind. Beyond Birthday -- he imagined if BB killed him, tortured him. No. No, wait, that didn't happen, his mind seemed to say. What had happened? Ah, the first thing to come to his mind that had been real. It was even worse. He saw his parents dead. He saw -- bells.

He heard bells. He thought for a minute he heard someone call his name -- "L!" -- no, no, of course not. No one knew his real name, not anyone near there except for Watari. Wait, but he used "L" as an alias as well... did he? No. Yes. He wasn't sure. All he felt was -- no, not even fear anymore, not sadness, pain, regret, despair. He only felt the bells. They shook him to his very core. He could have sworn he actually felt himself being physically shaken. He thought again, he heard "-zaki!" As in, Ryuzaki? That wasn't his name. "L!!" No, okay, he was certain he heard that this time, barely audible, muffled by the bells. The voice sounded far off, like a lighthouse calling to a lost sailor. Whatever it was, it didn't seem to want to leave L alone. It was persistent. Suddenly, it tore L from unrestful sleep. He woke up with a hoarse gasp. His eyes were still too blurred from tears and sleep to see much.

"L... Light?" L asked.

"Yeah. Are you okay? You looked like you were having a hell of a nightmare," Light said. L sloppily yet delicately dragged his palms over his face repeatedly until all evidence of tears were gone. He sniffled.

"I'mb finde. This is adn average ndight when I sleep, usually," he murmured.

"Wait, this is normal?! But we've been handcuffed together for several ndights that you slept -- I think I would have remembered something like this happening," Light pointed out.

"Yes, but you were asleep before I was and woke afder I did, hendce you've rarely seend mbe actually asleep for a long period of timbe," L reminded.

"That's true... but what about last night? I'm pretty sure your shaking alone would have woken me -- I'm a pretty light sleeper -- pun not intended,“ Light pondered.

"... You helped," was L's terse response.

"Helped?" Light repeated in confusion.

"Your being ndext to me, armb around mbe... it makes me feel safe, so I have fewer and less... disturbing dreams," L explained.

"Oh." Light seemed to smile ever-so-slightly at that. "In that case..." Light reassumed his now official cuddling position with L. "I really don't mind doing this, and if it helps --"

"Light, you really dond't have to--"

"-- but I want to help. Come on, Ryuzaki."

"... Fine. Thangk you, Light," L breathed quietly.

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Sorry that not much actually happened in the last part. :blush: The next part will have more actual plot and fluff, because I'm a sucker for fluff. Also, I mentioned Beyond Birthday, but I haven't actually read the novel about BB yet, so I hope I didn't get it wrong since I was just going off of what I had come across accidentally on the internet.

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Aaaaaah that was so cute!! I love that light stopped stifling when he noticed L I wonder what'll happen next ;0 (i also wonder what would happen if light had a sneeze fit hmmmm)

But seriously this is super super good in love it lots ^^

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 6/1/2017 at 8:21 PM, BringDylanTheHorizon said:

Aaaaaah that was so cute!! I love that light stopped stifling when he noticed L I wonder what'll happen next ;0 (i also wonder what would happen if light had a sneeze fit hmmmm)

But seriously this is super super good in love it lots ^^

Thanks!! Glad you liked it! Wonder what will happen next? Wonder no longer! (Hmmm... Light with a sneezing fit, you say? Good idea... it might just show up later... Not this part, but the next part. ;))


If you're just looking for sneezes, sorry, but this next part I got a bit off track of it being a sneezefic haha sorry I just love Lawlight so... this part is mostly just pure Lawlight fanfic, but it still has a couple sneezes in it. NEXT PART AFTER THIS. WILL BE INTERESTING. I've never tried writing what I'm going to do for it before... hopefully it works out well lol. BUT I PROMISE. TONS OF SNEEZING IN THE NEXT PART AFTER THIS.


L drifted peacefully out of slumber. It hardly ever happened, but it was nice when it did. He was still wrapped in his own personal safety blanket of Light Yagami. He felt himself smile just a bit uncontrollably. Wait...


"Light?" L asked.


