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And Then the Sneezing Began (Supernatural, Sam & Dean)


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Title: And Then the Sneezing Began
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam, Dean (gen)
Summary: A collection of drabbles all for the same prompt by tarotgal, on the 2017 meme: "
Ala this article, the second sentence of your story must be "And then the sneezing began."
Warnings: None


And Then the Sneezing Began




The thermometer on the sunbaked wall outside their motel showed 80 degrees at breakfast, was pushing 90 an hour later, and hovered just over 101 at noon. And then the sneezing began.

hrCHSHhhuh!” Dean caught the sneeze in a handful of tissues, then blew his stuffy nose for the hundredth time that morning.

“Dean, come on,” Sam said, adjusting his tie and cuffs as he hovered by the passenger door. “Get a move on. We’re gonna be late for our appointment at the coroner’s.”

Dean sniffled and shoved the tissues in the pocket of his slacks and finished locking their motel room door.

“You forgot your jacket,” Sam pointed out.

“Sam, I’m warning you,” Dean said, blinking in the bright light. “It is a 102 degrees, and if you try to make me put on a suit jacket, so help me, I will kick your ass just as soo—heh..  as soon as I possibly c-..can…haTXCHH!”


There’d been a minor disagreement about whether or not Sam was getting sick, with Dean firmly in the corner that it was no problem for them to take the day off and Sam swearing up one side and down the other that he was fine, and it ended in combustible silence settling between them in the car. And then the sneezing began.


At the first quiet, muffled sneeze Dean rolled his eyes.


Sam buried the second sneeze in his sleeve.

Dean looked over and Sam was fuming silently in the passenger seat, unwilling to look Dean in the face, fighting back the third, inevitable sneeze that would mean the jig was up. Sam shifted uncomfortably in the seat, stared deliberately out the window, biting his lip and focusing entirely on quashing the itch at the back of his nose. He couldn’t help it—the itch took over, his breath hitched once, twice—

h-ETXCHhoo! hehKHXSHhoo! hhRXSHH!”

Dean shook his head and kept on driving.


The file box they needed was in the archives somewhere—finding it was the trick, and they’d been searching for it for the past half hour without the tiniest bit of luck. And then the sneezing began.


“Salud,” Dean called, from two aisles away.



h-h-h-hhHRUHSHHoo! Ugh, yeah, got a face-ful of it. Uh-heh-hehKHXSHh!”

“Go walk it off,” Dean said. “You’re gonna be useless for a while anyway.”

“Yeah, I’m... hhEHSHHoo! I’m’nna… hhERXXSSHHoo! Gonna go try t—hehIHXSHHhoo!”

“Hey, I get the idea. It’s okay, just go,” Dean said, and he heard Sam do exactly that, the sound of his sneezes getting quieter and quieter as he headed off down the hallway to get some air.


Sam lay in bed with his hands tucked behind his head, staring lazily out the window at the clear, peaceful spring morning while he waited for his alarm to go off. And then the sneezing began. Or rather, resumed.

haTXCHHuh! Oh my god,” Dean growled, rolling over and reaching for the tissue box that hadn’t left his side since yesterday afternoon.

Still?” Sam said, smiling in disbelief as he looked over at his brother.

Dean swiped cautiously at his nose with a tissue, but not cautiously enough. “h-h-h-hRXUSHuh!”

“How can you still be allergic?” Sam asked. “You were in the same room as a cat for fifteen minutes, fifteen hours ago.”

“Yes, thank you, Sam. I was there,” Dean said sourly, before he ducked his head into the blankets. “htTCSHH!”

“And you’ve slept for eight hours since then.”

Dean huffed out a stuffy sigh and sat up in bed, blew his nose for a while.

“That must suck,” Sam said, more kindly.

Dean sniffled and pump faked the balled up tissues at Sam who gratifyingly flinched, and then he tossed them into the trash can. “’s okay,” he said, with another sniff. “I’m good.”


Sam checked his side mirror as he eased down on the Impala’s accelerator and merged her onto the freeway. And then the sneezing began.

hhTXCHH!” Dean snuffled into his sleeve and tried to get a read on Sam in his peripheral vision, but Sam wasn’t giving off any signs.

Dean let out a wheezy sigh and stuttered his way into a coughing fit, muffling cough after ragged cough into his elbow.

“You okay?” Sam asked, when Dean started to settle down.

“Yeah,” Dean said, shuddering and pulling his jacket tighter around his ribs, looking pale and slightly fever-dazed. Then he sniffed wetly and twisted sideways into his elbow again. “h-tCHSHhuh! Man, I was fine this morning.”

