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Sick Peter (Superfamily AU)

Voodoo huntress

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Alright. Remember when I really wanted some sick Sterek and I went on a binge because there wasn't much available? I might be doing that with Superfamily. I'm sorry if its bad but there needs to be more and I'll shut up now



Tony looked up from the small project he was tinkering with on the breakfast bar and saw his teenage son shuffle in, pajamas rumpled and his eyes ringed with dark circles. Peter raised a hand tiredly in greeting before his face scrunched up and he bent forward with a second sneeze.

"Oh my god, gross! Get it away from me!" Tony cried dramatically, running to put the bar between him and his obviously sick and miserable son. Steve, who was cooking breakfast at the stove had looked up when he first heard Peter come in and rolled his eyes at his husband's antics before lowering the stove top's heat and walked towards their son.

"Remind me to tell the press how nurturing you are the next time they stop us." Steve said sarcastically. When he reached his son, he gently took Peter's chin in his hand and lifted his face to examine it. Peter sighed at the handling, too tired to protest.

"You feel pretty warm, so school is definitely out for today." Steve said after he moved his other hand to feel Peter's forehead. "You woke up feeling bad?" He asked. Peter cleared his throat.

"I was pretty tired last night. Didn't think I was actually sick." Peter said, sniffling. He jerked suddenly out of Steve's grasp to sneeze into his hands.

"Ih-hishoo! Ipt-shhh!" Peter groaned quietly at the pain in his head and sniffled thickly.

"Jesus christ, go wash your hands. And go to quarantine." Tony's call from the other side of the kitchen drowned out Steve's 'bless you'.

"Please excuse your moron of a father. Go sit at the bar and I'll make you some tea." Steve said and gently nudged his son in the direction of the bar. Tony wilted under Steve's disapproving stare and slowly walked back to where Peter had climbed up on the stool and rested his head on his crossed arms.

"Be careful, wouldn't wanna contaminate you." Peter teased. Tony snorted and forced himself to ignore his own discomfort for his son.

"Shut up, nerd. JARVIS, scan Peter's vitals for me, would you?" Tony said, running his fingers through their son's hair. Steve hid a smile as he prepped the hot water.

"Certainly, Sir. Young Master Stark has a raised body temperature of 100.3 degrees. I am sensing irritation lining his throat and nasal cavities. Also sensing upper respiratory congestion. Possible diagnosis: Cold or Influenza." The AI reported, pulling up a hologram of Peter's body.

"Ick. Sounds like you're feeling pretty shi-crappy." Tony quickly corrected himself when Steve gave him a sharp glance. Peter shrugged and wiped at his nose with his sleeve. Tony noticed his son hanging his mouth open so he can take in air. He double tapped thr hologram to make it disappear right when Steve settled a hot mug in front of their son.

"Try to breathe in some of the steam, bud. It should help loosen the crud that's got you blocked up." Steve said, scritching at Peter's messy hair. Peter nodded and sat up to hover above his tea. Steve went back to plating their breakfast and Tony back to his project. It was quiet until Peter's breath hitched again.

"Iht'shoo! Ihp'SHUH!" Peter sprayed the counter, making Tony dance away again.

"Alright, I'm with Dad on this one. Cover your mouth, son." Steve said, his mouth irked up in disgust. Peter mumbled an apology, sniffling and wiping his nose again with his hand.

"Nope. Nope. No, I'm going to my safe, clean, non-Peter infested lab. Call me when our son isn't full of snot, babe, thanks!" Tony said and ducked out of the kitchen. Steve chuckled at his germaphobe husband and sat down with his breakfast next to Peter.

"Finish that and I'll get some cold syrup for you, okay?" Peter opened his mouth to protest. "Nah-uh, none of that. Tea, food, medicine, and back to bed. In that order, soldier." Steve ordered sternly. Peter 'hmph'ed but continued to sip his tea silently. Steve reterned a mocking 'hmph!' and opened up the daily paper.


I really do apologize if this is terrible. Please leave a comment if you want!

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This was bloody amazing!!!!!!!!!! MOREEEEEEEEEEE I love superfamily so much.

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This. Is. Too. Great. My life will not be fully complete if you don't post more!! I love superfamily.... and now I love you for posting this!??? Ugh!! I can't explain the rest of my feelings in words so....


Yes!!!!! Okay that's pretty much all I have to say. Keep up the awesome work.

BTW I love you other posts as well! 

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On 3/29/2017 at 6:26 PM, sneezyroleplay said:

This was bloody amazing!!!!!!!!!! MOREEEEEEEEEEE I love superfamily so much.

Really? Thanks, I was so worried that it was out of character

On 3/29/2017 at 8:47 PM, Werewolf Sniffles said:

This. Is. Too. Great. My life will not be fully complete if you don't post more!! I love superfamily.... and now I love you for posting this!??? Ugh!! I can't explain the rest of my feelings in words so....


Yes!!!!! Okay that's pretty much all I have to say. Keep up the awesome work.

BTW I love you other posts as well! 

You read my other things? Wow, thanks! 

I've said this before but I'll take some Steve/Tony with Peter prompts if you want?

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  • 2 weeks later...

are you kidding? this is wonderful! nicely-written, good sneezy bits, i love. <3 you are right, there should be more super fam

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, this is so cute!! And such a cute AU! If you were to write more I'd definitely read it :D <3

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