"Oh, you're awake!" Light exclaimed. L could tell that he had been awake for a while, but hadn't moved. He was trying to let L sleep as much as possible. That was nice of him -- assuming the man tangled up snugly with him right then was Light Yagami and only Light Yagami. L didn't want to think about though. He was groggy, sick, sniffly, and developing strong romantic feelings for one of the first times. L hadn't often gotten into real relationships... most thought he was too weird or too childish or too devoted to his work. L may have been all of those things, but he never deserved to be alone.


Alone. He commonly thought of that word. Some days it meant despair in isolation, and others it meant peace and quiet. L only ever officially dated once. And that was a special case. She was a special woman. For one, the entire structure of dating was usually quite poorly made. It could have been designed better. But she insisted on it. Gosh, that was so long ago. He had missed that feeling. The feeling of romantic love. Love? Was that what he's been feeling towards Light for the past while? Was that how it felt like all that time ago with... her? He couldn't say. It felt a bit different. But that was likely because she and Light were very different and their relationships with L had also been very different.


L found himself staring at Light again, but this time his eyes were five times softer. He really couldn't let feelings affect his judgement of his suspect, but he didn't want to think about it. Light looked back at him and suddenly separated the two of them, cheeks burning red. L was possibly the best if not the best at reading people, but even an idiot could recognize that shy schoolgirl look. He really did love him back. L knew that of course but it was nice to have a clear reminder. L felt his breath catch in his throat. Sigh. Apparently his nose decided he had enough of a daydreaming break.


"Heh! Heh-heh! Hehhhh-eetchoo!" L sneezed another kitty sneeze. He sniffled and scrubbed almost petulantly at his nose with his knuckles. With the illness, he almost resembled Snow White: black-haired, pale as snow, and with a red nose instead of red lips. Light smirked. L's eyes widened at the feeling of a quick, yet sweet, peck on the cheek.


"You're cute, you know that?" Light murmured.


"You're cheesy," L remarked.


"No, no, give me some credit, I'm a romantic," Light shot back, grinning.


"Fine, you're a cheesy romantic," L retorted, smiling back.


"Touché," Light conceded. There was a short, somewhat thick silence until --


"I think I love you," L muttered.


"I know. I love you too," Light replied. "Hey, you know, I'm already sick, so it's not like I have to worry about catching this..." He planted a longer, lingering kiss on L's lips. L kissed back.


"You're cheesy," L said once they broke apart.


"Romantic," Light corrected. Suddenly, his eyes widened. "Wait, Ryuzaki... the surveillance cameras are still up, right?"


"Yes... why?"


"Who's watching them right now?"


"Well, Watari had other things to attend to, so I believe for the moment it should just be your father."


"Oh... I kind of wanted to tell him myself..."


Back at the monitors, everyone else had gathered over to watch. Everyone else. Aizawa, Matsuda, Mogi, and Misa had joined Soichiro Yagami once they noticed what had happened.


"I told you!" Aizawa exclaimed.


"Huh... they are totally gay for each other..." Mogi mumbled.


"Woo! Go Light! And Ryuzaki! They're really cute together," Matsuda cheered dreamily.


"Get off my boyfriend, you pervert!!" Misa screamed as if L could hear her.


"..." Soichiro Yagami, on the other hand, was rendered speechless. He wore a twisted-up expression of half anger, half approval, and all confused.


The room was buzzing with discussion about the confessions of love.


Watari came back. With a simple "Everyone, please return to what you were doing. You all should not be eavesdropping. I entrusted only Mr. Yagami to the task while I was out. Thank you for tending to it, but I've returned and will be taking the duty over again," he had dispelled the entire crowd and gone back to watching the screens in private.


A few hours later, L appeared, Light trailing behind him due to the handcuffs.


"Watari, please turn off all the surveillance cameras except those focused on the entrances to this building. I have determined that there is a 99% chance that Light --" L began.


"Eh'kssh!" Light sneezed into his elbow almost as if to acknowledge his presence.


"-- is no longer conscious of being Kira in the past. I will eliminate the remaining possibility on my own, and this is why I will leave the handcuffs on. If I am wrong, then I shall likely die. If I die, under any circumstances, assume that Light was the culprit," L finished.


"Ryuzaki! I would never kill you!" Light claimed, stepping forward and looking into L's eyes as if Watari wasn't there.