“More or less,” Sam agreed, placating. “But now aren’t you glad I made you give me the keys?”


Sam was already having a lousy enough morning as it was. And then the sneezing began.

He’d spent an hour fiddling with frustratingly tiny valves trying to get the air compressor in Bobby’s auto shop to work, and finally he had managed, but it was an hour more out in the brisk South Dakota autumn morning than he’d bargained for. Now he was pacing the chilly concrete floor, poking around in the endless shelves and chaos of crates in search of the canister of black paint he knew was around here somewhere for the Impala.


Sam doubled up with a sudden wrenching sneeze, then shivered in his three layers of jackets. Sam reminded himself that, no matter how crappy he felt now that he was coming down with this flu, Dean felt crappier—so much worse that he hadn’t left Bobby’s house in days, not even to take care of his car which had gotten scratched up in a getaway last week. The least Sam could do to make him feel better was get her looking sharp for him by the time he was back on his feet.


Then again…. Sam sniffed wetly, considered his sore throat and headache. There was a certain appeal to climbing right back in bed.


Maybe it would be better to leave the touch-up job to the professional, anyway.


The sneezing had only just stopped. And then the sneezing began.

haTXCHSH! Ughh, damn it, Sam, you did get me sick.”

“Thought you said your immune system was ‘ironclad,’” Sam pointed out helpfully, his voice hoarse from all the coughing he was doing now that he’d moved on from all the sneezing the day before. “Unlike my apparently ‘wimpy’ one.”

“Doesn’t count,” Dean said, trudging to the bathroom for tissues. “I got sabotaged. It was germ wa-hih.. warfare… hrTXCSHh!”

Sam scoffed, then his breath caught and he coughed for a while into the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Dean leaned against the door frame and blew his nose.


It was either risk hypothermia or share a bed so of course they both opted for hypothermia. And then the sneezing began.

Freak snowstorm. Tank nearing empty. Middle of friggin’ nowhere. They had spotted an abandoned cabin just off the road, low on charm and basic supplies but with its roof more or less intact. Sam had rummaged through the house until he’d found a small bundle of ratty quilts in a cupboard. Dean brought in what blankets they had from the car.

The single bed slouched between them, a dubious prize with more coils than stuff, as they rock-paper-scissors-ed, numb-fingered. Dean had never been less disappointed to lose. They divvied up the blankets, downed a bracing finger of whiskey apiece. “Good luck,” Dean toasted before they curled up to meet their respective fates.

Ten minutes. Fifteen. Hypothermia started to feel like the less good choice.

hrrrxrh!” Sam muffled a sneeze into the blankets, hard, in case Dean was asleep.

“Sam,” Dean said from behind chattering teeth.

“Yeah… hXRSHH!”

“You’re freezing, right?”

“Yeah,” Sam breathed.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?”

Without waiting for an answer Dean got up stiffly off the cement slab floor, his half of the quilts bundled around him. He threw them over Sam and started climbing into the bed.

“I don’t want to get you sick,” Sam said, half-heartedly making room.

“You’d rather I froze to death on the floor? Scoot over, jerkface.”

Sam scooted, muffled another sneeze into the blankets. “hrRRHsh!”

Ten minutes. Fifteen. Through the closet’s worth of jackets they were each wearing they could barely feel the other’s back pressed close, but it was something, warmer than before. Their socked feet bumped together at the end of the bed, just where the blankets ran out. They slept without stirring until dawn.


Dean sat on the end of Sam’s bed, reading aloud from Chuck’s latest draft chapter.

“’And then the sneezing began,’” Dean read.

Sam sniffled wetly and kept typing away at his laptop, frowning. “Cut it out, Dean.”

“’Dean already knew that his brother was coming down with a cold, even though Sam was reluctant to admit it.’ The guy’s not wrong, Sam,” Dean said, looking up from the pages. “Were you planning on telling me any time soon? Not that I needed telling.”

Sam didn’t answer, just shook his head, unamused.

“Are you getting all ‘brooding and pensive’ again?”

“Okay, fine, I’m getting sick,” Sam grumpily confessed. “You happy?”

“What about the sneezing part?” Dean asked playfully, pointing at the relevant bit of text.

Sam glared at his brother. Dean smirked and went back to reading quietly to himself.

