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Sick Alphys (Undertale)


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Frisk flinched and took yet another tissue out of their pocket and handed it to Alphys, which she accepted shyly. The tiny human then took out a notebook and crossed a line threw 4 other lines. "That makes 25." They said to themselves.

"Wait, y-you've been c-counting?" Alphys asked her face flushing red. Either she was embarrassed, or it was because of the one thing Frisk speculated since sneeze 3.

"Yup. So I have something to show you when you deny that your sick." They explained in a smartass tone. 

"What!? I-I'm not sick!" Frisk opened their notebook and shoved it in Alphys's stubborn face. She pushed it away and held the tissue up to her suddenly flaring nostrils. She also turned around as if that made it so Frisk couldn't hear her. "ASCHEW!!!!" She sneezed loud enough that it caught Toriel's attention from the kitchen.

Frisk sighed and wrote another tac on the notebook. "26."

Toriel poked her head into the living room, her face was sporting a concerned frown. "Are you children okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine. But Alphys has a cold." Frisk said raising their hand.

"I-I do not!" Alphys yelled, at least that's what Frisk thought she was trying to do. Her voice sounded so wheezy and wet it was hard to tell.

"Oh dear me!" Toriel gasped and ran into the bathroom. She came out after a few seconds with a thermometer. The lizard monster looked slightly scared when she saw it, but didn't resist when the former queen pressed it on her forehead. After 10 seconds, it beeped. Tori read it to herself, cast a glance at her patient, then read it out loud. "100.1"

"O-Oh geeze...That can't be possi-" Alphy's throat suddenly became too sore to finish her sentence, as she coughed violently into her lab coat.  

"You poor thing. Frisk, there's a big blue quilt on my bed. Could you get it please?" Toriel asked her child. They nodded and left the room. Meanwhile she sat on the floor with the sick little lizard and gave her a motherly hug.

"Are you sure it's a cold? It could just be hay fever." 

"Nonsense my child. Trust me. I know an illness when I see one." 

As if on cue, Tori heard Alphys cough and hack behind her. She grabbed a tissue and used it to wipe off a bit of phlegm on her dress. Frisk came out dragging a huge blue blanket behind them. They threw it over Alphys's shivering body. Her head was placed on the ground.

"Maybe I should call Undyne-" Toriel started to say before a small claw rested on her lap. 

"P-Please don't...I don't w-want her to see me like this..."

Frisk and her adopted mother looked uncertain. "She cares about you dear. It might make you feel better if she's there for you." She explained warmly. She got off the ground and got out her phone. Alphys wanted to protest more, but the whole day trying to hide her illness was catching up to her and she was too tired to make the attempt. She just closed her eyes and waited.

The last thing she remembered was falling asleep with Frisk sitting next to her, now she woke up in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar bed. Apparently Undyne arrived faster then the Dreemer Family were prepared. She greeted Toriel briefly and immediately went in search of her girlfriend. Everyone agreed it'd be better for her to stay in the ruins instead of trekking through Snowdin and Waterfall to bring her home.

It was hard to see since the only light source was a table lamp, but Alphys realized that Undyne was sitting on the bed on the other side of the room. "Hey babe." She greeted casually. The little lizard wanted to say something, but her voice was creaky and weak. Undyne chuckled and walked to her lover's bedside.

Just when she thought she had squeaked out enough sounds to form a word, her nose started to burn and her breathing hitched. "ahhhh...ACHIEEWW!" Thankfully, Undyne was right there with a box of tissues. And a notebook. "27." 

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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, JolliLolli said:


uuuuuuuuyaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! :D

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