"Yes, Light Yagami would never kill L..." Light sighed in relief. "... but Kira would. It's what he has been trying to accomplish ever since Lind L. Tailor. Even though you love me, if the power or the mindset of Kira returns to you, I believe that Kira's goals would supersede your love, and I would be killed," L theorized. Light wasn't sure how to reply, so he was silent.


"I'll see to it," Watari agreed.


That was the second unnecessary risk L ever took in his entire life, both out of love.


Maybe L was the romantic.





So sorry that this took so long!! I really had no time to write recently, but that's not true anymore, so I'm resuming my fics (:D). I had this part mostly done for a while, but I was originally going to post it along with the next part, so that, for one, it would have more sneezing. I figured it was kind of stupid to wait for me to get off my writers' block-having, lazy butt and finish the next part before posting this. Sorry again for taking so long! The next part is my next priority by the way, then I'll probably resume my other fics. Unless I think of something else to add (or someone suggests anything else they want to see in this fic?), there's probably only two more parts left of this.


-:doublethumbsup: CB

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AS PROMISED... I've returned with the next part. I'm going to have to correct myself, unless plans are changed, there will be two more parts after this. 

Anyway, here you guys go:


L was sitting on the edge of his bed, facing Light, but not acknowledging the younger man. He was too engrossed in analyzing and re-analyzing all old and new information he had about Kira. Or at least, he was trying to. L had ignored many sounds in order to focus: idiots babbling on about nothing, crying, screaming, helicopters... so why was he being so bothered?

"Light, do you plan on being quiet any time soon?" L finally snapped.

"Wh-wha-huhhh?" Light asked, voice wavering from the hitches in his breath that had been going on for an almost ridiculously long time. Or at least, that's what it felt like to both. It was just the right mix of annoying and hot to destroy L's concentration. "I cah-huhh... can't help it, you know." He sniffled. "Can you help mbe? Hihhh..." he asked, staring "innocently" at L. "You know, since it's your fault I'mb sick and sndeezy anyway..." he added. L looked up in momentary surprise.

"You meadn you want me to make you..." L trailed off. Light nodded. L opened a drawer in his nightstand as if this were the most normal, everyday situation in the world. He gingerly produced a long, white feather. It was soft, but thin without any long plumage. It came to an almost sharp point at the end. He twirled it in his fingers absentmindedly.

"Why do you have that?" Light inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"There was an 87% chance that you would ask me to do this, even without your current predicament," L explained. He sat down next to Light. Without asking, he tilted the brunette's head back a bit.

L dusted the tip of Light's nose and the rims of his nostrils before slipping the feather inside. He did curt, gentle sweeps at first. Barely touching, but tempting. Light's nose twitched a bit. Suddenly --

"Ehhh'ekshahhh!" L himself sneezed, twisting away to bury his face into his elbow. He sniffed and had barely resumed his work when -- "Ihhshuhh!" he sneezed again.

"You're ridiculous, you know that? You're supposed to be making me sneeze!" Light remarked, smirking. L gave him a glance as if that was a challenge.

L thrust the feather inside Light's nose again, but this time was different. He made quick, overwhelming spins and swishes against Light's illness-sensitized nose. It caught Light off guard.

"Ahh-huh!" Light almost sneezed. Almost. But instead, he seemed to lock down on resisting the urge as much as he possibly could. No more hitches.

"What's wrong? Does that tickle?" L pondered tauntingly.

"Nope." Light was pretty convincing considering his nose had been blowing up at the slightest touch recently since this cold.

L just took that as more motivation. Skillfully, he rubbed the delicate nasal walls with the sides of the feather. He switched to long, tantalizingly slow sweeps around the circumference of Light's nose, brushing every last millimeter. It was becoming almost unbearable for Light. He needed to sneeze so badly. But he wouldn't.

"Hahh--" an uneven breath escaped Light's control for a moment before he reined in the next.

L, however, was enjoying taking his time. He tried out quickly plunging the feather deep into Light's nose and returning it back and forth. The ticklish tool had irritated the poor thing and had sensitized it even further. Whatever the feather touched, trembled uncontrollably.

L went in for the kill. He suddenly guided the feather deeper and deeper, into more delicate areas. He spun the feather around for a moment before --

"Heh!" Light gasped suddenly.

L reversed the motion.


