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Ravagers Don't Take Sick Days (Guardians of the Galaxy, Yondu)


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I like imagining Peter and Yondu having a cute father-son ish type relationship so this is set around a year after the Ravagers took Peter from Earth. There are no spoilers for the second movie. 




Peter had caught it first when the Ravagers docked to refuel. When Peter boarded the ship feeling ill, Yondu had ordered him to stay in bed for a few days so that he wouldn't spread the virus. Although the precautions had spared the crew, it seemed as if the captain hadn’t been as lucky. 

    It was probably on an account of Yondu sharing his room with Peter, not wanting to entrust him to the crew.



    Regardless of the reason, Yondu knew he’d caught the boy’s cold. What had started as an annoying tickle in the back of his throat had turned into a painfully scratchy feeling anytime he tried to swallow. His head ached and he couldn't decide if he was feeling hot or cold. Yondu snorted, trying to lessen the drippiness of his nose. 


    He had been awake for nearly an hour now but remained in bed, listening to the sounds of Peter snoring quietly from the cot in the corner of the room. It must be rather early in the morning; he couldn't hear the crew stirring outside yet. 


    Yondu snuffled again, trying to clear the pressure in his sinuses. Bad move. He felt a sudden sharp tickle in his nose. In an attempt to not wake Peter, Yondu pinched his nose with one hand, “HHMMMPHH!” 


    The sneeze sent shooting pain into his temples and made him feel a bit dizzy, yet the tickle was still there. He pinched his nose once more, “HPPPFFTT!” Feeling the same pain in his head but no relief from the tickle, Yondu decided that it wasn't important to allow Peter to sleep in. Nevertheless, he rolled over to muffle the sound into his pillow, “HHUURRSHHHhhh!” 






    The captain cleared his throat and rolled over to see Peter, sitting up in bed, hair poking out in all directions. It was almost cute. 


    Peter yawned. “Are you okay? I heard you sneezing.”


    Yondu felt a surge of embarrassment. “I’m fine. Sounds like you're feelin’ better.”


    Peter nodded. "Yeah."


    “Good, boy. I got work for you.” Yondu sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in his temples. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He stood up, having to steady himself with a hand against the wall. 


    Peter’s brow knitted. “You sure you're okay? You seem a little… wobbly.” 


    Yondu glared at him. “I said I’m fine. Now go on and- an- HAATTCHHHhhh!!” He sneezed into his fist. 


    “Bless you.” Peter offered.


    “Whats that dnow?” The captain’s voice had began to betray him. 


    “Bless you. You say it when people sneeze.” 


    “And why’s that?” 


    Peter frowned. “I dunno. I guess it just means that you hope they feel better soon- like if they’ve got a cold or something.” He paused as Yondu scowled at him. “Its okay to say you’ve got a cold you know. Everyone gets sick. You can always rest today and I’ll tell the crew that you have some kind of alien plague that you’re sleeping off.” 


    Yondu continued to scowl as he considered for a moment. With this headache and all his sneezing he wouldn't be able to hide the fact that he had a cold. And a sniffling, sneezing, ‘wobbly’ Centaurian didn't make for a very intimidating captain. However, there was work to be done. 


    As Yondu was just about to decide that ‘Ravagers don’t take sick days’, he felt another tickle in the back of his nose. His breath hitched but the sneeze wouldn't come. He tilted his head up at the light to try to coax it out. “HAAA-“ The sneeze cut off there, causing the captain to feel his face grow warm with embarrassment. He was glad that his blue complexion didn't allow for people to notice his face flush. 


    He sat back down on the bed and cleared his throat. “Tell ‘em I’ve got Xandarian flu an’ to take the day off.”


    Peter smiled, happy to know that he had helped. He nodded and ran to the door. Just as he was opening it-
    “HAAATTCHHHhhuh!!!” The sound echoed through the hallway. Yondu felt his face grow warm again. 


    “Bless you!” Peter yelled. “Oh, and dad- erm- Yondu, I’ll grab you some food.”


    Yondu stretched out in bed. He couldn't keep from smiling. As much as he hated to admit it, Peter was the son he always wished he had. 




Edited by Spoo
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I've been dying for Yondu material lately so a big thanks for what you've been putting out! :D

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