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Doctor Castiel (Destiel)

Voodoo huntress

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I was reading this Destiel AU, where Dean was a famous actor and Castiel was a doctor and his long-term boyfriend. The fic didn't have any sick-parts and nothing against the author but this popped into my head


Castiel had just hung his doctor jacket up when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He didn't even have to check the caller ID to know who it was. Smiling tiredly, he reached into his scrubs pocket at pulled out his phone to answer it.

"Hello, Dean." Cas answered.

"What's up, Doc?" Came Dean's teasing voice. Cas's smile grew bigger.

"That's going to get old eventually." Cas said as he made his way to the bedroom. Cas put the phone on speaker and set it down on the bed so he could take his dirty scrubs off.

"You're always going to laugh at it and you know it." Dean's tiny voice came from the bed. Their cat jumped up and started pawing at the phone until Cas shooed her away.

"You're still coming home tomorrow, right?" Castiel said, yawning. Christ, he was exhausted. Today's shift was long and rough.

"Sure am, babe. Can't wait to spend the next 2 weeks with you." Dean said, clearing his throat. "What are you doing right now?"

"I am currently walking to the bathroom for a shower. Don't get any ideas, you prude." Castiel teased, knowing Dean's usual quick descent into lewd thoughts.

"Aw, come on Cas, don't taunt me like that." Dean whined. Cas chuckled, but stopped when he heard a few light coughs over the phone.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Dean hummed, confused.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Throat's just a little dry. Now, where were we?" Dean tried to get back on subject, but Cas was in full-on doctor mode.

"Dry throat? Are you getting sick? Now that I'm paying attention, you sound a bit hoarse. Do you have any other symptoms? Have you taken any medications?" Cas fired off the questions.

"Jesus, Cas, babe, I'm fine! There was more yelling in the script today, that's all." Dean laughed. Cas flushed at his paranoia.

"I'm sorry, I'm pretty tired, I guess." Cas said, yawning again. Dean hummed.

"Well, take your shower and get something to eat. I'll be home sooner than you think. I love you." Dean said in that charming voice of his, making Cas's insides still turn to goo after 2 years of dating.

"Love you, too." Cas said and they hung up. Cas smiled stupidly at his phone before returning to his task of getting in the shower.


Sneezing in next part

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Dean was leaning on his hand as his driver navigated through the streets of New York. He was feeling run down last night but now? He felt like garbage. His dry throat turned into flat out pain, his head was pounding, and he was getting more and more stuffed up as time passed. When the driver reached his apartment building, Dean grabbed his luggage and thanked him before making his way to his unit (he took his secret way to avoid paparazzi). When Dean keyed in, he set his bags down.

"Dean? Is that you?" He heard Cas's voice and grinned. He crept down the hall and saw Cas had his back towards him as he prepared some tea. Dean sneaked up and quickly winded his arms around Cas and twirled him around. Cas let out a gasp and hilarious shriek.

"Dean! What the hell?!" Cas laughed, Dean joining in with him. Dean set his boyfriend down who immediately turned around and squeezed him tightly.

"Heya, Cas. Missed you." Dean said, nuzzling into his boyfriend's messy inky hair.

"Missed you, too." Cas said. They stayed like that until Dean felt a tickle in his nose, his symptoms making a harsh comeback.

"Hh...H'DSSHH!" He jerked to the side. He quickly stepped away from Cas, jerking again. "HD'SHHOO! H'DSSHH!"

"Bless you..." Dean groaned internally at Cas's tone. That was the "I know you're full of shit, so don't try to lie" tone.

"Thanks." Dean sniffled. He looked up and yup, Cas had his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Dean shuffled on his feet. "Okay, I'm a little sick. Go on and get your doctor things." Dean said, not even trying to fight. Cas nodded once and disappeared into their bedroom. Dean sat on the couch, giving their cat a quick head scritch. He missed the furball. Cas returned, looking absolutely adorable with a stethoscope around his neck and doctor's bag with pajamas on. Cas sat down on the coffee table.

"Tell me your symptoms." Cas said, reaching under Dean's jaw to feel for swollen glands.

"Well, Dr. Novak, I appear to have the symptoms of a cold." Dean snarked. Can gave him an unimpressed look. Dean sighed. "Fine. My head hurts. My throat hurts. And I'm all congested and shit." Dean said and sucked in a huge breath.

"DSHH! H'DSHH! Ugh, that too." Dean sniffled and rubbed at his nose. Cas hummed. He unwinded his stethoscope from his neck and put it on. He then stood up to put the bell on Dean's upper back.

"Deep breath for me." Cas said. Dean complied and Cas moved the bell to his lower back. "And again." Dean's inhale caught and he started coughing into his fist. Cas waited for him to finish and put the bell back. "Can you do that one more time, please?"

Dean would be turned on by Cas's serious doctor mode if he didn't feel so crummy.

"There's some congestion, but your cough is dry. We'll have to watch for that so it won't get worse." Cas mused, mostly to himself. He reached into his bag for a tongue depressor and a pen light. "Say 'ahh' for me." Cas said. Dean huffed but did as he was told. Cas clicked on the light and tried to shine it down Dean's throat. Cas looked up, irritated.

"I know you can open wider than that." Castiel said, smugly. Dean sputtered at the innuendo and opened his mouth wider. Cas looked into Dean's throat and removed the stick and turned off his light.

"Your throat is red, glands are a little swollen. You said your head hurts? Does this hurt?" Cas asked, gently prodding Dean's sinus areas. Dean shook his head tiredly.

"I need to sneeze again." He complained. Cas reached for the tissue box he had next to him on the table and handed one to Dean. Dean held it up to his face and after a few seconds, he inhaled shakily.

"Hh'RUSHOO! H'DSSHOO!" Dean blew his nose and balled up the tissue in his hand. He cleared his throat and rested his head in his hand, eyes closed. He sighed when he felt Cas's cool hand on his forehead.

"You feel a little warm. Open up." Cas said, gently. Dean obediently dropped his mouth open and felt the tip of the thermometer go under his tongue. Dean dozed until it beeped and Cas pulled it away.

"You have a bit of a fever. My poor actor." Cas cooed and pinched Dean's cheek, grinning when Dean grunted and slapped his hand away. Cas set the used tools down outside his bag for disinfecting later. He sighed and ran his fingers through Dean's hair as the sick man coughed.

"Why don't you head up to bed and I'll bring you some tea?" Cas asked.

"But I just got back, I don't wanna spend the day in bed." Dean whined.

"Dean. That wasn't a suggestion." Cas said, his voice getting a hard edge. Dean groaned and slowly stood up.

"Me going to bed was so much more sexy in my head." Dean grumbled. Cas rolled his eyes and nudged the sick man towards the bedroom.

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Love it! I totally have a thing for doctors. Cas would be a good doctor, I'm reminded of that scene in season 11 where he's checking Deans symptoms and sticks out his finger hehe you write very well. I'd love to read more! 

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