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Sneeze Fetish Forum

There's Always Tomorrow (SPN, Dean)


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Prompt: Lets say Sam and Dean are BOTH habitual morning sneezers (It's a brotherly thing, lol), and they both routinely sneeze a lot when they first wake up in the morning. Can we get a glimpse of the brothers' morning routine when they first wake up? Do they just sneeze their way through mindless conversation, until the sneezing subsides? Compulsively bless each other? (or not?) Offer each other tissues? Notify each other when they each feel like they're finally 'done'?

Here's my take. ;) 


There's Always Tomorrow


Dean rolls over in bed, pressing his face into the pillow. The damp air of 5am is lingering, thick and rich. It signals a new day. Sam is still asleep and it must be time for them to get up, get packed, head out, coffee and breakfast, and put this town in the rear view mirror.

Dean sighs and muffles a sneeze in his pillow.


Sam moans, rolls over, “Mmm, mornin’,” he mumbles.

Dean pushes up, rubs his hands over his face, itches his nose.

“Mornin’, Sammy. Ready to head out?”

Sam scratches his chest and looks towards the ceiling, “Mm,” he moans again, “You want first shower?”

Dean hunches forward and sneezes into his hands, “Hhh’tsxchh! Nah, you take it. I’ll get the car packed.”

Sam scrubs at his face and sits up, directing a breathy sneeze into his elbow, “Heh’itschhu!

Dean chucks Sam the tissue box from the bedside table. Sam gropes at it, rips one out, pauses, then another, before handing the box across the gap between their beds.

Dean gets up and stretches, holding the box in his fingers as Sam blows.

“Where we heading today?” Sam says into the tissue, then crumples forward with another soft sneeze.

“Bobby got us a case in Indiana,” Dean replies, pulling a tissue or two out of the box for himself. He waves them towards Sam as he asks, “You wanna go out for breakfast or eat on the road?”

Sam is up and grabbing clothes from his duffle, “I don’t mind. I can grab us some coffee while you’re showering.”

“Sweet,” Dean muffles into a tissue, “Huh’TTSCHHtt! Uhh…

Heh’KKSChTt!” Sam catches that one in his elbow, “Tied. 3 – 3.”

Dean bends at the waist and sneezes a second time into the tissues. When he straightens he holds a finger up in the air.

“Make that 4 – 3.”

Sam huffs and shakes his head, “I swear you do that on purpose.”

“Not possible,” Dean grunts, sniffing thickly.

Sam’s laughing when he heads for the bathroom.

“Remember shower sneezes don’t count,” Dean calls behind him.

Dean sneezes into another tissue as he packs his duffle.

He sneezes when he opens the front door and gets his first whiff of outside air.

He sneezes as he packs the trunk, catching the sun with his eyes, and again when he’s lying on the bed, waiting for Sam to finish.

When Sam emerges, he’s wearing a towel round his hips and scrubbing his nose.

“How many?” Dean mumbles.

“Eight. You?”

Dean holds up 4 fingers.

“Dude, you suck,” Sam laughs.

“Doesn’t count if it’s not witnessed, loser. So, I’m still winning.”

“Whatever,” Sam says, but he’s smiling.


Dean sneezes 11 times while he showers, the steam tickling his nose.

“Liar,” Sam mutters when Dean gloats.

By the time they’re staring at each other over the top of the car the score is 15 – 12, in Dean’s favour.

“Pancakes or waffles?” Dean asks, hands clasped resting on the warm roof.

“I saw a diner down the road,” Sam suggests.

Dean tilts his chin up, nostrils flaring. He takes half a step back and sneezes between his arms, towards the ground. He sniffs hard, clears his throat and looks at Sammy.

“Think I’m done.”

Sam flicks his nose, “Yeah, me too.”

“Yes,” Dean grins, basking in his victory.

“Whatever, man.”

Dean laughs and opens his door, relishing in the familiar squeak, “Oh, come on, Sammy. There’s always tomorrow.”



Edited by MissBayliss
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I love that it's a contest every morning lol. That's awesome ?

This little section of the forum has so much SPN goodness going on lately.. and from such amazing writers such as yourself.  Does my heart (and my show) proud. ❤️

Thank you!



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That was absolutely amazing! Just the casual day in the life, normal sneezing was done incredibly well. I really enjoyed reading this!

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On 9 May 2017 at 0:30 AM, Wow Really? said:

I love that it's a contest every morning lol. That's awesome ?

This little section of the forum has so much SPN goodness going on lately.. and from such amazing writers such as yourself.  Does my heart (and my show) proud. ❤️

Thank you!



Haha It just felt like such a Winchester brotherly thing to do! :laugh: 

(I know... I might be partially to blame :P)


Thanks for always commenting, my sweet friend. :heart: 

On 9 May 2017 at 10:05 AM, Hovercuke said:

That was absolutely amazing! Just the casual day in the life, normal sneezing was done incredibly well. I really enjoyed reading this!

Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed it :) 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm soooo behind on commenting right now! (Like, over a month behind. It's pretty ridiculous :lol:) I feel so bad! But I have not forgotten this amazing thing... I have read this many times over, and love it just as much every time! 

