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Ouran Highschool Host club - Haruhi


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Look, I know its been years since this anime came out, but i love it nontheless and I need to make 100 fanfics on it.



It was another day of chaos in Ouran Highschool Host club. Honestly, Haruhi wasn’t sure if she could take much more madness. Luckily, Tamaki~Senpai hadn’t decided on a theme yet, so there were no unusual costumes.

“Haruhi! Get some more instant coffee for us, would you?” Tamaki said with a smile. 

Haruhi respected Tamaki~senpai, but she hated doing his dirty work. 

“Okay, senpai~!” Haruhi sniffled, wobbling out the door to get some coffee. Haruhi wasn’t sure what was going on, but she felt… uneasy…

“I’m back with the instant coffee!” Haruhi exclaimed as she walked in and took a look around.

“Hi, Miss!” She observed Hunny~senpai at a nearby table, “Could you help me? I ripped my shirt a little, I don’t want to have to get a new one!”

“Allow me.” Spoke Mori~Senpai, walking in out of nowhere.

“Takashi!” Hunny exclaimed as he sewed his shirt back to normal. The girls squealed in delight at the relationship of the two boys.

Oy vey. She thought, turning her attention to Tamaki~Senpai, who was with two girls. “How much sugar do you want? Or… shall you have none, because you are already so sweet?” More fangirls squealed at the darling Casanova as he poured them some more tea, visible hearts popping up in their eyes.

Haruhi sighed, dropping the bags onto the floor.

Hahh… Hahehh… ueehishuuu!” 

Suddenly, the room went silent, and everyone stared at the source of the high-pitched, girlish, adorable sneeze. 


Suddenly the room exploded with applause and the squeal of fangirls. Haruhi felt another hand reach out and grab hers. “Senpai, wha-” she was interrupted by him pulling her into an empty room.

“What’s wrong senpai? All I did was sneeze.” 

The shadows created by Tamaki’s bangs covered the upper half of his face as he slowly inched forward. Suddenly, he looked up and his face brightened. “Haruhiiii! That was the cutest sneeze I’ve ever heard!!”

“Yeah,” Hikaru agreed, him and Kaoru appearing next to the flustered Haruhi. “Who would’ve known you woulda had such a girlish sneeze?” Kaoru only nodded, which made Haruhi’s face redden even more.

“Yes,” Tamaki thought for a moment, “How the heck are you supposed to hide your gender identity if you sneeze like that?” He shook his head. “Good thing it was only one-”


Tamaki looked concerned. “Bless you, Haruhi. Is my darling coming down with a cold?”

Haruhi stared at him with a blank expression. “Eww. First of all, don’t call me darling. Second of all, I’m fine!” She coughed.

The twins inspected her. “Yep, Definitely a cold!” They concluded in unison.

“Well then!” Tamaki stated, one finger in the air to make it seem like he had superiority, “As your father, Haruhi, you will have to go home and take the day off due to your cold!”

The rest of the hosts nodded, making the decision completely unanimous other than Haruhi herself.

“Heyyyy!” Haruhi complained, “That’s not fair, Tamaki~senpai! When you guys get colds, you flaunt it in your guests’ face and act all weak so that everyone loves you! So why I can’t do the same?”

Hikaru shook his head, “First of all, the boss is more protective of you than anyone. He would hate himself if he made you work with a cold.”

“Second of all, you sneeze like a girl! If you stick around here, everyone’s gonna put two and two together and realize your secret.” Kaoru added in.

“Third of all, I’ll take care of you!!” Tamaki grabbed her arm and started to pull her, when she objected. “Senpaiii- Hey, cut it out!” She finally broke free and wiped off her shirt. “Look, I really wanna help out with you guys, like i always do! You guys never miss a beat, you’re here rain or shine, day or night, sickness or no sickness! I want to be as dedicated as you guys!”

The powerful speech Haruhi had just made seemed to make everyone except Tamaki, and Kyoya cry. The twins looked up at Tamaki expectantly.

“Alright. I suppose you can stay, as long as you don’t push yourself and you stifle!”

-------------------To be continued------------------

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  • RachTheCool


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D'awww!!! I hope that the guys try to caretaker a little each in their own (not-so) subtle way. This is shaping up to be an adorable fic! Great job! I like it, I love it, I want more of it!!! ?

