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OUAT A Conflicted Pirate


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I've been craving a little Captain Hook action, but there's not enough material out there to satisfy! I wrote this based on season 6, episode 13: "Ill-Boding Patterns" This will probably have 2 parts if anyone wants me to continue it (it's also my first fic, so don't be too rough:winkiss:). I am head over heels in love with Killian, so this is me trying to fufill my fangirl dreams :wub:.  WARNING: total spoilers! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it!


Granny's was nearly empty, being that it was reaching closing time...nearly, but not quite.

"What happened to your rum?" Regina inquired with a raised eyebrow as she walked across the diner to the bar stool next to Hook's.

Killian, surrounded by empty shot glasses hardly spared the ex-Evil Queen a passing glance.

"If you're going to try to persuade me to stop, don't bother. Tonight, I wouldn't if you paid me," he muttered in response, downing another shot, mind swimming with guilt and anxiety. 

"If I did, what kind of hypocrite would that make me?" Regina mused as she signaled Granny for another of whatever Hook was drinking.

"And here I was thinking you were quite satisfied with your life now that you have your thief back."

Regina's gaze drifted from the pirate in a way that displayed quite obviously that 'her thief' was the exact reason she was shooting tequila with a pirate, instead of engaging in more...pleasurable...activities with Robin, back at home.

"I see," he continued slightly confused and curious, "Not exactly how you imagined bringing him back would turn out?"

"No," Regina admitted, "No, not at all." "But, enough about my tragic love life," she said, breaking the silence, "What about the lovely pairing of Captain Guyliner and Miss Swan? I've heard that you plan on proposing."

Killian's head snapped up from where he had been distractedly gazing at his 6th shot. He had been thinking about how he would be able to work up the courage to tell Emma about the assassination of her grandfather by his hand (or hook, rather). "I suppose the Prince told everyone, then," he expressed, jaw clenched and obviously more than miffed.

"He had told Mary Margaret over one of their video things, before he kissed her goodnight, and I happened to walk in to pick up Henry at exactly the right time...or the wrong time, I suppose, might be more suitable." she explained with a slight smirk at his reaction. "Why the scowl; did you want it to be a surprise to everyone?" Regina thought it over a bit while looking questionably at him. Suddenly, a look of possible realization came over her and she furrowed her brow, "Are you having second thoughts?"

"No, of course not..." Killian trailed off, conflicted.

Regina examined the train wreck of a man that sat before her, saw the turmoil buried deep in his piercing blue eyes, and knew that she had to do something about it.

"Let's take a walk," she stated in a way that left no room for discussion.

"I'd really rather not at the moment, love-"

"Well, I think it would do both of us some good. If nothing else, you'll have less of a hangover tomorrow morning." she reasoned taking one last shot, standing up, and motioning to the door.

Captain Hook pinched the bridge of his nose, then abruptly stood up. "If you insist." He sighed and signaled for her to lead the way, the memory of David's father's murder still fresh in his mind.


"Now, Killian, tell me what's really going on." Regina interrogated after many minutes of walking in silence; scrutinizing the devilishly handsome man curiously.

"Oh, so it's Killian now? Whatever happened to Captain Guyliner?" he spoke, visibly annoyed by her sudden 'concern.'

Regina rolled her eyes and retorted with a cool, "Well, if you really wanted to put a ring on it, I think you would have done so by this point. After all, it's been a while since you asked for Charming's blessing hasn't it?"

"The thing is, love, I don't really see how this is any of your business, and would prefer it if you stayed out of my love life!" Hook raised his voice a bit louder than necessary, and some heads turned at the unlikely duo strutting down main street, approaching Mr. Gold's pawn shop, the Snow Queen's old ice cream place, and Belle's father's flower shop.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk about it, then don't, but whatever you choose to go through with or not, remember that this is Emma's happiness at stake too," Regina growled back at him.

"Aye! I'm well aware." the Captain murmured as he pinched the bridge of his nose once again, this time having his fingers slowly slide down until they were pinching his nostrils shut. His nose had suddenly felt the need to expel some mysterious tickle and he wasn't sure why. No matter, he hoped that Regina wouldn't notice.

She noticed.

"Ummm are you Ok?" she asked suspiciously as he began to take short labored gasps, still in an attempt to quell the ever increasing itch growing within his sinuses.

The agonized pirate shot her a quick glare before turning away from the lady to do what had to be done.

H'gnxt! huhhh... Hh'nnxt!

Regina couldn't hide a snicker as she saw the look of helplessness that passed over the tough guy's face before his little outburst. But he wasn't done yet.

Hh'nnxt H'gnxt uhhh... Xxngt! Huhhh...

Killian quickly made an attempt to pull out his thick cloth handkerchief that was traditionally used to offer to weeping damsels, and cupped his running nose with it, preparing himself for the fit he knew that the tickle would bring.

It was only then that Regina realized (Hook being otherwise occupied) that they were standing right outside of Belle's father's flower shop.

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This is really good. Totally agree there is not enough OUAT featuring hook out there! Needs to be more.

Are you going to continue with this or was it just a one-shot?

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Was really excited to see a new Hook allergy fic. Would love to read more if you plan to continue it.

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I was thinking about continuing, but then I kind of lost my inspiration, and I'm not even sure what I was going to write about:laughbounce:

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