For a while after that Sam kept sniffling off and on, rubbing at his nose whenever he thought he could get away with it unnoticed. Seemed like every time every time it just made it itch more. He was getting more congested, too, although somehow his nose was running more at the same time. He sniffled again, holding the urge to sneeze at bay, breathing through his mouth. He pressed a knuckle against the side of his nose, sniffled again, the itch flaring. Then all at once, it got away from him.


“Says here,” Dean said nonchalantly, getting to his feet and grabbing his coat, “’Dean offered to go pick up some tissues and chicken noodle soup.’”

Sam cleared his throat to concede defeat and Dean smiled and boxed him gently on the shoulder as he headed out the door, keys in hand.




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Oh my god, you are really good! I especially loved number 4... all of the banter and frustration... I was going to quote specific lines from it but I loved all of them -- they were crafted perfectly!

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Oh my goodness. Staahhhp. But please don't stop. Really love the Dean ones (obviously) but they're all brilliant. :heart::hug: 

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7 hours ago, Sen Beret said:

Oh my god, you are really good! I especially loved number 4... all of the banter and frustration... I was going to quote specific lines from it but I loved all of them -- they were crafted perfectly!

Yes! 4 was amazing! :D 

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Eep, the number 9 one is such a cute idea! Sam's stubbornness even in the face of Chuck's writing, oh my gosh... :blush: But I also agree that these are really well crafted and they work so well as short, involved stories! I haven't read Supernatural fics in forever, but I clicked on this on a whim and I'm glad I did. I appreciate these very much! :D

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I personally love the 5 and 6. I always prefer illness to allergies, and these ones were really cute. (In the 6th one, knowing that Dean is even sicker than Sam is somehow... appealing. :rolleyes:)

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There are very good. Will there be any Castiel ones? I completely understand if not, as you may not be comfortable/want to write him in, but I would thoroughly appreciate it if you did.

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On 4/19/2017 at 10:52 PM, Sen Beret said:

Oh my god, you are really good! I especially loved number 4... all of the banter and frustration... I was going to quote specific lines from it but I loved all of them -- they were crafted perfectly!

Thanks so much! :D

On 4/20/2017 at 6:42 AM, MissBayliss said:

Oh my goodness. Staahhhp. But please don't stop. Really love the Dean ones (obviously) but they're all brilliant. :heart::hug: 

Heehee. I've got a couple more Dean ones cooking as well.

On 4/20/2017 at 6:43 AM, MissBayliss said:

Yes! 4 was amazing! :D 

Thanks! I think it's maybe the first allergic!Dean I've ever written. :huh: Sometimes I still can't believe the show us gave a canon cat allergy on a silver platter.

On 4/20/2017 at 2:34 PM, MaiMai said:

Eep, the number 9 one is such a cute idea! Sam's stubbornness even in the face of Chuck's writing, oh my gosh... :blush: But I also agree that these are really well crafted and they work so well as short, involved stories! I haven't read Supernatural fics in forever, but I clicked on this on a whim and I'm glad I did. I appreciate these very much! :D

I'm glad you enjoyed! :)

On 4/20/2017 at 2:41 PM, Aliena H. said:

I personally love the 5 and 6. I always prefer illness to allergies, and these ones were really cute. (In the 6th one, knowing that Dean is even sicker than Sam is somehow... appealing. :rolleyes:)

Thank you!! That's my personal favorite part of number 6, too. :P

On 4/21/2017 at 11:32 AM, sneezy_frnk said:

so much sick sam I looovvvvveeeee iiiiitttt

:D Glad you liked all the sick!Sam.

On 4/21/2017 at 9:01 PM, AngelEyes said:

These are adorable! 

Thank you!

On 4/22/2017 at 3:46 PM, KD02 said:

There are very good. Will there be any Castiel ones? I completely understand if not, as you may not be comfortable/want to write him in, but I would thoroughly appreciate it if you did.

No Cas plans at present, sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few more Dean ones.




At first Sam didn’t believe him. And then the sneezing began.


“Wait, since when?”

“I don’t know, Sam… haTXCHHuh! Since forever.”

“How could I not know you’re allergic to cats?” Sam asked, incredulous. “I’ve been five feet away from you for 33 years.”

“Never… hrCHSHhhuh! really came up until now… htTCSHH!”

“You’re really not kidding, are you?” Sam said, his suspicions that Dean was just pulling his leg dwindling with each increasingly itchy sneeze.

“No, I’m really n— hh.. hRXUSHhhuh! not kidding. hRXXUSH!” Dean sniffed hard and then rubbed the heel of his hand into his eye with an annoyed sigh. “Wish I were.”