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9 hours ago, flailingartist said:

D'awww!!! I hope that the guys try to caretaker a little each in their own (not-so) subtle way. This is shaping up to be an adorable fic! Great job! I like it, I love it, I want more of it!!! ?

thanks!!! I plan on writing more soon :D

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Ooh! I can't wait to read more! It's absolute perfection!

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1 hour ago, ihazakitty said:

Ooh! I can't wait to read more! It's absolute perfection!

heh, thanks so much! It means a lot to me.

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Just now, RachTheCool said:

heh, thanks so much! It means a lot to me.

You're welcome! 

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1 minute ago, ihazakitty said:

You're welcome! 

Im maybe about 9/10 done with the next part. Ill be sure to post it real soon!

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Okay guys, I'm back with part two! Sorry It's off to a slow start, and sorry that it's pretty short. It'll get longer later on, I promise. I'll try and stop filling this with filler.


(Part 2)


“Can I get you girls anything?” Haruhi poured a couple of girls some tea, smiling happily. “Oh, thanks Haruhi. I don’t think we need anything right now.” one of the girls smiled, the other one next to her giggling. Haruhi’s eyebrows dropped as she felt a small tickle in her nose. I suppose you can stay, as long as you don’t push yourself and you stifle, She remembered Tamaki saying. So that was what she did.


Her eyes fluttered closed as she whipped her head around into her shoulder, pushing her mouth and nose into the fabric of her uniform. “Htt-shhyiii!”


It didn’t actually work that well.


In fact, It backfired. Stifling it only suppressed it into becoming even more high-pitched and adorable, having the complete opposite effect Haruhi wanted by stifling it.


“Bless you, Haruhi!” One girl handed her a handkerchief.


“That was really cute…” The other girl giggled.


Haruhi mentally kicked herself for her display just now. She was starting to reconsider her decisions. Tamkai~Senpai was right. How am I supposed to convince everyone I’m a boy if I sneeze like that? Maybe I should have stayed home like Tamaki~Senpai-


Her thoughts were interrupted by Tamaki himself. Suddenly, Haruhi felt a suffocating weight covering her face so she couldn’t breathe. It was covering her face so she couldn’t see anything.


It was Takaki’s arms.


“Hello!!! How is my Precious Haruhi doing? Can I get you anything? Some tea? Some medicine?” Haruhi’s muffled screams rang out against Tamaki’s suffocating arms. What’s worse, was that Tamaki was rocking her back and forth, fueling the nausea and dizziness within. So this is how she’d die. Suffocated by another of these dang rich people, in the vulnerable state that she was in.


She managed to push his arms up enough to gasp out: “Can’t… Breathe…”


Tamaki let go and set her down in front of him. “So, Haruhi…” He started, “Are you feeling any better? Don’t worry, I’ll help you get rid of your cold!” He chimed.


The room filled with squeals and cheer, not just at the “homosexual” relationship between Haruhi and Tamaki, not just at the princely way he offered to help her just now, but at the mention of Haruhi’s cold.


“I’ll help him get better too!” One girl called out.


“Me too! What type of tea does he prefer?” Another asked.


“Does he need any medicine? I can get some from the nurse!”


A crowd of girls surrounded Haruhi and Tamaki. All the squealing made Haruhi’s head hurt, but she didn’t want to say anything that would upset anyone. She flinched at Tamaki bending over to whisper something into Haruhi’s ear.


“I heard you sneeze just now. Rather than stifling them, you might want to just avoid doing it all together,” was what he whispered.


The room around her seemed to disappear. If Haruhi was good at anything, it definitely wasn’t hiding illness. Haruhi knew that she could never hide anything from her father… oh god, her father! If she came back sick, her father would link it to the host club, and jump to unreasonable conclusions! She told herself that maybe this was a good idea. Who knows, maybe she could practice her hiding skills so she could better protect her privacy against her father.




“Bless you Haruhi!” The whole room squealed.


Oh boy. This was going to be a very long day.

---------------------------------------------------To be Continued.---------------------------------------------------

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I absolutely LOVE this ???

I can't wait for more. Please do something with Kyoya-Senpai too. I love the "daddy" "mommy" aspect of him & Tamaki-Senpai.  

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3 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

I absolutely LOVE this ???

I can't wait for more. Please do something with Kyoya-Senpai too. I love the "daddy" "mommy" aspect of him & Tamaki-Senpai.  

by, "doing something with kyoya", do you mean  write a story with him, or bring him into the plotline of this story? Id be happy to do either one!