L brushed the torture device intently, focusing on one spot at a time. Not any abnormal reaction until --

"Ahhh... Ahhh-hih!..." Light sniffed almost as if in defiance, even though that made the bristles tease him even more for a moment.

There we go. L had found an extremely... receptive... place. Perfect. He vigorously spun the feather in that one oh-so-vulnerable spot. He made fast slicing motions with the tip. Then he pulled the feather away to watch his work. Light had a contorted, desperate expression, mouth gaping open, with sneezy tears rolling down his cheeks and breath quivering on the edge.

"Ehhh... heh... heh-huh! Heh-huh! Heh-huh!... Huhhh!" Light was so close. He had given up, but the sneeze just... wouldn't... take.

L kissed a tear off of his cheek, dangerously close to Light's twitching, red, abused nose. He planted another gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. For a second, Light worried about accidentally sneezing not only on L, not only in his face, but in his mouth if the raven-haired man didn't stop and move soon. L, instead of doing any of this, blew softly on his nose. L then brushed the feather on the underside of his nostrils and then stuck it deep inside Light's nose. He did something unexpected next.

He slowly covered Light's mouth with his hand, blocking any air that could get through. Light furrowed his eyebrows together slightly, but obeyed and breathed only through his nose. It only took a moment for not only the feather to tickle him deeply one last time, but also for the itch to ignite itself. Light barely had time to slap L's hand away before --

"Huhhh-astchoo! Ah... ahhh... agitshuh! Ihhh'gtshh! Uhh'dtshhuh! Etchuh! Heh... Help -- hurstchoo!" The first and last of Light's sneezes was completely uncovered, the rest had been directed into his wrist. Now that he was finally sneezing, he couldn't seem to stop.

L, meanwhile, was blushing bright red. He hadn't quite anticipated anything more than a few sneezes. But his help had been requested. L pressed the back of his hand firmly up Light's nose. It seemed to work, if a bit slowly. Light struggled for a second before he sneezed one more time, spraying L's hand.

"Hihhh... gnkshh! Hehh... hih-huh!... Ng. Sorry." Light sniffled. L withdrew his hand, seemingly unfazed by being sneezed on. L somewhat awkwardly withdrew to his own bed. Light fiddled with the feather in his hand for a moment before looking up at L and sitting next to him. "Hey, Ryuzaki... it's only fair that I can also try..."



This is the first time I've really tried to write inducing, but I tried my best. :sweatdrop: They were a bit OOC in this part I think but I couldn't resist some of it for fetishy purposes haha. BringDylan wanted Light to have a sneezing fit, so... yeah haha. I think she wanted it to be before Lawlight was official, but I had already written that part (sorry!) so I put it in here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was AMAZING!! I love your writing so much and this is everything I could ever want in a lawlight fic :0

(i didn't mind when he had it I just hopes he'd have one and I'm not disappointed one bit thank you v much for including that:D )

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  • 11 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Oh my god I love this SO MUCH! I've reread this at least 3 times... I've become super obsessed with Death Note lately and this is one of my FAVOURITE fanfictions for this fandom... thank you SO much for writing it! You're so talented!

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On 5/31/2017 at 2:44 AM, CeruleanBlue said:

Light awoke to a sore throat. Not so surprising. What did surprise him was a sudden noise from the other side of the bed.

Also for some reason this reminded me of a Geico commercial and I loved it so much! Can I just say that Ryuzaki's sneezes were so adorable and in character and the same for Light's though OH MY GOD I LOVE L SO MUCH! (Sorry for rambling, I just love this so much...)

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On 6/7/2019 at 6:46 AM, minahil82 said:

Oh my god I love this SO MUCH! I've reread this at least 3 times... I've become super obsessed with Death Note lately and this is one of my FAVOURITE fanfictions for this fandom... thank you SO much for writing it! You're so talented!


On 6/7/2019 at 6:48 AM, minahil82 said:

Also for some reason this reminded me of a Geico commercial and I loved it so much! Can I just say that Ryuzaki's sneezes were so adorable and in character and the same for Light's though OH MY GOD I LOVE L SO MUCH! (Sorry for rambling, I just love this so much...)

I'm so glad you liked it!! Reading your comments made me really happy (even though I cringed quite a bit over my old writing). Never apologize for rambling, it's all good~ <3 Thank you for the kind words

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  • 2 years later...

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