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Sneeze Fetish Forum

one way to spend my afternoon (m/m, allergy, exo)


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note: you know what blows my mind??? there's not a lot of kpop content on the forum. kpop has a huge international following and it surprises me that there's not a larger overlap between kpop fans and fetishists, at least not one that i can see on the forum. anyways this is meant to be a warm-up for a different piece of (non fetish oop) writing, so this is just gonna be a one-shot without much length or plot. sorry. perhaps later i'll come back and write something more. it's been a while since ive written anything fetish-y so sorry if this is kinda trash

if u want some visuals, here's sehun, here's jongin, and here's jongin sneezing


There's a lot that Sehun could be doing with his Saturday afternoon. He could be helping the elderly, buying groceries, illegally downloading movies online, or doing literally anything else that wasn't digging around in his pocket for Jongin's spare key, his other hand occupied with a plastic bag full of tissues and allergy medication. But the elder had texted him earlier with dramatic claims about how awful his seasonal allergies were and how the only thing that could possibly help him was having Sehun with him.

Sehun finally found the key and slid it into the lock, opening the door carefully as to not accidentally knock over one of Jongin's tiny dogs. He slid his shoes off and was about to announce his arrival when Jongin's head poked into his view of the entrance hallway, followed by a waving hand. Sehun walked into the front room and sound Jongin sprawled out on the couch, a blanket pulled up to his waist and a wastebin half-filled with used tissues at his feet.

"Wow," Sehun shook his head and set his bag of supplies down on the coffee table. "This is truly pathetic."

Jongin rolled his eyes at Sehun's characteristic sarcasm. "Nice to see you too," He remarked, one eyebrow arched. If there was one thing that Sehun truly marveled about his friend, it was his ability to look stunning despite having a red, chapped nose- not that he would ever admit that to Jongin.

"Don't give me attitude, I brought gifts for you." Jongin's swollen eyes brightened when Sehun opened the bag to reveal the assortment of tissues, medication, and-

"Aww, Sehud, you brought ice creamb for mbe?"

Sehun ignored the blush rising on his cheeks and tore open one of the tissue boxes, handing it to a smirking Jongin. "Blow your nose, I can hardly understand you. And, yeah, I brought you ice cream. I thought it would soothe your throat."

Jongin's smile softened into one of appreciation as he accepted the box of tissues, pulling out a handful and blowing his nose noisily. Sehun wrinkles his nose in mock disgust because, honestly, Jongin is pretty gross when his allergies are bad but it doesn't bother Sehun in the slightest. He acts put-off to tease Jongin, and it usually works, bringing a half-smile to his friend's face.

"Anyway, thangks for bringing mbedicine, I ndormally habe some, but-" Jongin trailed off mid-sentence, prompting Sehun to glance up from his unwrapping of bottles and boxes. He was met with a familiar sight- Jongin's eyes half-closed, brow furrowed and lips parted as he uncertainly held a couple of layered tissues to his face. After a second, he drew in a breath and sneezed harshly into the tissues. "Hh'echu! H-hngxt! N'ngchstuu!" The sneezing abated for a moment, leaving Jongin with hitching breaths, before resuming. "Eeehtchu! H'eshtu! Eshu!"

Sehun watched sympathetically as Jongin pulled another two tissues from the box and pressed them over the ones he already had pinched against his nose, blowing wetly into the tissues before balling them up and throwing them into the wastebin, only to grab another three and repeat the process. “Sorry,” He murmurs when he’s done, wiping his nose with one of the tissues. “I ndorbally habe some, but I forgot to buy mbore when I was at the store.”

“Lucky for you, I brought some decongestants.” Sehun opens one of the boxes and pops a pill out of the blister pack without bothering to read the directions on the back. Jongin accepts it gratefully while Sehun gathers the medication into his arms and walks into the kitchen. He's placing them into the small bin that Jongin stores medication in when he hears another wave of sneezing from the living room.

“H’hheschu! Eechsu! N’xgshu!” Sehun winces at the force of the last stifle, and he can tell from Jongin’s rapidly hitching breaths that his body isn’t pleased with it either. “H-heh...hih...h-h’eschu! H’ishew!”



“Bless you,” Sehun finishes, setting down the last box and walking back into the living room, where Jongin is lying with his head tipped back over the arm of the couch, breathing laboriously. Sehun tears his eyes away from the rise and fall of Jongin’s chest and notices the trail of glistening liquid on Jongin’s philtrum. He plucks a couple tissues out of the box and hands them to Jongin. “Here, your nose is running.”  

Jongin sits up with a slurpy-sounding sniffle and accepts the tissues, blowing his still reddening nose. Sehun feels a pang of sympathy, despite knowing that Jongin is used to dealing with this each spring.

He lies back down with a couple scraping coughs, still sniffling thickly. The sound used to irritate Sehun, but he’s dealt with his friend’s allergy attacks enough that he hardly even hears it anymore.

Sehun takes a seat at the other end of the couch, letting Jongin rest his feet in his lap. Damn it, even his feet are pretty. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Jongin shakes his head, grabbing another tissue and blowing his nose again before collapsing against the pillows. Sehun knows that most medication makes Jongin sleepy, whether or not it’s meant to happen, and that he’ll probably be asleep in the next fifteen minutes. So he makes himself comfortable and focuses on the action movie playing on the television in front of him. Soon enough, the sound of loud, stuffy snores join the gunshots and dramatic music of the movie.

Sehun ends up tuning out the last quarter of the movie and spends it scrolling through his Twitter feed instead, occasionally laughing at bits of celebrity drama. He only looks up when he hears soft, breathy noises coming from Jongin.

Despite still being asleep, the elder’s brown is furrowed slightly, nose twitching as his breath catches repetitively. Sehun watches as the hitching of his breathing grows more rapid before seemingly reaching its climax. Jongin’s watery eyes open and he instantly claps his hand over his nose and mouth.

“Eehschu! Ahh’tshuu! H’etchuu!” The tickle in his nose is apparently gone after the triple, so Jongin hesitantly opens his eyes and, hand still covering his nose, grabs a handful of tissues from the box on the coffee table. Sehun turns his attention back to his phone and pretends not to listen while Jongin blows messily into the clump of tissues.

He finishes with a congested sigh, disposing of the used tissues in the bin at his feet. Sehun gives him a sympathetic look and says, “Bless you. Do you think those decongestants helped any?”

“Yeah, kind of. I feel less stuffed-up but ndot less sneezy.” Sehun nods in understanding.

After a moment, Jongin shifts on the couch and moves so that he’s lying with his head in Sehun’s lap. The younger can’t help but roll his eyes at how clingy Jongin is, but he cards his fingers through his hair regardless.

Jongin gives a pleased-sounding sigh, sniffling and closing his eyes again. Sehun shifts so that he’s comfortable and says, “Go back to sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.”

Jongin is more than happy to oblige.

Edited by ICan'tThinkOfAnything
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  • 1 year later...

I know this is from a while back, but I only just saw this now and it’s really good. I don’t even know Jongin very well yet somehow I feel like his sneezes really suit him in this fic. Sehun’s relationship with him was adorable here. Maybe it’s partially because I get wrecked by Jongin sometimes, but I died reading this not exaggerating I love this. ❤️ 

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