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The threads of an old life (Sherlock BBC), completed


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Oh my goodness!! This is wonderful! I love how tense things are between John and Sherlock but getting better and how Sherlock doesn't want to worry him further. Sherlock being a big old softie with the baby is one of my favorite things. 

And Molly, forever keeping the boys from doing too many stupid things. I adore her honesty and concern mixed with a dose of "take no shit." I like that version of her more as well. So much delicious angst! 

Thank you!!

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I loved this! Simply fantastic!

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This is great! I was rolling along, quite enjoying it, and then the end, and I was like, Oh Crap! Totally caught me off guard! Can't wait to see what happens!

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This is great!  I cant wait to read more.  Usually stories without quotation marks bother me, but this one was so well-written that I was able to read around it.

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LOVE this! :stretcher:  Oh wow! Sooo great!! I literally wanted to quote the whole thing. I love how he's assumed he's going to have a miserable time with hallucinations, how the mind palace is unsafe, and Eurus--creepy, creepy Eurus. :unsure: Yikes. You write her well.

12 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

After what seemed ages but were probably only seconds, he managed to get his breath back more or less to normal. Eventually he remembered where he was and what had happened these last days. Mary’s death, John’s grief and anger, his almost overdose, Culverton Smith, his birthday, the movie with Molly…

Yeah, by the last episode being so crazy, it's easy to forget how freaking shattered everyone is at this point.

12 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

But he needed to rise and check on Molly, check that everything was all right, that nothing had happened to her…

He immediately felt dizzy and had to clutch the bedside table not to fall on the floor.

- Interesting. Very interesting, the voice said, with a hint of excitement. So you do care for this woman. It would seem that it was Moriarty’s error. It will not be mine. Let’s see how I could include her into our little games…

^^Poor thing! Just wanting to check on Molly and being too sick and dizzy to move :wub: 

12 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

As if you-heh… As if you-hihHehISHAAAH! As if you didn’t know how… sniff… how my mind palace… is… ESSHHH’ah! HahhAHHSSH! Hah-AHSSHAHH! HihTSCHhhAH!

The sneezing fit prevented him from speaking for a moment. He flopped back against his pillow, breathing heavily and wondering if he was done. The itch in his nose wasn’t gone completely.

That fit though :drool:

So fantastic! Your writing is so outstanding. Thank you for making this so angst and marvelous--just what I love.

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Eurus! :fear: Oh, man, she scares the crap out of me.

Fascinating mind palace by the way. I love reading about all these different mind palaces. 

12 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

He could feel pure anger radiating from the shape sitting on his bed and dripping from every word she uttered.

- I’ll let you have five more sneezes, Sherlock. Because I like this number. And then, if you can’t control them, I’ll kill you. It won’t be as interesting as I had planned, but you’re really getting on my nerves.

The east wind is coming, Sherlock. It’s coming to get you.


Whoa! She threw down the gauntlet, didn't she? How is Sherlock going to manage? Because the way you write his sneezing he is surely doomed. 

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On 5/10/2017 at 9:32 AM, Aliena H. said:

Mycroft had told him that behind of all these doors he wished to open, stood death itself, and that when he’d open the last door, instead of the pure and absolute beauty he was expecting to find, he would meet his end and never come back to the world of the living.

Deep in his heart, Sherlock knew his brother was right…

Wow! This is so powerful.


On 5/10/2017 at 9:32 AM, Aliena H. said:

He came across Irene Adler, who winked at him. So she was still walking freely into his mind. Completely naked.

It is what it is.

Love this! LOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Poor Mycroft! So distraught! And Poor Greg, being shunted aside. Yay for Molly though! And Victor coming out, oooh.... Loving this!

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Oh, this is so wonderful!! I love worried Mycroft. And poor Sherlock--so sick. And Molly showing concern for both of them. She's a gem. This is great--I've read it three times already. Thank you!!! :hug: 

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Oh very nice!! I love your story, and the quotations made it easier for me to process. Well done!!

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Well done! I never mind when Mycroft shows up in your stories. I like the way you write him. He really thought the chickens were coming home to roost, didn't he? I would love to know how his conversation went with Greg, but that's probably another story. :) 

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  • 1 month later...

Arghh! I have to apologize. I missed this somehow. 

7 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

I guess that having the two of you was too much asking.

It should be "was asking too much". Sorry! :oops: 

The interaction with Molly and John was really sweet. I liked how he had to take a minute before he could step back and recognize that she might have some life experience that would give her a right to sympathize with him. 


I also thought it was great that Sherlock and John got to hash it out a bit more. But just like men abandoned the topic before it could get too sentimental. Granted they had a good reason. 

7 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Because the more urgent – the only thing that mattered, in fact – now was to find some tissues.


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I am so in love with this!! It would be an awesome story without the sneezing but it's even better because poor Sherlock is sick. Thank you!! :hug:


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On 7/24/2017 at 11:19 AM, Aliena H. said:

Mycroft is investigating?” John repeated in disbelief. “About Sally Donovan’s aggressor? He hates field work and he hates the woman.”

“Well, I don’t think he’s doing it for her”, Molly answered with a smile,



On 7/24/2017 at 11:19 AM, Aliena H. said:

“I don’t like the sound of it.”

“I don’t like any of it”, Sherlock answered with a shrug,

Poor baby.


On 7/24/2017 at 11:19 AM, Aliena H. said:

“Yes, I know. I ate yesterday, but I didn’t keep the food very long in my stomach. Maybe because my brother poisoned it”, he added pensively.



On 7/24/2017 at 11:19 AM, Aliena H. said:

“Since when are you the sensitive person and me the melodramatic and overreacting one?”


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I know I didn't write anything in this forum for a long time, but I silently read this thread and I - as always- love how you discribe the characters and all of you ideas! It's great! :notworthy:

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  • 3 weeks later...

:wub: :cry: Oh, I LOVE it!!! Exploring the mind palace was brilliant! And I really like anything to do with post season 4. 

Thank you so much! :hug:


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This was such a perfect ending. The desperation for Molly to listen and understand. And then being Molly, she comes to the rescue. A pirate boat! I love it!

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