First the sore throat got so bad he didn’t feel like eating. And then the sneezing began. Next he started running a fever. Finally Sam made him get back in bed.

“Dude, we’re between jobs. There is no reason you should be up and around right now.”

Sam stood in the doorway of Dean’s bedroom, making sure Dean was actually climbing into bed like he promised and not skipping out.

“Still think I should be looking at the files or something,” Dean said shakily, sliding his legs between the sheets and rearranging his pillow.

“Maybe after you get some sleep,” Sam said, with no intention of providing Dean with any files whatsoever for some time. He watched as Dean settled in and pulled the covers up, moving slowly and deliberately like everything ached. “I’ll be right upstairs in the library if you need anything.”

Dean nodded and then curled forward to catch a harsh sneeze in the blankets.

“Feel better,” Sam said, heading out the door. “I’ll be back in a while.”




In the middle of the night, out of nowhere there was loud clattering from the motel bathroom—lots of hard, little things dropping onto linoleum and bouncing into all corners of the room—and Sam startled awake and bolted upright in bed, zero to hunter in half a second. And then the sneezing began.

“Ah, crap. ..hehTXCHHh!” It was Dean’s voice, and then a Dean-shaped shadow appeared around the corner in the dark. “Sorry, sorry.”

“Dean?” Sam panted out. “You okay? What happened?”

hhTXCHHuh! Yeah, sorry, the kit bag hit the deck…. haTXCHH!”

“What’s up with you?” Sam asked, blinking and trying to get his eyes to adjust. “Are you getting sick?”

“Must be,” Dean said, sniffling. “Was trying not to wake you up. Obviously that didn’t work.”

“Dean, man, you don’t have to hide in the bathroom every time you sneeze,” Sam pointed out. “Go back to bed. It’s 2a.m.”

“’m gonna keep you awake,” Dean said, hesitating in the doorway.

“You’re really not,” Sam sighed, flopping back down onto his pillow. “I’m exhausted, and I’ll be asleep again in two minutes no matter what.”

Dean sniffed and fumbled his way across the room to his bed. “If you say so.”

“I do. ‘Night, Dean.”

“’Night… hRXUSHuh!”


Edited by sierraplaid
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These are all so amazing! 

Number 10- the line about being 5 feet away for 33 years...my fav.

Really love these - thanks for sharing

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22 hours ago, Wow Really? said:


Keep em coming! Keep em coming!

These are water to my soul ?❤️

:) Okeedokee, more soon.

9 hours ago, Always-a-Ginger said:

These are all so amazing! 

Number 10- the line about being 5 feet away for 33 years...my fav.

Really love these - thanks for sharing

I'm glad you enjoyed them! Probably five feet is an overestimate, really. Maybe more like two. 1.5. :P

5 hours ago, estrelleta said:

These are so much fun...can't get enough of your writing!

Aw, thanks! :blush:

4 hours ago, KD02 said:

These are so good!! Please continue writing more..



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Sam's turn! Time for sick!Sam in the Impala.




Sam had been so careful all day to hide from his brother that he was coming down with a cold. And then the sneezing began.


Sam muffled a sneeze forcefully in his elbow. He quickly checked over his shoulder to see if Dean had noticed, but Dean was engrossed in the task of squeegeeing the back window of the car while he waited for the gas pump to shut off, and Sam was inside and all the windows were rolled up so he’d gotten away with it.

He sniffed a few times. He always hated this. Getting sick was bad enough but trying to hide it from Dean while they worked a job….

“Hey.” Dean suddenly appeared at the driver’s side and tapped on the window. “Want anything from the stop-and-rob?” His voice was muted through the glass.

Sam shook his head. Something to knock the symptoms back would be great right about now but he certainly wasn’t going to concede that easy.

Dean headed off towards the convenience store and Sam watched him go, waited until he was out of earshot before he let himself sneeze.


He sniffled, swiped his nose gingerly on his cuff. No more sneezing—at least not today. He figured he had about six hours left before Dean caught on, and he intended to get the most out of them. He rubbed his nose, sighed, rubbed his nose again. He sniffed hard and cleared his throat, and then sat and waited for Dean to return.




Sam had just used the very last of the tissues to blow his nose and tossed them into the trash bag in the footwell. And then the sneezing began.

h..h..huhXCHSHhhoo! …huhXSHHoo!”

“Figures,” Dean said, as Sam sniffled and checked his pockets. Dean took his eyes briefly off the road to look over. “You’ve already checked your pockets at least five times.”

