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Rick Sick Fic (Rick and Morty, Rick/Bird Person)


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Ok. So I wrote this a couple months ago but I hadn't worked up the courage to post it until now, mainly because its a very odd pairing (I'm weird, I know) :laugh2:. Its only slash if you squint. I apologize ahead of time if my writing isn't very good :blushsmiley:






“AAGKKSHHHUHh!” Rick sneezed and squinted his eyes open. He appeared to be lying on a pile of hay in a bedroom that he didn't recognize. Rick felt the twigs below him, quickly realizing that it wasn't hay but a nest”


    “What the f***…” Rick sat up blearily and rubbed his temples in an effort to quell the throbbing in his head. 


    “I was wondering when you’d come to.” The voice was monotone yet soft. 


    Rick looked to the round doorway, where his friend, Bird Person, stood. Rick rubbed his face, trying to shake the fuzzy feeling in his head. “Ughh, what happened?”


    “We are on Birdworld. If you recall, we were celebrating the 28th anniversary of your birth at a strip bar on Earth c-137. Shortly after you vomited in the hair of one of the exotic dancers, you fell unconscious. Squanchy and I brought you here where you have been in an assumed coma for 18 hours.”


    Rick took a sip of water from a glass that had been placed on the nest-side table. “Thanks Bird Person. Guess I had a little too much to drink." Rick felt his stomach turning. He shut his eyes tried to push down the feeling. "Ughhh, I feel like I’m gonna throw-“ Rick curled forward and quickly clamped a hand over his mouth. 


    Bird Person raised his eyebrows and made a quick motion to place a waste bin in Rick’s lap. 


    Rick’s body shuddered as he heaved into the plastic bin, emptying the contents of his stomach. He coughed a few times and spit. “S***.” 


    Bird Person awkwardly rubbed Rick’s back and handed him the glass of water. He took the waste bin from Rick’s lap and washed it in the bathroom faucet before returning.


     Rick wiped his mouth and shivered slightly. Bird Person lifted a hand to feel Rick’s forehead. “On Birdworld you would be considered to have an abnormally high temperature. I do not know if this is the case on earth.”


    Rick almost chuckled. “Yeah, feels like I got a fever.” He ran his fingers through his messy hair. “I better be heading back to c-137 then.” Rick started to stand up, wobbling slightly. It was after kicking his legs out from under the covers that he realized he was wearing only boxers.


    Bird Person placed a hand on Rick’s shoulder and firmly guided him back into the nest. “Rick, you are welcome to stay here until you are feeling well.”


    “Thanks Bird Person but I don't need to be taken care of. I can handle it. Uh, where are my clothes?”


    Bird Person cocked an eyebrow slightly. “It was not a request, Rick. I cannot allow you to return home in your present state. As for your clothes, they are being washed, as they were coated in your own vomit.”


    Rick felt his face redden slightly in embarrassment. He allowed himself to relax back into the nest. Feeling a tickle in his nose, he rubbed at it. The tickle only grew stronger. Failing to quell the impending sneeze, Rick raised his arm and tucked his face into his elbow. “AAKKSHHHHUHhh!!” He gave a thick sniffle.


    Bird Person looked concerned (well, as concerned as a bird person could look). “Rabadootar. Or as your people would say, ‘bless you’.” 


    Rick wiped his nose on the bedcover then regretted it, wincing slightly at his own rude gesture. 


    Bird Person took notice. “Do not worry, I am not susceptible to earth illnesses.”


    “I-I’m not sick, just hu-hu-“ Rick pinched is nose in an attempt to stifle the nearing sneeze. “HAAAPPPSHHHHH!-“ The force of it made his head swim. “I’m just hungover.” Rick used the back of his hand to wipe a small trail of snot off his lip. He glanced away from Bird Person’s blank stare.


    “Rick, I have seen you hungover on many occasions. Although your vomiting is customary, you have never had a fever or sneeze before. I am no doctor, but I would guess that you’ve contracted the earth illness known as the flu.” 


    Rick didn't answer. 


    “Try to get some rest. I will return with food and medicinal remedy for your flu.” Bird Person left, leaving Rick to sulk in solitude. 


    Rick was sure that Bird Person had said ‘flu’ again just to rub it in. Rick hated being sick. More than that, he hated people fussing over him. He didn’t need to be resting in bed. He should be home or off on some adventure. Rick tossed the covers back and threw his legs over the side of the nest. He was quickly stopped by the pounding in his head and the twisting of his stomach. He eased himself back down, pulling the covers up. Maybe he’d stay just for a little while, only to make Bird Person feel better about it of course. Then he was definitely leaving. 


Rick barely had time to finish this thought before drifting off into a fitful sleep. 

eeeeeppp. *hides*


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AHHH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I've wanted to see Rick sneeze since forever, and I actually like emeto too so this was pretty super awesome. <3 Thanks for sharing!

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OMG!! :D Please, I beg you, continue! This is the very first Rick & Morty story I've read on this forum and I'm in total love! :heart: I love Rick and Birdperson's friendship (and I may even start shipping them now because of you LOL!) Great job!

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Duuuuude awesome job. :heart: You kept Rick in character and this was soooo cute and pretty funny. I hope you decide to write more for this fandom, whether you continue this story or start a new one. And damn I ship them now too. :lol: 


haha I love you so much for writing this. Just auuughhh thank you so much I didn't realize I needed this fic. X3

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