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Catching a cold in prison (Alex/Piper OITNB)


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Hi everyone! This is my first ever post I've ever written on here so excuse if it's rubbish. 

Comments would be appreciated :) 

Part 1: 


It was a Monday morning and of course Piper had woke up with the prison cold that had been going around like wildfire.  With a streaming nose and a throat that felt like it had been scratched by razor blades Piper wished she could be sleeping in her own king size bed back in Connecticut with her one and only, Alex Vause. However, in prison there is no time to rest so Piper pulled her achy body out of bed making her way to the showers to try and clear the lingering congestion in her nose hoping with any chance she would be feeling back to her usual self tomorrow.  

As the steamy air of the shower reached Piper's swollen sinuses her nose started to itch, turning towards the wall a messy HX-SHU! left her now dripping nose, mucus evidently seen on the wall. Piper sighed to herself, thinking "this was going to be a long day". 

Finishing up in the shower the tickle in Piper's nose returned with a vengance, her nose now quivering and hitching with each breath Hehh-HEEHH-Ehhhh, it was stuck. It was only when she stepped out of the shower, still needing to desperately sneeze she bumped into her girlfriend, Alex. 

"Wow, Pipes, you're not looking too hot" Alex replied, laughing slightly at the sneezy expression on her girlfriends face. With that the sneeze Piper's swollen nose had been holding in was finally released, HXGHSSSSH! *sniff sniff*. Piper rubbed the underside of her leaky nose with her knuckle and replied "No I'm fine, it's just a bit dusty in here Vause is all". See, Piper was stubborn particularly in front of Alex and her dark haired girlfriend knew best not to argue with Piper until she eventually gave in, looking for the romantic affection she craved. 

"You're up early Pipes" Alex observed noting that it was only 5:30am and Piper was definetly one for sleep. As Piper was about to reply the same tickle as earlier returned in her nose, knowing that she had nowhere  to turn with an already suspicious Vause in front of her Piper pressed her knuckle under her nose, seemingly stopping the building sneeze. It was only once Piper removed her hand the feeling became so desperate she had no choice, HXSHHHU! HEHH-XSHU! *sniff*, opening her eyes she realised what she had done, embarrassment flooding over her, she had drenched Alex's shirt.

"Shhh Pipes, it's okay honest" trying to comfort her stubborn girlfriend who still admitted she wasn't sick. Kissing Piper gently on the lips Alex knew that it wouldn't be long before her sniffly, sick girlfriend would somehow find her way for some cuddles to make her feel better, and if that meant Alex was going to get sick, so be it. 

Sorry it's short and not great. Would anyone care for a part 2? I just love Alex and Piper together and I can't wait for the new series in June. :)

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I love this! It reads very realistically and I like that! Would definitely care for a part 2! It's lovely to run into another OITNB fan here. Well done, and welcome! 

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On 02/04/2017 at 8:30 PM, Sooph said:

I love this! It reads very realistically and I like that! Would definitely care for a part 2! It's lovely to run into another OITNB fan here. Well done, and welcome! 

Thank you so much! ☺️

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17 minutes ago, shadow99 said:

Thank you so much! ☺️

I was thinking of doing an Alex POV drabble/fic, would you be ok with that? Just asking because I don't want to be stealing your idea or anything!

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Part 2: 

After working flat out in electrics all day it was now lunch time and Piper couldn't be more relieved for a chance to sit down and try to tame the dull ache throughout her body. On her way to the cafeteria she stopped at the toilets, after all blowing your nose in privacy was far less humiliating than in public. 

Hehh-- HXSHU! *sniff* Piper sighed to herself, blowing her already raw nose again, toilet paper wasn't the best for runny noses. Stuffing her pocket full of the stuff she made one last look at her self in the mirror, noticing her now reddening nostrils and walked off to the cafeteria. 

Being served her usual plate of what could only be considered splodge Piper sat down at a vacant table at the back of the room where she hoped her and her pounding head wouldn't be disturbed. However that wasn't to be the case as another sneeze rapidly took hold, HXSHU! Heh- Hehh- HEXSHUU! Grabbing a tissue from her pocket she wiped her nose softly, looking up noticing Alex was stood beside her. 

As Alex sat down beside her, suspicious eyes looming over Piper's red nose and flushed look Piper pocketed her now damp tissue and proceeded to eat her food. "Still not sick I see then" Alex asked with a slight hint of sarcasm. "Ndope" Piper replied smiling slightly, seemingly giving her game away with the congestion that had settled. As Alex pecked a small kiss to Piper's forehead she frowned, "Pipes you're really hot", "I kdow Alex" Piper replied cheekily to her Girlfriend's comment. "Well there is that type of hot but you know what's I mean, you should be in bed not slaving your ass over fixing broken lamps". To prove her point Piper suddenly felt the extreme urge to sneeze, "oh god, not now" Piper thought to herself, how embarrassing. With a sneezy expression on her face, waving her hand in front of her face Alex knew what was going to happen, quickly grabbing her napkin she placed it to Piper's swollen nose as HXSHUU! HEH-HEXSHU! "Blow." Alex instructed, with her cheeks now even more flushed from embarrassment and fever Piper did as she was told. 

Piper groaned softly and put her head on the cool table, she felt awful. "C'mon Pipes, let's get you to your bed" Her dark haired girlfriend said. Feeling to rubbish to even put up her usual Piper fight she knodded, sniffled and allowed Alex to guide her to the bedroom, only this time there was no doubt she would not be having fun. 

Would anyone want a part 3?

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5 hours ago, Sooph said:

I was thinking of doing an Alex POV drabble/fic, would you be ok with that? Just asking because I don't want to be stealing your idea or anything!

Sure go for it. We need more OITNB on here ☺️

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53 minutes ago, shadow99 said:

Sure go for it. We need more OITNB on here ☺️

Fantastic! I certainly will ?

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