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I love it! I'm so glad you decided to continue!

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1 hour ago, ihazakitty said:

I love it! I'm so glad you decided to continue!

thanks! It really does mean a lot to me. After all, its way easier to continue a fic if you know that lots of people like it! ^_^

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2 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

thanks! It really does mean a lot to me. After all, its way easier to continue a fic if you know that lots of people like it! ^_^

That's great!

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On 5/22/2017 at 4:12 PM, 2SHY222 said:

I absolutely LOVE this ???

I can't wait for more. Please do something with Kyoya-Senpai too. I love the "daddy" "mommy" aspect of him & Tamaki-Senpai.  

The suspense was killing me! I didn't understand what you meant by that! I got so caught up in the anticipation, that... I... went ahead and wrote some Kyoya fanfiction.

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I'm liking this a lot so far!  I love it when characters try to hide that they're sick too 

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17 hours ago, lalaland~ said:

I'm liking this a lot so far!  I love it when characters try to hide that they're sick too 

I'm glad you like it! On a separate note, I wrote a fic where Kyoya hides illness, but I'm kinda dancing around posting it.

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13 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

I'm glad you like it! On a separate note, I wrote a fic where Kyoya hides illness, but I'm kinda dancing around posting it.

Yaaaaay post it ? you're writing is amazing. I'm in the process of writing something as well. But idk if it's good.

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6 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

Yaaaaay post it ? you're writing is amazing. I'm in the process of writing something as well. But idk if it's good.

thanks! Don't let the feeling of it being not good stop you from sharing it with the world. When you're passionate about something, you do it for the enjoyment of yourself, not for the satisfaction of others!!! And if you feel like it's so bad you'd be embarrassed to post it, improve, improve, improve!

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7 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

Yaaaaay post it ? you're writing is amazing. I'm in the process of writing something as well. But idk if it's good.

here ya go:


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Haruhi, baby!! :inlove: Rach, your scenarios are killing me! I love how you keep Haruhi's nonchalant, no-worries nature in this while Tamaki is being super paranoid. :blushing: SO CUTE! Can't wait to read more, girl. :)

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1 hour ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

Haruhi, baby!! :inlove: Rach, your scenarios are killing me! I love how you keep Haruhi's nonchalant, no-worries nature in this while Tamaki is being super paranoid. :blushing: SO CUTE! Can't wait to read more, girl. :)

thanks, but I haven't even begun the REAL plot of this story yet!!!

mwahahhahahaha im evil :evileyes2:

(sorry i forgot to hit reply earlier)

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I wasn’t quite feeling the “Haruhi has a cold” vibe, so hopefully this part fixes that.


(Part 3)




Haruhi locked herself in a quiet, spare closet, still stifling as if it would in any way help. She sniffled once again, rubbing her irritated nose. This cold was becoming a problem.


It wasn’t even so much hiding the sneezes that was the problem anymore, Haruhi had gotten considerably worse.


Haruhi had begun feeling completely run down by her work, exhausted, nearly on the bridge of fainting. On top of all that she had to hide everything, Haruhi was completely miserable.


“Ng-Tchyi! Hihh-Tchii! Ngg… Heh-! huhh-Nnntchyuu! Hihh-!”


Haruhi flinched forward at what seemed like the millionth fit this hour. “Huh.. Hih-!” Her hitching was breathy and hard to control. She told herself for the millionth time that she should’ve stayed home today.




After what seemed like the last one, Haruhi pulled herself together with a deep, wet, sniffle, and proudly stepped out of the door.




She bumped into someone.


“Haruhi… you have some more requests- but… are you up for it? You seem to have gotten notably worse.”


It was Kyoya.


The person she had bumped into was Kyoya.


“Mmngh, Kyoya…” Haruhi rubbed her head at the pounding headache that was caused by the impact of bumping into the taller man, but decided to reply anyway. “You’re right; I’m really not feeling that great, but I can tolerate it for- How much time is left? An hour? I’ll be fine.” Her voice was substantially congested, and she gave another sniffle to prove it.


Disbelief washed over Kyoya’s face. “Are you sure?” Haruhi had nodded in response to this, but Kyoya wasn’t sure if he should be accepting this or not. Haruhi looked much worse; almost pale, and she looked like she would faint instantly if she stood up.


