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Titans Flower (Teen Titans, Raven)


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(get it!! It's a play on 'Titans Tower'!!)

Anyway so yesterday was @Sen Beret's birthday and they said they shipped Raven and Starfire from Teen Titans (I mean who doesn't!!) so I made THIS....this is set a few years after the events of the series and Raven and Starfire aren't "Dating" but they sure act like it a lot lol....

anyway. Enjoy some allergic Raven!!


Raven liked to pretend that her issues with spring were only the…obvious ones. The sunshine, mostly, and how everybody felt the need to gush about how the earth felt new again, and how baby animals were popping out this way and that. She hated the insects that always managed to get in her room. Titans Tower had some of the heaviest defenses in the city, but moths somehow always managed to get in without a hitch. She hated the heat. Her cloak was dark and quick to warm, and she would shoot glares to whoever suggested that she just lose the cloak. Like that was an option or something.

Most of all, though, she hated the things that grew in the spring. The trees with their new leaves and buds and the flowers sprouting up to pollinate. And Starfire’s new hobby wasn’t helping her to avoid all that. She had taken to keeping plants around the tower. Not just a few, either. Dozens.

“Friend Raven!” she gushed one afternoon in early spring, when the snow had barely begun to melt.

Raven paused as she read her book. Really? ‘Friend Raven’, still? Maybe it was something small to be annoyed by, but Raven figured that Starfire ought to know that they were no longer friends. Not when they often found themselves with their fingers wound and their lips pressed to each other’s skin. She didn’t say anything about it, though. “Friend Starfire,” she greeted her back in a deadpan.

Starfire’s smile had Raven feel the tiniest flip in her stomach. “Observe my solidago arenicola!”

“Not out here in the living room, Star. Someone could walk in.”

“It is most commonly known as sand goldenrod,” Starfire continued, not picking up on the sarcasm as she thrust the potted plant to Raven. The pot had started out being plain orange, but she had since decorated it with images of the tiny, smiling faces of her friends. Raven’s miniature doodle has a trio of tiny pink hearts surrounding it. That’s all Raven could look at until she noticed the tiny green bud peeking up from the dirt.

“It is growing rapidly!” Starfire beamed, her excitement rolling off of her in waves. “Isn’t it fascinating, Raven? Just yesterday, and for eleven days now, my tiny pot only housed dirt!”

Raven had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her lips from turning upward. Raven had dealt with so much in her life, both here on earth and back on Azarath. Nothing could make her forget that except for Starfire’s endless joy, even if it was only brief.

But that was weeks ago. Now, Raven could only be irritated. That tiny potted plant had lead to multiple. Starfire must have constantly raided Home Depot, Raven thought. No space in the Tower was safe.

“Really?” Raven sighed through her nose when she stepped into the shower one night. She spotted three large pots filled with pink cosmos situated on windowsill. She could easily open the window and gently push the pots down to crash seven stories below, but the thought of Starfire’s soft, hurt expression when she noticed the broken pots on the ground kept her from it. Raven took her shower, and by the time she was done, she was rubbing irritably at her nose as it itched. Watering eyes were going to come next, she was sure.

“Maybe Starfire won’t notice if I send all her flowers to another dimension…” Raven murmured to herself as she dried off. She took her purple nightgown and slid it over her head before taking a handful of lotion. Raven’s hand paused as she bent over to rub the lotion on her legs. She remained doubled at the waist, eyebrows knitting with irritation. Her nose itched. This was why she hated these plants.

Raven slowly stood, one hand coming to palm the underside of her nose. Her fingers curled around the petite appendage, her nostrils beginning to flare. Raven sighed with irritation, lashes slowly sliding shut as she began rubbing the tip of her nose in a clockwise rotation.


Not many things could surprise Raven, but she found herself jumping at hearing Starfire’s voice behind her. She spun around, distracted from her tingling nose. Starfire stood in the doorway, happily holding two new potted plants. These two were filled with daisies. She smiled happily to Raven. “I have come to find homes for our new friends! One shall go on the tank where the toilet stores its water!”

Raven opened her mouth, ready to ask— well, demand, more like—that Starfire knock before she come in to put her stupid plants around, but Starfire continued on as she zipped over to place one of the daisy pots on the toilet tank. “Raven, are you well? You look very irritable. Perhaps a cup of the very hot tea water that you enjoy will help!”