Things I loved:

I loved the way the brothers are just casually sneezing their way through their daily routine...that was exactly the kind of thing I envisioned with this prompt. and I love all the little things that kept setting them off throughout the morning...the steam in the shower (so many sneezes!), the first whiff of the morning air, the photic sneeze... Their noses are just sooo sensitive to everything, just...I can't even.

I LOVE the fact that they made their morning sneezing habits into a game...and all the little rules and guidelines they have, like which sneezes 'count' and which ones don't. Like, how many conversations about their sneezing must they have had in their lifetime to get to that point?  (In fact, I can't stop thinking about all the different day-to-day scenerios that must have played out over the years... Like, can you imagine somebody staying the night with the boys, and waking up to their 'morning routine' for the first time?  Thinking about these kinds of things makes me...very happy :D)

I also love how they weren't even slightly annoyed with the fact that they were sneezing their heads off all morning...Somehow, I can't imagine that this was always the case. But since they obviously can't do anything about it, I feel like they just decided to accept it for what it is, not let it bother them anymore, and make the most of it! (I know, I'm reading waaay too much into this whole thing, but I just can't help it :lol: It's just such a magical little world that you created here.)

And the sneeze counting.....unf. That is a major weakness for me, and not something we get to see all that often.  so when I saw that, I was like, yesss! 

I loved it when they both could tell when they were 'done' at the end, too. That just added a little something extra special to the whole thing. Especially when Dean sneezes his last sneeze, and could tell right away afterwards that it would be the last one. I'm not sure why, but that really got me....

 I am SO stoked that you filled this prompt, and I absolutely loved your take on it!  It was so fun and unique, and hit buttons that I don't think I even knew I had...lol. Thank you sooo many times over for filling this!   :heart:

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@gingerdean: Thank you for bringing it up,because I had not read it!

@MissBayliss: I finally started to watch Supernatural. I suspect it will take me a long time, but I'm enjoying it. Thanks for the advice! I really liked this fic, mostly because counting sneezes is something I really like to do/read and the challenge between the brothers was really funny. (Does Dean always win?)

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19 hours ago, gingerdean said:

I'm soooo behind on commenting right now! (Like, over a month behind. It's pretty ridiculous :lol:) I feel so bad! But I have not forgotten this amazing thing... I have read this many times over, and love it just as much every time! 

Things I loved:

I loved the way the brothers are just casually sneezing their way through their daily routine...that was exactly the kind of thing I envisioned with this prompt. and I love all the little things that kept setting them off throughout the morning...the steam in the shower (so many sneezes!), the first whiff of the morning air, the photic sneeze... Their noses are just sooo sensitive to everything, just...I can't even.

I LOVE the fact that they made their morning sneezing habits into a game...and all the little rules and guidelines they have, like which sneezes 'count' and which ones don't. Like, how many conversations about their sneezing must they have had in their lifetime to get to that point?  (In fact, I can't stop thinking about all the different day-to-day scenerios that must have played out over the years... Like, can you imagine somebody staying the night with the boys, and waking up to their 'morning routine' for the first time?  Thinking about these kinds of things makes me...very happy :D)

I also love how they weren't even slightly annoyed with the fact that they were sneezing their heads off all morning...Somehow, I can't imagine that this was always the case. But since they obviously can't do anything about it, I feel like they just decided to accept it for what it is, not let it bother them anymore, and make the most of it! (I know, I'm reading waaay too much into this whole thing, but I just can't help it :lol: It's just such a magical little world that you created here.)

And the sneeze counting.....unf. That is a major weakness for me, and not something we get to see all that often.  so when I saw that, I was like, yesss! 

I loved it when they both could tell when they were 'done' at the end, too. That just added a little something extra special to the whole thing. Especially when Dean sneezes his last sneeze, and could tell right away afterwards that it would be the last one. I'm not sure why, but that really got me....

 I am SO stoked that you filled this prompt, and I absolutely loved your take on it!  It was so fun and unique, and hit buttons that I don't think I even knew I had...lol. Thank you sooo many times over for filling this!   :heart:

Oh, thank you so much, sweet thing! (I don't care how far behind you are. I only care that you took the time to comment to me :heart:

Hehe, I LOVE how much thought you've put into it :) makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I'm so glad you liked it! So, so glad! 

(and don't think I've forgotten about your fic! ;) still anxiously waiting for more :clapping2:)

All the love :hug: 

18 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

@gingerdean: Thank you for bringing it up,because I had not read it!

@MissBayliss: I finally started to watch Supernatural. I suspect it will take me a long time, but I'm enjoying it. Thanks for the advice! I really liked this fic, mostly because counting sneezes is something I really like to do/read and the challenge between the brothers was really funny. (Does Dean always win?)

Aliena!!! YAAASS! So glad you liked the fic and got a chance to see it :) The show is just so multi-layered, and the characters (especially the brothers) are so wonderfully complex. It's brilliant to see male characters that are so strong, also have weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and frailties. That really gets me, and it's the reason I've been captivated for 12 years now. So, let me be the first to say, welcome to the family. ;) #spnfamily #familydontendwithblood #familyalwayshasyourback 

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