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Another Layer of the Framework (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)


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So last night, as I went to bed, I came up with the idea for this Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D oneshot and I decided to write it down today, to prevent it from causing me to lose more sleep due to being too distracted and aroused to fall asleep. Oh, this takes place during the current episodes, so major spoilers are likely to hit you if you're not caught up on the show.

Another Layer of the Framework

Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Disclaimer: I do not own the show or the characters

It all happened so fast- One moment, Jemma Simmons was standing next to Coulson, Mac and (she still hasn't gotten completely used to that part) Grant Ward, trying to come up with a plan to rescue Daisy from Hydra, when they all heard a buzzing sound getting stronger. They looked up to the sky (they were standing in the open, outside a building) and saw a drone flying fast towards them. Jemma could easily tell it was designed by Fitz, but it didn't look like it was armed with any missiles. Nevertheless, Coulson and Ward tried to get her back inside the building, but before they were able to take cover the drone did fire. Jemma didn't know exactly what it was, but it was fast and when it hit her everything went black.

Simmons woke up and found herself in a bed. Not only did she have no idea where she was, she couldn't tell what state she was in- Was she back at S.H.I.E.L.D Or was she captured by Hydra? was she dreaming? In A coma? Did she somehow manage to break out of the framework? Or maybe she died and this was some sort of afterlife? At that point, she felt like nothing could really surprise her, at least until she looked around her. The bed was in a room which looked pretty comfortable, like a hotel room, but it wasn't the room that shocked her, it was finding out that she wasn't alone in the bed, for lying next to her was

"Daisy?!" Jemma Gasped. Daisy Johnson, her friend and her current companion on the journey into the framework to free their friends, was lying in bed next to her. Jemma didn't know if her friend was asleep or unconscious, but she quickly assumed the former, since the sound of her surprised gasping caused Daisy to suddenly wake up and sit upright in bed. Daisy looked just as shocked as Jemma felt and it looked like she was about to say something when- "Ha Tshoo!" she sneezed.

"Bless y....." Jemma started to say but then she felt a sudden sharp tickle inside her own nose and- "He TchShoo!" she also sneezed.

"Ubbbb....... Sibbods, *sniff* what the hell is goig od?" asked Daisy.

"I really wish I had ad adswer for that" Jemma said and sniffled as well.

"The last thidg I rebebber was beig id a Hydra prisod cell whed Badab Hydra, you kdow- Aida, walked id. She did't say a word, just pulled a gud add shot be with, I thidk it was sobe kidd of arrow, but I'b dot sure" said Daisy.

"I was with Caoulsod, Bac add Ward, tryig to figure out a way to rescue you, add thed this drode appeared out of dowhere add I thidk it shot be with the sabe thidg you were shot with Ahi Tshoo! Ugh, this is ridiculous! What is this place"?!

"Add why are both He..... He Tshoo! sdeezig add stuffed up"?

"Yeah, what's up with that? I feel like I have a bad cold" said Jemma.

"Be too. Add seriously- where the hell are we"?

"Dot to bedtiod- where are everybody else"?

"Wait, I thidk I got it- doesd't this feel a little fabiliar to you?"asked Daisy.

"Fabiliar how"?

"Thidk about it- wakig up sobehwere you dod't kdow with do bebory of how you got there, doesd't it feel like whed"

"Whed we got idside the frabework? Baybe you're right, although whed I first woke up id the frabework I was too busy diggig by way out of what turded out to be by owd grave to thidk about what it felt like" said Jemma.

"Fair poidt A Tshoo!" sneezed Daisy.

"So wait, you thidk that what- Aida sobehow sedt us both idto adother frabework idside the frabework"?

"Or baybe it's adother layer of the sabe frabework" Suggested Daisy.

"Baybe, what's the poidt? I bead- it was easy for her to get to you, but if she got to be that easily as well why dot just kill us both"?

"She could've killed be easily, I was her prisoder, but she wadted be to cooperate, like she deeded be for sobethig".

"Hi TchShoo! Dow I thidk I got it- whed we edtered the frabework we started chadgig thigs, affectig it. It was too late for her to kill us without riskig the whole frabework collapsig, so she sedt us here idstead, wherever 'here' is. I also thidk that there's do ode else id this layer, so we cad't affect theb".

"Huh, thad who's watchig the cabera?" said Daisy and pointed at a security camera on the corner of the wall, near the ceiling.

"Aida, obviously. Ha N'Tchi Shoo! Dear God! What is the deal with this cold we have"?!

"A viros, to bake us weaker, so we are less likely to escape frob this layer of the frabework He Tshoo! I thidk".

"So How do we do it?" asked Jemma.

"Hea Tshoo! Ugh!" Daisy sneezed again and groaned "Do what"?

"Escape. I bead- there bust be a way, right"?

"I thidk there should be. It looks like Aida created this layer id a rush, so it bust have flaws that we could use to escape, like bugs".

"Or Ha I'nTshoo! viruses"?

"Less likely, viruses deeds to be brought idto the systeb frob outside" said Daisy.

"But what if the viruses are already idside"?

"What do you Ha Etshoo! bead? Wait, are you thidkig what I thidk you're thidkig"?

"Well, we're both sort of livig viruses right dow Ha EtchshiA! Ared't we"?

"Jebba Sibbods, you have sobe weird ideas, add sobe weird sdeezes by the way, but you are a gedius"!

"Thadk you Daisy Johdsod Hi EtchSha! Dow, let's go spread our virus".

As they expected, the door of the room was locked, so they both knelt down and started sneezing towards the gap between the door and the floor.

"A Tshoo, He Tshoo!" sneezed Daisy.

"Ha ItschShoo!" Jemma let out a sneeze of her own.

"They continued to direct sneeze after sneeze towards the gap, stopping only once in a while to stretch their legs and blow their noses with some toilet paper they found.

"Hhhhhhh Ha A Choo!" after a while, they finally heard a loud sneeze that wasn't their own from the other side of the door. "Fide, you wod this tibe, but you will dot bridg dowd the frabework, I will dot let you. Id the edd, you will udderstadd that what I do is for the best" said Aida.

A moment later, they both woke up, separately, where they were when they were sent into the next layer of the framework. Each of them was glad to be cold- free again, but they still had a lot of work to do to get themselves, and their friends, out of the framework.

The End

Sorry that it was short and without much plot, but it was just a little thing I wanted to share with you guys.

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