Raven couldn’t even tell Starfire not to worry about it. She brought her hand back to her face, curling a knuckle beneath her reddening nose. “Hh– ghkshh!!” The sneeze was stifled and sent her dark hair into her eyes, as well as summoned an ache behind her eyes. “…Hihh–! IhNNxxtt!”

Starfire quirked her head. ‘Are you struggling to find the necessary words to describe your predicament?”

Raven shook her head with a long sigh, crooked index finger still held carefully to her nose. “No…I just….had to sneeze,” she murmured slowly, brows drawing up as another allergic itch bothered her nose.

Starfire blinked in surprise. “Those small noises were the sneezes?”


“They sound very dissatisfying!”

Raven winced, sniffling as she rubbed her nose. “Dissatisfying…?”

Starfire nodded, taking a seat on the edge of the sink. She observed Raven closely, her second daisy pot still in her lap. “Yes! Very dissatisfying! Are sneezes not meant to expel irritants that invade the nose?”

Raven glanced briefly to the daisies in her lap, and then the cosmos in the bathroom windowsill. “Uh….yeah…”

“Well! There was very little expelling from you just now!” Starfire explained with a confident nod. She clearly was delighted to be the one educating another on something so trivial for once. She motioned to her own face. “When my nose requires the sneeze, it is very calming to be rid of the foreign nuisance afterward!”

“Calming? Your sneezes are explosive….”

“Perhaps all the more reason to feel the joy of having no sneezes remaining!” Starfire beamed. She drew close to Raven, who took an instinctive step back. “What is giving your nose the sneezes, Raven?”

Raven felt her face warm as the taller woman came closer. “Oh….uh….” she murmured before bringing her hand back up to her face. She pressed her nose firmly against her wrist. “Hih’gHHxtshh!!” She took in a shaky breath, struggling to keep containing these releases.

“Ah! Your nose is ready to truly sneeze!” Starfire observed in response to Raven’s obvious struggle.

“No, it isn’t!” Raven insisted, stepping around Starfire to go back into the hallway. She started for her bedroom with one more annoyed rub at her nose. “I’ll be fine once I get away from….” She trailed off. Raven would love to be free of all these pollinating plants, but she also couldn’t bear to think of Starfire’s expression if she knew what had really been causing Raven’s discomfort.

“What? What allergen is troubling you?” Starfire asked, zipping after Raven with her daisies in tow.

“Star, I’m fine. I’m just…ready for bed.”

“I shall accompany you to be sure you are well!”

“Star!” Raven instantly regretted snapping at Starfire. The alien’s obvious hurt was wounding. Raven sighed deeply before glancing away. “I’m…um, I’ve got hay fever…”

“A fever!” Starfire exclaimed, immediately reaching to feel Raven’s forehead.

Raven flushed at Starfire’s ginger touch. “It’s not a real fever, Star, just….” She shrugged and looked away. “It means that I’m very allergic to pollen….and, uh, there’s pollen in flowers,” she continued upon seeing Starfire’s confused look.

It took a moment, but Starfire’s eyes slowly widened. Raven instantly regretted telling her. “Oh! Raven! I have brought the allergens to you!” she breathed. “I did not realize–”

“Ihhyy’gxxhh!” Raven struggled to stifle a sneeze into her curled knuckles once more. “Hh–! Oh…” she sighed with an uncomfortable wince when the second sneeze escaped her. “Star…it’s no big deal…” she said quietly, knowing her voice was hoarse as she gave her nose a fierce twitch.

“It is the big deal!” Starfire insisted. “I have provided the foreign threat to your sinuses! And now you are sneezing!”


“I will move all of the plants to my room,” Starfire declared before another thought struck her. “Oh! Perhaps not! Then you would not be able to stay overnight in my bedroom with me.”

Raven knew her face had to be warm. It took quite a lot for her to blush, and Starfire was a majority of that lot. “Maybe the roof…?” she suggested softly. “The weather is getting warmer….they would be safe up there…” She did want to be helpful, since Starfire would wind up rearranging much of her hobby for her.

“Oh! The roof! What a glorious idea!” Starfire smiled. “They will all be together! And they will not be lonely!”

