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Sharing Isn't Always Caring (Shameless, M and F)


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*Okay so this is a really crappy start but I promise it will get better! This is just the intro. Hopefully you guys enjoy and let me know if you want more! :) *


"Just take the damn medicine Carl." Fiona growled as she held down her little brother.

Trying to get him to do anything was always such a pain, especially when it came to taking medication. Sometimes she forgot that he was preteen and not a toddler.

"That stuff is gross!" He shouted, furiously trying to wiggle out of her death grip.

"Debbie help me!"

Debbie held down Carl's arms as Fiona held his mouth open with one hand and forced cough syrup down his throats with the other. Carl nearly gagged on artificial grape flavor and ran upstairs, slamming and locking his bedroom door behind him so Fiona couldn't come after him with more "gross stuff". 

"God he's such a pain," Fiona groaned. Carl was sent home from school with the flu three days ago and instead of resting like a normal person, he had been running around the neighborhood seeing who all he could infect. It was funny until he started doing it to his siblings. "I swear if he gets anyone in the house sick I'm going to hit him."

Liam whined at her feet so she picked him up and propped him on her hip and went back to cooking dinner, which was going smoothly until Carl refused to take the medicine they had gotten (stolen) from the pharmacy. Again, instead of being a normal person, he also refused to take any medicine that Fiona tried to give to him. He wouldn't even drink the orange juice she left for him on his dresser. It was like he was protesting her in some way. He was weird like that though. He wouldn't do something unless he wanted to, even if it was just to help him. Five minutes later the timer went off and it was as if Fiona had rung a bell signaling dinner was ready. The upstairs floor rumbled and it sounded like a heard of elephants as the Gallagher clan ran down the stairs to the kitchen table. 

"Dinner's ready."  Fiona laughed and placed the baked chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes on the table.

The kids scarfed their food down as if they'd never eaten before. It never ceased to amaze Fiona how much they could eat.

"Where's Lip?"

Fiona asked, observing the empty chair that was usually occupied by her brother. It was hard to miss his blonde hair in a sea of brown and red.

"He was sleeping so I didn't wake him up," Ian said. "More food for me anyways."

He shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth, obviously not suspicious of his missing sibling. Fiona glared at Carl who had a mischievous look on his face.

"I swear Carl..." she mumbled as she stomped up the stairs.

She quietly walked into the room that Ian shared with Lip to find him huddled under a pile of blankets. 

"Lip?" She called out.


She got a pair of sneezes as a response.

"Bless you," she sat down on the edge of the bed. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Allergies." He mumbled, not even bothering to lift his head to look at her.

"You don't have allergies, and it's December."

She tried to put her hand on his forehead, but he pulled the covers over his head.

"You look pale...."

She tried pulling the covers down to get an idea on his temperature, but again Lip swatted her hand away.

"It's fucking allergies Fiona. Just leave me alone."

She signed and rolled her eyes. He was so stubborn. Honestly he was almost as bad as Carl.

"Okay," she went to the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of medicine from the cabinet. She placed it on his nightstand before heading for the door. "If you need anything, just let me know."

He didn't say anything; he was too busy stubbing at his nose, trying to keep the tickle away until she left. He didn't want to give anymore hints to his illness. As soon as she shut the door, he grabbed a tissue and quickly brought it to his face.


He gave his nose a gurgling blow as he crashed back down into his pillow, letting out a few stray coughs. Little did he know Fiona was standing behind the door, listening to the whole thing. Her heart went out to him. She wanted take care of her little brother, but she knew he wasn't going to ask for help and he certainly wasn't going to admit he was sick. She just had to fall back and let him come to her, which might not even happen at all.

Edited by ThatSneezyGirl
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Just started this show Saturday and I'm on episode 9. I love Lip. Carl scares the living daylights out of me.

I love this story so much. Please continue!

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  • 1 month later...

Fantastic so far! And all the characters are spot on, I love lip so much and I always wanted them to do an episode like this. 

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  • 3 months later...

Love it!!! Lip is one of my favorites!!! I just started watching this recently, and was hoping there was some fiction on here to read!

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