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Tomb Raider: A Sneeze in the Dark


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I was playing ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider the other day and thought I’d write some Lara-based fanfiction. Despite the fact she is always shivering and coughing in the game, I can’t help but be disappointed she never sneezes :( Time to rectify that :D 


Tomb Raider: A Sneeze in the Dark



Lara sneezed furiously into her hands, bending almost double with the force of it. The sound echoed off the walls of the icy cavern, reverberating into the inky depths of the chasm that dropped away from where she stood. Still holding her mitten-clad hands to her mouth and nose, she allowed a second one to build, torturously tickling its way down her nostrils until...


...Lara sneezed again, her lithe body snapping forwards with her usual explosive release. Again, the darkness rang with the sudden noise, her ears temporarily deafened. She dabbed at her nose, ineffectually cursing her loud sneezes for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Trying to convince herself that there was not another explosive outburst imminent, she sniffed the frozen air and was relieved not to detect the dreaded tingle at the back of her nose.  She lowered her hands, and reached for her ice axes.


Lara lowered herself over the edge, digging the toothed blades of her axes into the glassy surface of the ice. Hand over hand she began working her way down the treacherous descent, feet slipping and sliding, desperate for footholds. Very soon her arms were burning with the effort, her breath short and frosting in the gloom. She paused and tried to peer downwards. Was that a light down there? Her eyes played tricks on her, and she blinked, readjusting her grip. She tried to turn her head still further.

Suddenly she gasped. In turning, her nose had pressed into the fur hood of her parka; pushing a thousand tiny, tickly hairs into her sensitive nose. Lara froze. She could feel the unstoppable urge to sneeze rising up inside of her. She wanted desperately to clasp a hand to her mouth but doing so would mean letting go of the ice axe. There was nothing she could do.

Tightening her grip, Lara succumbed to the build-up. This one was not coming like the others; this one was teasing her unmercifully, making her gasp and hitch as the sensation played its devilish games with her.

‘haaaaaa.....  oh   aaaaahhhhhhhh....’

She was utterly in thrall of the building sneeze, her body trembling with cold and the intensity of the itch. I simply must hold on, no matter how big this sneeze is going to be, she thought as she shook her head, chestnut hair bobbing as she began winding back for what was going to be a gigantic sneeze.


Lara’s body tensed, her head thrown back, mouth open and ready to deliver one of her colossal, explosive sneezes. At the back of her mind, she wondered why she always had to sneeze like this, why did she not have a dainty, petite sneeze that was easily stifled? Instead her whole life had been spent dealing with the sort of terrific outbursts that set off dogs barking, made people jump like a gunshot. It just wasn’t fair

Finally, Lara sneezed!


It roared out, completely uncovered; a gigantic bellowing sneeze that rang in her ears and echoed sharply off the frozen walls. Almost instantaneously, she had to sneeze again...


...and her whole body convulsed as her head snapped forwards. Her left foot slipped, terrifyingly sudden, and all at once she was dangling from her hands, flailing desperately for a grip with her toes. Shards of ice broke loose and cascaded into the abyss as her boots fought for purchase. For a seeming eternity they slid, until finding grip. Lara gasped and knew that she had to get down as quickly as possible before the onset of another sneeze.

Hand over hand she descended, gradually becoming aware of a dim glow and a rocky floor towards which she was headed. Finally her feet touched the reassuring solidity of the ground, and she unhooked her axes, stowing them at her side. There was just enough light to see by, coming from the weak flicker of several flaming forces placed in brackets on the cavern walls. Who the hell is lighting these? she thought, pulling her parka more tightly around her. In the depths of the cave, the coldness closed around her like a vice.

Sniffing the ghost of a building sneeze from her nose, Lara advanced towards the mouth of a tunnel that yawned as deeper black within the gloom. Whoever had lit those torches may well not be expecting or happy about company, and Lara knew that if they had not done so already, one of her huge sneezes would alert whoever lurked within the darkness ahead.


Gradually, the tunnel inclined upwards, the air becoming warmer. A musky scent of ancient decay began to pervade the atmosphere, an aroma of dust and crumbling history. Lara sniffed and pinched at her nostrils, feeling the tantalising tickle starting up again in response to the exotic fragrance. She simply could not afford to sneeze now, not when she was so close to her destination.

The tunnel began to open up, the glow of more and more torches casting an orange hue across rocks and timbers. Vast earthenware pots, festooned with cobwebs, loomed like rotund sentinels. Lara felt the familiar shiver of excitement and anticipation she always got when about to reach into the unknown.

She knelt before a shrine, shimmering with a light of a hundred candles. Skulls winked their eyeless sockets at her, bones thick with dust and shadow. Before the shrine was a box, ancient metalwork burnished with age and she reached out, the bite of coldness penetrating her gloves. With inescapable curiosity, she lifted the lid.

A cloud of dust was released and rolled out into the air. Lara froze, hardly daring to breathe. Already she knew it was creeping up her nose, sending alarm bells ringing in her brain. She knew the moment she breathed in, the dreaded sneezy sensation would be burning there, and there was nothing she could do.

Holding her breath, Lara brought her gloved hands up to cover her nose and mouth. She had to breathe, she just had to! Just one little sniff was all it took.

Lara sneezed convulsively into her hands; not once, not twice or even three times. The dust had triggered a colossal fit, and there was nothing she could do but sneeze and sneeze and sneeze, each one seemingly more violent and urgent that the one before. Her body rocked with each release, the sound exploding out of her like a fusillade of gunshots, filling the underground space with a cacophony of desperate sneezes.


Eventually, with a final epic sneeze, Lara felt the irritating tickle depart her nose. She felt light-headed, exhausted, terrified what her colossal sneezing fit may have alerted. She listened, hand reaching down for the pistol at her side.

Somewhere in the darkness beyond the pool of light around the shrine, something stirred.


The End.

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This. Oh my God. This. This story is incredible. Lara's honestly a prime candidate for fetish writing, but I've not seen much of it in the past. You took a great idea, ran with it, and executed it superbly. I'm usually a bit more inclined toward the small, cute sneezes Lara wishes she had lol but you wrote this in such a way that I thoroughly enjoyed her huge sneezes (and they fit your narrative very well). Your buildups are great, and you used some stellar causes for her sneezes. Great story!

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  • 3 weeks later...

WOW....WOW...I love playing Tomb Raider and just started playing the newest one on PS4...I love this!! I agree with the post above me...this was VERY well done!!! <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

With a handkerchief to try and muffle or blow to rid her nose of the tickle? A vestige of her early years when her mother had tried to teach her ladylike habits. 

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