Wait. Did she think the plants were sentient? Is that why she was so attached? Before Raven could ask, she brought her hand to her face one more. “Hihh–!….Ohh, really…?” she grumbled, beginning to slowly rub her nose in a back and forth motion. “Aaaand now it’s stuck…perfect…” Her rubbing brought on a stronger tickle, and she took in a soft, shuddering breath.

Starfire’s brow knit with concern before she gasped aloud with a smile. “Oh! I can assist!” She thrust her potted daisies beneath Raven’s nose, her eyes wide with excitement. “Please expel the contents of your nose!”

Raven’s eyes shot open as she took a stumbling step away from Starfire. She swiftly shot out a ball of her magic to surround the daisies, but the damage had been done after she took in a breath. She was instinctively ready to stifle, before the sudden thought occurred to her: Starfire definitely would not give up until she was satisfied with Raven sneezing as she apparently thought was appropriate.

So she didn’t bother.

“HhHk’sheeiUHH!!” she buckled forward into her hand. In her lapse of concentration, the magical ball shattered around the daisies, and the pot crashed to the floor. Raven couldn’t even utter an apology before another trembling gasp wracked her body. “Hihh–!! GhHHIshuu!! Isshioohh!! Hih–! Ttshhieewwhh!! Hihhih–! Hh—!”

Starfire watched with a giddy smile, her hands clasped in anticipation. Raven tried to roll her eyes, but could only jerk down towards her chest with one finalizing “HihHHzzhiuuUHH!! Oohh…” she sighed, long and slow. Her nose was still scrunched as she tried to decipher if another sneeze was on the way. When she realized her efforts of expulsion were successful, she sighed again. “….Sorry,” she murmured to Starfire, gaze on the smashed pot. “Uh…for, that….”

“Raven! Do not give me the apologies!” Starfire insisted, clasping Raven’s hands. Raven winced, about to remind Starfire that she literally just got done sneezing into her hands, but her fellow Titan continued. “Your body surely thanks you for your successful display of expelling the allergens. Do you feel better now than you did previously?”

Raven shrugged, her gaze still avoiding Starfire’s bright smile. She didn’t want the other woman to see her blush. “Um…yeah, I…guess that did feel a lot better…”

“Oh, Raven!” Starfire laughed. Still floating, she embraced Raven and spun her. “I am so very happy!”

“Hey, hey, the pot!” Raven pointed out, making herself float so she wouldn’t step in the dirt, flowers, or shattered ceramic.

“Oh! The pot!” Starfire nodded, looking to the mess beneath them. “I will clean this, and then escort my flower friends to the roof! And then, I will come to join you in your room, if that is alright?”

Raven felt her lips twitch upward, and this time she didn’t bother to stop them. “Um…yeah. Yeah, that’s alright…I’ll be waiting for you.”

“And I will not let you wait long!” Starfire beamed. She pressed a quick, warm kiss to Raven’s lips before hurrying off down the hallway.

Raven stood, watching her go as her fingers rose to touch her lips. She looked back down to the shattered pot and placed a ball of magic around it, collecting the flowers and dirt together with the ceramic so the job would be easier for Starfire. “Maybe her dumb flowers aren’t so bad…” she murmured before stepping into her room, waiting for the alien princess to join her once again.

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As someone who watched a few Teen Titans episodes as a kid, of the older series, this made me melt. Amazing Job!

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Oh,my God!Awesome fic!I would love to see more of it!!

I'm a huge fan of Raven and watched all Teen Tirans episodes when I was younger!This is just perfect,thank you for sharing it!!

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GAK! This is so freaking perfect! 

First of all, you have a very concise writing style. Not too complex, and not too simple. You get across what you want to get across, and add a little flair to it.

Secondly, AAAAAAAAAA- *smashes head into wall* *ahem* I can pay for that. This fic is just wonderful. In so many ways. Star is just...so...CUTE!

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This was amazing! The dynamic was really fun, and the buildup to the interaction was  equally interesting! Thanks for posting :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

How have I just read this now??

Awsome story. I have seen entire series and Raven was always my favorite. Very good job keeping true to the characters and their ways of talking and personalities. 


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Starfire should teach Raven how to focus energy into her nose so she can sneeze explosively...to better clear out the allergens...yeah thats it

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