“I’m fine.” Haruhi sighed, bringing herself to her feet. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got guests to entertain.” That last sentence she said with a bit of a chuckle, wobbling her way to her guests. Kyoya stared in amazement. Is she really going Tamaki level stubborn?


Haruhi took a seat next to the two girls she was assigned to. “Hey.” She shrugged, not knowing what else to be saying.


“Haruhi? Are you okay? You don’t look well.” One of the girls noted.


“I’m fine. I got a cold, but I should be hihh-! Fine.”


“Oh Haruhi!” One of the girls cooed.


“Haruhi, do you need a tissue?” The other girl chimed.


Haruhi nodded, and being handed a tissue, she turned away from the girls and tried her best to stifle a sneeze out of existence.




Good. All that came out was a squeak.


However, it was a high-pitched, tiny, mouse-like squeak.


“That was a cute sneeze, Haruhi!”


“With that kind of sneeze: you’d think that he’d be a girl in disguise.”


Uh oh.


“That’s ridiculous, Ayame!” The other girl objected, “If he was a girl, how would we be able to marry him?


Haruhi was a bit creeped out by that last sentence, but she paid no attention to it and was glad they wouldn’t even dare suspect that she was a female.



After a bit, the club activities finally ended. Haruhi, being exhausted and run-down like never before, was relieved. She was sweating like hell. Maybe it was because of her 102 degree fever. Maybe it was because the sun was shining directly on her. Maybe, it was both mixed with one other factor: she would have to go home and answer to her father.


It’s time for the real plot of the story.


------End Chapter 1. Chapter 2 coming soon.----



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Wow I can't wait to see what you have planned ?.

16 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

thanks! Don't let the feeling of it being not good stop you from sharing it with the world. When you're passionate about something, you do it for the enjoyment of yourself, not for the satisfaction of others!!! And if you feel like it's so bad you'd be embarrassed to post it, improve, improve, improve!

Also thanks for the advice. I'm going to try to post something within the week ?

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Sorry that I haven't been able to post for awhile, I've been doing other topics and other things

this topic explains where i have been other than making other topics.

Anyway, Here's part 4!

(Part 4)


“Haru~Channnnn!” Hunny shouted, launching himself at Haruhi.


“Ahh, Hunny~Senpai!” She was a bit startled by this. She carefully shook him off her back, having to pry his hands off her neck. Hunny was always energetic, but Haruhi could guess why he did this: he was excited to help take care of her.


Haruhi looked up to see Takashi walking towards her. She smiled, setting Hunny down. Finally! someone who could actually help her! “Do you need anything, Haru~Chan?” Asked the boy lolita beside her.


“Umm, yeah! Actually! Do you have… maybe some tea for sore throat? Ooh, or for congestion!”


Unsurprisingly, Tamaki ran up to Haruhi with the already-made-tea in his hand. “Here you go Haruhi! I got it for you!”


“Thanks, but I didn’t ask you.” She sneered, accepting the warm drink. The steam from the cup of tea tickled her nose and made her sneeze. “Hihhnnntchyuu! Huhhshhnchuu!” A quick double escaped as she cupped her hands up to her mouth and nose. “Uuughh…” She sipped the cup of tea.


“Haru~Chan, are you gonna go home soon? You don’ look good.” Hunny asked with a worried pout. Takashi, being the normally silent type, only nodded, and exchanged glances between the two.


“Y-Yea… I’m gonna go home soon, but I’m not sure if my dad will approve of this… cold.” She sighed. “Guess I’ll have to… hide it? I can do that, I guess, if I try really hard.”


Tamaki bid her (a very, very long) farewell, while Takashi and Hunny wished her good luck. By then, she had been already off to her apartment.



Haruhi walked into her home, muffling the sounds of the pouring rain outside. Haruhi would have to hide illness from her father, so it didn’t at all help that it was raining as she walked home.


All Haruhi had to do was act as if she didn’t have a cold at all, then slowly build it up as if she was just getting it, and not that she had been working herself all day and practically ruined herself.


“Hello, Haruhi!” Ranka chimed, a friendly smile greeting her like always. “Did you walk home in the rain? I hope you don’t catch a cold. You’re soaked! Lets get you dried up.”


As Ranka left to get her a towel, Haruhi smiled to herself. Maybe this would be a bit easier than she expected!




….Or maybe not…..


----To be continued----



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