“Yeah.” Sam gave up the hunt and sat back, sniffling.

“Next sign of life, we’ll make a pit stop.”

Sam took a deep breath and turned sideways into the sleeve of his sweatshirt. “huhRRXXSHH! h-RRXXHhoo! Ugh, yeah, sounds good.”




“Nice sunrise,” Dean said, pulling down his visor as he drove them due east on the highway.

And then the sneezing began.

hRXHSHH! Uh, yeah, ‘s nice,” Sam replied. He shivered and readjusted the heater vent in the dashboard.

“Sorry we had to skip town so early. How you feeling?”

“Um. Better, I guess… hURXSHh!”

“You could hardly feel worse than yesterday.”

hUXXRSHHhhoo!” Sam sniffled and then blew his nose tiredly.

“Why don’t you just go straight back to sleep?” Dean proposed. “Want me to pull over so you can stretch out in the back?”

“’s okay,” Sam said, eyes closed, and he leaned against the door, folding his arms, trying to get comfortable.

Dean waited until the next turnout and then pulled off onto the gravel, left the engine running. Sam looked up.

“Dean, it’s okay—” he started, but Dean waved him off, hopped out of the car and went around to the trunk. Sam craned his neck to see. In a minute Dean was back with a folded blanket and handed it to Sam.

“Thanks,” Sam said, taking it gratefully.

Dean just smiled at him and got them back on the road.


Edited by sierraplaid
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I still love those!!!

My favorite bits:

On 06/05/2017 at 9:43 PM, sierraplaid said:

“How could I not know you’re allergic to cats?” Sam asked, incredulous. “I’ve been five feet away from you for 33 years.”

Because, yes, discovering it after 33 years is a bit disconcerting, I guess.

On 07/05/2017 at 10:56 PM, sierraplaid said:

“You could hardly feel worse than yesterday.”

I don't know why, this sentence just... worked for me. And this part (15) is my favorite.

If you have some others, feel free to share!!!

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Hellllllpp, I can't stop writing these. Taken all together, they're the third longest fic I've written. :huh:

6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

I still love those!!!

My favorite bits:

Because, yes, discovering it after 33 years is a bit disconcerting, I guess.

I don't know why, this sentence just... worked for me. And this part (15) is my favorite.

If you have some others, feel free to share!!!

Thank you! I'm really glad that implication about Sam being sicker the day before worked for you in 15. :3

5 hours ago, estrelleta said:

Ohhh every time I see you've updated these, I get another little rush of joy :)

Same goes for me when I see you've commented! :)



Dean sat on the end of his bed and sluggishly tugged his arms free from his jacket, flagging after a long day of fruitlessly chasing demons and trying not to let this cold get on top of him. And then the sneezing began.

hCHSHhhuh!” He muffled the sneeze in his bundled-up coat.

“You okay?” Sam asked, rummaging in his duffel bag, looking for something.

“Yeah.” Dean sniffed, cleared his throat. “’m getting a cold.”

“Yeah,” Sam said matter-of-factly. “I figured.”

Dean’s breath hitched again and he waited, hunched over, for the second sneeze to hit.


Sam walked by him en route to the bathroom and dropped his gray sweatshirt on Dean’s knee as he passed.




With a few final blows of the shovel, Dean finished tamping down the earth on the grave they’d dug up, torched, and refilled again. And then the sneezing began.


“Ready to go?” Dean asked.

Sam nodded, without lifting his face from his elbow, then sneezed again.

“Case is over. Guess you can be as sick as you want now,” Dean said.

Sam started coughing before he could respond.

“Come on,” Dean said, taking him by the shoulder. “Let’s get you home.”



18. (*)

They were all of two, maybe three minutes over the U.S. border, the only car on the road for miles in the bleak, snowy emptiness of southern Saskatchewan. And then the sneezing began.

“Ah, damn it,” Dean said, sniffling, his voice stuffed up. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t like this plan, Sam.”

“It’s a case, Dean. I know you aren’t exactly a fan of Canada…” Sam started.

“It sucks,” Dean interjected vehemently. “It’s freezing all the time and the sports are stupid and the dumb Canadian-ness of it makes me sick.”

“Come on, you can’t pin that on Canada. You’ve been getting a cold for days, ever since we left Bozeman.”

“Don’t bring Montana into this,” Dean growled. “It’s got nothing to do with it.”

Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes, amused.

Dean sniffed a few times, scrunched up his nose before inhaling sharply and ducking quickly into his elbow. “ahTCHHhh!”

“Oh, Canada,” Sam said.




(*) ETA: As I was writing this I kept getting weird deja vu about the whole Canadian-border-making-Dean-sneeze thing. Turns out that a tiny part of my spn-and-sneezefic-devoted brain was remembering this 2012 prompt and fill, so credit to i_speak_tongue and mad_server for getting there five years before me!


Edited by sierraplaid
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17 hours ago, sierraplaid said:

Hellllllpp, I can't stop writing these. Taken all together, they're the third longest fic I've written.

Please never stop! :P 


17 hours ago, sierraplaid said:

(*) ETA: As I was writing this I kept getting weird deja vu about the whole Canadian-border-making-Dean-sneeze thing. Turns out that a tiny part of my spn-and-sneezefic-devoted brain was remembering this 2012 prompt and fill, so credit to i_speak_tongue and mad_server for getting there five years before me!


Haaa I immediately thought of that but just assumed it was intentional! This whole "allergic to Canada" is part of my headcanon now :P

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These are fantastic! Just such cute little scenarios I really enjoy reading!

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On 5/6/2017 at 2:43 PM, sierraplaid said:

“How could I not know you’re allergic to cats?” Sam asked, incredulous. “I’ve been five feet away from you for 33 years.”


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On 5/12/2017 at 8:05 PM, Wow Really? said:

I adore these. You made my night. 

Yyyyay! :smile:

On 5/13/2017 at 9:33 AM, estrelleta said:

Please never stop! :P 


Haaa I immediately thought of that but just assumed it was intentional! This whole "allergic to Canada" is part of my headcanon now :P

It makes me happy that my readership is so well read in the classics of spn sickfic. ;) I can't believe I didn't think of it instantly myself. Once I finally realized why it felt familiar it seemed so obvious. :doh: 

On 5/13/2017 at 11:27 AM, Hovercuke said:

These are fantastic! Just such cute little scenarios I really enjoy reading!


On 5/15/2017 at 9:18 PM, AngelEyes said:


Glad you liked. :thumbsupsmiley:



They had enough on their hands with Dean’s broken ankle and the pair of vetalas still at large. And then the sneezing began.

“Can’t catch a break, can you?” Sam said, handing Dean the motel box of tissues and perching on the table since Dean’s foot was propped up on the only other chair.

Dean sniffed and tossed the tissue box across the table immediately, ignoring Sam completely. “So where do you think they’d go after they moved on from the truck stop?”

“No idea,” Sam said. “How’s the ankle?”

“Think they skipped town altogether? We probably spooked them pretty good.”

“Also no idea,” Sam said, crossing his arms. “How about the cold?”

“Sam, could you please focus on the job?” Dean said, changing his mind about the tissues and trying to reach for them without jostling his leg. Sam nudged the box a little closer.

“Dude, you’re not going back out there,” Sam said. “You may as well face it.”

TXCSHhuh!” Dean caught the sneeze in a handful of tissues and sat back, wincing.

“Rufus is already on his way. We can handle it, all right? You sit this one out, you’ll be off the bench all the sooner. Isn’t that what you told me last time?”

Dean glowered at his ankle, then at Sam, before allowing himself to see reason.

“One condition,” he said, menacing a finger at his brother. “You need backup, you call me.”

“Of course,” Sam said.

And on the strength of that, Dean nodded his grudging concession, and then Sam helped him get up and get ready to climb in bed.




First day of summer, glorious, warm sun. And then the sneezing began.


“Only you could catch cold in the middle of June, Sam.”

Sam grumbled, reaching for the tissues. He snatched two from the box and pressed them to his face. “hhRXSHH.. hRXXSHH!… huhXCHSHhhhew!”

“At least you’re getting your one cold of the year out of the way early, right?”

“Better be,” Sam muttered glumly, then sniffled and fished out another three tissues. “hehSHXXHhew! hih-hihhehKXSHhoo!”




First day of winter, bleak, gray cloudy sky. And then the sneezing began.


Dean glanced at Sam, watched him frown and duck back into the crook of his arm.


“You sick again?” Dean asked, already sure enough of the answer.

Sam swiped at his nose with his sleeve and huffed out a frustrated sigh.

“That sucks,” Dean said. “Hey, at least you’re getting next year’s cold out of the way really early, though, right?”

Sam didn’t respond, his mind blank, breath hitching. “h-h-..h-hhEHHXRSHHoo!”



Edited by sierraplaid
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